End Of Heavens

Chapter 613

End Of Heavens Chapter 613


Chapter 611 Railgun

The sky gradually became brighter, and before dawn broke, the aircraft reached the target location, located in the Great Province of Canada, USA Lake Arkali.

Overlooking from the sky, this is a green space covered with pure white snow, coupled with the dam lake, the scenery is magnificent.

In order to avoid revealing whereabouts and causing the enemy to be alert, Ororo parked the aircraft between the mountains and forests far away from the dam, and opened the projection to describe the scanned images.

“Here’s a blueprint of the dam’s topography, with the spillway in the middle and the tire prints on the doorway indicating that this is the only exit to the dam.”

Ororo was deeply troubled:” The flood channel is very long, and if we force our way through it, Stryker can simply open the flood channel gate and we will be wiped out.”

“Is there any good way?”

"Not yet... By the way, Wagner, can you teleport in?"

Nightcrawler shrugged: "I can't do it, I can only teleport to a place where I can see it, otherwise I will Trapped in the wall."

At this moment, Magneto spoke up: "Everyone, whoever enters the dam must know how to control the spillway, maybe he can teleport in successfully, but he can't complete the mission. "

Nightcrawler: "..."

Yes, I don't, but why do you just say I don't without asking a question?

At this moment, Nightcrawler decided to stay away from Magneto and join the X-Men family.

Everyone thinks that Magneto's words are reasonable, but they are very unconvinced when they see the old rival's smugness. Also, at this moment, they always felt that something was wrong, as if something was missing.

"Raven is the most suitable person. She can sneak into the dam in disguise and open the flood channel entrance. For example, she can become a werewolf. Stryker has always been a werewolf... Wait, where are the werewolves? ”

Magneto was stunned in the middle of what he said, and the others looked left and right, and finally realized that something was wrong.

When Magneto was handsome, no one came out to fight him, which is usually Logan's job.

It soon became apparent that not only Logan, but Luo Su and Deadpool were gone.

"Where have they two gone?"

Ororo hurried to the driver's console, confirmed the position of the communicator on Logan, swallowed, and said dryly: " Logan has gone to the dam and has reached the entrance of the spillway."


"Damn, rude, he's going to kill Charles!"

Magneto clenched his fists angrily, raised his hand and smashed the entrance door of the tail section of the cabin, leaving the rookie to stay and watch the house, greeting Qin and the others to stand up, and using his ability to rush to the flood discharge channel.


On the snow, three pairs of footprints extended from a distance, it was Luo Su, Deadpool and Logan.

Deadpool clasped his hands behind his head, staring at the vast snowy landscape, and took a closer look: "Logan, why did you follow me?"

"I'll take a look. What are you going to do..."

Logan didn't care, he couldn't understand when he stayed on the plane anyway, he intuitively told him that Luo Su was stronger than everyone on the aircraft combined, and he would definitely be able to follow him. Rescue Professor X.

At least, access the military base inside the dam with no difficulty.

"As expected of the person I am optimistic about, he has a unique vision! This is the first time that the three members of our X-Force team have joined forces. As a Captain, I must say something..."

Deadpool clenched his fist to his mouth and coughed in a pretentious manner: "Luo Su, you know what I want to say, you will do it for you."

Rogan rolled the eyes, Too lazy to pay attention to stupid, he frowned and asked Luo Su: "The military base is heavily guarded, and the most troublesome thing is the thickness of the cement walls. Do you have any plans?"


Luo Su nodded and said his long-deliberate best policy: "Blow up the door, attack from the front, the enemy will definitely not be able to defend."

<> "Yes, I like this plan." Logan nodded , with a cheerful smile, because the plan fits his style.

The most important thing is that he can understand.

“I like it too!” Deadpool followed nodded.

"Then I don't like it."

"Then I don't like it either."


Three The man stopped at the entrance of the flood discharge channel and looked at the dark cave. Logan frowned: "There will definitely be cameras inside, and you will be discovered if you walk in directly. I will attract the attention of the enemy. You are responsible for placing explosives... Hey, explosives Where?"

Logan was a little dumbfounded, Luo Su and Deadpool were all relaxed, not like they were carrying explosives.

How do you blow the door open without explosives?

"Logan, it's not that troublesome, it's just a door." Luo Su reached out and touched the back of his butt, and suddenly there was a hammer in his hand.

It's the hammer that hammered the launcher last night!

Logan had an idea, and he understood: "Luo Su, you must use this hammer to knock the door open, right?"

"Wait, Logan, are you Didn't find something wrong?"

Deadpool forced the scene, pointed behind Luo Su, and shouted: "Luo Su, I wanted to say it a long time ago, did you steal mine? Four-dimensional pocket, otherwise, where did your props come from."


Logan reacted when he heard the words, and took two steps back, looking towards towards Behind Luo Su: "Yeah, where did you get it from?"

Deadpool knelt down on his knees, lying on the back of Luo Su's ass, his hands flared: "The person inside, I'm Wade Wilson , can you hear... can you get it... can you...?"

After shouting, Deadpool stood up and said solemnly: "Logan, the situation is very serious, I found that the diversity The entrance to the universe, and the echo!"


Luo Su turned around abruptly, slammed Deadpool to the ground with a hammer, opened his mouth and opened his mouth with a large amount of thunder spit, which made the 'corpse' twitch frantically.

"Don't pay attention to him, this stupid is crazy, the more you pay attention to him, the more aggressive he will be." Luo Su shrugged, continuing the conversation with Logan before: "You just said something wrong, I use this The hammer is meant to blow the door open, not to thump it open."

"Is there a difference?"

"Of course!"

Luo Su put the hammer in the palm of his hand , raised his arms to aim at the dark hole of the flood discharge channel, and thought to contact System in his mind.

"System, use 'Skill Card: Railgun'."

[Skill Card: Railgun (even with coins, the range is not only 50 meters)]


Magneto and the others arrived on a human-powered kinetic iron plate. Seeing Luo Su's movements were unclear, Storm Ororo tilted her head, she seemed to understand something.


Luo Su's body arcs throbbing, forming a loop surrounded by electric current on the raised arm, like a closed coil generating a magnetic field, and the hammer slowly moves forward.

The initial speed is a bit slow, but it doesn't matter, the current is a little higher and there is no problem.


Red light bloomed, a beam of light was released from Luo Su's hand, and rushed into the entrance of the flood channel in an instant.

The hammer is of average material, cannot withstand high temperature friction, and is transformed into a very high temperature plasma state, and the plasma beam is dazzling.

Boom! ! !

At the end of the flood channel, in order to prevent mutant attacks, Stryker spent a lot of money to create a very dense metal gate.

However, when the beam burst in, the metal gate had no resistance, and was blown up almost at the moment of contact.

Failed to crush dry weeds and smashing rotten wood!

Like a plasma cannon in a sci-fi movie, where the beam travels, there is no decent resistance, leaving only a red-hot hole.

"Yes, I seem to have learned a little trick."

The initial speed is fast, the range is long, the launch energy can be adjusted, there is no gunpowder smoke in the whole process, and there is no recoil, it is simply home travel, A must-have skill for killing people.

It's just that my hands are a little numb!

Luo Su shook his arms and said to the stunned crowd: "Don't ask, I won't explain it this time, the right-hand rule and Lorentz force are both high school physics, just go back and read the book. Got it."

After speaking, Luo Su moved towards the flood discharge channel, leaving a low-key back.

"Of course I know it's high school physics, but..." Storm twitched his lips, everyone understands the truth, but his body can't bear the knowledge in his mind.

Everyone looked left and looked, seeing Logan and Deadpool walking in, Jyn reacted abruptly: "Oops, call them back, the movement is big like this, Stryker will definitely start the flood discharge. Gate."

(end of this chapter)

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