End Of Heavens Chapter 40


Chapter 40 Daily

The process of buying daily necessities and drinks was fast, Luo Su sent the order before going out and waited for him When we arrived by car, things were ready.

Check the goods, count the points, get in the car, pay the money, send out a cigarette and brag about the boss, and the inventory for one month will be done. Unless a certain beverage sells very well, he needs to make another trip in the mid-term, but this rarely happens, and he has a good idea of the approximate consumption since he took over the apartment building.

On the way home, Luo Su diverted to a gym in the city center. During the breakup period, he often came here for pastime, and the transfer landlord rarely came.

Fitness gyms are aimed at the general public, with relatively low levels of hardware and software, mostly treadmills, rowing machines, fitness bicycles, dumbbells, barbells, etc.

Very ordinary, but very popular, because aerobics and yoga classes are a highlight, attracting many wolf friends. Although they call themselves fitness hobbyers and fight for it, they only see the characteristics of not exercising, never sweating, loose pants, etc., which still exposes their wretched motives.

For Luo Su's current constitution, the gym is on the same level as playing Jiajia. He came here because there was a fighting club next door. The club was still being renovated at the time, and it should have opened by now.

Since it is a fighting club, the equipment and facilities are definitely more professional than the gym, Luo Su decided to take a look first, and if it is suitable, get a Membership Card and come back often.

The fighting club is located on the Tenth Layer of the building. Luo Su simply went through the formalities and went to the locker room to change his clothes. His chest muscles are not very large, his figure is not an inverted triangle, and his body fat content is not as low as that of professional athletes, but he is better than his overall smooth lines, firm leg muscles, obvious back muscles, and extremely eye-catching serratus anterior.

Clothing is thin, undressing is fleshy, it is difficult to see that he is in good shape at ordinary times!

It just so happens that the coach of a club is also in the locker room. This is a coach with EXP. He can tell at a glance that Luo Su has practiced. The Rank improved, taking him to the amateur section.

Yes, there are only amateur players, no professional ones. Even the word amateur is a bit elevated. It is more appropriate to describe it as hobby and enthusiast.

Luo Su chatted with the coach for a while, and only then did he get to know the situation of the club a little bit.

The fighting club opened its doors to do business, and the boss's purpose is naturally to make money, like 'I like fighting very much, and the store is not to make money, but to promote it to the public and let more people know about this. The remarks like "sports" are pure self-deception. The purpose of opening a store is to make money, and the purpose is quite clear.

Fighting is hard to make money because it's not for the masses, but it's not unattractive either. In the eyes of an ordinary person, the word "fighting" is very high-end, giving people a sense of ignorance and seriousness. While thinking that it is dangerous, they can't help but feel curious.

How to capture the curiosity of customers and cultivate them into hobby and habits is particularly important. If you come professionally, then sorry, the second day of customers will be gone. They come here for sweating, exercising, venting... and bragging chat.

To put it bluntly, it is to relieve pressure, not to seek abuse!

Ordinary person wants to be more practical than being a boxing champion. They want to learn two tricks of self-protection, or just to pretend. As for how to play the game, hit that part to score high points, which coach has a gold belt, they have no interest at all, those things are too far away from them.

In order to attract customers, the coaches of the club mainly teach some simple and beautiful fighting skills, or aerobics derived from real fighting, which are very popular among young users, which is exactly the fighting they want.

Be able to exercise, be plastic, and be handsome!

This is why the club seems to be not small, but it is all amateur players.

"In fact, our main client is the police force..." the coach said proudly: "It's still early, and our big client won't come until the afternoon or evening."


The coach looked around and approached Luo Su with snarky eyes. He whispered, "Our boss has a relationship with the police force, so I don't have to worry about not having high-end clients. Those people are energetic and... willing to spend money!"

Luo Su: "..."

The coach blew a few words with Luo Su again. Seeing that he didn't talk much, he started to help him warm up.

Luo Su started to play with barbells after pressing his legs and stretching his waist, then bench press, but these have no effect. The coach had been coaching him for a long time. He was exhausted and Luo Su was still cold.

"Dude, that's ok!"

Seeing Luo Su's face not blushing or panting, he took him to the octagonal cage with two dumbbells as if he were playing. The arena is occupied, and a few pretty girls are playing unlimited fights... like this is an exaggeration, but it's actually hehe haha having a Tortoise Fist, and then rolling all over the floor, they don't care about the rules, just be happy .

There was also a group of people on the side, all men, every time a girl hugged and fell to the ground, they would laugh destined to be harmonious.

Putting on the armor, the coach also knew that Luo Su was not a novice, so he emphasized some rules and directly began to test the level of Luo Su. According to the coach's words, he has also played games before and won the rankings, but he was unable to enter the top-notch level, so he switched careers as a coach.

"Attention, I will kick to the right, pay attention to block!"

The two stood still, and the coach gave a hint, and approached Luo Su with small steps. His expression was very focused, and the rhythm of his footsteps was not unprofessional. As soon as he approached, he raised his leg and kicked the armor on Luo Su's right arm.


Luo Su easily blocked it. To be honest, he thinks that training dumbbells is more effective than this, but the coach is so serious, he is not good at attacking others.

"This time it's for you, just use the foot you are most used to and just kick it directly, don't worry about hurting me!"

The coach is in a defensive posture and moves slightly The amplitude changed position, saw Luo Su's shoulder, judged it was a right kick, and quickly raised his arm to parry.

This foot is on the armor, the coach is secretly nodded, and the posture is very ornamental. In the next second, a huge force came along his arm, his feet were soft, and he directly hit the octagonal cage.

Who am I? where am I? what just happened? Did I fall asleep?

The lying coach was stunned. He knew that he had met an expert, but he was not angry. He could see that Luo Su show mercy was over, and he didn't mean to hurt anyone. He stood up and laughed, first jumped a few steps in place, and then attacked Luo Su.

A high leg sweep directly towards Luo Su's shoulder, with a strong sense of speed, strength and rhythm, but was blocked by Luo Su with no difficulty.

<> The coach nods to Luo Sup, signaling for him to attack, but Luo Su shook his head and refused, and put on a defensive stance. The coach was not polite, he strode forward and sprinted forward and punched. The punch was very fast...but he was blocked.

In the next minute, the coach didn't hold back any more, and tried his best to use all the skills he had mastered, such as uppercuts, leg sweeps, straight punches... a series of quick and powerful attacks.

All blocked!

Luo Su didn't catch his breath, the coach was already holding on to the octagonal cage, he could see it, the Rank gap was too big, and people didn't take him seriously at all.

The two left the octagonal cage, and the coach asked enthusiastically: "Your reaction is too strong, I have never met someone more perverted than you, how about it, have you ever thought about playing professionally? "

Luo Su shook the head, the coach secretly said a pity, but he was not really forced, and gave himself a step: "That's right, it looks like you are not short of money, and your age is not suitable. After that, the beaten coach went to the locker room to be depressed alone, Luo Su came to the equipment area, he wanted to know where his upper limit of strength and stamina was, and began to be seen in the eyes of others self-mutilation frenzy training.

Two hours passed, Luo Su didn't find his limit. Instead, he received several fragrant business cards. Several girls came over to chat up and left them when he left.

Most of these girls are wealthy girls from wealthy families. They come here to learn wolf-proofing techniques. They don't look down on ordinary men, but Luo Su, who is very 'stamina', is different.

He looks handsome, has a good figure, and has strong endurance.

Sex-eating men and women, they don't think there's anything to hide!

Luo Su also thinks like this, so he put away the business card. There are two girls in it who have practiced their pectoral muscles very well and must ask for advice.

After finally getting out of the shadows, the coach who came out of the locker room forced a smile, watched all this silently, turned around and walked into the locker room again, this time he also took a towel.

"Which one should we start with..."


【Street Diary】

In the Pujie group, some people have just written tens of thousands of words, and they are asking everywhere if they can cut it without a short stop.

I told him, yes!

(end of this chapter)

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