End Of Heavens

Chapter 615

End Of Heavens Chapter 615


Chapter 613 I have always convinced people with reason

"Don't be afraid of flooding, even if you demolish this dam It doesn't matter, without me nodded, not a drop of water will leak out."

With Luo Su's assurance, everyone gradually let go of their hands and feet, and tried their best to search for the kidnapped mutant Academy students, and the X of whereabouts unknown professor.

Among them, Magneto is the most violent. He is always graceful, but his strike is deadly, and he is very ruthless.

Squads of soldiers, armed with weapons, stand guard in the complex underground base like an ant's nest, full of long spear and murderous aura.

Unfortunately, they were out of luck today, Magneto just lost face and needs to come back to the Musou to restore the full majesty of the mutant leader.

If a Person blocks, then kill the Person , the door blocks and removes the door, Magneto turns when he encounters a wall...and he lives up to his reputation as the King of Iron Elements.

No one accused Magneto of indiscriminately killing innocents, and no one came forward to plead for the soldiers, saying they were just doing what they were ordered to do and didn't die.

The mutants present are more or less grumpy with human beings, even the Vice Captain Storm Ororo of X-Men is no exception.

In fact, she doesn't agree with Professor X's proposition. It's too idealistic, so she stayed at Mutant Academy. One is that she longs for peace and doesn't like war, and Academy gives her the warmth of her family; the other is that Mutant Two Great Factions, instead of relying on Professor X, can only choose Magneto.

Comparing the two, Magneto is too extreme, but Professor X's philosophy is more human.

Most of the mutants support Professor X because of his moderate political approach, they don't want to fight, they just want to have a good time.

But here it is said to be a military base, but it is actually the laboratory of the mutant slaughterhouse. It is not possible to fight without fighting. The other party does not treat the mutant as a human at all, and there is no need to show mercy to them.

Magneto opened the way, everyone pushed it all the way, and soon, the low-key and experienced Mystique found the main control room.

Under Magneto's super power, the thick heavy metal gate was twisted into a twist. After comparing the surveillance screen and the blueprint of the base, they found the prison where the children were imprisoned, and the prison with brains.

The chamber of the wave intensifier.

The next step is to split up. Storm and Nightcrawler go to rescue the kidnapped children. Magneto and Mystique go to find Professor X. Jyn is worried and joins the group.

Logan sniffed the human smell in the air and was about to look for Stryker's bad luck. Luo Su and Deadpool followed him.

There is no powerful villain with outstanding strength in the base. Luo Su and Deadpool followed Logan to persuade him to join the X-Force team. Because Logan disliked Deadpool, Luo Su was always with him. communicate with.

Before, Luo Su was very strange, Deadpool and Wolverine were not the same in comics or movies, why Deadpool insisted on pulling Logan into the team.

Scraping traffic?

Deadpool said that he has his own traffic and is the most popular super idol nowadays. There are as many as 600 billion fanboys all over the world, and he does not need to use Logan to increase his popularity.

The reason why he is stubborn like this is because he joined the X-Force team in the comics and was invited by Logan. Now he wants to invite Logan in turn.

To put it bluntly, it's the little child Battle Qi, who wants to be the Captain of Wolverine!

Deadpool is full of fighting spirit. He masters Logan's lost memory. With this trump card in his hand, he doesn't worry about the opponent or bows his head to the court. Thinking of Logan calling himself 'Captain', he is a little proud.

Luo Su is also very optimistic about Deadpool's success this time. There is no reason why the invitation to Parker failed, and the invitation to Logan also failed.

When Logan successfully joins the team, he can go to the next world to trigger lottery!

So happy!

But when it comes to Logan, Luo Su suddenly remembered one thing, because he repaired the aircraft, and everyone did not rest in place for a night. Logan missed the confession to Qin, and also missed the kiss of one of his relatives, Fang Ze. Opportunity, but also missed Mystique's night attack.

Luo Su felt a sense of guilt immediately, not having kissed Qin, forgetting not to visit Mystique, it was a huge damage to Logan. Because Mystique not only represents herself, but also Jyn, Rogue, Storm, Stryker, etc...

It directly lost the entire Earth population!

The three of them walked through the corridor, and Logan used his nose to guide the way to the place where the smell of Stryker was strongest, a seemingly old laboratory.

A transparent water tank similar to a culture tank is placed in the center of the laboratory, and the electric heater on the side is roaring, boiling a mass of silver-gray porridge.

Adamantium in liquid form!

Logan looked at the familiar laboratory and the claw marks on the test bench, skipping memory fragments in his mind, where his memory was lost.

Deadpool looked at the high-temperature silver-gray liquid that was maintained in a liquid state, pondered for a moment, and asked, "Luo Su, if I inject liquid Adamantium now, will it also become invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable?"

"Invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable need to pay a price, think clearly, once you inject Adamantium, you will be a dish in front of Magneto."

"If you don't inject, you will face Magneto. I'm still a dish!"

"Wade, your strength is never because of your own strength, but because of..."

Because of your broken mouth, you can People are annoying!

Luo Su facial expression grave: "Because of your soul, you are different from normal people, until now, like this In many superheroes, only your dialog box is yellow."

"It makes sense, I'm strong like this, I don't need Adamantium."


Logan shook his head speechlessly, unable to figure out Deadpool's thought circuit, actually Can take swearing as a compliment.

"Logan, long time no see, I thought you wouldn't come back, is it because of homesickness?"

Just as Luo Su was bickering with Deadpool, Logan was beside him While watching, a mocking voice came over, and the three of them turned around to see an Asian woman in a black tight leather jacket.

He is tall with long legs, long hair tied behind his head, and a beautiful face reserved, exuding an indifference that rejects people beyond a thousand li.

Dead Lady!


"It's cold!"

"en. Look, Logan withdrew halfway and looked back at William Stryker who was no one cared about.

A greasy, short old man with nothing to describe his appearance. If it weren't for the fact that the other party knew about his past, Logan would not bother to look at him.

"This is not my home, I came here to find the lost past, you took them from me."

After speaking for a while, it was only after Logan replied, the other two People thought that he didn't exist at all, and Stryker's face was white with anger: "talk nonsense, you volunteered to participate in the experiment, no one forced you."

There are three mutants in the room, and they all have Offensive, Stryker has only one controlled dead woman beside him. If it wasn't for the escape route on the back of the laboratory, he would never come here to take risks.

Because he has never seen Luo Su take action, and he is very confident in the strength of the dead woman, Stryker doesn't know that his behavior is not a risk, but a death sentence.

Logan closed his eyes to take a deep breath, and opened it again with a murderous aura: "Tell me, who am I?"

"he he he, a failed It's just a test item, I can tell you very clearly, it's not bad to lose your memory. Because you used to be a crazy wild beast, and I just strengthened your claws for you."

Logan Wen Yan's thoughts were complicated, and he was extremely eager to know the thoughts of the past, so he was thrown a basin of ice water.

He was scared.

Having experienced the guidance of Professor X and the family-like warmth of Mutant Academy, he was afraid that he could not bear the sins he once committed.

Noticing that Logan's face was different, Stryker's mouth twitched, and he took the dead woman half a circle around the arena and walked towards the escape route, with a foolish attitude in his words: "You are late. , werewolf, I used to think you were unique and unmatched, but now, you're worthless."


Logan's chest heaved and he clenched his hands tightly. Fist, neck position bloodline Zhang Zhang.

"Dead girl, kill them!"

There are no more obstacles in the escape route, Stryker smiled proudly: "Wolfman, you are so sad, you who have lost your value, you will only be in the future. Being alone..."

bang! bang!

Two shots fired, Stryker was shot in the forehead and the heart, and the corner of his mouth fell with a smile.

Very serene, passed away with a smile.

Luo Su retracted the sand eagle and blew the heat from the muzzle. Deadpool also retracted the pistol and sucked the gunpowder from the muzzle.

"This guy is so annoying, I've put up with him for a long time."

"Yeah, in this chapter, he's actually more crap than Deadpool Master I. It's also Forget it, dare to block me from looking at the beautiful woman, who does he think he is?"

"That's it!"


Listening to the two Rogan shook his head with a smile. He had to say that it felt great to be cared for, but these two guys were too naive, and they didn't look alike.

"Hi guys..."

Logan wanted to join the conversation group, but the application was not accepted and he was isolated.

"Luo Su, although I agree with your point of view, you don't actually need to shoot, because before you hit him in the head, he was shot through the heart by me."

Luo Su shook his head slightly, unable to agree with Deadpool's words: "No, I'll kill him first."

It's not a slap in the face, he has sufficient evidence, System reminds him that he killed a super villain .

【World Mission: Heroes/villains are coming! End the super villain/hero with your own hands (2/6)]

William Stryker is one, and the other is Venom, the Venom Eddie that Luo Su killed in the 【Spider-Man】world.

"No, it's me!" Deadpool was so confident in his Spear Art and hand speed that he thought he killed Stryker.

"Wade, don't make trouble, it's really me."

"No, it's me!"

"hehe, are you going to fight me? Huh?" Luo Su said nasally, slightly dissatisfied.

"Sure, am I afraid of you?" Deadpool shouted, dancing and screaming.

"You don't have to be afraid, because I have always been convincing with reason. Now I will present the facts and reason with you, making you speechless."

"OK , come on, let you try Uncle Deadpool's stubbornness..."


Luo Su retracted the pistol and looked at Deadpool's body: "I did it, Wade, do you have an opinion?"

No one answered!

"Very well, this debate is over, the red player Luo Su wins."

Logan: "..."

Take back what I said earlier , these two guys are not childish, but stupid!

(end of this chapter)

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