End Of Heavens

Chapter 543

End Of Heavens Chapter 543


Chapter 541 To save the world, I am alone

As everyone knows, USA strongly advocates individual heroism, so in each In all kinds of blockbusters, the audience often sees one hero after another.

Across the five kings, all teammates are elementary school students!

No matter how grand the background of the world is, and how disparate the strength of the enemy and us is, the heroes have a subtext: save the world, I am enough!

Of course, if you can't beat it, the heroes will also form an alliance, and never tell the Great Demon about the spirit of the Knight.

【Starship Troopers】world's male lead, Rui Ge, is also a USA-style hero wholesaled on the assembly line. However, compared to other heroes, his bad luck is a little bit worse, even a bit bad.

Rui Ge's family background is superior and he is a standard rich second generation. After graduation, for his beloved girlfriend Carmen, he gave up a comfortable life and resolutely joined the army to fight against the wave of the era of insect race.

Unfortunately, because of an accident, the soldiers under his group died in a simulated performance. He paid full responsibility and submitted an application for discharge to leave the army.

Bad luck followed. Before he stepped out of the army, his hometown was bombed with a meteorite by the insect race, and his parents were gone.

It stands to reason that when parents sacrifice to heaven, they should have boundless mana.

However, no, his girlfriend Carmen sent a congratulatory message, she married another new love, and got on with someone else, that is, the second male.

Three setbacks in a row made the young Rui Ge a little confused, thinking that he was meaningless to live, and once again joined the military and became an honorable second-class soldier in the mobile unit, intending to kill a few more The insect avenges its parents.

As soon as the screen changed, Rui Ge didn't kill a few insects, and the spare tire of his crush, that is, the second girl, rolled the sheets. He was also appreciated by his superiors because of his enthusiasm for killing the enemy, and was promoted to become a corporal Captain.

Times come and go, and the career and love have a bumper harvest. Next, it's time to counterattack all the way and embark on the Peak of life?

No, bad luck just took a nap, and after waking up, he crushed Rui Ge to the ground again, making him doubt his life.

Insect race attacked, the superior who was optimistic about Rui Ge died, and the new love girl No. 2, who had a spare tire, also died, and he became a loner again.

At the end of the story, the male No. 2 who gave Ruige a green hat dies, and the ex-girlfriend Carmen's body and soul are both vacant, and Ruige happens to be vacant. He thought that his ex-girlfriend had a better figure, so the flies didn't bite the eggs, and the two birds were happy, and they made up a pair.

This is the end of the story, which is meaningful and deeply alarming. This story tells us that the hero and heroine Rui Ge and Carmen are a cheating couple.

"The male and female protagonists are a cheating couple. If I meet them, they will never help." On the flying carpet, Ying Yingying started to complain wildly after finishing the general plot.

"Second team, I also think like this." Mu Xinxin felt that what his vice team said was very reasonable, and agreed with nodded.

Luo Su rolled the eyes, not ready to take up this topic, in the age of the federal universe, the concept of gender is extremely open, even mixed bathing is a routine operation, these two people are still counting on the love that will last forever, Sure enough, it's nonsense... nonsense.

"But then again, the second female character is good. If you save her, will it change the bad ending of the cheating couple?"

"The probability is great! ”

The two women began to discuss, and decided to pull the second female lead, support her in the upper position, and squeeze out the shameless heroine.


Luo Su didn't intervene. In his opinion, even if the female No. 2 was rescued and didn't die, the ending would still be a happy reunion for the cheating couple.

Don't ask why, in front of big breasts, the love of licking a dog is doomed to have nothing.

bang! bang! Boom————

The sky in the distance exploded into a cloud of mushrooms, and the shock wave of the miniature nuclear bomb went from far to near, shaking the flying carpet like a broken stem floating. Ping, tossing up and down in the storm.

Luo Su tried to control the balance of the flying carpet, lowered the height a little, opened his golden eyes and looked in the direction of the target.

Jump over a mountain, cover the mountains and plains, the insect race densely packed, surround a metal fortress, and attack frantically regardless of sacrifice.

The reason why we say no sacrifice is because there are several bug-like super soldiers in the federal army. They kill one against one hundred, and they kill the insect blood flowing into a river.

There is one who shoots with a palm and blows up the tank bug; there is walking on air, who wants to slaughter Flying Insect; there is one who is impervious to sword and spear, who slams his fist into the insect race infantry; There was someone who carried a bomb and rushed into the swarm perish together...

Well, the last one is not, that person is a soldier of the Federal Mobile Force, a soldier with the rank of second class, commonly known as cannon fodder.


Ying Yingying brows tightly knit, met a reincarnator in the wormhole, it can be said to be a coincidence, but now like this many reincarnators appear, and it is a coincidence, IQ is a problem.

Mu Xinxin also noticed something was wrong and asked in a low voice: "Deputy team, are we late to this world, or are the others too fast?"

Ying Yingying no Answer and ask Luo Su's opinion: "Jason, what do you think?"

"Of course I'll take a look first and then talk about it!"

Luo Su casually said the stand-alone answer, Thinking about it is not suitable, followed by adding: "The strength of this group of reincarnators is not weak, the icing on the cake is not as good as providing timely help, we will wait and see the changes first, and it will not be too late to take action when there is a situation."

He said this It makes sense. The few miniature nuclear bombs just exploded were dropped by a reincarnator stepping on a Green Goblin skateboard. The reincarnator around the male lead is very strong, especially in terms of equipment, which is very suitable for the war world. It is only a matter of time to fight off the swarm, so there is no need to rush forward to help.

The speaker is unintentional, the listener is intentional, Ying Yingying remembered the scene when the two collaborated last time, and his face turned pale: "How can there be so many situations, don't be rude!"

"I'm just saying..."

"You're right every time, especially in unfortunate situations, Xinxin, be ready for battle."



[Host contacted the plot character Hao Jiyou, lottery section triggered, would you like to pull now? ]

[Host contacted the plot character Xiong Chumo, lottery section triggered, would you like to pull now? ]

Looking at it, Luo Su suddenly heard the system's prompt sound, wondering why it didn't trigger at first, and the mutation protruded on the battlefield, telling him the answer.

I saw several human silhouettes roaming in the swarm, tearing off the disguise, or launching a fierce attack on the metal fortress, or launching a sneak attack on the reincarnator.

The reincarnator from the insert race camp!

There were no more than seven or eight people in the group. A sudden sneak attack was hidden in the battlefield, which instantly reversed the decline of the insect race. The reincarnator of the human camp suffered heavy casualties, and the metal fortress was also torn apart by a huge gap, and a black swarm of insects moved towards the gap rushing past frantically.

“Xinxin, let’s go!”

Ying Yingying squeezed Luo Su away, grabbed the control of the flying carpet, jumped over the hill and headed straight for the metal fortress.

Luo Su did not stop him, silently unscrewed several miniature nuclear bombs and threw them down along the way...

(end of this chapter)

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