End Of Heavens Chapter 59


Chapter 59 Wizard and Mist

Twice lottery...

Is this female corpse very interesting?

Luo Su's brows jumped a bit, and he was relieved quickly. Triggering lottery depends on luck, not the importance of the plot characters, so triggering twice doesn't mean anything.

For example, in Wanted world, the male lead Wesley only triggered once, the strongest character Cross had zero times, and the dead slicked-back hair and the rambunctious Smith contributed twice each.

No, Smith also has an upgraded version of carrots, which also triggers lottery twice.

Don't look at this guy as a poor guy, but his contribution is very outstanding. He brought Luo Su lottery four times by himself, and also taught Luo Su the permanent skill of 'pistol mastery'.

Another example is the Eight Legged Freaks world currently in the world, Chris, Samantha, Ashley, three important figures, the lottery did not trigger once, but the spiders contributed a full nine times. .

Luo Su was sighed by the side, aquiline nose thought he saw something, frowned, and said stiffly: "Do you know the identity of the female corpse?"

"No I've seen it, but it's not from the town." Luo Su shook his head, with the appearance of a female corpse, he must have been a famous beauty before her death, and if she was a Prosperity resident, it was impossible to be unknown.

The aquiline nose nods

The female corpse is very beautiful, there is no doubt about it, but the soldiers did not dare to look at it. They trampled on the bones, and a layer of ashes fell on their shoes. When the female corpse was dug up, the upper body was untainted by even a speck. of dust, clean and smells of holiness.

Comparing the two, the atmosphere was suddenly a little weird. The various things in front of them made the soldiers think about it and want to leave as soon as possible.

aquiline nose took a deep look at the female corpse, trying to remember this face, suddenly, he seemed to think of something, eyes suddenly shrank.

At the same time, Luo Su also noticed something was wrong, looked around the cave, and asked, "Who can answer my personal question...Where is the spider?"

This is exactly the doubt of aquiline nose. Their squad mission is to find spider nests. According to the previous traces, the search direction should be correct, so why is there only one corpse and no spider is found?

"Boss, this place makes me feel bad, it's better to leave as soon as possible."

"Yes, if you are interested in this female corpse, we can She carried her out..."

The aquiline nose fiercely glared at both of her subordinates, the female corpse was clearly wrong, he would only take it out when his brain was broken, and ordered: "Return the same way, the situation here Some are complicated and need to be dealt with by experts."

The soldiers, such as the amnesty, maintained their formation and began to retreat, leaving only the solitary female corpse lying quietly in the pile of bones.

A soft breeze blew in the closed cave, and the female corpse's eyelids trembled, and the movements were so small that if you weren't careful, it would be hard to detect.


Everyone exited the cave, and the mine trembled again, and the 'map' led the way at the front, for fear that something would catch up behind it, and it would be a quick walk.

Luo Su followed aquiline nose and said curiously while walking: "Captain, what do you mean by expert?"

aquiline nose did not hide: "Church, vampire, Werewolves, wizards, etc., oh, and people with the same skin and hair color as you."

Luo Su is dumbfounded, the world of Eight Legged Freaks is so messed up!

Aquiline nose laughed at himself: "Hundreds of years ago, people believed that theology was the truth. A few hundred years later, science, which was considered superstition, became the mainstream. Theology only existed as spiritual sustenance and belief... Only Few people know that superstition is superstition because it is not in line with the times, and only what society needs is the truth.”

No one responded to aquiline nose’s life insights because they were in trouble and the situation was a bit bad ...the 'map' got lost.

aquiline nose said solemnly: "What's going on?"

"Boss, I'm sure I'm not going the wrong way, but..."

'Map ' The tone was a little lacking, because a stone-paved path appeared in front of the mine tunnel, and bright light shot from the end of the path.

The mine is not a tourist attraction, where is the stone path?

Luo Su took a deep breath. When he entered the mine, he silently counted for 5 minutes, and it would take 5 minutes to return to the original way. Although he didn't count, the time was definitely not enough.

This road is not an exit!

No one wanted to know where the end of the road was, and neither did aquiline nose, and ordered without hesitation: "Go back!"

The back team changed to the front team, still the 'map' led the way, with The 'dessert' of the special constitution dropped bloody glow sticks along the way. After walking for ten minutes, they still couldn't find the mine tunnel when they came, but they saw the stone path again.

"Boss, what should I do?"

'Map' swallowed and told him that his senses were different from ordinary people. Not anymore. 'Dessert' confirmed this, the glow sticks on the ground wouldn't be fake, and his blood was still on them.

"It seems that this is the only way to go!"

Luo Su said to himself, the scene in front of him reminded him of ghosts hitting the wall, and not using science The ghost that can explain it, to say that the thing in the cave that can be related to ghosts is probably the female corpse.

Thinking of the female corpse, Luo Su couldn't help but sank and said silently: "System, turn on the two lottery triggered by the anonymous female corpse."

Is there any problem with the female corpse? The prize will be known. If there is really a problem, Luo Su can only pray that the card he has drawn is strong enough, otherwise, with his existing cards, he will basically dead end against the supernatural creatures.

[Skill Card: Slavery (as a wizard, you must have a familiar who can hold the scene)]

[Item Card: Magic (you without magic, except for I can't do anything)]

Looking at these two cards, Luo Su is in a bad mood, the answer has been revealed, the source of everything comes from the female corpse, the other party is a wizard, and it is also the mutation mentioned by World Mission The source, the giant spider is her familiar.

Luo Su couldn't help but feel a little regretful. If she had given her a knife at the time, maybe the mission would have been completed, instead of falling into the game with uncertain future like now.

"Let's go, we have no choice but this way!"

Aquiline nose made a difficult decision, he had no choice, going forward and backward is this The road, involuntarily can only be seen one step at a time. The entire group set foot on the flagstone path, the light ahead became brighter and brighter, and had to stop for a while to let the eyes adapt.

"System, use 'Item Card: Magic'."

Luo Su took the opportunity to use the Item Card. After the sound, he clearly felt a little change, and he was entrenched in obscurity. Unspeakable power, he can't find where the magic is, and he doesn't know how to guide it, but holding his breath, he can see farther and hear more clearly, and his fist is more powerful than ever.

Superficial usage!

Luo Su knows that he uses magic power incorrectly like this, but he is a layman and doesn't even have basic common sense.

Inexplicably, when Luo Su was using his magic power, he suddenly noticed that there was a gaze watching him, so hot that it almost turned into reality, but he turned around and saw nothing.

The sight on his back made Luo Su deeply uneasy, goosebumps formed, and there was an ominous premonition. Thinking of the scenes that often appear in horror movies, a pale arm suddenly draped over his shoulders, he couldn't bear it any longer, and strode towards the exit at the end.

The rays of light outside were not as bright as expected. Luo Su appeared in front of a town shrouded in thick fog. The white fog made it impossible to see too far. Unreal.

This is not Prosperity!

The squad members walked out one by one, stunned when they looked at the unfamiliar town, the 'dessert' even put some blood drops on the ground, the blood drops splashed, there is no reaction when they encounter supernatural abilities, this world is real.

"Where is this?"

Luo Su frowned, the fog-shrouded town reminded him of a horror movie, but... there is still salvation, at least It's not like Silent Hill's unsolved plot.

Luo Su like this Thinking, gray snowflakes fell from the sky...


———————— ————

[Falling Street Diary]

Yesterday, there was a bouncing street recommendation in the group.

I told him, in fact, people don't want to read this book at all, but when I log out, the System prompts whether to favorite it, which is wrong.

When he learned the truth, he burst into tears, and then stopped updating today!

(end of this chapter)

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