End Of Heavens

Chapter 541

End Of Heavens Chapter 541


Chapter 539 goes deep into the worm's lair, simple and rude

P star outpost, Ying Yingying forced to leave protection on the grounds of a secret mission Their 20 person squad.

It is definitely impossible to bring these 20 people, not to mention that it will seriously affect the speed of travel. If you encounter an army of insect races, it is not certain who will protect who!

The communication equipment was not left, Luo Su put it in the space ring, and when he encountered the sea of insects, he positioned and called for air fire support, which is very interesting to think about.

Before leaving, Ying Yingying recruited two boxes of individual miniature nuclear bombs, the size of which is only the size of ordinary Rocket shells, but the output of formidable power is very considerable, and the reincarnator is not enough to take a single shot.

It can be used as a time bomb in the near future, and it can be launched by a propeller far away. Naturally, the more the better, the better. Under the instigation of Luo Su, Ying Yingying ordered two more boxes.

The ultimate weapon is kept by Mu Xinxin. She has telekinetic power and is the humanoid radar, humanoid defense cover, and humanoid bomber in the next action. It is a trinity of offense, defense, and intelligence collection, and its tactical status is even more important. On top of Luo Su with soy sauce.

In this way, in the eyes of the outpost soldiers who doubted their life, the three 'beauties' resolutely stepped into the vast sand sea and formed a group to feed the insect.

The idea of the soldiers is very logical. If a war breaks out within the Federation, the three beautiful spies walk into the enemy camp alone, they may be able to tie back the unborn child of the enemy leader. The three children may be more .

But interstellar wars, insect races, etc., everyone has different aesthetics, how to kidnap...

Wait, are those comic plots real?


The P star is the occupied star of the insect race, which is now captured by the federal army. There are a total of 30 outposts on the surface of the planet.

Because of the shortage of personnel, after the federal army wiped out most of the insect races, they were mobilized to other battlefields. There were very few soldiers stationed here. When the plague of insects was found to spread, they were also sent to the headquarters to contact the headquarters. A small group of troops came to clean up.

Generally speaking, the P star has been classified into the Safety Sector domain. Although it is still in the stage of military martial law, the attention of the Federation has never stayed on this planet for a second.

Luo Su and the three walked through the vast sandy sea, all dressed in gray as mobile units. They were entrapment, using themselves as bait to catch a few inserts who were willing to take the bait.

The surface of star P is indeed suitable for living creatures, but the ecological environment is far worse than Earth. There are lifeless deserts everywhere, and it is difficult to find a little green.

This is directly related to the destruction of the insect race, which consumes everything that can become food and then colonizes the next planet. In this regard, it is also a colonial invasion. The federal government is much better, at least it knows about environmental protection and sustainable development!

The effect of bait fishing was not satisfactory. Ying Yingying decided that Star P had a Cerebral Insect with high intelligence, but since the other party decided to be a low-key worm and hid under the eyes of the Federation to wait for an opportunity, naturally he would not do it for the sake of three. A blood eater goes to war.

So, the number of insect race infantrymen who attacked the three was very small, and it was over with a few tú tú with rifles.

The three of them tortured the insect race infantry with blood, leaving a living hole. They sat on the flying carpet and flew high into the sky. They found a huge wormhole along the way, but the inside was empty, making them feel like they were tricked by the insect.

"Your plan won't work at all. If it goes on like this, if the big fat bugs are not found, the three of us will be dried first." Luo Su said aloud. Just don't want to waste time.

The plan failed, Ying Yingying looked disheveled, and asked Mu Xinxin, who closed his eyes to perceive, confirmed that there was no inner circle around the race, slightly shocked the head, and then asked Luo Su: "Then what do you think? What should I do?"

"Don't think like this complicated, sometimes simple and rude, the effect is better..."

Luo Su pointed to the wormholes extending in all directions: "Pick a passage, Go all the way to the end, kill to the last one when you encounter an insect, and it hurts to kill them, and Cerebral Insect will naturally show up.”

The IQ of Cerebral Insect is beyond doubt, it cannot be despised because of its ugly appearance, Luo Su thinks that his IQ is average, so he has always been unreasonable when dealing with smart people.

As for whether we can talk to each other, that is another story!

Ying Yingying frowned, her boldness of execution stems from superb skill, she is not afraid to go deep into the worm's nest, but she worries about another point: "The worm's nest is too big, like an ant's nest, it is an Underground City and a labyrinth , even with Xinxin's psychic assistance, you have to search for three or five months, or the plan to lead the snake out of the hole is more reasonable."

Luo Su grinned, showing a calm smile: "It won't take that long, you are not flying Carpet?"

Ying Yingying heard the words, his lovable body trembled violently, recalling the fear of being dominated by the old driver, he crossed his hands in front of his chest, making an X, without the slightest hesitation Refused: "If you are dreaming, I will die, and I will not let you control the flying carpet."

"Relax, I will drive slower this time!"


Five minutes later!


The rough and complex, bizarre and multi-fold underground insect cave passage, a beam of light flashes from time to time.

Luo Su drives the flying carpet at high speed, spreads out his fingers, and uses the lighting technique to act as the headlight of the car. Two screams, one high and one low, came one after another, accompanied by broken sounds from time to time, and the picture was extremely touching.

In Luo Su's opinion, this speed is not really fast, but Ying Yingying and Mu Xinxin don't think like this. , nearly hit a stone wall car crash.

"Jason, it's too dangerous, why don't you lead the snake out of the hole! Waste time is a waste of time, after all, safety comes first!"

Ying Yingying look pale, hold Luo tightly Su's arm, and Mu Xinxin on the other side too, closed his eyes and dared not open them.

"Weeping and chirping like a bitch, is there a safer place than my car?"

Luo Su hated it, and even supported the psychic shield When I got up, it was really bad luck if I crashed. Besides, with the constitution of three people, it can still activate blood and dissipate blood stasis under multiple collisions, so what is there to be afraid of.

Ying Yingying whispered BB: "I was originally a bitch..."

"Jason, the front passage is to the left, and there are traces of insert activity at the end."

"Received! Also, take out the miniature nuclear bomb."

Mu Xinxin's words were too slow, Luo Su had already passed the curve, and when he heard the sudden brake, he turned around and turned back decisively. .

The huge wormhole tunnel is wider than before, with densely packed insect race infantry lying all around the walls, and the number is so large that the scalp of the intensive patients is numb.

Luo Su was overjoyed and rushed directly into the depths of the worm's lair. The zhi zhi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi acquainted the insects mournfully sounded the alarm.

The gnawing sound of ding ding dong dong made Mu Xinxin's face turn pale. He found that the insert could destroy his own defense net. He immediately opened his palm and bounced the all around inserts.

Luo Su took the opportunity to activate the miniature nuclear bomb, threw one at the lower insect sea, and then accelerated forward.


The violent fire accompanied the explosion, tens of thousands of insects were instantly scorched, and the nearby caves were also swept away by the shock wave, causing them to collapse.

The flying carpet is extremely fast, changing directions several times to avoid the shock wave, Luo Su sees that the number of insects around all around is not decreasing, the dark channel finds the right place, and it is a miniature nuclear bomb again. threw it down.


【Host contacted the plot character Fan Shilin, lottery section triggered, would you like to pull now? ]

"Huh, someone?"

Luo Su hesitated, but the miniature nuclear bomb had already been activated, so he didn't dare to stay in place to observe, so he sped away from the place.

He is not afraid of accidentally hurting the reincarnator of the human camp. In the hundreds of millions of insert nests, a reincarnator appears, and the opponent's camp is most likely to be an insert race.

Let's say...

He's playing on a single player, so where did he come from!

(end of this chapter)

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