End Of Heavens

Chapter 368

End Of Heavens Chapter 368


Chapter 367 The joke is a bit cold (add more updates for the Alliance Leader 'Fighting Doctor')

Everyone hurrying through the starry night and arriving in Edoras before dawn , this is a capital built on a hillside, not far from the fortress Helm's Deep.

"We're here, that city is the capital Edoras!"

Unlike Gondor, the wealthy old watch next door, Rohan's capital is not flamboyant, it can even be said to be Shabby. The city wall is low and the interior buildings are mostly thatched houses, and even the royal palace is a wooden structure.

Luo Su has seen the map, the two kingdoms of Rohan and Gondor are separated by a white mountain range, and Mordor, the common enemy, can live in peace until now.

Gandalf looked at Luo Su's disapproval and knew what he was thinking, and said: "Don't underestimate Rohan, they have the most powerful cavalry on the steppe, Saruman is afraid Only because of their strength did they send strong orcs to burn, kill and loot, forcing them to be unable to concentrate their forces."

"I didn't underestimate Rohan, I was just thinking that the gap between the rich and the poor is as big as this, if one day Sauron Hang up, will Rohan and Gondor break their heads! Luo Su in the heart thought silently, because he was worried that the words would be surprising, so he didn't say it." Luo Su said.

Gandalf: "..."

Aragorn: "..."

Éomer: "..."

Boromir: " "..."

"Hey, did I just speak my mind?"


The dwarf warrior and the elf Prince were expressionless , silently led the four of Frodo away, leaving room for a few people to show their fists. To be honest, even the foreigners like them couldn't stand it anymore.

"Hahaha, Luo Su's ability to tell jokes is getting better and better, and he's still thinking in his heart that he didn't say it..." Seeing Éomer's face turning black, Gandalf hurriedly laughed Rounded up.

"Yes, yes, this joke is good, but a little cold and a little fake!" Boromir wiped his cold sweat and smiled.

"Éomer, don't think about it, Luo Su doesn't mean anything else, he just doesn't know much about human speech. In fact, he has a half-orc bloodline and his mouth always stinks." Aragorn patted Éomer on the shoulder, Taking the oath as the heir of Gondor, Io swears to be as bright as the stars, proving that the friendship between the two countries will endure forever.

“I didn’t think much of it, but the joke is a bit cold…” Éomer smiled awkwardly.


Several people looked at each other, smiling awkwardly with their eyes wide open. Seeing that they were about to finish their laughter, they were about to start the cold scene again. Going up the palace steps, he changed the subject and said, "Speaking of which, I haven't seen Théoden for a while. I miss him a bit, he must miss me too."


The two long swords crossed in front of Gandalf, making his smile condense on his face. The slap came too fast and felt unreal.

"What are you doing, he is gray robe Gandalf, hurry up and put away your swords." Éomer was furious and scolded the two guards at the gate: "Gandalf saved Prince's life, How dare you treat Rohan's most honorable guest like this?"

The guards also recognized Gandalf, but now they were different, and said aggrieved: "General Éomer, they cannot see King Théoden with arms, This is an order from Grima ·Quiet words."

Éomer heard the complexion ashen, but he had no choice but to look towards Gandalf apologetically, and whispered: "The villain beside the king, he must be with Your Majesty spoke ill of you."

Gandalf smiled calmly, indicating that he was not angry, and nodded with Aragorn and the others, and everyone began to hand over their weapons. Luo Su was empty-handed and had no weapons, so he couldn't give it if he wanted to.

"Gandalf, your staff..."

Seeing that everyone else was disarming, Gandalf was like a normal person, and the guard couldn't help reminding him. Luo Su has no weapons, everyone can see it clearly, but your bright staff is a bit hard to explain.

"Oh, it's not a staff, it's just an old man's walking stick." Gandalf coughed and said weakly.

"Okay then!"

The guards didn't force it. First, Madam Gandao had a good relationship and was willing to sell him a face; second, the guards didn't like Grima. , the orders given to him have always been outward devotion but inner opposition.

Luo Su looked at him and shook his head, the guards were too naive, Gandalf was a man who could fight with Balrog, and the lack of a staff would not affect his melee output. For example, in the great hall, a column with a diameter of two meters and a height of ten meters can be used as a javelin by Gandalf when he pulls it up, but it is a bit light, and he is not comfortable with it.

The entire group stepped into the palace and met the dying Rohan King Théoden, as well as the villain Éomer called Grima, the advisor to Rohan.

Théoden is cursed by Saruman's wise aura and is currently an Alzheimer's with a half-dead zombie face.

And Grima, he used to be a general of the Rohan country, made immortal achievements for the Rohan country, because he had no culture, he was easily tempted by power, gave up the honor on horseback, and became Saruman. 's running dog.

Saruman promises him that Rohan will be the next king when the strong orc army takes down Rohan.

Therefore, Grima spared no effort to weaken Rohan's national strength, and because Rohan is a monarchy country, the king has absolute power, as an advisor, he has repeatedly succeeded in ordering in the name of the king.

"King Théoden, you've been waiting for so long!" Gandalf greeted.

The old man on the throne had a deadly gray face, and his eyes were dim. If it wasn't for the crown, it would be hard for people to associate him with the sturdy King Rohan.

Grima looked at Gandalf coldly, and whispered a few words beside Théoden, who said slowly: "Gandalf, what are you doing here, and I have not invited you?"

"I have good news for you. Someone tried to subvert your country and murdered the crown prince, but unfortunately, I destroyed it."

"Yes, King Your Majesty, Gandalf saved Théodred's life." Éomer fell to his knees and told what had happened.

It's a pity that Théoden has been completely controlled and is indifferent to hear his son's near-death.

"Gandalf, did Prince murder you on purpose?" Grima stood up with a cold face and said with hatred: "You murdered Prince first, and then pretended to save him in an attempt to deceive King Théoden."

"And you, Éomer! You're planning for the throne, and you see Prince as a thorn in your side. How could you be kind enough to save him? You must be Gandalf's accomplice!"

Luo Su Secretly nodded, Grima, as a jester, does have two brushes to frame the blame, that is, the person looks a bit sloppy.

"Shut up, don't tell lies in front of me, I have passed the test of fire and death, not to argue with idiots." Gandalf glanced at Grima contemptuously, his identity was different now, The white robe hand-picked by the super leader, a lackey is not worthy to talk to him, and the dog owner Saruman is almost the same.

Gandalf's words were recognized by all members of the Fellowship of the Ring, and they were nodded in succession.

The hardships of this journey cannot be described in words. They almost died on the edge of the cauldron several times. If it wasn't for their strong will, they would not have survived.

At this time, Grima found the staff in Gandalf's hand, turned pale in fright and ordered the guards to take down the Fellowship Squad. In the great hall, only the lackey he kept in captivity made a move. The other General Rohan turned a deaf ear, and sat with their heads in danger and counted the ants on the ground.

Are there ants in the palace?

Stupid, don't you imagine there are ants without ants?

"Théoden, you have lived in the shadows for too long, and I will free you from your curse..."

Gandalf is full of magic, and his staff blooms Out of white radiance, the entire palace great hall is shrouded in white.

"hmph, gray robe Gandalf? Gandalf the white robe?"

Théoden raised his head slowly, his eyes filled with hatred, and made a hoarse voice: "Idiot Gandalf Yes, do you think that if you change your body to white, it is really a white robe?"


Gandalf frowned, secretly said that he was indeed the man he was optimistic about. Sorrow couldn't correct Saruman's evil deeds, so he revealed himself. But he is a mature Maia, even if his heart is ecstatic, he doesn't show it, his face is full of righteousness, and he increases the illumination technique to expel Saruman's spell.

"It's Saruman the White Robe, remember this prefix well, only I am the White Robe." Théoden sat firmly on the throne, said with a sneer: "It's useless, Gandalf, if I leave, Théoden will die immediately."

"No, fate is no longer in your hands..." Gandalf replied with a deep meaning, and the rays of light all over his body were prosperous, bit by bit he took Saruman down The will is forced out of Théoden.

This was the first time Gandalf fought with Saruman after he was promoted to the White Robe. Gandalf was afraid that Théoden would be killed by too much force. Saruman could not use his full power in remote control. The two birds of a feather , in the end Gandalf won by a narrow margin of three or two.

Saruman lost the favor of his superiors, and his defeat was a foregone conclusion. He flew into a rage out of humiliation and put down his harsh words with the last of his strength: "Gandalf, the kingdom of Rohan is mine, we Let's see!"

Knowing that he could not fight against Gandalf, Saruman took the initiative to remove the spell, but at the last second of the spell's cancellation, Gandalf's staff struck Théoden hard on top of Théoden's head. A burst of magic power shattered the spell of an arrow at the end of its flight, smashing Saruman's head with a stick.

This scene looks a lot like Gandalf deliberately revenge Saruman, but he is a mature Maia, not so unwise, this stick is required by the superior leadership, not a private bulletin.

"Gandalf, is that you?"

Saruman's will was driven away, Théoden slowly woke up, his face looked much better, although still weak, his Strength is slowly returning.

Besides, the master is driven away by Gandalf, and Grima, the dogleg, falls to his knees, trembling, begging Théoden to spare his life.

No one in the hall pleads for him, except for Aragorn, Rohan has shed too much blood and it's time to end the tyranny.

Gandalf watched Grima leave quietly, and his reason told him that when Grima returned to Saruman, a lot of information would be revealed. But he is a mature Maia, Théoden chooses to let Grima go, and he cannot interfere in Rohan's internal affairs.

So, Gandalf gave Luo Su a look, the latter understood in seconds, and disappeared into the great hall of the kingdom under the pretext of shush.

"I hope Luo Su doesn't get the wrong idea. I didn't intend to kill Grima, I just wanted to imprison him and let him go after the battle is over." Gandalf sighed, if Grima died, It must be Luo Su's fault.

After a while, Luo Su hummed a little tune and returned to the great hall and said to Gandalf, "Don't worry, I understand what you mean, I didn't kill Grima, just imprisoned him."

Gandalf: "..."

"What's wrong?"

"Imprison... imprison! That's what I meant!" Gandalf lightly coughed: "Luo Su, where did you imprison him?"

"In the steppe, I imprisoned his head and let his body go away with the horse!"

Gandalf : "..."

Aragorn is right, you must have a half-orc bloodline, otherwise, I wouldn't want to beat you like this!


Added 3000 words for Alliance Leader 'Fighting Doctor', it's a bit late, please recommend by the way Tickets, monthly tickets, normal updates later...

(end of this chapter)

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