End Of Heavens

Chapter 516

End Of Heavens Chapter 516


Chapter 514 Infinite Novice Village: Raccoon City

Along with the familiar trance, Luo Su's eyes went black, opened his eyes again, and found I am sitting in a secret room, the space is small, and I can easily touch the wooden walls on the four sides while sitting still.

Not a bright light came from the crack of the door behind him, Luo Su blinked, the picture was a bit familiar, if you guessed correctly, this is the confessional room.

"It's too perfunctory, it's a priest again!"

Luo Su brows slightly wrinkle, he's tired of being a priest, and dare not change his identity, such as the pope.

If he could, he would like to be a medieval European pope...

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The wooden board in front of him was knocked, Luo Su sat upright with his chest up and headed up, and immediately assumed the role, a priest is a priest, it is better than a homeless person.

"Young man, you didn't say a word after you came in, how can I enlighten you?"

An impatient voice came from behind the wooden board, making Luo Su dumbfounded: " Are you a priest?"

"Otherwise, are you?"

"Uh, that makes sense!"

The priest behind the plank seems a little impatient , urged: "Young man, don't keep silent. If you have any troubles or sins, you don't need to hide. I will convey the voice of the Lord to you to help you solve your troubles."

"Sorry, but I don't actually... ..."

"Don't worry, I'm a priest, and I won't reveal the confessor's secret, so you dare to say it!"

Luo Su secretly nodded, this is very reasonable , if he were to be a priest, he would also keep the confessor a secret.

"Father, it's like this, I have a friend who took his wife to camp by himself, but when he woke up by the lake, his wife disappeared... For this reason, he was frightened and kept sleeping. I don't feel good."

Father: "..."

The back of the board was silent for a while, and suddenly, the priest pulled the board away, under Luo Su's bewildered face , handed a cup of coffee in his hand.

The bald priest, with his gray beard and gray beard, looked like he was fifty years old, and said with a serious face: "Your situation is a bit complicated. Let's have a cup of coffee first, and we will talk slowly."

"Father, not me, but my friend."

"Well, your friend."

This priest is Interesting!

Luo Su took a sip from the coffee cup. It was a little bitter. He frowned and drank the cup of coffee: "Father, go on, how should I enlighten my friends."

Father Laughed took the coffee cup, looked at the bottom of the empty cup, a glimmer of joy flashed in his eyes: "You can send a Bible to your friends, there are many stories with deep meaning in it, Reading it several times can purify the mind, and it should help him, for example..."

The priest opened the chat box and said it for a quarter of an hour. Seeing that Luo Su was full of energy, he pursed his hair. Dry lips, bang bang bang it for nearly twenty minutes.

After talking for more than half an hour, the priest's mouth was dry and he looked like he had seen a ghost.

Luo Su looked at him with a funny face: "Father, if reasoning is useful, you don't need the police. Do you have other methods?"

Father wiped the sweat from his forehead, He swallowed: "Otherwise, ask your friend to consult a lawyer, maybe a solution can be found!"

"It makes sense, as long as the money is in place, a lawyer can settle all problems." Luo Su Dissented Agreed, got up and thanked: "Father, many thanks, you help me answer my doubts, I'll contact my friend and ask him to find a lawyer."


The priest chased out of the confessional, grabbed Luo Su's arm, and sat with him on the pews of the church hall: "Young man, I suddenly thought of a few good ways, after all lawyers are not omnipotent, sit down and listen to me Speak slowly."

Next, the warm-hearted priest helped Luo Su's friends think of more than a dozen ways, from the police station, the court, to friends in the society, and finally to the consortium and parliamentarians, layer by layer Analysing the stakes and sprinkling a lot of solutions, Luo Su fully realized the darkness of this society.

Luo Su heard with keen interest pleasure, but the priest brow beaded with sweat and couldn't help asking: "Young man, I said like this a lot, you...you don't feel bored. Tasteless, do you feel sleepy?"

"Not at all, I have severe insomnia, and I won't be sleepy even if I don't sleep for half a month for ten days!"

The priest pulled up his sleeves robe, fiercely wiped the sweat from his face: "Wait a minute, I'll go and make you a cup of coffee."

"Father, you're too kind, so sorry..."

"It's okay, there are not many young people with patience like you. I like to chat with you." The priest hurried away, and trotted back with a pot of coffee after a while. Seeing that Luo Su hadn't left, his face showed happiness smile.

Luo Su picked up the filled coffee cup, drank the hot air in one gulp, and smacked his lips: "Father, what brand of coffee is your coffee, it tastes really bitter."

"No brand, freshly ground coffee..."

"What brand are those coffee beans?"

"My own roasted beans!"

While talking, the priest kept his eyes on Luo Su. Seeing that he was getting more and more energetic, he opened his mouth several times and stopped talking. He couldn't bear it any longer: "Young man, don't you want to sleep for a while?"

"You like As soon as this is said, I'm really a bit..." Luo Su lost his voice as he spoke, leaning back on the chair and falling asleep.

"Young man, how are you?"

Father patted Luo Su's shoulder, confirming that he really slept like a dead pig, which was relieved. He wiped the sweat from his bald head, carried Luo Su on his shoulder, and walked into the side door of the hall.

Crossing the long corridor, the priest carried Luo Su to the clergy rest area, pushed open a wooden door, and threw Luo Su on the ground.

This is a study-like living room with a chair in front of the fireplace on which sits a hair grey-white old lady with round sunglasses.

The hands and feet of the elderly are trapped by steel wires, but this is not a serious confinement in the church, because the elderly are too complimented.

ash-gray's face was like a stiff corpse, his eyes were white and swollen, and his facial features were oozing blood. When he saw the priest coming, he immediately opened his mouth and let out a hoarse howl, his sinister teeth. Bite constantly.


The old lady has been infected with Zombie!

The priest looked at the younger sister who was human yet not human, ghost yet not a ghost, took out the bible, opened it, and read: "My lord decides, I will hate Spirit General to the world, if they don't understand it again My holy word..."


The priest was interrupted by a gunshot. He stared blankly at the younger sister who was killed by the headshot, his expression collapsed and he let out a meaningless ahhhh sound.

"You bastard, I want you to pay for your life, how can you kill her?"

The priest had a grim expression on his face, his eyebrows were full of anger, he turned and rushed towards Luo Su. come over.


Luo Su put away the sand eagle and whispered to the priest's headless corpse: "Feeding the dead with the living, forgive me for not agreeing with your teachings, and...you are guilty!"

After cooking die without regret, the priest, Luo Su looked thoughtful, turned on the TV in the living room, skipped a few channels with no signal, and started watching local news.

“Raccoon City reporters report to you that the sudden killings continue to sweep through the city, and the atrocities are raging like a plague that seems to be unstoppable…”

“Umbrella Corporation sends armed Guards and armored vehicles, the whole city has been blocked, and the citizens are evacuating in an orderly manner..."


"Infinite Novice Village? No, I remember This is the main god space, is it appropriate for a female Superman to bully newcomers?"

Luo Su was full of doubts, wondering what the main god was doing: "By the way, why is it a church, and Don't you follow the convention and start from the carriage?"

What about the coldness and shaking?

"The second part of [Resident Evil] has already started. Am I delaying for a while...too late?"

(end of this chapter)

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