End Of Heavens

Chapter 338

End Of Heavens Chapter 338


Chapter 337 Cursed Luck

"Killed my villain father..."

Everyone heard Yan subconsciously glanced at the Ultraman Belial transformed by Fei Jiehe, and was silent for a moment, comforted: "This is the main god space, Geed and Belial are just two types of Ultraman's enhanced bloodline, there is no meaning of substitution, you don't need to worry about this."

Belial shook his head: "No, I didn't pay much attention to it before, until I found out when she took out the transforming device, her appearance was very similar to when I was a child, maybe I will have this look when I get married and have a daughter in the future."


Several women heard the words stared wide-eyed and called MMP in their hearts. This full of malice is gone.

"This, this... can also be explained..." Ying Yingying wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said dryly: "Maybe just like Jason, the little sister is your own childhood, which means that , you are fighting with yourself, there is no such small theater as mother and daughter tearing apart."

"Second team, please rest assured, I was just disgusted by Divine Tree's deliberate targeting, and did not lose my fighting spirit." Belial said, the red glow of his eyes burning like flames: "On the contrary, I am burning with anger now, and it is rare to take the initiative to fight."

After saying this, Belial jumped and flew at high speed. Approaching Geed, Caesar's claw waved a strong electric current and red glow.

However, this angered blow failed to hit Geed, passed through the shadow of the opponent, and slammed into the distant stone wall.

"Oops!" Belial cried out in surprise, pausing in place and taking a defensive posture.

The next second, Geed accelerated and appeared behind Belial, kicked him in the back, and when he slammed into the bronze giant tree, he swooped down, folded his knees, and hit his back center. .


At the crucial moment, Jian Shaoxin teleported to take Belial away, preventing her from breaking her spine.

Belial turned over and landed on the tree branch, forming a cross with both hands, sending out red black destruction rays from the right hand, and the nirvana Deathcium Ray.

Geed coldly snorted, Belial is not afraid even with the help of foreign aid, the whole body of photon energy overflows, the red black lightning wanders around the body, the surrounding area is disturbed by a strong magnetic field, and the humming sound is abnormal.

Geed gathers energy, also combines his hands into a cross shape, and also releases a light attack from his right hand.

The blue white light wraps red black lightning, very similar to Deathcium Ray, and is Geed's nirvana in its present form - Wrecking Burst!

By the way, Belial died under this move, ending his inspirational life of repeated defeats and battles, dead and then alive, alive and then fighting, and fighting and losing.

bang! !

The two shock waves collided in mid-air, stalemate for a second, Wrecking Burst suppressed Deathcium Ray, and press forward hit Belial.

Belial lost too fast, Jian Shaoxin didn't even have time to teleport, and it was too late to come back to his senses.

Belial slammed into the stone wall, and the photon energy exploded against the chest, but fortunately, there was no smoke to die. Although he was seriously injured and his chest was blackened, he barely flew and landed on the bronze tree branch.

The disparity in strength and the naked eye can be seen. It has nothing to do with the original characters. Belial, who was transformed by Fei Jiehe, has been greatly reduced due to his injury level.

If she came to the ruins alone, she would definitely end up being beaten to death, but now it is different, Ying Yingying and the others will not sit back and watch.

“Soaring Spear that Strikes with Death!”

Kang Xi stepped on the bronze Divine Tree for an approach run, jumped high into the sky, and threw a red long spear at the Geed below.

It's not a killing blow through the heart, but a carpet bombing with formidable power and enlarged range. Countless arrowheads were released, covering the location of Geed like raindrops. The intensive bombardment continued to explode, and the shock wave swept away, blowing people on the verge of collapse.

"Did it succeed?"

Kang Xi looked forward to the past, and after a while, the dust settled, and when he saw Geed who was unscathed, the corners of his mouth twitched: "che, I knew it. ..."

Geed gave Kang Xi a suspicious look, the rain of guns attacked with great momentum, but all of them were eerily empty when they landed.

"Is she one of her own?"

Geed was very puzzled. Even though she didn't move a step, all the gunshots hit her feet, as if she was taking the initiative to avoid it. She had to waste her energy and put up a defensive barrier in vain.

If it wasn't for the intentional release of water, the luck would have been a little frustrating!

“Spear of Impaling Barbed Death!!”

Kang Xi didn’t know that he had just fought a fierce battle with the air, and the fighting intent was wielding a long spear to kill the past. The Geed defensive power was amazing, She resisted her full strength attack unscathed, and had to take out the assassin trump card of reversing cause and effect.

Geed tried to dodge, but was blocked by Duan Xinlan and Jian Shaoxin, with Ying Yingying glare like a tiger watching his prey next to him, he held up his defense again, and he was uneasy, not knowing whether his own people would Water will be released again.

The water really drained, Kang Xi aggressively rushed over, the long spear stabbed out, and then... a left foot stumbled and the right foot fell flat on the bronze tree branch.


The air was silent, Kang Xi snorted twice and got up from the ground, his face resolutely wiped his nosebleed, as if he had forgotten what happened before, loudly shouted and continued to charge forward with his gun.

“Spear of Impaling Barbed Death!!!”


Kang Xi stepped on his nosebleed, slipped under his feet, fell into the bronze tree branch with a dazed face, and fell into the Bottomless Abyss.

Geed: "..."

It's a real hammer!

The atmosphere was dignified, Ying Yingying and the others were all speechless. Hearing the lingering screams below, Jian Shaoxin suddenly remembered that he would move instantly, and a few dodged down to save people.


Jian Shaoxin brought Kang Xi back to the flying carpet safely, facing Ying Yingying's caring eyes for the mentally handicapped, Kang Xi's face was as heavy as a jujube and his eyebrows were like a trough: "Vice. Team, my luck is cursed, it's not usually like this."

Ying Yingying nodded: "Xiao Xi, don't meddle in the next battle, just wait here and wait for my order. "

"Why, I can continue to fight!"

"Xiao Xi, let me just say it clearly, I'm afraid you will stab my platoon friend."

Kang Xi: "..."

The pikemen with the lucky value of breaking through the alphabet left the field sadly, the harem team lost a main force, and the battle with Ultraman Geed gradually became fierce, and steadily gained the upper hand.

Kang Xi: (゜▽゜)

Belial is no match for Geed alone, but Duan Xinlan is there to assist, plus Jian Shaoxin occasionally teleports sneak attack or moves with his teammates , Geed was extremely aggrieved when he played, and he had a strong strength but was tied, and 100% of his ability failed to display 70%.

Deathcium Ray!

Wrecking Burst!

It was another competition of light. Jian Shaoxin teleported behind Geed with Duan Xinlan, and stabbed his knees back with a straight knife. He failed to arm piercing but forced Geed one-knee kneels to fall.

Duan Xinlan made up for the knife, condensed the flames with one punch and one foot, and hit Geed in the face continuously. Geed couldn't maintain his center of gravity and tilted his head.

Boom! !

The Deathcium Ray struck, hitting Geed's chest heavily, causing the energy lights on her chest to flicker again and again, and rammed back into the bronze Divine Tree.

"Very good, hold on for one more minute and you will win." Kang Xi cheered, and the resentment of not being able to participate in the battle turned into motivation and turned into an off-field cheerleader.

"Shut up!"

(end of chapter)

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