End Of Heavens

Chapter 372

End Of Heavens Chapter 372


Chapter 371 is like a magical story

[Host equipment 'Character Card: Liam Hartwell', countdown 300 seconds , the timer starts]

Liam Hartwell was originally an ordinary person. After being struck by lightning, he acquired the aura of death. As long as any creature approached him 50 feet, that is, a distance of about 15 meters, the Instantly killed.

Rules, super powers, magic, viruses, magnetic fields...

Luo Su has not studied the principle of death aura, he only knows that when he equips this Character Card, he is the The center of the circle is 30 meters in diameter within the barren. And it is an indiscriminate attack, and the intruder will surely die, without the need for conscious control, but there is no way to distinguish between friend and foe.

Boom! ! !

The thunder fell, and the flash struck Luo Su precisely among the ten thousand people. The electric current danced in the air, and the twisting lightning lasted for two full seconds before dispersing.

The thunder smashed the water, and there were continuous sprays of water filling it from all sides, and propped him to the ground at Luo Su's feet.

The valley was dead silent. Whether it was the human defenders of Horn Fort or the orc coalition forces of Isengard, they were a bit stunned at the moment, and they were shocked by Luo Su's blasting out.

Character Card is valid for 5 minutes, Luo Su did not pretend to be aggressive, and the water flowed out like an arrow from the string.

In front of Luo Su, the densely packed half-orc troop was taken aback for a moment, and launched a charge against the 30,000-strong army alone. Even the wizard was too supercilious.


"Take down the horn fort and kill all human beings!!"

The half-orc commander stood on a high rock and waved his hand The long knife ordered.

"Kill! Kill! Kill——"

Immediately, endless half-orc mad dogs rushed out, and the ground shook and roared.

The next second, Luo Su pressed mute, there was no blade light and sword shadows, and there was no shouting and killing, the half-orc closest to Luo Su suddenly flew down and said no. No, it went very peacefully.

After the half-orc fell, all half-orcs who entered the aura of death died violently, regardless of their strength. Driven by the momentum of the charge, the corpses ran two steps forward before falling down, lying at Luo Su's feet one by one, lining up neat and tidy.

No wailing, no wounds, only a pair of eyes turned blue.

The half-orc rushing to the front row noticed something was wrong and stopped in a hurry, but the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses rushed up, how could it be stopped if it stopped, wailing to be caught by the subsequent waves Crowded forward, walked into the aura of death...

In the valley, there was a dramatic scene, the half-orc beside Luo Su desperately fled back, and the half-orc at the back was desperately trying to escape. He rushed forward, finally rushed to the front, and then changed his life to escape backward.

Luo Su stepped on the water and shuttled back and forth in the valley along the zigzag shape. At this moment, he incarnated as a walking death, with a diameter of 30 meters, the life was cut off, and the life of the orc was wildly harvested.

"Wizard's curse!"

"Don't rush! Run!"

"Don't get in my way, I don't want to die..."



There were countless horrified screams in the valley. The formation was too crowded for the charge. The front shouted, and the people behind couldn't see what was going on. Keep charging.

“wu wu wu ————”

The horn for retreat sounded, and the half-orc army stopped and turned back to retreat.

But even if it was evacuated, the half-orc who turned from the back to the front was still confused and slowly retreated in an orderly manner. The half-orc at the front is frightened by the death radius, no matter how you are not afraid of death, when you see the unfathomable mystery of the people around you dying, you don't even struggle, you will instinctively want to run away, and you will run away with your legs. .

The formation of invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable collapsed layer by layer, more and more half-orc joined the fleeing team, crowded, trampled, and stabbed in the back, causing the slow retreat gradually began to collapse.

The first phalanx responsible for the main attack disintegrated, like a defeated army, half-orc's mind was blank, and he just wanted to run.

The second phalanx of the Isengard coalition forces, the strong orc commander brandished a steel knife and ordered the half-orc in front to stop in place. down.

“archer! Line up!”

“Fire arrows!”

“Fire arrows!”


"Free Fire!"


"The former army raised the shield, set up the lance, and all the defeated troops were killed on the spot !"


Luo Su didn't know what was going on in the back, it was too far to see and couldn't hear clearly, he was walking in the valley with his feet on the water and the Z-shape.

Murder is like mowing the grass, more unparalleled than unparalleled!

The rout army was more crowded than the charge, and after Luo Su passed, the half-orc stood still, reaping wheat, falling one after another.

All of a sudden, the defeated first phalanx escaped even more fiercely!

Clarion Fort!

The castle was eerily silent, and after a while, cheers like crazy.

On the high tower in the inner courtyard, Théoden stared at the battle situation below, Luo Su strolled in the courtyard, and half-orc fell to the ground for no reason, just like a magical story.

"Come here, gather the cavalry troops, and charge ahead with me!" Théoden sensed that the military heart was available, realized that this was an extremely rare opportunity, and immediately ordered.

"King Théoden, can't open the city gates..." Legolas hurried over.

"What do you mean, do you want us to watch Luo Su wizard fight alone?" Théoden frowned, the half-orc formation was messed up, and only one charge could completely defeat them.

He was a little annoyed that he was guarding the Grand Guardian when he was arranging the troops.

"No, Luo Su said before he left, he is very dangerous now, if you get close to him, you will die!"

Legolas said hurriedly, at first he didn't understand what Luo Su meant, Thought he was pretending. It wasn't until half-orc died in pieces that he didn't understand what Luo Su really meant, he was indeed pretending!

"Also, Luo Su said that the Isengard coalition will not launch a charge tonight, tomorrow will be the time for the real decisive battle..."


"roar roar roar————"

Behind Isengard's second phalanx, the three-headed wyvern monster beast fluttered and gusted across the battle line.

Three Nazgûl armed with chains, controlled the wyvern to dive towards the chaotic rout army, the wyvern did not immediately besiege Luo Su, but spit black poison mist, claws in mouth, in front of the second phalanx The defeated army slaughtered in the most ruthless way and suppressed the fleeing defeated army.

"roar roar roar————"

Stabilizing the defeat of the defeated army, the three-headed wyvern, under the control of Nazgûl, roared towards Luo Su.

The wind was blowing, Luo Su raised his eyes and looked at the wyvern, secretly said that dinner was coming tonight, the thunder flashed all over his body, and he released three silver white giant wolfs that rushed into the air.

He himself continues to harvest half-orc's life, Character Card time is effective and must be fully utilized, as many as can be killed.

Boom! !

Nazgûl steered the wyvern, faced the oncoming Thunder Beast, raised his lance fiercely and stabbed. The result was beyond Luo Su's expectations. Nazgûl, who was killed by the thunder last time, came prepared this time. When the lance was introduced into the thunder, he absorbed all the lightning.

(end of this chapter)

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