End Of Heavens

Chapter 316

End Of Heavens Chapter 316


Chapter 315 Megazord Ultraman EVA-01

Godzilla's size is too huge, swordsman doesn't need to aim, majestic sword Qi slashed straight down, tearing apart the air and making a buzzing whistle.

As if sensing the crisis, Godzilla lifted the head and looked directly at the sweeping sword. The energy in the mouth gathered but not released, opened the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and accurately held the embodied sword light.

All I could hear was the screeching noise of metal twisting, Godzilla compressing the energy and forcibly smashing the lightsaber.


The Flying Sword is damaged, the rays of light are dark, the swordsman is like a heavy blow, his face is like golden paper, he spit out blood, trampling on the air and falling to the ground .

"roar roar roar————"

After defeating a powerful enemy, Godzilla spit out two broken teeth, and the powerful self-healing ability regenerates, and the blink of an eye is as good as before .

Several powerhouses collapsed one after another, reincarnators ugly complexion, Godzilla's suffocating pressure hit, they all felt that their heart stopped suddenly, and they almost forgot how to breathe.

In midair, the frost giant dragon hovers far away, scared witless dare not approach, only Impulse Gundam has been outputting firepower.

The electromagnetic gun was sticking to his face, and it was a little itchy. Godzilla stretched his hand... he didn't scratch it. Impulse Gundam, which was flying around like a mosquito, simply chose to ignore it.

It sees the color of Impulse Gundam, a non-threatening pleasure!

The slaughter all sides of Godzilla made Luo Su's formation eye hot, but he couldn't trigger the lottery, so he could only think about it. Thinking about it, subconsciously took two steps back and kept a specific paragraph with Kang Xi.

Luck like this is bad, there must be a reason, you have to find it from others.

This retreat happened to meet Duan Xinlan, who was slightly stunned, his eyes lit up and grabbed Luo Su's hand, with a shy face and a dagger that dared not lift his head.

Luo Su: "..."

I didn't post it on purpose!

Boom! ! !

The ground shook, a bottomless crack spread out, and the mechanical Tyrannosaurus stepped out of the lava and walked towards Godzilla.

The familiar BGM sounded, and four giant beast robots with similar sizes appeared one after another. Under the curious gaze of Godzilla, Megazord, who was over 70 meters tall, appeared.

The mechanical giant waved his hand in the air, and a long sword surrounded by lightning fell in front of him. The length of the sword from the end to the hilt was 40 meters. If you dance at will, the thunder will tremble.

"Megazord is not Godzilla's opponent..." Luo Su affirmed.

He has seen the strength of Megazord, and without Character Card, he has no chance of winning. Likewise, the spare no effort Megazord is a younger brother in front of Godzilla, destined to be abused.

The odds are slim, even if they have a hidden green warrior!

"roar roar roar————"

A new challenger appeared, Godzilla showed a fierce look of excitement, the previous battle was still unfinished, and the huge size of Megazord was him desired opponent.

Megazord is a preemptive, cumbersome robot, controlled by the combined force of five pilots, moving nimbly without any stagnation.

The long sword slashed continuously with the thunder, leaving one after another narrow wound on Godzilla's body, causing it to shoot blood and retreat step by step. This is the only time that Megazord and Godzilla have the upper hand after fighting Godzilla, and after that it's only battered and battered.

Godzilla's skin is rough, flesh is thick, with infinite energy, astonishing speed of self-healing, and fierceness aroused by pain, ignoring the sweeping long sword, turning around and attacking with whip tail.

Megazord didn't dare to make a hard connection, and jumped into the sky, thinking that it could be avoided perfectly. But he didn't want Godzilla to jump up into the air, his huge body curled up, the blue light flashing on his back like countless steel knives, slashing through Megazord's chest.

bang! !

Two sounds of heavy objects falling to the ground, Godzilla roaring with his feet on the ground, the background is the Megazord fiercely smashed to the ground, the breastplate is broken, several cuts are made, and electric sparks zi zi flash .

At this time, a female reincarnator among the five scumbags took out a triangular dagger from the space ring. The dagger is purple black with vertical stripes, neither edges on both sides nor metallic feel, like a children's toy.

The female reincarnator holds the dagger, draws a semicircle in front of her, and then holds it high above her head.

In an instant, black rays of light bloomed, and a ferocious Ultraman with a purple black vertical pattern appeared in front of Godzilla.

He is 55 meters tall, which is similar to other Ultraman, but the timer on his chest is purple, his face is grim with a sinister smile, his hands are crossed on his chest, and his ten broad sharp claws are shining cold.

Ultraman Belial!

"Ultraman really came out to fight rare beast..." Luo Su hurriedly turned around to look for it, wanting to see who had disappeared.

Belial is the villain, there is nothing wrong with the villain itself, many villains are more popular than the protagonist, such as a Prince with a touching hairline, the unfathomable mystery becomes your comrade-in-arms, and then the unfathomable mystery will pry you into the corner , and finally quietly kicked you out of the team.

There are many people who like villains, but Ultraman Belial is different!

Although this guy is admirable for his steadfast will to fight over and over again, it's not a good sign that he keeps failing, and...he doesn't educate his son.

In the field, Ultraman Belial and Godzilla started to fight, taking the lead to attack, sharp claw crossed his chest and waved, releasing a crescent-shaped light wave.

Godzilla's cumbersome body could not move, and was hit by the shock wave in the chest, and his feet swayed and did not retreat.

Belial moves and charges at a high speed, swiping the sharp claw with his left hand to attract Godzilla's attention.

The sharp claw was entwined with strong currents and red rays of light, and the crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood cut through Godzilla's belly, causing hot blood splashed.

This blow didn't have an immediate killing effect, and a cloud of blue rays of light burst out from Godzilla's wound, knocking Belial back and knocking it flying.

As soon as Belial hit the ground, Godzilla's wound was repaired, blue light bloomed on his back, and he spit out an astonishing stream of destructive power.

Belial had observed Godzilla's battle before transforming, and was prepared for this, forming a cross with his hands and firing red and black destruction rays from his right hand.

Deathcium Ray!

The two rays of light collide in mid-air, and gather at the center to form a black and white energy sphere. With the output of energy, the sphere gradually enlarges.

The reincarnators turn around and run, don't even think about it, it's time to explode!

Belial's body trembled slightly, and Deathcium Ray expanded in a circle, firmly pressing against the energy sphere, and pressed towards Godzilla a little bit. But in terms of energy, after all, Godzilla was even better. I saw that its chest bulged, and the beam of light it sprayed instantly enlarged, pressing down on Belial at a very fast speed.

At this moment, the mutation regenerated, and a green beam of light hit Godzilla's forehead as fast as lightning.

Atomic Breath is interrupted, Belial takes advantage of the momentum, Deathcium Ray pushes the energy orb strikes on Godzilla.


A mushroom cloud rose in situ, and the hurricane ravaged the audience, overwhelming everyone.

In the distance, more than 80 meters tall, strode forward with a body carrying a giant sniper rifle. The body is dressed in purple, with a small number of external armors in green, and its slender limbs are very streamlined and dynamic. The face armor is as hideous as a rare beast, the forehead is angled, and the armor on the shoulders is higher than the head, which is highly recognizable.

Luo Su was lying on the ground, with Duan Xinlan lying on his body, seeing the appearance of mecha, and screaming MMP in his heart.


If I remember correctly, Ying Yingying and the three girls left in the direction of EVA-01.

"System, open Guan Yin's lottery twice!"

(end of this chapter)

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