End Of Heavens

Chapter 356

End Of Heavens Chapter 356


Chapter 355 You can get stronger by eating whatever you want. I like to eat it the most.

The power of the dragon is gone, and the spare ingredients are also burnt , Luo Su was heartbroken, sullenly threw Frodo aside, and dominated the last nightmare.

He is heartless, sadness comes and goes quickly, seeing everyone eating ashes behind Nightmare's ass, especially the dwarf Gimli, who is half-tired, foaming from his mouth, and his depressed mood suddenly improves. few.

Singing love songs when you are sad will only make you more sad. Only when you see other unlucky people will your mood turn cloudy.

"Luo Su, what did you just see?"

Once again, he stopped to repair, Gandalf came to Luo Su, worthy of being the leader among the mages, dwarf warrior fast After running with a broken leg, he was still not blushing or panting, as if his warm-up had just ended.

Luo Su frowned: "I saw the Eye of Sauron, and Sauron, the shadow condensed from darkness, it should be him."

Gandalf was unlucky, Luo Su saw it Sauron, which means that Sauron also saw him, the whereabouts of the Fellowship Squad were exposed and could not continue as originally planned.

Gandalf pondered for a moment, made a decision in his heart, and continued to ask: "Did Sauron tell you something?"

"Yes, he asked me to take the One Ring with me. Mordor, just give me the power of the dragon..." Having said this, Luo Su was suddenly helpless, and slapped Gandalf on the thigh: "I'm about to agree, somehow, the lard is covered in lard. Heart, I rejected Sauron's kindness. Now that I think about it, my heart is like a knife, I regret it!"

Gandalf: (◣第◢)

I tell you, go on The valley meeting in Rivendell, if I hadn't stopped you, you would have been beaten to death, and I regret it now!


"Our course of action is exposed, Sauron will definitely set up a lot of barriers in order to retake the One Ring, the power of darkness cannot act in the daytime, but Saruman in white The strong orc army is not afraid, this will be the biggest obstacle to our trip." Gandalf said.

"Then what should I do?"

"The only way to go is Mines of Moria!" The plan to sneak into the village failed, and there were strong enemies on the way, and Gandalf was unwilling. Only turn around.

The crowd changed direction, no longer climbing Great Snow Mountain, and proceeded south along the misty mountain range, passing through the Mines of Moria below, and finally reaching Rohan Pass.

Moria, the largest Underground City northwest of Middle-Earth, contains a vast network of tunnels, houses, mines, and great halls, and has been inhabited by the descendants of the dwarf Durin for thousands of years.

The dwarves are very good at burrowing, and the network of tunnels cut through the highest mountain 'Karanras Mountain', with endless steps built from the bottom to the top.

The Fellowship of the Ring simply takes the endless stairs to cross this highest peak to its next refuge, the Lothlórien Forest, where Galadriel, the mighty Queen of Magic resides.

Before dark, everyone rushed to the Mines of Moria and climbed the steps to the middle of the mountain.

A deep lake looms in front of you, probably due to the influence of mineral veins, the water in the lake is as black as ink, and the clouds cover the top, making the lake look quiet and eerie.

Behind the lake, steep peaks rise vertically, apparently carved by dwarves. Gandalf came to the middle of the two green trees, fumbled for a moment on the wall, and found the entrance to the Mines of Moria.

"The gate of Ithildin, only reflects the light of the stars and the moon..." Gandalf frowned, and quickly said with relief: "This is a mechanism set up by dwarves, a password is required to enter the door, we will wait here for a while, the clouds will clear. When you go, you will see the puzzle."

As soon as the voice fell, the dark clouds of the sky drifted away quietly, and a quiet ray of moonlight fell, and the gate of Ithildin immediately lit up with rays of light, Gandalf. Also saw the puzzles set by the dwarves.

Gandalf put his hands on his hips, secretly saying that he was naive, and read out the puzzle: "Gate of Durin, Lord of Moria, speak your friend, and enter... too easy!"

Being a learned and wise man, Gandalf felt that the door was an insult to his IQ, raised his staff against the door of Ithildin, and uttered a lengthy incantation.

Full of joy, he waited for the gate to open, but after a long time, the gate of Ithildin was completely motionless. Gandalf frowned and thought hard, changed several increments in a row, and said almost all the dwarven languages he knew, but the Gate of Ithildin didn't respond at all.

"It's strange, it shouldn't be like this..." Gandalf took off his wizard hat and turned around and said, "You wait, this door is not that simple, remember not to provoke the people in the lake... ..."

Turning around, Gandalf was stunned, and there was no one around him. Frodo set up a pot with four people to make a fire, Luo Su stood by the lake and commanded, Aragorn, Boromir and the others went down to the lake to capture the octopus.

Gandalf: "..."

Emotions I've been talking to the air just now?

"Aragorn, Boromir, Gimli, you three fight in the water, be careful not to let octopus run away. Legolas, you and I are remote support, don't beat the grass to scare the snake, wait for it to emerge Let’s attack again.” Luo Su clapped his hands and loudly said: “Guys, it depends on everyone’s performance if we can add more food tonight.”


"Everyone will work together, and we will definitely have supper in minutes. Remember, we are the Fellowship of the Ring, and we must fight together!"

"Oh oh oh!!!"

Gandalf: "..."

An inexplicable pain in the chest, Gandalf wanted to catch these people and beat them one by one, asking them what they were here for?

Also, as the leader of the Fellowship of the Ring, when did he start to be put on hold?

"Whoo, whoa, don't get mad, don't get mad!"

After humming for a while, Gandalf sits cross-legged speechlessly, as a mature Maia, what the hell I haven't seen anything on my mind, so there's no need to be angry about such a trivial matter.


The water splashed, a low roar sounded, the lake boiled instantly, and seven or eight huge tentacles rushed out of the water and rolled towards the three of Aragorn.


The sharp long sword swept across, and a ferocious tentacle was cut off in response. juice.

The octopus in the lake is obviously a mutant species, with fleshy spines on the tentacles, and the tip is mutated into a palm with a suction cup, which makes the scalp numb.

How about a long, casual talk?

Octopus appeared, and Aragorn, Boromir, and Gimli shouted loudly one after another. They were all experienced elites. With the cooperation of the three, they quickly cut off five or six tentacles.

Boom! ! !

octopus eats pain, huge body sticks out of the water, bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl roars again and again, rolled up the tumbling lake water to form big waves, moved towards three people rushing towards go.

"Legolas, kill it!"

Luo Su's voice just started, the elf Prince shot out three arrows in a row, a layer of white light was attached to the tip of the sword, and the two arrows penetrated the octopus. Both eyes, the last one pierced into its huge mouth.

octopus let out a painful wailing, and was surrounded by the three of Aragorn with grinning laughter. A burst of swords and giant axe were chopped into sashimi slices, ending its short life as a lake overlord.

"Extra meal! Extra meal!!"

Boromir, the son of the Regent King, cheered. It was a long and arduous journey, but he just gained a lot of weight. Among the crowd, except for the four Frodo, his strength was at the bottom, and his arm-wrestling was abused by the mage Gandalf. He felt ashamed for this, and secretly vowed to catch up.

How to catch up?

Of course he eats it, he can get stronger by eating whatever he wants. He likes to eat it the most!

Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli all agreed with this, but there is one point to make a special statement. Unlike Hobbit's greed for food, they eat shouted for the sake of becoming stronger.

There's a price to be paid for getting stronger, and they make huge sacrifices, like weight.

The elf Prince has developed in a rounded direction. Gimli was originally a short ball, but now it is more ball. Aragorn is also in a dilemma, looking up at the back of his neck and bowing his head and double chin.

Everyone sat in a circle around the bonfire, each holding a small bowl, and Gandalf's liver hurt for a while. Are these people really enlightened?

"You can't let them go on like this. Ease makes people degenerate and lowers their vigilance..." Gandalf sighed with emotion, let him bear all the consequences of his sins!

Thinking of this, I squeezed in with a bowl.

(end of this chapter)

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