End Of Heavens

Chapter 394

End Of Heavens Chapter 394


Chapter 393 Rolling and Rolling

Lao Shan Long!

As its name suggests, it has a giant dragon the size of a mountain.

Its main feature is its overwhelming physique, with a spire-like horn at the tip of its nose, and its carapace is covered with ferocious thorns, extending from its slender neck to its long tail.

When on all fours, the body is about 70 meters long and 13 meters high, and the ground can be shaken just by walking. With its huge size and extremely fast movement speed, when walking, everything around it will be destroyed by the earthquake-like impact.

Therefore, it is called 'walking natural disaster'!

When Luo Su transformed into an old mountain dragon, leaning on his strong hind limbs to support his body, everyone on the Palanno Plain looked over in silence.

Too huge, such a huge size rushing into the battlefield, whether it is a half-orc or a human being, is a devastating blow.

"giant dragon!?"

"So...is that a giant dragon?"

"impossible, the last giant dragon died in Riverdale , there is no giant dragon on Middle-Earth..."

"The records are all deceptive, and there is clearly a giant dragon!"



The plain was dead for a moment, and the pot exploded in an instant. In Middle-Earth, the giant dragon is the word of invincibility. The half-orc phalanx closest to Luo Su collapsed. Both sides and the capital Minas Tirith fled for their lives.


Luo Su transformed the old mountain dragon to step on the ground with his forelimbs and moved forward with all fours instead. At this moment, the rumbling sound became extremely violent, as if The whole earth trembled.

The hill-like terrifying silhouette rolls over, how can the flesh and blood of half-orc stop it. Those who were smashed into flesh with a claw died in a tragic way, but they also died end all one's troubles. Those unlucky ones broke their muscles and bones after being rubbed lightly, and fell to the ground crying for a long time before dying in pain.

Because of the huge body, the impact movement has its own strong wind pressure, which can cause huge damage without deliberate attack. Luo Su simply buried his head and worked hard, rampaging all the way on the plain, overturning the tops of catapults, He drills wherever half-orcs get together.

In the sky over the Palanno Plain, mournful screams can be heard incessantly. Looking down from a high altitude, the half-orc tofu-like army formation is out of shape. Chaos, as if an Ant Eating Beast had burst into the ant's nest.

"What are you doing, can you outrun a giant dragon on two legs? All get me weapons and go back to your array!"

half-orc Legion's The leader drove a wolves, led a hundred people to slaughter with a knife, used the bloodiest means to suppress the riot, and gathered the remnants in the corner of the battlefield to rearrange the formation.

"Turn the catapult around and aim at the giant dragon, a giant dragon that can't fly, that is, a bigger live target. What's there to be afraid of!"

The half Although the -orc leader is inconvenient, he has a high prestige among his soldiers, and he gathered thousands of troops in a short time.

Luo Su stood up to see this scene, raised his head and let out a high-pitched dragon roar, which resounded through the sky like a thunder, startling thousands of half-orc armies fighting, and there was a tendency to collapse again.

"Bastard, whoever dares to take a step back, I will kill him now."

Seeing Luo Su rushing towards him, the leader's eyes twitched, suppressing his fear, Drive the warg to the front.

"Catapult aim!"


sou! sou! sou!

Three huge rocks high He threw it high, the leftmost piece was empty, and the remaining two pieces hit the spines on Luo Su's back directly.


With two muffled sounds, the huge rock shattered, unable to even make Luo Su pause.

Each scale of Longshanosaurus has the hardness of a rock, and its pale gray shell is exactly similar to a rock, but in fact, the shell is much harder than a rock.

During the long lifespan, the scales absorb the dust, ore particles and other substances flying in the atmosphere, so that the horny shell contains a lot of metal components.

This is a moving iron lump, the ultimate weapon on the battlefield!

"The archer is ready, aiming at the giant dragon's eyes..."

"Let's go!"

Seeing that the catapult is useless, the army behind him is impetuous again Arise, the leader of the half-orc Legion hurriedly ordered, he knew that if he did not do something, the army on the plain would really be over.

A rain of arrows struck, and the Laoshan dragon that Luo Su transformed into opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and let out a terrifying roar that shocked all things.

A hurricane rolled up on the flat ground. Hundreds of arrows seemed to have stabbed into the quagmire. After a stalemate for half a second, they bounced out and landed in the army, screaming again and again.

The archer in the front row was blown down by the hurricane, bleeding from his mouth and apparently seriously injured. And the Legion leader was riding motionless on the Warg in a daze. If you change the direction, you can find that both he and the Warg are bleeding from the seven orifices, and were shocked to death by the roar.

Luo Su didn't know that he had killed the local General. His vision was different. There were ants all over the place, and he couldn't tell which ants were uglier and which ones were uglier.

He stood upright on his hind legs, stomped the half-orc leader and the warg into blood, and then swept the huge long tail. Wherever he passed, the large half-orc was smashed all split up and in pieces, burst into minced meat.

The long tail swept again, the half-orcs only heard the whistling boom, the shadows came, and the next second they didn't know anything.

After killing most of the thousands of half-orcs, Luo Su ignored the rest of the deserters and rushed towards the next gathering place. Probably feeling that the lethality was not enough, he walked sideways to the ground and rolled over like this.

The 70-meter-long metal mountain rolled on the ground, and the scene was once unbearable. In the rumbling vibration, the screams of the half-orcs became even more shrill.

The giant dragon has been in the Middle-Earth for a long time, and the half-orcs have no fighting spirit to resist. Luo Su stepped into the battlefield less than two minutes, and the will of the Mordor army was disintegrated to collapse.

In the capital city wall, the defenders were stunned. This giant dragon that raged on the battlefield and made half-orc cry for his father and mother seemed to be... his own! ?

The slaughter of the crushing people is so bloody that people can't help but want to shout ao wu, but the soldiers and civilians defending the city dare not, they are afraid that they will guess wrong.

Maybe this giant dragon is not one of his own, but just happened to pass by and saw someone fighting before he came to take two steps.

Therefore, it is safer to keep silent. In case it is really not one of your own, and shouting and screaming attracts the attention of the giant dragon, who can stop it from destroying the capital!

On the other side of the iceberg, Gandalf and the Witch King of Angmar were both stunned when they saw the old mountain dragon rolling around.

"What's the matter, there is still a giant dragon alive on Middle-Earth?"

The Witch-king was amazed. During the war of the gods, Morgoth, Sauron's immediate boss, Made the giant dragon Legion, and he felt that the head in front of him was probably the descendant of a giant dragon, just like Smaug.

"Perhaps, I can win it over!"

The Witch King of Angmar didn't see Luo Su's transformation, and made a rigorous inference, thinking that he could take Lao Shanlong as his own use.

And Gandalf...

Although I didn't see Luo Su's transformation either, the white-robed man told him that Lao Shanlong was Luo Su, rolling around. The way to kill the enemy is too showy, and the general giant dragon can't pull his face.

(end of this chapter)

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