End Of Heavens

Chapter 622

End Of Heavens Chapter 622


Chapter 620 If you want to say this, then I will not be sleepy

"Luo Su Uncle, what is the other world like? Yes? Like us here, or like in the comics?”

Luo Su: Bahahahahahahahahahahahah…

“Wade Uncle, your uniform is so beautiful , can you lend me the headgear? Do all superheroes have a unique and handsome uniform like you do?"

Deadpool: screeching... screeching...

“Charles grandfather, can you talk about X-Men? Wade Uncle said that his team has its own appearance, does X-Men also have it?”

Professor X: hahahaha… hahahaha ……

"The driver over there, can you turn the air conditioner down?"

Logan: ¥%&*^@+……&~?# ¥…

“Luo Su Uncle…”

“Wade Uncle…”


Holding the steering wheel, Logan couldn't bear it any longer, he slammed on the brakes and parked the Cadillac on the side of the road.

He's going crazy!

From the time he and Laura met, the little girl ignored him. Even if he offered Laura like an ancestor, he never got a good face, not even a single letter.

This made Logan furious for a while. His wolf cub lost his language ability and became a mute during the inhuman experiment.

However, when Luo Su and Deadpool got into the car, Laura's mouth didn't stop. The topic of superheroes asked all sorts of questions, one mouthful of Uncle, and her mouth was like wiping honey. of.

In his place, he'd be the 'driver over there'!

Go to the f*ck driver!

The reality fiercely slapped Logan, Laura wasn't dumb, she just simply didn't want to talk to him.

It doesn't matter, it's just a rebellious period, the father still loves you!

Logan thought like this, turned his head stiffly, grinned and squeezed out a grim smile that he thought he was a loving father: "Laura, comics are comics, reality is reality, you have to learn to put the two Don't fantasize about being a superhero, you will die!"

Laura twitched his lips, whistling and looked out the car window, not giving any face.

This is my own cub! This is my own cub! This is my own cub!

With a blue vein on his forehead, Logan recited it three times silently, and warned himself that the reason why Laura is naughty like this is because she lacked parental discipline and care since she was a child, and is essentially a good child. So at this time, you must not be angry, you must use love to influence her, and give her a correct outlook on life.

"Laura, believe me, reality is different from comics. In reality, there are no superheroes and no one wears tight clothes."

Rogan just said After finishing, Deadpool was not happy: "Hey, I think you are targeting me, if no one wears tight clothes, what am I wearing?"

Logan is furious, I am educating Daughter, what are you stubid talking about!

He glared at Deadpool for three seconds with fire in his eyes, causing the temperature in the car to rise a bit.

"The driver over there, can you turn the air conditioner down?"

"Well, that's it."

Logan eagerly turned the air conditioner down He lowered his head twice, turned his head fiercely and glared at Deadpool, then changed into a friendly face, earnest and well-meant advised: "Listen, Laura, the tight clothes around you can't be used as an argument, because stupid and people are two different things. This kind of creature cannot be generalized. So, what I just said is still valid, no one wears tight clothes, understand?"

Laura lowered her head and yawned out of boredom. For some reason, she was a little sleepy. .


Logan scolded in a low voice, and decided to go to the next world as soon as possible, and entrust Lola to the X-Men there, maybe they are also superheroes, Also tight clothes, but at least it keeps Laura away from the stupid.

He glanced at Deadpool and said ill-humoredly: "Team...stupid, when are we going to the next world?"

"Hey, you clearly wanted to call me just now. Captain, why did you change your tune again?"

"Because at first I called it wrong!"

"You this bastard, I'm going to duel with you."

"Very good, I think like this too."

Someone wants to fight!

Laura heard the words and sat up, her eyes shining, impatient.

If you say this, then I won't be sleepy!

bang! bang!

The car door was pushed open, and the two naive men stood facing each other in the field.

"Come on, Wade Uncle, blow up that driver."

"Don't worry, Laura little Angel is just a sick wolf, I didn't pay attention to him at all...Siht , you actually sneak attack!"

Luo Su was watching from the car window, and didn't mean to stop the two, no matter which version, Wolverine and Deadpool are incompatible, not fighting today, tomorrow You have to fight, sooner or later, even if you persuade it, it is no good.

However, when he saw the smirking Professor X, he was in a bad mood. He said that he was well-respected. Could it be because of Alzheimer's?

Luo Su felt that things were not as simple as this, so he quietly put his hand on the flashbang, a ray of holy light sprinkled down, and adhered to the barren soil. In an instant, the rays of light skyrocketed into the sky, and the visual effect was shocking, as if a layer of wax had been applied.

Professor X's cloudy eyes suddenly sharpened, moved towards Luo Su slightly smiled, and continued to lie by the window to watch the excitement.

Luo Su's character is nod. It is correct. Professor X's black-belly has nothing to do with brain atrophy. He is this kind of himself, but he hides it more deeply.

"Professor, it's inappropriate for you to like this!"

Luo Su whispered: "I watch the fun because Wade is a stupid and often makes me angry. Logan will teach him a lesson."

Professor X said graciously: "Almost, when I was sick, Logan treated me as an imbecile, and I also wanted to borrow Wade's hand to teach him a lesson. ."

Luo Su raised his brows: "Professor, tell me like this, so you won't be afraid of the spiritual mentor's character collapse?"

"No, I believe in my own eyes, we are a kind of person.”


Luo Su didn’t say anything, and silently gave himself a like.

In the last world, after filming Professor X, running away was the right choice. This guy was a shrewd man, he admitted it himself.

Professor X looked at the fighting outside the window: "Luo Su, can I ask you one thing for the X-Force team?"

"Tell me!"

"Is it possible to postpone the process of going to the next world? I can feel that there is a group of mutant children in North Dakota who need help."

Luo Su raised his brows: "I won't Taking care of the little children, Deadpool is more impossible, but taking them to the next world is not a big problem."

"Thank you very much!"

"Professor, you are too modest Now, you can help them yourself."

Professor X smiled: "No, I'm already old, even if you heal my head, I don't have much time left. , the future is yours."


Luo Su smiled and hummed twice, there was not much time left, who would you lie to? !

He knows that Professor X's telepathy ability is so powerful that he can transfer his own spirit willpower before dying, occupy other people's bodies, and have a superpower version of Seize Body For Rebirth.

Unless Professor X volunteers, he can live forever.

"Speaking of which, what is the relationship between the X Special Forces and X-Men?" Professor X asked, and his intuition told him that there was an inevitable connection between the two.

"Well, like this, in a certain world, the X-Force is composed of members of the X-Men, which are considered subordinate squads." Luo Su explained: "It's just that, with the Different from the X-Men with a positive image, the X-Force team's methods are relatively extreme, and when treating the enemy is more cruel, such as Wade, Logan, and... Laura, are all members of the X-Force team."

Professor X was relieved and nodded, without commenting too much, he said with emotion: "It must be a very interesting world!"

No, that world is very dangerous!

Luo Su replied silently in his heart, at this moment, he browsed slightly wrinkle looked towards the end of the road, and a murderous-looking convoy was approaching. Not only that, two transport helicopters also flew from the sky in the distance.

"Professor, we're being watched."

"Well, I saw it." Professor X's face was calm, the strongest brain recovery, a group of clay chickens and pottery dogs He was not taken seriously at all.

"Aren't you going to do something?" Luo Su almost killed the audience.

"No, Logan has been dragged down by a half-paralyzed Alzheimer's for too long. He needs an outlet to release his stress."

"You're not afraid of him tasting blood, Back to beast?"

Professor X glanced at cheering excitedly Laura: "No, he's not alone anymore, he knows who he's waving his claws for."

"I understand, your awareness is that he was domesticated to grow a husky!"

"Hehe, the Gu family's watchdog is more suitable."

(End of this chapter )

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