End Of Heavens

Chapter 310

End Of Heavens Chapter 310


Chapter 309 You'd better stay silent

The two Gundams flew away, moved towards the next ruin, Luo On Su's side, because the dog was gone, the flying carpet stopped in mid-air and waited.

"The quicksand zone is very dangerous, it's almost gone if you get stuck in it. This place covers a huge area, and the pyramids and the city can be swallowed up. Although like this you may not accept it, but... your dog should It's not coming back."

"It's a wolf!"

"Okay, it's a wolf!" Ying Yingying was very speechless. Turned into a wolf: "You have also seen the formidable power of quicksand, the entire pyramid was engulfed, and the reincarnator inside did not escape, let alone your... wolf."

Luo Su categorically rejected: "Not necessarily, they look like dogs, and their ability to throw sand must be nothing difficult."

Ying Yingying: "..."

After all, it's not a dog Well!

The flying carpet stayed in the air for a while, and then slowly descended when the sand below gradually stabilized. Several people dropped heavy objects, looked for a safe place to stay, and began to wait quietly.

During this period, the sand was still flowing, and no reincarnator escaped. That is to say, except for the few of them and the team where the two Gundams were, the rest of the reincarnation squares that successfully explored the ruins were completely cold.

Whether they are still struggling on whilst at death's door or not in the pyramid, the chances of escaping are very slim, and they can basically be regarded as cold.

“ao wu! ao wu ————”

The huge wolf claws broke through the sand, and a giant werewolf with a height of more than 10 meters was struggling from the sand. ran out.

Then, the second, the third...

The fifteen werewolves ran fast, and when they rushed to Luo Su, their size suddenly shrank, and their trembling hair fell off. Huge yellow sand.

"Their size is..."

Ying Yingying's eyes twitched. I remember the first time I saw a werewolf transformed, the average height was only 4 meters. Water injection should not be like this fast!

"Well, I'm right, they can definitely escape." Luo Su patted the dog's head and greeted them to board the flying carpet, ready to go to the next ruins.

"It's really terrifying, obviously more than a dozen powerful reincarnators haven't escaped, hey, wait..."

Ying Yingying walked on the flying carpet, the reality made it She was speechless, but suddenly she seemed to remember something, frowned and looked towards the dog beside her: "Jason, shouldn't the pyramids be torn down by them?"

Luo Su's figure A stiff, shook his head again and again: "Impossible, how could such a thing happen, you think too much!"

"Really? But I..."

"You too You look down on them, look at them, you still demolish the pyramid with this stupid look?" Luo Su interrupted Ying Yingying, set up a husky, and pressed its head at her: "Good wolf, tell this Aunt, the pyramid Did you tear it down?"

The dog immediately tilted his head, his tongue hung down at the corner of his mouth, and the cross-eyed cross-eyed question silently asked: Who is the pyramid?

Ying Yingying: "..."

Regardless of Ying Yingying believing or not, Luo Su believes the dogs are innocent because there is no evidence that they are the culprits!


The flying carpet was flying slowly in the air, moved towards the direction where the two Gundams left, flying for more than half an hour, the terrain changed Heaven and Earth turning upside down .

The yellow sand desert came to an abrupt end, replaced by mountains, rivers and green spaces full of vitality. A primordial jungle spanning hundreds of kilometers, with small streams and green trees, covering the mountains and plains can be seen everywhere wild beast.

The beauty of Birds, Speech, Flowers, Fragrances, and the desert of barren are two extremes.

"Look, the pillar in the middle must be the location of the ruins." Jian Shaoxin looked into the distance and found a towering stone tablet.

The flying carpet approached quickly and saw the status quo of the stone tablet, and everyone was stunned. The stone tablet, which was so high that it almost reached the sky, was broken in two, and it was hard to imagine how high it was when it was intact.

As you get closer to the pillar, the primordial jungle fades, and the huge lake rises. Moreover, there are not a few similar columns, but the height is a lot. There are hundreds of columns, and the highest is only 50 meters.

In the middle of the lake, there is a dilapidated city with broken walls and ruins. The former glory has become history, and only the ruins are left.

In the city, the wide-reaching waterways made Luo Su feel a little familiar. Looking at the corpses of large marine creatures floating on the lake, he seemed to understand something.

"We might be late..." Looking down at the giant beast corpse below, Ying Yingying's face was a little stiff, and he landed directly on the flying carpet in the center of the city.

There was no obstruction in the middle, the flying carpet was unobstructed, and several people looked at the collapsed stone tablet, looking at each other in blank dismay and wondering what to do.

"Look for an entrance nearby, and let me know when you find it." Luo Su patted the dogs on the head, letting them use their strengths to find useful clues.

Several people separated on the spot and searched for the entrance to the ruins together.

Soon, the dogs returned to Luo Su, grabbed his robe and began to take credit.

Luo Su quickly followed Erha, who was leading the way. After the upgrade, he ran even faster, and he could barely keep up with his full acceleration. Passing through a tree hole covered by long vines, there is an empty square in front of it, and up the stairs, there is a giant stone statue.

The identity of the character depicted in the statue is an acquaintance that Luo Su knew. The giant in armor was walking on the waves, waving Trident in his hand, who else could it be if it wasn't Poseidon!

Unlike Poseidon from Pirates of the Caribbean world, the statue is a middle-aged uncle with a curly beard and a fish tail.

Behind the statue, where the palace was supposed to be, now only columns and broken walls are left.

At this point, the cause of Trident's failures for several times has finally been solved. Atlantis in the center of the earth covers the surrounding area, affecting the upper Skull Island. Most likely, there is also a... Trident here.

The dogs rushed into the ruins to have fun, throwing their forelimbs, digging down along the ruins, and throwing the body of a reincarnator.

Luo Su raised his gun and moved towards the sky and opened fire. After a while, several people from Ying Yingying came one after another.

"Obviously, this ruin represents the Atlantean civilization, but we're a step behind, it's been explored."

The people were apprehensive, five Relics of civilization, they successfully explored the ancient Egyptian civilization, and the mission completion degree was 1/3. Now that Atlantis civilization is one step ahead of other reincarnators, it is necessary to hurry up and successfully explore two of the remaining three ruins. The situation is quite grim.

"The Atlantis civilization is a bit unexpected. I don't know what the remaining three civilizations will be?" Several people took the flying carpet and drove straight out of the green space.

Luo Su said thoughtfully: "It's fine without the ancient Chinese civilization, I always think it would be a pit..."

"Wait a minute!"

"Why? Did you?”

Ying Yingying gave Luo Su a bitter look: “Personal advice, it’s better for you not to speak.”

(end of this chapter)

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