End Of Heavens

Chapter 602

End Of Heavens Chapter 602


Chapter 600 Make a price

bang! !

Sandman's huge fist fell, and his arms extended like rubber. The speed was not fast, and it could even be said to be a little slow, but considering its huge size, it was not so easy to avoid it at close range.

Luo Su and Deadpool spread out to the sides, and when their fists fell, they jumped up together.

Luo Su was faster and ran at the front, found the venom on Sandman's shoulder, and rushed straight over.

"hehe, you two, are you coming to the funeral too?"

Venom Eddie laughed wildly, suddenly gained powerful power, and brutalized Parker and Harry one-on-one , has reached the point of supercilious.

Power can make people lose themselves, Venom Eddie is the best example, he is so arrogant!

Luo Su is too lazy to talk about the scumbags. In his opinion, Sandman has a kind father character, which can barely be cleaned up. Venom Eddie is purely a believe oneself infallible double-standard mental retardation, he hates Parker for ruining his future, but completely ignores himself slandering Spider-Man in the first place.

For this kind of person, there is no need to say any big reason, just cut it off.


The holy light long sword is extended, and the holy sword edge pierces Venom's chest, the latter laughing loudly, clasping the sword edge tightly in the palm of his hand. middle.


Luo Su coldly snorted, the sword edge caught by the venom suddenly extended and penetrated his chest instantly.

Venom itself has a powerful self-healing ability, possessing Deadpool, this ability has reached an appalling level.

Luo Su didn't expect this blow to kill the opponent, the white holy flame spread from the blade, spread the venom's torso and limbs little by little, and burned the internal organs to ashes.

one attack, one defense In the blink of an eye, Luo Su retracted the holy light long sword, a few strides on the yellow sand came to Venom, and the holy sword in his hands fell continuously.

The holy rays of light were swept away, and the venomous limbs were separated from the body, and none of the advantages of melee combat were brought into play.

Luo Su punch towards Venom's hideous big face, the latter roared and opened his big mouth, biting his fist in one bite.


Luo Su retracted his fist, grabbed Venom's tongue, and threw it in the air twice. As a man, you can't eat alone. You can pretend, but you can't just pretend to yourself. He decided to share it with his teammates.

"Wade, Venom is handed over to you, I'll deal with Sandman."

"As it should be by rights, without me, you can't handle it alone!"

Deadpool let out a stupid smirk, leaped into the air, pierced Venom's chest and head with his sword, landed on the ground vertically, and nailed it to the concrete floor.

"Poor Venom, did you toss and turn and miss Deadpool Uncle on the night you ran away from home?"


The black lines of the poisonous liquid surface spread, changing hands and feet, kicking Wade flying.

On the other side, Sandman waved his palm, afraid of hitting Luo Su who was standing above his head, slapped Miss, but instead of hitting Luo Su, he slapped his arm and shattered half of his head.

50% of people in the world, no, almost 100% of people know that giganticization is a very practical and powerful ability that almost determines Earth's future.

But a huge Sandman is not that strong, and has many weaknesses. It will be washed away when it encounters water flow, and it will be melted when it encounters high temperature. It is purely a silver-like pewter tip.

In the final analysis, Sandman's biggest weakness is that he can't make sand by himself. He needs to use the environment to make himself strong. Maybe in the desert, he is invincible, but in the city, he can only show his prestige at the construction site.

Luo Su fluttered and flew high, the holy light long sword transformed into a javelin, and after being thrown, it split into eight giant long spears, penetrating Sandman's chest and head.

"roar roar roar————"

In the dull scream, Sandman's whole body burned red, his limbs gradually stiffened, unable to move, and a few strands of fine sand drifted in the air. In mid-air, it flew away strangely into the distance.

Luo Su glanced at him and didn't care anymore. Sandman was Parker's uncle-killing enemy. Although it was just an accident, the facts and results were like this, and there was no excuse. This is Parker's private matter, no matter whether Parker chooses to forgive Sandman or directly avenge Xue Xue, Luo Su is an outsider and is not qualified to intervene.

Luo Su now just wants to enter the next world and get in touch with powerful characters, so the main story must end as soon as possible.

Seeing that Sandman was easily resolved, the onlookers cheered and applauded, and gave it to a superhero resembling Angel. Many Spider-Man fans secretly unfollowed and changed their idol to Luo Su.

The killing is decisive and powerful. Beating the boss is like playing a soldier.

A stupid man?

"Help! Luo Su, come and save me!"

Said to die... Stupid man, Luo Su took off his venom limbs and turned around, and he became Deadpool had his arms and legs removed by Venom.

Seeing Luo Su folded his wings and landed, Venom Eddie grabbed Deadpool's head and lifted him up: "Birdman, your companion is in my hand, get out of the way quickly, Otherwise, I'll kill him."

Venom Eddie was stubborn, he was half-crippled by Luo Su three or two times, and saw Sandman being baked into glass products, there was no meet force with Force's confidence to hold Deadpool as a hostage.


It's so novel that someone threatened to kill Deadpool, how?

Luo Su decided to take a look first, nothing else, not because he wanted to see Deadpool make a fool of himself, he just wanted to have a longer pose.

"What are you still hesitating about, get out of the way quickly, or he won't be able to live just because of the blood loss." Venom raised his hand and spit out black spider silk, stuck to the long knife on the ground, and placed it on the ground.

Deadpool's neck.

"Make a price!"


Venom froze for a moment: "You want me to make a price to redeem the hostages? "

"No, I mean, it's going to cost you a lot of money to kill him."


Venom was stunned, a I didn't pay attention, bit my long tongue and flew into a rage out of humiliation: "Bastard, don't make fun of me, I didn't scare you, I'll really kill him!"

"Yes , that's the result, I'll give the money back!"

"[email protected]# ̄Ware ̄...`へ'&*MMP...`д'¥%..." Deadpool exclaimed from astonishment Came back to his senses in the middle, spit fragrance at Luo Su, his words are sharp, not like a seriously injured person who lost too much blood.

Luo Su spreads both hands: "Look, we have a very normal relationship, you took the wrong hostage."


Venom suddenly Laugh out loud: "I see, you did it on purpose, and wanted me to think he was irrelevant and had no value as a hostage. Tell you, I'm not stupid, don't try to lie to me!"

Luo Su raised hand and beckoned, holding the holy light long sword, sighed: "I'm telling the truth, if you don't believe me, then I... do it myself!"


The holy brilliance was fleeting, and the extended section of the rays of light slid across Deadpool's neck, and at the same time, the stunned Venom Eddie headed together.


The three-headed silver white giant wolf sprang out from Luo Su's body, threw down Venom, and turned into a plasma of mercury pouring out of the ground. Paralysis + high temperature, the double-pleasure electricity made the venom unable to move, and the black body transpired into a mist, shrinking greatly.

Don't talk about self-healing at this time, it's good if it can save a little life.

"Luo Su, I don't love you anymore."

Luo Su mentioned Deadpool's dead head, the latter chattered endlessly, and the blackened resentment was separated by hundreds of miles. can see clearly.

"Wade, why do you say like this, I thought it was your plan!" Luo Su's tone was innocent, with a little admiration: "You use yourself as a bait to let stupid reporters relax their vigilance and give I created a chance to kill one blow. What a great strategy, if I hadn't known that you had an Immortal Body, I'm afraid I would have been deceived by your fake acting skills."


"What's the matter, Wade Captain, am I right?" Luo Su picked up Deadpool's scattered limbs and put him together bit by bit.

In a short while, Deadpool was full of blood and resurrected, spitting on Eddie the venom, fiercely patted Luo Su on the shoulder and gave a thumbs up: "Yes, you can see through my intentions. Now, as expected of the team I picked myself, we have a good understanding!"

Luo Su waved his hands and said modestly: "I can't do anything, it's all Captain you cultivated well."

Deadpool crossed his hips and raised his eyebrows: "hahaha, that's true, without me, you can't do it alone."

(end of this chapter)

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