End Of Heavens

Chapter 348

End Of Heavens Chapter 348


Chapter 347 Nazgûl Appears

"Robbers! Bandits! Scum! Assholes! What the hell are you doing?"

On the two horses, there were two Hobbits on each side. Their hands were tied behind their backs, and their feet were tied tightly.

Hobbit people are indifferent to the world, they like peace and hospitality, and they are undoubtedly much kinder than other races in Middle-Earth, so there is no trick to scolding people, just a few words over and over.

"Luo Su, isn't this... not good?"

Aragorn looked back, his mind was a little broken, now he doesn't have to worry about causing misunderstanding, because no matter what he said What, four Hobbit people will not believe a word.

"It's a bit noisy!" Luo Su nodded, walked over to the horses, ripped the blanket into rags, and stuffed a piece into one's mouth.

This time, it's completely quiet!

Aragorn broke down even more: "That's not what I meant, I'm friends with Gandalf and they'll be friends too. We...we should take the four of them to Rivendell in a gentle way. , not like this, do you understand what I mean?"

"Yes! But I understand no use, you have to tell them to see if they understand!"

Who do you think caused this?

Aragorn "..."

"Aragorn, I understand what you're saying, but it doesn't matter. When we arrive at Rivendell, all misunderstandings will be resolved, and we are still good friends. ." Luo Su clapped both hands, indicating that this is not a problem.


"There's nothing good about it, the big men just want to be quick and easy, we are being hunted down, time is pressing, and we can't ink."


"Ai, I remember you weren't like this before!"

"No way, I lost my memory!"

Luo Su knew it was more reasonable for Aragorn to gain trust first , but Nazgûl has been following the four Hobbits, the hotel is a dangerous place, and there is no time for them to connect emotionally.

As Luo Su said, at Rivendell, all misunderstandings will be solved. That being the case, what's the point of fighting the Nazgûl to the death or to the death? Naturally, avoid it if you can.

"Luo Su, you have to be mentally prepared, our journey will be very dangerous."

"It's okay! Weak people can't beat me, don't be afraid, strong ones will beat me. However, it's useless to be afraid..."

Luo Su's words made a lot of sense, Aragorn was speechless and felt that something was wrong, but he didn't know how to refute it, and his eyebrows became even more melancholy.


Several people left the territory of Bree, crossed the alpine forest, and walked on a prairie.

There is still a long section of the road from Rivendell here, and it takes ten days to move fast, even more how with four Hobbits. Moreover, without the forest cover, walking in the open savannah is extremely eye-catching, increasing the possibility of being overtaken by Nazgûl.

The four Hobbits are named Frodo, Sam, Pippin, and Merry. Among the four, Frodo is the head. Sam is his gardener and a friend from childhood to adulthood. The remaining two are His distant cousin.

After getting along for a few days, the four of Frodo were let go of their ropes, and they gradually became acquainted with Luo Su and Aragorn, knowing that the other party didn't mean to hurt them.

One Ring is in sight, Luo Su and Aragorn never got involved, plus the story between Aragorn and Gandalf, they quickly close the distance and initially gain the trust of the four.

Across the plains, the terrain slowly rises, and the entire group comes to rolling hills. On the outline of the hill in the distance, an abandoned high tower can be seen faintly, looking into the distance like a watchtower, bathed in sunlight, as dazzling as a crown.

"That's the top of the wind cloud, the famous Amon Sûl!"

Aragorn's face is complicated, and the person who built the tower is his ancestor Elendil, a man full of glory. name, but the latter has put the glory to shame, and he has been running away, feeling unworthy of it.

Aragorn was full of thoughts, as if being held down by a boulder, breathless in pain, and wanted to vent but didn't know who to talk to.

"Luo Su, you know, I..."

Halfway through his words, he consciously shut his mouth, because Luo Su took Frodo and the four away.


The night is getting darker, the sky is cloudy, the wind is a little humid, and it is likely to rain, Aragorn and Luo Su discussed it and decided to climb the tower overnight.

"Luo Su, we have two shifts of vigil, and you are in charge of the second half of the night."

Aragorn said depressedly, finally mustering up the courage to find someone to tell the pressure, but the feelings brewed , The person who confided ran away, and almost didn't hold back and vomit blood.

The deep darkness enveloped the earth, and the trees in the distance moved with the wind, accompanied by rustling movements, like a ghost shadow sneering, making people tremble.

"Luo Su, tell us a story!" The four Hobbits were furious and did not feel sleepy.

Compared with the serious Aragorn, Luo Su is more popular with the four.

"I'm still on the night shift, so I can only tell one story. After listening to it, go to sleep."

"Well, one will do. It's better than none."

Aragorn was about to leave, and when Luo Su was about to tell a story, he subconsciously stopped his steps and pricked up his ears.

Luo Su cleared his throat and told stories he was best at: "In the dark and deep Rivendell, a young man named Aragorn was sleeping in the grass. In order to fully integrate into nature, he Faded away from the noise of red dust..."

"What does the noise of red dust mean?" It's a bit esoteric, and the four of Frodo don't understand it very well.

"It's the clothes!"

Aragorn: "..."

Suddenly became the protagonist of the story, and he didn't wear clothes, he knew that there would be no good things to say next , but still held back without interrupting, wanting to continue listening.

"At this time, a little elf picking mushrooms passed by, counting while picking. 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4..."

" After the elf left, another one came, also counting while picking. 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4...5, 6, 7, 8..."

Frodo With a confused face, Aragorn couldn't bear it, but he couldn't say that he understood it, lightly coughed: "Luo Su, I want to remind you that elves know magic, so maybe they are listening to your stories."

"No way, is it boring for elves to be like this?" Luo Su was surprised, then shrugged and said indifferently: "Elves are a long-lived race, what winds and waves have never been seen before, it's just a bedtime story, It shouldn't 't be don't worry."

"It doesn't have to be..."

Aragorn said secretly, elves are very careful, and since I fell in love with Arwen, her father Elrond began to have sex with her. I stared coldly, looked at me in various ways, and finally kicked me out of Rivendell.

At this moment, the sound of horses' hooves suddenly sounded, and under the dark night, the dull roar got closer and closer.

With the murmur of death, five black shadows appeared, moving at high speed on the gray hilly slope. Covered in black robe, they rode demon-like horses, and in the blink of an eye, they were under the top of the cloud.

"The man who chased us before!" Frodo cry out in surprise.

Aragorn lowered his head and met a pair of scarlet eyes: "Is it Nazgûl, or are they chasing after them."

"What should we do, are we going to run away? "

"There's no escape, they've blocked the way out and can only fight." Aragorn shook his head.

"Go up, it's going to thunder..." Luo Su looked up and looked towards the sky, the clouds were thick, it would be a pity to leave it alone.

(end of this chapter)

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