End Of Heavens

Chapter 633

End Of Heavens Chapter 633


Chapter 631 Beating makes people grow

"What's the matter, what do you mean, let me go first in the second round? Don't be modest, I'll take the shot first, and you may have no chance at all."

Luo Su said infinitely arrogantly, of course he knew that there would be no second round, like this said it was to deepen the negative emotions on the opposite side.

One-shot kills will not bring despair, but will make the other party dissatisfied and stimulate a deeper fighting spirit, because they do not see the gap.

Only when you let them work hard, spare no effort, and find that whether they do or not do it will not affect the results, then there will be despair!

The plan was so successful that X-Men's entire group had lost its fighting spirit.

Among the seven, Pietro and Hank fell into a coma; Alex and Qin suffered severe physical exhaustion and were unable to form battle strength in a short time; Nightcrawler Wagner was naked and looked dazed by the blade , urgently need a psychological counseling.

Only Charles and Raven are fine, but the two of them are not enough for Luo Su to fight with one hand, and they cannot break the electromagnetic defense at long range.

"There is no second round, we lost!"

Charles looked at Eric with a wry smile, and finally understood the reason why the good friend fell voluntarily. It was his strength. The disparity made him let go of his dignity and bow down to protect his family.

For the sake of his family, Eric had to acknowledge allegiance to his bald head, and he was the same. For the safety of the students, he was willing to make the same choice.

It's just a prisoner, as long as everyone can be saved, it doesn't matter if he sacrifices one.

Jin hurriedly said, "No, Charles, we can still..."

"No, let's stop here!"

Charles categorically refused, Even if they were lucky enough to defeat Luo Su, the opponent still had Psylocke and Deadpool yet to shoot. He didn't know how strong the two were, even if only half of Luo Su's strength was enough to crush X-Men.

The gap between the two sides is too obvious, and courage and perseverance cannot make up the gap. It is better to be straightforward and vote directly.


The car door opened, Eric raised his hand slightly, and used his ability to place Professor X in a wheelchair on the ground, and the two walked around the pit to Charles.


X-Men brows tightly knit, Professor X's wheelchair's shape has its own maliciousness, which makes them puzzled. Are those with strong telepathy ability all the same? Must be paralyzed?

Among them, only Qin looked like she had seen a ghost, looked at Professor X, and then looked at Charles, stunned in place, her small mouth opened into an O shape.

Logan: (????)

The most shocking person was Charles, who was trembling and extended the hand, pointing at Professor X, his lips trembling, and he was stunned. Unable to say a word, all the shocking emotions were written on his face.

"Hello, Charles!"

"You, you...you are...where is your hair..."

"introduce myself, I It's Charles Francis Xavier, what a coincidence, our names are exactly the same, and even our abilities are extremely similar." Professor X nodded with a smile, and pointed at his temple, establishing a spiritual connection with Charles.

Charles' eyes were sluggish, and the mental defense line built with countless minds collapsed instantly. As a person at different times, his heat was far worse than that of Professor X. The latter entered his spiritual world, like visiting his own home. back yard.

Come as you want, leave as you want, and see which green plants are not pleasing to the eye, without Charles' consent, Professor X can clean it up himself.

Professor X drove straight in, read Charles' memory, and left some future memory fragments by the way.


After a while, Charles woke up and looked at his future self: "So, that mutant named Apocalypse will make me take off... no, it will hurt me. Are you bald?"

Professor X was stunned when he heard this, with a smile on his face: "Eric, shave his hair."

"No problem, don't worry. Leave it to me, I have the blade ready." Eric hands on hips, laughing triumphantly: "hahaha!! How is it, Charles, do I understand you well?"


A half hour later, the school bus took the students from the dugout back to the Academy, the teachers were busy shuttling through it, and everything started to go right.

The Principal's Office!

Charles stroked his cool hair and cast a grateful look at Eric next to him. The latter's head was bright and his eyes were blurred and he sat on the sofa doubting life.

Charles wasn't bald, Eric was bald. When he was in the garden, he didn't know which tendon was wrong. He danced a stupid dance, and then shaved his hair with a razor blade. There are no eyebrows left.

Unable to stop him, Eric was so emotional that he threatened to perish whoever dared to stop him.

The tone of voice is strong, and it is useless for anyone who comes, even if Professor X's good words persuade him to be useless.

The bystanders were silent, Eric's actions at that time were very strange, and it was probably controlled by someone present.

Everyone knows who they are, but it is useless to know who they are. They lack the evidence to make a final decision, and it is not easy to identify the murderer indiscriminately.

"It's too little, can you give me some more memories in the future?" Charles applied to open the rebirth link.

"Charles, I tell you the future to make you feel a sense of crisis and try to deal with the coming crisis, not to make you reap without sowing." Professor X said.

You can reap without sowing, why bother?

Charles widened his eyes, his future self was too paranoid, knowing the future and eliminating the source of danger in advance can not only prevent the disaster from breaking out, but also prevent the X-Men from being killed in the line of duty, wouldn't it be better to have the best of both worlds? Okay.

Of course, he does not deny the importance of hard work. After all, only when he is strong can he better cope with the crisis.

Professor X laughed, briefly reciting Luo Su's words: "When I came to this world, the future has become confusing and full of uncertainty. There will even be disasters that should not exist. , if you place hope on the memory in my mind, what is the difference between gambling and gambling?"

Charles looked thoughtful after hearing this, and browsers tightly frowns said nothing.

"Work hard, your own strength is the last word. Only when you and X-Men are strong together can you use it calmly when a crisis comes."

A bald head , a long hair, the two chatted for a long time, and finally tacitly put the topic on a recent crisis.


Charles hates Apocalypse deeply. In the future, he will have a hairless forehead, thanks to Apocalypse. Moreover, this self-proclaimed god's wild ambition will push mutants to the opposite of human beings, and must be eliminated as soon as possible to avoid future troubles.

Charles analyzed: "I think we should do it quickly, use the brain wave intensifier to attract him, and then release the power of the piano to give a fatal blow."

Professor X held Disagreement: "No, if Jean goes out of control, she'll be more dangerous than Apocalypse."

"We should trust Jean, shouldn't we?"

"I trust Jean, too. I believe she can control her own power, but we have the initiative now, so there is no need to take risks."

"This is also..."

The difference in age and experience between the two , hold different views on the same thing, but Professor X can always persuade Charles.

Charles thought of something, and asked with a hint of anticipation: "By the way, how strong is Luo Su, codenamed 'Angel', can he defeat Apocalypse?"

"This question I also asked, and he said good luck...55."


The two continued to discuss, and Eric joined them. capability to develop operational plans. In the end, it was found that if the strength could not be absolutely crushed, they could defeat Apocalypse at most, but could not kill him completely.

Two hours later, the three of them had nothing to gain. Charles couldn't eat or sleep well in the past few days. He was a little tired and prepared to go to rest for a while.

"By the way, Professor, I've got a room for you, and you'll rest there tonight." In case the same name causes confusion, 'Professor' is what Charles would call his future self .

Professor X smiled and shook his head: "no no no, Charles, I should have arranged a room for you."


Charles followed up with a laugh: "Man, this is my house, not yours... well, this is your house too. But judging by the time, it's my house first, and yours second, because without me there would be no you. "

"Charles, we are not on the same time line, without you there would be me."

Professor X matured: "Besides, I have the highest authority of the Academy, fingerprints, iris , DNA, etc., no matter how you look at it, I am the owner of this family."

The future self wants to seize power, which is decisively unbearable!

Charles sneered: "As you say, Raven also has the highest authority, but you and I both know she's a fake, isn't she?"

"Charles, you Are you talking bad about Raven?"

"No, that's not what I meant, I...she...I mean her abilities."

"he he he!"

Professor X smiled maturely again, raised his hand and nodded his head: "Charles, move to the guest room to sleep, your authority is not higher than mine, because you are also under my control."


At this moment, Charles realized that only when he is strong can he handle the crisis with ease.

Besides, Eric was acting as a bystander and took a sip from his teacup.

hehehe, Charles, how does it feel to be telepathically controlled by you today?

Are you happy?

Answer me and ask if you are happy?

After being beaten several times, Eric has grown a lot. He can smile inwardly while his face remains the same, chatting and laughing with others.

Seeing his good friends fall into the same situation as himself, Eric felt very happy. This is retribution.

Although this kind of thing is very sad, it is the spiritual victory of the weak, but he doesn't mind, as long as Charles is with him, he will be satisfied.

"By the way, where is that 'Angel'?"

Professor X said casually: "He is good at repairing equipment in the secret room of the brain wave intensifier, so I will ask him for help. , fix my brainwave intensifier."


It's mine!

(end of this chapter)

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