End Of Heavens

Chapter 638

End Of Heavens Chapter 638


Chapter 636 New and Old Gods

"Jin, unleash your power!"

"Jin, Don't be afraid, believe that you can control it..."

Two voices sounded in Qin's mind at the same time, the latter's silver teeth clenched his lips, and slowly touched the terrifying energy that he had forgotten in the corner.

Phoenix Force!

A terrifying force that carries both creation and destruction. Jyn doesn't know where it comes from, but she knows how terrifying this force is.

There is no good or bad ability, the key lies in the user's mentality. Dark power can be used to do good, Light Power can also destroy myriad things.

But be that as it may, the strength of Phoenix Force still keeps Jean at a distance, because she can't control this force, and an inadvertent tragedy will lead to irreparable tragedy.

However, today is different. If she hadn't released Phoenix Force, a bigger tragedy would come. With the mutual encouragement and support of the two professors, she decided to give it a go.

Actually, Qin has always had a bit of luck in her heart. If Luo Su is here, she will definitely be able to defeat Apocalypse...

However, Luo Su can't wait for the left or wait for the right. Time was running out, so she had to go on her own.

"What is this!?"

Apocalypse's eyes widened suddenly, his indifferent face became suspicious, and his powerful telepathy ability made him see deeper in Qin's body level changes.

Simply put—power!

The power that transcends everything and makes Apocalypse incomprehensible is slowly awakening on the piano. He had never experienced this kind of experience before, but just a little bit of power that had just awakened made him feel irresistible despair.

This is over!

In a trance, Apocalypse's spirit was dragged into a closed space. He stood on a barren planet, surrounded by deep universe and hazy starry sky.

Suddenly, a star closest to him suddenly released rays of light, the dark void was expelled by the rays of light of golden red, and a pair of wings composed of flames slowly opened.

The huge stature cannot be described in words, because the body size is so different that Apocalypse can't even see the whole picture, and can only use the vague outline to determine that it is a bird with wings.

A bird transformed from pure energy.

The raging flames forced the terrifying energy to descend on the planet where Apocalypse stood, and the shock wave spread and spread, sweeping the sky and the earth. The clouds swayed, the ground sank, everything around him fell apart, and the trend of collapse spread wildly to the surrounding.

Everything returns to nothing!

Apocalypse's powerful telepathy ability is too weak in front of this mighty force of destroying heaven extinguishing earth. He couldn't sense anything, only in the center of the golden red flame, he could see a pair of eyes, aloof and remote looking down at all beings, exuding endless cold.

This ruthless look, Apocalypse defines it as - God!



Luo Su cautiously stuck out half of his head at the corner of the wall.

This is not cowardice. After all, it is the Phoenix Force. Carefully sail the ship for ten thousand years. In case of a runaway, the insurance company will not accept claims.

In the garden, Qin's hands were raised and suspended in mid-air, facing Apocalypse on the ground of one-knee kneels.

Luo Su couldn't see Apocalypse struggling on whilst at death's door in the mental world, and could only see the two embarrassed scenes, and suddenly wondered: "No, where did the special effects go?"

No special effects, it looks like a real stupid!

The BOSS exit battle can be said to be the most climax of the whole play, just hanging a wire, not even a special effect of fifty cents, how can this film still sell for money? Do you still want word of mouth?

The most important thing is, why didn't System trigger the lottery of Phoenix Force?

Just when Luo Su was dissatisfied, Qin, who was suspended in the air, turned his head and moved towards him with a grin.


Luo Su's heart tensed, and he was too frightened to breathe.

"The big guy smiled at me... No, that smile is Qin, what does she mean when she smiles at me, wanting Cable to own half of the Asian bloodline? This... I promised Deadpool, it's not good... ... let's go!"

Luo Su began to scatter random thoughts regardless of the occasion. He was daydreaming here, and the mutation suddenly occurred in the field.

Jin's rising imposing manner suddenly came to a standstill, she wrapped her hands around her head, tore her long hair with force, and her weak body trembled violently like an electric shock.

"roar roar roar————"

A roar resembling a beast, er, not a human can make, erupted from the mouth of the piano.

In the wide eye sockets, the manic golden red flame was out of control, and a dense cloud of smoke passed through the pupils and flew straight into the sky.


Qin fell from the air with a wailing cry, her already white face was bloodless at the moment, even her lips were a scary white color.

Qin looked towards Luo Su, forced a smile, moved the corner of her mouth to say a word, rolled her eyes and fainted.

Luo Su: (one`'one)

Wait, don't faint yet, I don't understand what this 'I'll give it to you' means!

Golden red arcs blazed, and the aftermath of violent energy spewed in all directions, slicing one after another black crack in the air. Eventually turned into a shrinking Phoenix phantom, hidden into the void, disappeared.

There was a dead silence in the field, and everyone stared at Qin, who had passed out in a coma, dumbfounded, unable to figure out what was going on.

How come it ended before it started?

What everyone doesn't know is that Jean has always been wary and resistant to Phoenix Force, and she will never use this power until it is a last resort. The presence of Luo Su made her think things were turning around, so without the slightest hesitation cut off the just awakened Phoenix Force.

As for Phoenix Force, no one knows what she is thinking. After Qin refused to use it, she directly broke away from the piano and went to other universes to find the next Host.

Don't ask, ask is willful!

After a moment of dead silence, Apocalypse, who was lucky enough to survive a dog's life, laughed and turned into a fool. He jumped up from the ground with fists clenched, and the BOSS's force fell thoroughly in an instant.

Don't blame him for breaking his own character, whoever looks at Phoenix Force and walks in front of Gates of Hell will be very excited.

"Hahaha, have you seen it, the old god has left..."

Apocalypse raised her arms and shouted, her eyes flashing with unprecedented ambition: "She entrusted the world to me, And admitted the status of my new god, starting today, I'm the only one!"

Obviously, this guy has misunderstood something, but he escaped from Phoenix Force, he does have arrogant capital .


Professor X watched all this in disbelief. Fortunately, his problem was brain atrophy, not cerebral thrombosis. It's time for the Men to feast in the garden.

Charles is not much better either. Professor X warned him before that the future has become unpredictable, and many disasters that should not exist will appear one by one. Absolutely can't take luck.

Even if you prevent this disaster in advance, a more terrifying disaster will break out, leading to the direct destruction of Earth!

At first, Charles still has a little doubt, Earth is like this big, how many times there can be crises of extinction.

Now he believes, Apocalypse is not dead, Qin's hidden power has disappeared, and the future is like breaking free from the dog's leash.

The departure of Phoenix Force made Apocalypse excited and danced for a while. After calming down, he looked at Charles with a light smile: "You know, I have experienced countless reincarnations, and I have never been so urgent. To gain some kind of power..."

"Charles, you have wasted your innate talent, starting today, we will fuse together. You will be a hero praised by the world, and I will be crowned the divine throne , to become the omnipresent one."

Apocalypse was too lazy to play the piano, and was determined to kill to avoid future troubles, and was afraid to anger the hidden boss.

What if the big guy just went out for a walk, and will come back in a few years, he couldn't hold back the bird's nest for a while, wouldn't it be bringing about one's own destruction!

The loss of Phoenix Force's piano is no longer a threat, so I just leave her alone and keep it safe. Apocalypse thinks of this, and is more urgent for Charles' ability.

If the boss attacked him after he returned, and possessed the ability of Charles to leave the body and pass it on to others, he might be able to deal with it.

"Charles, hand over your strength to me, don't try to resist any more, the meeting between you and me is the arrangement of fate..." Apocalypse tapped his fingertips, and Charles, who was slumped on the ground, slowly floated up, moved towards him.


The arc of silver white flickered, and the four-headed thunder incarnation of the giant wolf dashed at a rapid pace, and under Apocalypse's smug expression, it swooped down on him.

Luo Su walked out of the corner quickly, a few strides intercepted before Apocalypse, reached out and picked up Charles, took him back to X-Men's camp, and threw him at Professor X's feet.

Qin knelt down, kneeling neatly and without any hesitation.

The most pitiful is Phoenix Force. Qin is young and ignorant, and it's okay to play a childish temper. What kind of arrogance do you have with her!

Looking around, the peers are all a group of trash, and he can only get on it himself.

Luo Su couldn't help sighing at the thought of another 50 to 50, he was too difficult!

Crackle! !

The electric light on Apocalypse converged in the body, sensing that Juggernaut was completely dead, and immediately frowned, a killing intent was born in his heart.

It was hard to find a subordinate who could catch the eye, and Luo Su did it. Does he want to be general without an army in the future?

The loner has dog legs and eagles. He is a new god who is about to be enthroned, so he can't do everything by himself!

Apocalypse's eyes lit up, and said with a smile: "Human, your strength amazes me. I always thought that only mutants are the most perfect race."

"So What?"

"Be my Knight, and I'll let you know that you are more powerful than that, you can be stronger!"

"Just you?" Luo Su Hearing that he twitched his lips with disdain, everyone is open to each other, where do you get your confidence?

Apocalypse coldly said: "Humans, ignorance is not a reason, restrain your arrogance, and there is a god standing in front of you."

"Sorry, I don't believe in gods, and you It's not a god, it's just a mutant with special abilities."

"Powerhouse mentality, this is very good, but you have to learn to lower your destiny..."

Apocalypse is saying, His face suddenly sank, and he saw the open wings behind Luo Su, and his murderous intention came out: "No wonder, you are also an old god!!"

(end of this chapter)


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