End Of Heavens

Chapter 534

End Of Heavens Chapter 534


Chapter 532 When did you become Angel

A very beautiful face, even made Luo Su a little surprised, but He was sure that he had never seen each other before.

On the contrary, it was another petite girl with short hair, who looked a little familiar, and Luo Su quickly remembered who the other party was.

The first time I entered the main god space, I saw the little follower next to the female Superman. The embarrassing thing was that he couldn't remember whether the other party was spiritual or telekinetic, and he forgot his name.

"Hahaha, I knew you wouldn't recognize who I am!"

The older young woman with the face of Yujie has a detached personality. Seriously inconsistent with her face shape, she blinded her high level face in vain.

Luo Su slightly frowned: "Are you... a Band-Aid?"

The laughter stopped abruptly, Ying Yingying choked with saliva, and fiercely coughed a few times before he recovered. , face full of black lines and said: "It looks like you remembered it."

"It's really you!?"

Luo Su glanced at Ying Yingying's chest , surprised: "It's only been so long, I've grown like this!"

"hmph, this is what I really look like."

Ying Yingying proudly raised her head. , regarded Luo Su's surprise as envy, jealousy and hatred. The last time she manually confirmed Luo Su's gender as a female, her self-esteem suffered a serious blow. Now that the cost has come up, she naturally has to show it off.

"Deputy team, now is not the time to worry about these things, mission is the priority." Mu Xinxin, a short-haired girl, said, it was too embarrassing, she couldn't stand it anymore.

Ying Yingying saw that there were only two minutes left in the countdown to choose a camp, his face straightened, he stepped forward and grabbed Luo Su's shoulders, with a 'sisterly love' attitude: "Jason, tell the truth. elder sister, what faction are you now, human or night devil?"

Ying Yingying, who is a perfect body, is 1.7 meters tall at least, and hugs Luo Su's shoulder with no difficulty, the latter only feels fierce The pressure is coming, and no matter how you push it, you can't push it away.

Yes, Ying Yingying was intentional!

She is about to become a third-year-old, and her body has always been at the level of a primary school student. After finally making it out, she has evolved to be domineering like this. If she catches a class enemy who has ridiculed her, she will naturally have to step on her foot and slap her face back.

Rich and noble do not return home, such as brocade clothing at night!

As for restraint...

Everyone is a woman, so hugging and hugging is normal, so don't suffer!

Luo Su was devastated and pushed several times in a row, feeling very aggrieved, and whispered BB: "Human, I choose to help Robert develop a virus vaccine."

"Okay, I also choose human!"

Ying Yingying made a decisive decision and asked his teammates to make the same choice, and then said with a smile: "It's all human, we can fight side by side again."

It feels great to be trusted, Ying Yingying chose the human camp without thinking, which made Luo Su a little moved, as if thinking of something, he hurriedly asked: "The reincarnator who appeared with you. How many people and what faction did they choose?"

"They chose Night Demon!"

Ying Yingying said solemnly: "The explosion just now exposed the location, it is not safe here. , take Robert and leave immediately."

Luo Su didn't talk nonsense, nodded rushed into the basement with the two of them, opened the door was a confused Robert, who was trembling and extended the hand, Ying Yingying and Mu Xinxin pointed back and forth: "Women...women!?"

In all fairness, Asian women's softer facial features have not been accepted by the international mainstream aesthetics. The international here refers to the popular benchmark of Europe and the United States. Therefore, in Luo Su's view, the two beauties with their own strengths are placed in Robert's aesthetics, and that is the case.

The figure is okay, but the face is too ugly!

However, he hadn't seen a living person in three years, and even when he saw a lioness, he felt so beautiful. When he saw two women suddenly, he was still able to breathe, and he was so excited that he was almost speechless.

"make a fuss about nothing, Jason is a woman too!"

"Jason! Jason? Your name is not Luo..."

" cough cough, sorry, I lied to you before, my real name is Jason!" Luo Su hurriedly interrupted, secretly saying something dangerous.

"Uh, are you a woman?"



"Yes, before It's a disguise! I, Jason, can't change my name, I can't change, I'm a woman!"

"You lie!!!"


On the side, Ying Yingying went around the lab, packed all the equipment with a space ring, and stuffed it in.

Luo Su smacked her tongue secretly, the rich woman is different, his space ring can't hold many things like this. He stepped forward and took out the observation box of the little white mouse No. 6 from the shelf, and then asked, "Robert, is there anything else I'm missing?"

Robert's eyes widened. After a slap, he realized: "What was that just now, magic, super power, or space technology?"

"I will talk to you slowly on the way to see if there are any omissions, it is no longer safe here. , we have to retreat quickly."

Robert hurriedly said: "Generator! Generator can't be lost!"

"It's a small matter..."

Three people Take Robert and Sam and take a flying carpet to the outskirts of New York City, not long after they left, a dozen reincarnators were attracted by the sound of the explosion. After checking and confirming that it was Robert's address, the reincarnators realized that they had come a little late, and they scattered and expanded their search scope to find clues.


In the dead of night, the sky above New York City was full of stars, and nearly 700,000 Night Demons began to move. It is undeniable that human beings have fallen, and mutants are the true masters of this planet.

Tonight, the city is more lively than ever. The reincarnators are eager to find Robert, all kinds of violent demolition of buildings, and encounters with a large number of night demons, and the fight is terrible.

Although they belong to the same faction, the Night Demons are reluctant to buy the reincarnator's account and regard them as fresh blood. The reincarnator was used to being arrogant, self-esteem, and looked down on the natives with low IQ strength.

Without hundreds of thousands of Night Demon Legion, who can help search for information at night and be used as cannon fodder at critical moments, the reincarnators dug a big hole for themselves at the beginning, and this hole is very likely to be fatal .


On the outskirts of New York City, Luo Su and several people set up camp in an air-raid shelter. Robert was fooled by Luo Su for a while, and the fool started to work overtime, staying up late to develop a virus vaccine.

Mu Xinxin went out to capture the Night Demon, Luo Su and Ying Yingying were in charge of Robert's safety, and he started a daily set of intelligence.

"Why not just leave New York, isn't it safer?"

Ying Yingying shook his head and said, "It's not that simple, with what I know about the [I am Legend] world, For the human camp to win, there are two factors that must be achieved."

"Which two?" asked Luo Su, who knew that Ying Yingying was mining the world background In terms of plot and plot, he has an encyclopedia-level shrewd head.

Ying Yingying raised two fingers: "Robert's research on the disease Poison Blood is the basis for the victory of the human camp, but only the serum is not enough, the serum must be handed over to the survivors, otherwise, Just reverse the virus in the Demon Body on a large scale and turn them back into humans."

Luo Su brows slightly wrinkle: "frankly, my last war world was [Resident Evil], and the nuclear bomb exploded in Raccoon City. Before, I rescued Ashford Academician, who developed the T virus, and asked him to develop Poison Blood Qing as an atonement. He cleared the customs on the spot, and there was no trouble like this as you said."

Ying Yingying squeezed Chin, he pondered for a moment: "It may be because there are many people around Ashford to help, or maybe your group of people have gone too far in Raccoon City, scaring the Umbrella Corporation... Well, there is too little information, I can only think of these ..."

Luo Su had a good look, and pinched his chin like Ying Yingying: "I did too much in Raccoon City, did you? No!"

" Forget it, it’s useless to analyze these things, plan for the worst in everything, and be prepared for one more layer of consideration! If Robert’s serum is successfully made and the Lord God doesn’t decide the war is over, we’ll send the serum to the nearest human gathering point.”

"Do you know where the gathering place is?"

"Of course!"

Ying Yingying subconsciously raised her head and said proudly: "All the plots are in my mind. , At the end of [I am Legend], there was a gathering place for survivors, located in Vermont, not far from New York, which is why I did not leave New York directly, it is convenient to travel and save time.”

Luo Su Nodding: "so that's how it is!"

"Don't talk about this..." Ying Yingying looked strange: "Just now you fooled Robert for a while, it was heaven and hell, and , when did you become Angel?"

"It's too troublesome to explain to him, get trust in hanging up Angel's vest!"


Ying Yingying examines Luo Su's standard style of villain, speechless saying: "He believes it?"

"Mainly because of my reliable character! "

"Hehe, you're getting more and more humorous." ”

(end of this chapter)

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