End Of Heavens

Chapter 607

End Of Heavens Chapter 607


Chapter 605 Maybe holy light will pity you but I won't

Under the night, a cool aircraft shaped like a Blackbird SR-71, with Traveling through the sky at a very fast speed.

Storm Ororo is left with a headache when Jean Grey is left alone to fight a powerful enemy.

"Jin, you promised me that you must return safely..."

Storm was disturbed and heard the bible prayers murmured in the cabin, so he simply set the plane to On autopilot, the Nightcrawler, moved towards praying with eyes closed, walked over.

The appearance of mutants is myriad, which is one of the sources of their tragedy. The appearance of Nightcrawler is equivalent to hell devil in the eyes of ordinary person, but in Storm's eyes, it is the same, she has seen more disgusting ones .

Hearing footsteps, Nightcrawler stopped to pray, put Cross away, and moved towards Storm embarrassed.

"I'm Ororo Monroe, a member of the X-Men, you can call me Storm."

"Hi, my name is Curt Wagner!"

"Wagner, what do the tattoos on your body... mean?" Storm was worried and picked up a topic to chat with Nightcrawler, trying to ease his irritability.

Nightcrawler touched the ugly face and explained: "This is Angel Totem! Brought to the world by Gabriel the Great Archangel, every Totem corresponds to a sin, and I have many of these Totems on me. ."

"It's beautiful, but..."

Ororo wanted to say that if there was Angel, the fate of mutants should not be so tragic, but this topic is too negative, It is also not suitable to mention it in front of a believer, and can only keep silent.

A moment later, she asked aloud, "Wagner, the mysterious person in the church, how much do you know about him? What forces are behind him?"

Nightcrawler blinked: "Who, that Angel in armor?"

"Angel? Uh, yes, that's him." Ororo nodded solemnly and began to gather intelligence.

"But I don't know him!"

"What... what! You don't know him?"

Ororo's eyes widened: "He took The gun is pointed at you, ready to kill you, he...he...isn't he the one who manipulated you to assassinate the president?"

"I don't know about that, I just know that I wake up Just did a very crazy thing."

Mentioning the assassination of the president, Nightcrawler swallowed and continued: "As for that mysterious Angel, I can see that he is not here to kill me. Yes, and he didn't point a gun at me. It was just a coincidence that we met in church. He even helped me heal my wound. It's just that he had a bad temper. Terrified."


Ororo was completely dumbfounded, realizing that he and Jean might have gone into a misunderstanding, and fought a pointless battle.

"I'm so stupid!"

Looking back at Luo Su saying that he needed an explanation for why he was attacking him, it seems like a wrong person.

The bad thing is, I offended a powerful mutant for no reason, and even trapped Qin in it. Now the situation is unknown, and I don't know if she has escaped.

Ororo reached out and covered his face, extremely speechless saying: "Then why didn't you say it earlier?"


Nightcrawler asked in confusion Said: "Speaking of which, I wanted to ask at the time, you don't know each other, why did you suddenly fight? Can't you sit down and talk about any conflicts?"

Ororo: (ノへ ̄、)

"But you are all amazing, I have never seen a powerful mutant like you, and it scared me at the time." Nightcrawler said with emotion, and whispered: "I think Angel is angry, Most likely because of you...you destroyed the church with lightning."

"Okay, I see."

Ororo sighed, got up and went back to the console, driving manually The plane returned, since it was a misunderstanding, it should be fine to explain it clearly.

"I hope he's a generous person..." Ororo prayed silently, hoping that Qin would find the problem in time, and the two sides would shake hands and make peace.

At this moment, the console suddenly sounded an electronic sound prompt, and the signal indicated that the communication location of the piano was approaching.

Ororo's expression soon turned to astonishment, because it was too fast. According to radar, Jyn was moving at an incredible speed, exceeding Mach two.

"Where did Jyn find the plane?"

Ororo swallowed, realized something, and turned around sharply, the plane's thrusters accelerating away from the signal on the locator.

The sudden acceleration caused the unprepared Nightcrawler to slam his butt, and just as he grinned and asked, the hatch at the rear of the plane was pierced by a beam of light.

As the rays of light were cut, the plane was torn apart by a huge gap. Luo Su held the holy light long sword and folded his wings and walked in.

"Excuse me, this plane has no record of declaration of flight permission. According to the law, please land in the morgue below immediately, or I will send you in directly."


Speaking of this, Luo Su raised the holy light long sword in his hand, yes, this is a threat.

Ororo's eyes twitched slightly, the visitor was not good, but she was more concerned about Qin's safety and asked in a trembling voice: "You are holding Qin's communicator, where is she?"

" She is healthy and alive and well, I didn't do anything to her... But I don't know what my companions will do to her."

The first half sentence made Ororo relaxed, the second half sentence Directly made her scold: "Damn, what did you do to Qin?"

"Don't talk nonsense, it's not us, I didn't do anything."

Luo Su shrugged: "But when I left, my companion hugged her and refused to let go. Considering that he is a lecher who has engraved lust into his genes, congratulations, you can be a godmother next year."

Ororo was trembling with anger, and immediately her eyes turned white and she entered a fighting state. The next second, she suffered a heavy blow to the abdomen and fell into Luo Su's arms while maintaining her white-eyed state.

Luo Su put Storm on the driver's seat, fastened the seat belt, turned around and saw the Nightcrawler strapped to the seat, and wondered, "Strange, why didn't you teleport to escape?"

Nightcrawler looked puzzled: "Why did you run away?"

"I like this fierce, don't you run away and stay to die?"

Nightcrawler He took out Cross and held it in his hand, and looked at the head: "I didn't see it clearly when I was in the church. I just confirmed that the holy brilliance will not deceive people."

"Yes, yes. Ah!"

Luo Su rolled his eyes and flew back to Boston: "But there is one sentence you must have never heard of."

"Which one?"


"Maybe holy light will pity you, but I won't!"


The morning sun rises, and the plane is parked on the secluded and uninhabited river bank On the side, a very high-tech aircraft can take off and land at any time like a helicopter without using a runway.

Storm Ororo woke up from the coma listening to the restless music in her ears, her limbs were bound by iron chains, fixed on the passenger seat of the cabin unable to move even a little bit, after opening her eyes , the whole person is not well.

"roar roar haha! hahaha ————"

The plane sound is playing the most explosive music, the always cold piano dances with the music, and dances a very stupid dance and laugh like a fool.

Ororo: ⊙o⊙

During the dance movement of Qin fluttering her hair, Ororo saw a big bastard on her face, which was drawn with a bold marker of.

In general, this ink is difficult to clean.

"Luo Su, I don't understand, why let her dance all night?" Deadpool lay on the ground, and he danced to the beat for two hours, exhausted.

"hmph, when she wakes up, she finds that her limbs are sore, she can't lift her strength at all, it seems like she's been hit by hundreds..."

"I understand, buddy, hello Obscene." Deadpool was amazed and clapped on the ground.

"You know shit, I haven't finished yet!" Luo Su snorted softly: "Just when she was furious, I was afraid to push you out, and said you did it. ."


Deadpool was stunned, Ororo hurriedly closed his eyes when he heard the words, pretended to remain in a coma, curled up as much as possible, trying to make himself a little transparent.

Can't see me! Can't see me!

(end of this chapter)

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