End Of Heavens

Chapter 559

End Of Heavens Chapter 559


Chapter 557 Ancient One Master, can you take a photo?

New York Temple, Ancient One Master stands on the balcony of the top floor, looking at the sky The female Superman looked thoughtful.

Academician Banner from the future was lying on the ground with a corpse. Because he didn't know Ancient One, he regarded it as an ordinary female bald head. He wanted to snatch the Time Stone, and was separated from the body and soul by a move Astral Projection.

Being slapped in the face for pretending not to be successful, Banner's Academician resolutely confessed and begged bitterly, hoping that the Ancient One Mage would give him the Time Stone.

"I can't help you, if I give you the gem, and you take it to save your reality, my reality will be destroyed."

"Mage, forget me to speak bluntly, I don't think science supports what you're saying... uh, are you listening to me?"

Banna Academician followed the line of sight of the Ancient One mage to the sky, nine years ago in New York The deviation of the battle was too serious, making him feel unfamiliar, but now is not the time to feel emotional, the top priority is to get the Time Stone as soon as possible.

The dazzling rays of light lit up from behind, and Banner turned around and looked at the white wing of light in surprise: "God, there really is Angel!"

However, when Luo Su retracted his light wings and revealed a scarlet smile covered by black mist, he immediately changed his words: "It's not Angel, it's the devil!"

Ancient One looked at Luo Su up and down, frowned: "Who are you? Are you looking for Strange as well?"

Luo Su heard that he was relaxed, and he was also a Sorcerer Supreme, but his strength was the difference between Heaven and Earth. The white-bearded version of Sorcerer Supreme never asked this question. .

"Introduce myself, my name is Jason, from another universe." Luo Su said, pulling down his hood to reveal the face of the Elf Queen.

"Mage, who is she? What does another universe mean...there are many universes?"

Banner Academician froze, pretty face, just flattened. Otherwise, like Natasha, he would surely calm down from his rage back then.

"It's not her, it's him!"

The Ancient One Mage shook his head slightly at Banner, frowned again, looked towards Luo Su: "Young Mage, I don't know which universe you are from. , but I can be sure that this is not your real face, and Jason is not your real name."

Luo Su was stunned, perhaps the female bald version of Sorcerer Supreme is seriously weakened, but it is still worthy of knowledge. In her hundreds of years of lifespan, in order to dispel the other's wariness and doubts, he bowed slightly and gave a salute.

Mages living in Kamar-Taj greet each other like this when they meet. Luo Su has studied there for a period of time and is very familiar with this etiquette.

The Ancient One mage was stunned for a moment, and was about to ask aloud when he heard a string of incantation chanted by Luo Su. It is not a spell used for attack and defense, but a spell used in daily life. Its function is to turn boiled water into wine, beverage or green tea.

No one else invented this spell, but Ancient One herself. She relaxed the magic in her body and asked with a smile, "Young mage, in another universe, what is our relationship?"

Luo Su twitched his lips with a disgusting tone: "I know, but I don't know each other!"

Ancient One smiled: "It seems that the other one I don't like."

"It's more than unlikable! I always wanted to kill him, because I couldn't beat him so I didn't do it."

"Sorry for causing you trouble..."

The Ancient One mage apologised and laughed, and changed the topic: "Listening to your description of like this, the other I must live very casually, which is really enviable."

Luo Su: "..."

"By the way, you just used 'he'?"

"Well, an old man with a white beard, maybe as tall as this, maybe a little shorter." Luo Su stretched out his hand on his knees for a comparison, and said maliciously: "Specifically, it's an old fogey with triangular eyes, a garlic nose, thick lips, big buck teeth, balding hair, and a pockmarked face. He is unkempt and doesn't like to take a bath. He said something in the New York Temple, that smell, tsk tsk, Kamar-Taj can smell it..."

Ancient One Master rolled the eyes: "It's okay! I know you have a lot of resentment towards him, but that's about it, and if you go on, the unknown creature you describe will be separated from the concept of human beings."

"He is not in the concept of human beings..." Luo Su He shrugged, not feeling that there was anything wrong with what he said.

"Young mage, let's get down to business!"

Ancient One decided to skip this topic, opened the mouth and said: "You are here for the Time Stone too?"


Luo Su lit up the Infinity Gauntlet and the two gems on it: "Yes, my three companions and I came to prevent the disaster and collected six Infinity Gems in advance."

"What disaster, are you also trying to stop Thanos?" Banner Academician listened for a long time, and finally found a place to interject.

Luo Su ignored him, and the Ancient One Mage pretended not to hear him, and said, "Give me a convincing reason, since we know each other, you should know the importance of the Time Stone, I won't. Easily give it to anyone."

Luo Su hesitated for a moment, then spoke frankly: "To be honest, although I know Sorcerer Supreme, I'm not sure if he owns the Time Stone, maybe you are a special case. ."

Now, it was the Ancient One's turn to have nothing to say, she was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "The other me is very strong?"

"Yes, He is not in the concept of human beings!"

The Ancient One mage's eyes lit up: "If I don't give you the gem, will you grab it?"

Luo Su shook his head: " No, even if you don't give me the Time Stone, you will give it to Banner Academician, which is what Strange means, and you won't refuse."

Ancient One mage nodded, Luo Su continued Said: "But I will grab the gem from Banner's hand. Compared with you, he is much less difficult." of Agamotto, took out the green Time Stone and pushed it towards Luo Su.

"Young mage, I'm very optimistic about you."

Luo Su raised the Infinity Gauntlet in his left hand to fit the Time Stone. Hearing this, he felt incredible: "Are you sure? But in my opinion, he has been entertaining me."

"I'm sure!" Ancient One gave Luo Su a deep look: "Don't forget to return the Time Stone, I Not as powerful as him, the Time Stone is important to my world."

"Hi, Hi! Sorcerer Supreme, what are you doing? Why give him the gem, I'm Strange My companion..." Banner Academician jumped up and down on the side, but in a Spiritual God state, he couldn't do anything.

Luo Su automatically ignored the transparent person in front of him and made a promise to the Ancient One Master that the gem would be returned after the completion of the matter. I was about to flutter my wings to get the last Space Stone when I suddenly remembered something and took out a digital camera from the space ring.

"Ancient One Mage, can you take a picture? I'm going to show you the other one."

"Yes, no problem."

" Uh, what..." Luo Su made a small request for the position: "Can I trouble you to lie on the ground and let me step on it and take a picture?"

"Hehe, what do you think? ?"

"I think it's okay!"

(end of this chapter)

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