End Of Heavens

Chapter 360

End Of Heavens Chapter 360


Chapter 359 The idol-level mage

Don't look at Gandalf's daily amiable image of an elder, and occasionally a little childish temperament, really If you want to get serious and play your life with others, it is definitely a big boss with Balrog.

With his angry roar, the staff's rays of light bloomed, and when he touched the long sword in mid-air, it made a soul-shaking hum, which made Balrog's whole body stiff, and the flames involuntarily weakened by three points.

Gandalf raised his long sword high, jumped into the air and fell, the frost-white cold air vented like a sword qi, transformed into an elemental blade, moved towards Balrog's head and slashed.

Balrog's whole body was stiff, as if he had been hit by magic like the immobilization technique. The elemental blade struck, and the magic power erupted in a hurry, barely turning his head at the crucial moment.


The elemental blade slashed straight down, first severing Balrog's horn, then landing on his shoulder. As Gandalf's sword-wielding arm pressed down, the blade crushed dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, slashing from shoulder to chest, severing Balrog's massive body one third.

Balrog's body was hard, and the elemental blade could not continue to fall, but Gandalf's attack did not end there, the blade shattered into boundless cold, freezing half of Balrog's body, and the half of his cheek that was cut off from the horns , directly frozen into a lump of ice.

"roar roar roar————"

Balrog let out a painful cry, his eyes shot out a blazing flame, his right hand was pulled in the void, and his five fingers held a fistful of fire. The blade composed of Elements slashed at Gandalf.

Gandalf faced the flame giant blade, mutter incantations in his mouth, raised the long sword in his hand, and the rays of light bloomed, firmly protecting him.


one big and one small, two sharp blades collided, strong wind swept up, and swept away frantically in all directions with the two as the center.

Balrog is huge, Gandalf is not worth mentioning compared to him, but he is Maia, not as old fogey as he looks on the surface, his thin body seems to have infinite strength, meet force with force Didn't take a step back.

The terrifying force poured into the ground along Gandalf's feet, shaking the floor tiles of the palace into powder, and the cracks of the cobwebs suddenly spread. Under criss-crossed, the foundation of the stone pillar was shaken, causing dozens of stone pillars around the two to collapse suddenly.

Luo Su was secretly envious. This was the first time he saw Gandalf spare no effort. He could only say that he was an idol-level mage. With this physical quality, he could wrestle a giant dragon with his bare hands. .

"roar roar roar————"

Balrog roared again and again, the ash mane on the back skyrocketed, the red flame all over the body burned wildly, and the wound occupying one third of the body was swiftly in the flame Healed, healed at a rate visible to naked eye.

After recovering, Balrog left beckoned and pulled a flaming whip from the void. The whip, made up of bands of fire, splitting the air sound fiercely by Balrog's mighty swing, slashed at Gandalf's tortoise shell.


The materialized light ball made by the staff made a cracking sound, Gandalf's eyes narrowed, and he struggled to swing the long sword. While shattering the Fire Element sword, he also forced the huge Balrog. retreat.

Frostwhite's elemental blade erupted again, Gandalf raised his sword and stabbed forward, and the white blade plunged straight down, hitting Balrog's chest like a shooting star.

Gorgeous, yet terrifyingly powerful!

The sharp point of the sword pierced into Balrog's chest, pushing him back step by step, the huge body smashed dozens of stone pillars in a row.

Balrog let out a roar, the flames extinguished in his chest, frozen ice, and the piercing pain engulfed his body. In a fit of rage, the flame whip slammed down, shattering Gandalf's tortoise shell and blasting him backwards.

bang! bang! Boom————

Gandalf's silhouette fell into the dark part of the palace, Luo Su counted silently, this collision is the 32 pillars broken.

He knew what happened to Gandalf. In the original book, the old man fell into the endless abyss. He climbed up and fought with Balrog all the way to the peak of the misty mountain range. .

There are only 32 pillars. For Gandalf, it is just a matter of sprinkling water. It is no different from falling on the threshold when going out.

"roar roar roar————"

After tidying up Gandalf, Balrog turned his head and looked towards Luo Su, the burning eye sockets jumped with Power of Darkness, and the infinite magic attacked, attracted Luo Su feel ill at ease.

Luo Su bit the tip of his tongue, clenched the Adamantium knife in both hands, stepped forward, swept the knife horizontally, and moved smoothly without delay.

The sharp sword qi condensed into a line, slicing the air ahead in half, and a fault appeared in the flames, smashing Balrog's face in the blink of an eye.


The sword qi ripped apart, cutting a gully in Balrog's face, but that's about it, except for making Balrog more irritable, it didn't do any real damage.

Luo Su put away the Adamantium knife, and did not take out his dual spears to show off his shame. With one hand, he released the silver giant wolf to kill Balrog.

"System, open Balrog's lottery twice!"

[Character Card: Balrog (Fallen Maia, the devil walking in flames and shadows)]

[Skill Card: King of Fire Element (fire is your most trusted weapon)]

"roar roar roar——"

Balrog grabbed the giant wolf with both hands, Struggling to tear it in half by the waist, after a loud bang, Balrog was blasted to a stagnation of flames, showing his charred body for the first time.

He glared at Luo Su with both eyes, his roaring mouth opened, and flames shot up from the ground, forming a crimson's flame canopy.

"Luo Su, leave quickly and don't touch those flames." Gandalf rushed out of the darkness, seeing this scene, his heart trembled with fright.

Balrog glanced at Gandalf out of the corner of his eye, his hideous features seemed to flash a hint of mockery, and he swung the flaming whip to block Gandalf. Then, driving the infinite flames and pressing towards Luo Su's position, thousands of flames swept across in an instant, drowning Luo Su in an instant.


Gandalf let out a mournful cry, and actually wept a mouthful of blood.

"roar roar roar--"

Balrog raised his arms, roared and roared, and swung his whip toward Gandalf.

Behind him, the flames were burning fiercely, more and more intense, spreading all directions at an extremely fast speed, and even burned to his feet.

Balrog was alert, and hurriedly turned around to look, only to see flames rising out of nowhere, dispelling the surrounding darkness, accompanied by the surging flames, a pair of huge shadows opened, the flames converged and contracted, and merged with the shadows. , turned into a pair of huge flame wings.

The scorching temperature is rising, as if it will burn everything around!

Balrog's eyes pop out...he doesn't have eyeballs that can't stick out, so he shoots out two pillars of fire.

A huge flame silhouette stood up and smashed the stone pillar beside it with a roar, the same black horns on the top of the head, and the same black ashes rising.

The Balrog that Luo Su transformed into stepped out, roared and released his coercion, beckoned with one hand, the flame whip volleyed down, and slammed the fool's Balrog to the ground.


Balrog's huge body smashed into the stone pillar and fell, Luo Su strode forward, strode onto his chest, raised his fists and bowed left and right.

bang! bang! bang! Boom————

Balrog didn't fight back, and the sudden scene blinded him.

Gandalf on the other side...


Who are you!

Is Luo Su?

Return my sadness!

(end of this chapter)

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