End Of Heavens

Chapter 391

End Of Heavens Chapter 391


Chapter 390 Wait to die, there is no saving

crash-bang! !

Luo Su stepped on the river and walked towards the port. Following his footsteps, a dull rumbling sound resounded throughout the river.

The little ripples spread to surging forward with great momentum, and the Anduin River woke up from its slumber, and the river set off a heaven overflowing giant wave, which hung upside down and rolled up into the sky in a thunderous sound.

Unfortunately, the Anduin River is not a vast ocean, and it is far from enough water to drive the great flood to submerge the Palano Plain.

Just like accumulating qi, Luo Su's ultimate move will take some time to prepare!

When Luo Su jumped off the ship, the half-orc defenders along the port realized that something was wrong, and suddenly a black robe with a shape similar to the superior leader Nazgûl appeared. No matter how you look at it, he is not a good person.

Although they are not good people, it can be confirmed that Luo Su is an enemy or a friend.

"A person dares to attack the port alone, even a mage is arrogant. Archer is prepared to let him know how to write the dead word." The half-orc leader, laughed heartily, gave an order and there were thirty people. The archer took a bow and aimed at Luo Su.

The next second, the leader's laughter stopped abruptly, as if he was being strangled by the neck, his joking expression remained unchanged, but he couldn't make a sound.

The water level in the area where the 50 sailboats were located dropped instantly, and the rivers on both sides caused waves of tens of meters in height.

"Run, run!!"

The archer shot the arrow in a hurry, and regardless of whether the shot was hit or not, Sayazi turned around and ran. The fastest runner was the half-orc leader, who ran ten meters away almost as soon as the tide rose.

No wonder he's the leader and everyone else is a minion!

Luo Su responded decisively when he heard someone questioning that he didn't know how to write dead characters.

beckoned with one hand, the tide immediately turned into a turbulent wall of water and pushed forward, and the half-orcs who were moving towards the desperate escape were pressed over.

Facts have once again proved that two legs can't run the flood no matter what, even four wheels are not enough. The half-orcs were instantly flattened by the big waves and buried under the water with the current.

On the sailboat, the three of Aragorn, who had seen this scene, didn't feel any surprise. Luo Su's spell was very strong, and they knew it well.

But the ones I haven't seen...for example, Halbarad, the Dúnedain warrior, has his whole body turned into a sieve.

Suddenly, he shouted loudly: "See, this is my elder brother Luo Su. When I was a rookie, my elder brother saved my life. At that time, I cried and shouted for recognition.

He was the boss, and under the stalking, he reluctantly agreed."

Aragorn: It's too late!

Legolas: Wait to die!

Gimli: No help!


Luo Su raised his hand to recall the tide, leaving more than ten half-orc corpses on the ground, which were placed in the word 'death'. Written in Elvish.

I learned it at the Rivendell Treehouse, and I asked Aragorn for advice when I climbed the foggy mountain range. Although I can't communicate with people fluently in Elvish, I took out some vocabulary separately and said it better than anyone else. slip.

Words like specialty, practical, potent and lasting, handsome, useless, etc., the words are eloquent and the pronunciation is extremely accurate. Some people believe that he can speak Elvish since he was a child.

Luo Su has no special purpose in learning Elvish language, it is purely a personal hobby, and he is not overwhelmed by his skills. Learning makes him happy!

Let's get down to business, the Anduin River rolled up a big wave that spread for several kilometers, and the highest point could catch up with the fortress of the king, like this big movement can be seen except for blind.

The half-orc Legion on the prairie was in chaos, and in the face of natural disasters, the half-orc, who was not afraid of death, could not help but feel terrified.

The Witch King of Angmar swept away Gandalf's staff with one sword, coldly snorted, and drove the monster beast wyvern moved towards the Anduin River.

wyvern roared, and the other eight Nazgûl followed closely from behind, this scene Nazgûl is no stranger to, the battle of Helm's Deep, the 30,000 Isengard army was ravaged by the flood.

"That's Luo Su...Aragorn has come..."

Gandalf narrowed his eyes slightly, not bothering to hide his clumsiness, raised his hand and whistled, and there was a giant The eagle flew over from the cliff behind the royal capital.

He bent his knees slightly, leaving two deep footprints in place, and shot into the sky like a cannonball, caught by the giant eagle, chasing the Nazgûl ahead at a very fast speed.


Above the Anduin, the tides are surging, superimposing one wave upon another.

The river water in the distance was all drawn here, 50 sailboats fell into the riverbed, and the water volume was a little worse, but Luo Su stood on the top of the wave and noticed the Nazgûl attack, lest it would change later, like a tsunami. The giant wolf rolled over the plain.

The houses in the port were swallowed up in an instant, and the bare land was completely different from the previous one. The terrifying of the flood lies in the impact, and no force can stop it from moving forward.


Crush all the way! !

The turbid waves were surging into the sky, pulling from a distance into a white line, the devastating impact crushed all the obstacles in front of them, and the follow-up was continuous.

The immeasurable force roared, rubbing the air with a deafening roar, like a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, shaking the sky.

At the rear of the half-orc army, Haradrim is facing the devastating flood, and at this moment their proud giant, Legion, is extraordinarily small.

The shadow of death struck, and Haradrim froze in place. They had given up their escape. The vast plain had no high ground, and there was nowhere to escape.

Luo Su stood on the crest of the wave, less than 100 meters from the wyvern ahead, and Nazgûl's scarlet eyes could see it clearly. With a big wave of his hand, the water on the left and right sides rolled up, turning into giant palms covering the sky, and photographed fiercely at Nazgûl.


The superposition of nine screeching sword crys stabbed Luo Su's eardrums and watched in astonishment as Nazgûl rode the wyvern into the surging waves.

"I know you're not afraid of death, but you're not going to commit suicide..."

Luo Su said like this, and he was very vigilant in his heart. He intuitively told him, The Nazgûl were by no means suicidal.

The next second, the temperature in the air plummeted, Luo Su couldn't help shivering, and found that the speed of the torrent had slowed down.


The cold air spreads, the speed of the torrent under Luo Su's feet is getting slower and slower, and the frost visible from the naked eye spreads from where Nazgûl is located. In just a few breaths, most of the water flow is frozen into ice cubes.

The brittle sound of the breaking exploded, and the iceberg that braked suddenly couldn't bear the momentum, and it broke off in the middle, and slammed into the plain with a bang.

The freezing speed was too fast, Luo Su saw that he couldn't stop it, gritted his teeth and a lizard broke his tail, gave up the water flow in the frozen area, and separated a water flow to continue charging forward.

At least...

Haradrim's giant elephant Legion has to be killed, these big guys are too lethal, leaving them alone will definitely cause a lot of casualties.

Luo Su's decisiveness made his long-saving big move come back in vain, and the split water escaped the fate of being frozen, and overwhelmingly swept towards the giant elephant Legion.

bang! Rumble————

The sound of thunder, rolling down, and the relentless flood submerging everything...

(end of this chapter)


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