End Of Heavens

Chapter 557

End Of Heavens Chapter 557


Chapter 555 gives you a chance to shout the slogan of Nine Headed Snake

The dazzling thunder flashes, Luo Su steps towards Thor Go, avoid the arrows and small missiles shot from behind, suddenly stop and turn around, and throw a punch in the air.

The punches pressed, Luo Su used the air as a cannonball, punched Stark who used kite flying tactics.


The whistling roar struck, Luo Su caught a glimpse of silver out of the corner of his eye, Infinity Gauntlet clenched his fist, and in a crisp sound of gold and iron symphony, the Thor The hammer blasted into the sky.

Thor was completely dumbfounded. This was the first time he had seen someone take Thor's hammer hard.

After all, I am still young, and I will not be surprised like this when I see the big world in the future and learn to get used to it.

"Pity the hearts of parents in the world! Young Thor, God Odin gave you Mjolnir, not for you to use it like this."

Thor was stunned and looked at Luo in astonishment. Su: "Who the hell are you?"

Luo Su sneered, with electric arcs flashing all over his body, raising one hand high, and leading down clusters of thunder from the dark clouds that have not yet dissipated in the sky.

The violent thunder and lightning energy surrounds the block, and in Luo Su's hands, he unleashes a humming sound, and then condenses into two silver white giant wolfs, standing obediently on the left and right beside him.

Luo Su put both hands on the giant wolf's neck, brushed the dazzling fried hair with his fingertips, and the fierce eyes of the two giant wolfs immediately softened.


Thor is very familiar with thunder, and it can be seen that the two giant wolfs are formed by the solidification of pure Thunder Element. Even if he is unwilling, he has to Admit, Luo Su is more like Thor than him, at least Luo Su can make thunder obedient.

Boom! !

In the blink of an eye, the two giant wolves threw Thor down, lightning mercury poured out to the ground, and spread out toward the surrounding like a liquid, exploding a big hole in place.

Thor lay upright on the ground, not dead, but lost his battle strength. He stretched his hands and feet to his neck, his wide eyes couldn't close, like a fish on the mud, fluttering powerlessly.

"Tell a joke, Thor is afraid of electricity."

Luo Su turned around and looked towards the remaining Avengers, used lightning to bring down Thor again, but couldn't help but say this stem.



The rest of the Avengers were in a cold sweat and didn't think it was a joke.

Luo Su made fun of himself and shrugged to choose the next opponent. Thor and Hulk rushed to the street. Natasha and Steve were acquaintances and decided to leave it to the end.

By the way, there is also a Hawkeye, which is very sharp with a bow and archery, but unexpectedly has no sense of existence, so that Luo Su almost ignored him.

"Man, I've begun to believe what you said before."

Stark climbed up from the ruins, the MK7 experimental battle clothes he was wearing now, facing the unstoppable The enemy is far inferior to the late MK50 nano battle clothes. The thrusters were damaged in battle, he lost the mobility of flying through the skies or escaping through the ground, and his battle strength dropped significantly.

"Which sentence?" Luo Su frowned, wanting to hear what Stark was going to say.

"You say you are a good person, I think it makes sense... So, this is a misunderstanding, I sincerely apologize."

"Hehe, late!" Luo Su stepped towards Stark, the next target Iron Man.

"No no no, I surrender..."

Stark raised his hand and shot a single beam of light cannon from his chest as Luo Su walked in.


Luo Su raised his palm, the Infinity Gauntlet blocked the laser cannon, and under Stark's shocked gaze, a purple beam of formidable power exploded, defeating the single beam cannon and hitting the steel battle on his body clothes.


The MK7 experimental battle clothes disintegrated, and the cold wind blew through. Stark closed his eyes and waited until he died. The movement of raising his hands was very embarrassing. What's even more embarrassing is that he is in urgent need of protection now, without the steel battle clothes, he can't even beat the bodyguard Happy.

Stark knelt too fast, and Steve, who was about to cooperate with his attack, sprinted halfway and couldn't advance or retreat. He threw his shield to Luo Su, and kicked Luo Su's calf with a short kick.

Luo Su caught the stars and stripes flag shield with one hand and took a completely motionless kick. He didn't give Steve a chance for a second combo. The shield buckled and pinned him to the ground.

Steve and anyone can be open to each other, Luo Su knows this well, takes out the Adamantium knife spare no effort, do it quickly does not give him room to deal with.

Infinity Gauntlet lifts the long knife upside down, the purple light of the Power Stone roams the blade, stabs the shield against the stars and stripes flag, and penetrates easily like a hot knife cutting butter.

The blade of the blade was pressed against Steve's neck, and the Adamantium knife did not reach the hilt.

At this point, the Big Three and Hulk are defeated, and the Avengers are basically out of the game!

Luo Su looked down at Steve condescendingly, narrowed his eyes, looked towards Natasha and Hawkeye who dared not move, and threatened in a gloomy voice: "Steve Rogers, you are too weak, you Can beat the Nine Headed Snake led by Red Skull, but can't beat me and the new Nine Headed Snake."

"talk nonsense, the Nine Headed Snake has been wiped out!"

" believing or not it's up to you!" Luo Su pointed at Natasha and Hawkeye, threatening in a standard villain tone: "Now give you a chance, shout the slogan of Nine Headed Snake, or I will kill them both."

Steve's gnashing teeth: "Impossible!"

"Don't do this, I'm shameless, tell me, I have a surprise for you."


"You think about it again, it's rare for me to show mercy. You know, killing them both, with no difficulty for me. Like you shout out A slogan, you can save two lives with a single word, what's there to tangle?" Luo Su smiled and used his superb acting skills to perfectly substitute himself into the role, playing a successful villain.

Steve looked at the two comrades and felt extremely aggrieved. After all, he couldn't give up two lives, and whispered: "Nine...Hail Hydra!"

"That's right. Okay, Nine Headed Snake Captain!"

Every time he heard this, Luo Su felt comfortable all over, and suddenly pulled out the sand eagle and pulled the trigger in Natasha's direction.


Steve's eye socket cracked, the next second he found out that Luo Su was not aiming at Natasha, but the shadow lurking behind her .

Anyone on the battlefield?

Steve realizes in an instant that it's Loki's stealth magic, and he's always there.

The magic bullet exploded, and Loki, who was holding the scepter, dispelled the magic, and looked at Luo Su with a smile: "You have done everything I want to do, if you can, can you give me Thor? Don't get me wrong, I just want to kill him myself."

Luo Su didn't believe it, teased: "hmph, what a touching brother relationship!"

Loki complexion slightly changed, still maintained With a smile: "What? I didn't understand what you meant, did you misunderstand something?"

"Is it a misunderstanding, you can prove it to me!" Luo Su pulled out the Adamantium knife and kicked Kicks Steve out and walks towards Thor covered in murderous aura.


Loki couldn't keep calm, and disappeared like a bubble. When he reappeared, he was already standing in front of Thor, and the psychic scepter stood up and launched at Luo Su. Beam attack.

With the long knife across his chest, Luo Su bounced the beam through Loki's chest, the latter turned into a phantom and disappeared again, and then the Avatar magic cast, twenty Loki surrounded Luo Su.


The arc flashed, and all twenty phantoms disappeared. Luo Su stood silently on the spot, and after three seconds, he stretched out his hand and grabbed it to the right, his five fingers clasped tightly to take Loki out of the transparent void. pulled out.

Loki's face turned red when his neck got stuck, Luo Su didn't embarrass him, grabbed the psychic scepter, threw him on Thor, and filled the two with a silver giant wolf.


The two brothers stood up straight, twitching frantically together.

With the Mind Scepter in hand, and the second Infinity Gem in sight, Luo Su raised his left hand, violently dismantled the scepter, and forcibly pulled out the blue crystal.

Steve raised his shield and guarded in front of Stark, with Natasha and Hawkeye standing on the left and right, the four silently staring at Luo Su, wondering what the hell he was doing.


With a crisp sound, Luo Su crushed the blue crystal, revealing the golden body - Mind Stone.

The gem was suspended in mid-air, Luo Su erected the Infinity Gauntlet and leaned over, the inexplicable attraction made the Mind Stone fit itself.

The intoxicating power filled the whole body, Luo Su shook his head comfortably, couldn't help humming twice, turned and looked towards the alert foursome, said to Steve with a smile: "Relax. , I'm a gentleman, I never hit women. I lied to you just now, I just want to hear that slogan from you."

Steve complexion ashen, but the situation is stronger than people, so he can only swallow Take this bad breath.

Hawkeye on the side was lost in thought, and the leader of Nine Headed Snake beat everyone, except him and Natasha. Letting go of Natasha is because the other party considers himself a gentleman and is unwilling to hit women, so the question arises...

What's the reason for letting him go?

He looks handsome?

(end of this chapter)

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