End Of Heavens

Chapter 501

End Of Heavens Chapter 501


Chapter 499 is another person who does not obey the law of conservation of energy

The torrential rain swept down and turned into a huge palm with a diameter of several kilometers, Take hold of the black bats covering the heavens, shielding the sun.

A handful of bats escaped, Luo Su ignored them with a glance from the corner of his eye, manipulated the water to stir, and pulled Lucian's group out alone.

The few guys covered in dirt showed the heart palpitations of the rest of their lives. There were too many black bats. If it weren't for the four hybrids with strong melee capabilities, most likely they wouldn't wait for Luo Su to arrive. .

Ana and Velkan face deathly pale, siblings are protected in the middle of the team, they feel that they are a drag on their legs, and they feel very uncomfortable.

Boom! !

There was another thunderclap, Luo Su sensed the humanoid Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! in his hand, innocently said that he couldn't really blame him for being struck by lightning, only God, saying that the sky changed, No manners at all.

Looking down, Fan Haixin's face was full of hopelessness, so he sneered, moved towards the hanging stone bridge, and fiercely threw it out and smashed directly into Anna's arms.

The two fell into a bottle gourd, Van Helsing lay on Anna's body, his trembling body stopped suddenly, and the paralyzing effect of the thunder and lightning ended, but after a second, the thing quickly trembled, and it was hard. Shake out the ghost.

No one was paying attention to the corners on the edge of the battlefield. The victim Anna snorted twice, slapped Van Helsing away with a slap, and stood up as if nothing had happened.

Fan Helsing was full of drama, and continued to lie on his stomach to indicate that he did not mean to, and that some things were well known to be sentimental, and if they were clear, they were playing hooligans.

He has lived for hundreds of years, and in this regard, he has a little understanding of the level and knows how to handle it, so that he can take advantage of it without making the other party disgusted.

The younger sister was hooked up under her nose, and Velkan didn't see it, which is undoubtedly disqualifying for a sister accuser. But the escape from death has not been slowed down, and there is another big drama in front of him, which is understandable.

Luo Su raised his hand in the air, his vacant palm suddenly clenched into a fist, and his big hand made of rain clenched synchronously. The water droplets splashed, and the black bat swarm was instantly crushed, and the flesh and the rain merged, turning into a foul-smelling mud.

Luo Su glanced in disgust, and threw the dirty water into the ten thousand zhang abyss, raising his hand to attract another curtain of water.

"Van Helsing, what were those bats just now? Did you see Dracula?"

Luo Su fell to the ground, ignoring everyone's admiring eyes, and came directly to the bed. In front of the corpse of Van Helsing, he lifted it to the ground.

Van Helsing's mouth slanted and his eyes twitched from time to time. His acting was superb, as if the paralyzing Buff effect was still there.

Luo Su faintly said: "Hurry up and answer, or it's time for another thunderstorm!"

Fan Helsing stood up straight after hearing the words: "Those bats are the incarnation of Dracula, With the ability the devil has given him, he can split thousands of bats, and as long as one is still alive, he can be resurrected indefinitely."

"What a troublesome ability..."

Luo Su brows slightly wrinkle, another person who does not obey the law of conservation of energy!

"Looking at it from another angle, the strength of the split individuals is poor, and this move is very general." Van Helsing took it very seriously. No way to take him.

"That's not what I meant..."

Luo Su said solemnly: "If he splits into a separate individual and hides in a corner no one knows about, wouldn't it be forever? Can't kill them?"

Van Helsing slightly frowned, alertly looking towards all around, quietly approaching Luo Su: "You shouldn't forget, werewolves can kill Dracula, your five werewolf brothers Maybe become an ace."

"They can't!"

Luo Su shook his head flatly, he had done research, the werewolf bloodlines of the two worlds could not work, and the five werewolf warriors did not have Degu Pull the feared werewolf virus.

"Because of poor strength?"

Van Helsing looked thoughtful, he had just captured a prisoner in the castle and obtained an important piece of information that Dracula had a werewolf virus solution. Medicine.

If... it's if, not true!

He was infected with the werewolf virus, and the werewolf he transformed into must be more powerful than Luo Su's five followers. After killing Dracula, he injected the antidote and turned back into a human, wouldn't it solve the problem perfectly?

"On the one hand!"

Luo Su took a deep look at Fan Helsing and said bluntly: "I know what you are thinking, stop dreaming, there is no full moon for you tonight. Transform."

"Not necessarily, this ghostly weather will change as soon as it changes, maybe it will be sunny in a while."

"Shut up!" Luo Su rolled his eyes , no thunder and no rain, the situation will only get worse!

The environment of the suspended stone bridge is dangerous, and there is ten thousand zhang abyss at the foot. People don't want to stay for a long time, and they rush to the other side of the castle. With Frankenstein, the initiative is on them, and Dracula will come to you.

Everyone marched along the suspended stone road and quickly ran to the tower on the other side of the frozen castle. Except for Luo Su, everyone else hated the weather of thunder and rain.


A thunderbolt swept past and hit Luo Su in the middle. The surrounding people voluntarily retreated a safe distance, already used to this scene.

Van Helsing, who was at the forefront, stopped and snatched the long sword from Anna's hand. Luo Su stared forward, and at the end of the road stood the sinister Dracula count.

With long black hair tied back and a handsome yet majestic face, Dracula walked out of the tower with graceful steps and stopped in the only way.

"Van Helsing? Gabriel?"

Dracula sneered, read the two names back and forth, and finally said meaningfully: "We are part of this game, But we are not competitors, but marionettes who are manipulated..."

"You bear the curse, and I bear the curse, we can unite and become comrades, companions, not enemies. ”

As soon as he opened his mouth, Dracula expressed his ambition. He was not willing to submit to others, he wanted to become the king and the only one.

"Sorry, I don't understand what you're talking about."

Van Helsing has been waiting to die for more than four hundred years, and has no interest in Dracula's ambitions. The long sword charged, the tip of the sword rubbed the ground, and shot out a series of fire stars. When he got close, he calculated the distance and slashed the sword edge, and cut off Dracula's head neatly.

The headless body stood upright, and the flying head turned into hundreds of black bats, knocking Van Helsing out.

The bats returned, converging on the headless body, reverting to the graceful head.

"Gabriel, you saw it too, you can't kill me at all!"

After the voice fell, Dracula's count complexion changed slightly, and thick walls of water rose on the left and right sides of the stone road. , The huge spherical water curtain isolates the space and wraps Dracula in it alone.


As soon as the water curtain gained momentum, it was torn apart by two sharp claws. Dracula suffered a loss and instantly turned into a 3-meter-tall humanoid bat forcibly protruding.

After he came out, he fiercely glared at Luo Su: "Non-descript priest, I swear I will drain your blood."

"You can try!"


Luo Su scanned the System personal panel, considering whether to use the Skill Card.

(end of this chapter)

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