End Of Heavens Chapter 66


Chapter 66 accumulated 12 lottery

"System, use 'Skill Card: Enslavement'!"

Luo A series of esoteric and complicated incantations appeared in Su's mind. The words were okay, and he could barely read them. Many symbols were beyond his cognition. It doesn't matter if you don't know him. Using the Skill Card, he can easily read out the obscure characters.

The casting time was slightly longer, Luo Su couldn't count how many characters he had read, his spiritual force began to connect with the witch, forcibly breaking through the opponent's Spirit Defence in an overpowering attitude.

At the same time, he used the sharp blade under Sand Eagle·Heavenly God's muzzle to cut a small hole in the palm of his hand, and blood dripped onto the witch's forehead.

The witch fell into a state of absentmindedness, but at the moment when Spirit Defence was broken, her consciousness began to wake up, because the 'Enslavement' skill was unlocked from her, so she knew exactly what would happen if she continued.

The invisible spiritual force held the blood, making it still in mid-air.

The witch began to resist. The magic power was disintegrated and could not be condensed for the time being. Her spirit and body had been separated. Her resistance all came from the support of perseverance.

Most part of the spiritual force dissipated, and the remaining small part was mobilized by her to resist Luo Su's spiritual force being pushed out to the outside world.

The old zongzi is the old zongzi, the witch cannot be killed, at least the person who chooses to seal her does not know how to kill her, in addition to the profound knowledge of spell, her spiritual force is also far beyond the boundaries of human beings .

Under the strong resistance, even if it is only a part of spiritual force, Luo Su is difficult to compete with her.

Luo Su was secretly shocked. The witch first lost a lot of water, and then suffered the torture of separation of spirit and body. She still had the strength to resist, and the momentum of resistance was so fierce.

How strong did this guy have to be in the period of victory, and there are many bones like this on the ground, shouldn't he have formed a group to brush her?

The two stood in a stalemate, urging the spiritual force to oppress each other with all their might, and fighting in the witch's spiritual world in the most primordial way.

Luo Su's spiritual force is very strong, a lot stronger than the ordinary person, but this is not his advantage, his advantage is that the caster is in the dominant position. Although the witch is in her own spiritual world, as a defensive side, Innate is at a disadvantage. In addition, her current state is very bad, and she can only hold up until now with amazing perseverance.

It's like a siege, the attacking party launches 100 attacks, fails 99 times, and succeeds once is a victory. As for the defending side, if they failed once, the 99 previous successes would all be in vain.

Time has passed, and the tug-of-war continues...

Luo Su's forehead is full of sweat, although he is a spellcaster, competing in spiritual force It is an indisputable fact that the novice is a novice after all, and the battery life is poor. After using spiritual force for a long time, his mind was too exhausted, and a strong sense of exhaustion hit him, only to feel that his body was hollowed out.

The witch is in worse condition than Luo Su, the spiritual force consumed cannot be replenished, and an arrow at the end of its flight hangs in one breath.

No one wants to lose, even witches can't afford to lose!

The turning point came to Luo Su. He held his breath and refused to admit defeat. His forehead was bulging, and his face was flushed.

[Ding! ]

[Host breakthrough spiritual limit, intelligence +2, current attribute is 14 (11+3)]

[Host acquires skills: Slavery]

[Skill: Slavery (as a wizard, you must have a familiar who can hold the scene)]


One drop, Two drops, three drops...

Bright red blood flowed from Luo Su's nostrils, and it happened to fall on the still blood in midair. The blood gathered more and more, and the witch screamed with resentment in the spiritual world. She was unable to stop the blood from falling, and could only watch herself step into the abyss.

The next second, blood drips down her forehead, and she is no longer herself!

Desperate! resentment! curse!

The witch's spiritual world became pitch black, and at the center of the world, a desolate shriek coaxed the entire world, and then the mirror-like pieces were torn apart.

The spiritual world has collapsed!

The witch knows the fate of being enslaved. She doesn't want to live in humiliation, she chooses to face death and end herself...

crash-bang ————

Broken The lens is like an exploding shrapnel, which instantly shreds Luo Su's spiritual force, which is the last revenge before his death.

At the moment of the explosion, Luo Su's face became extremely pale, his headache was like a needle stick, his body swayed and knelt on the ground, slowly fell over and passed out, and his whole face was directly attached to the headlights. superior.

As soon as the witch died, Heaven and Earth turned upside down in the cave, and countless skeletons seemed to be caressed by the breeze, turning into fine sand and sinking. The giant spiders are witches' facilitators. When the witch dies, they can't live. They are like empty shells without souls, and they die instantly.

In the entire cave, only Luo Su was still panting, he fell into a coma, spiritual force began to repair itself, and slowly gathered in the center of the Imperial court. In the process of gathering, he inevitably brought back things that did not belong to him, some unowned spiritual force fragments.

Luo Su's spiritual force dominated, and the sparse mirror-like fragments automatically merged into it, becoming part of his spiritual force and expanding it by three points.

[Ding! ]

[Host breakthrough spiritual limit, intelligence +3, current attribute is 17 (14+3)]


[Ding! ]

[Host completes the World Mission, finds out the truth of the mutant spider incident, and eliminates the source of the mutation, and starts to calculate the mission reward. ]


[Ding! ]

[The rewards are as follows: 5 points for free attribute, 15,000 points for Wealth, and one lucky draw. ]


【Ding! 】

【Host has completed the World Mission, you can end the world process immediately, or you can stay in this world, the longest The stay time is 24 hours, please choose Host as soon as possible! ]


"Lalala, Uncle father, mission is over, you can go home, wash and sleep! Uncle...are you listening?"

"Luo Su? Ronaldinho? Poisonous Tongue Luo? Little bastard?"

"Ai, no response, it must be cold!"


When Luo Su woke up, he had returned to the real world, and when he opened his eyes, he saw a familiar computer desk. After asking System, I realized that I was in a coma in Mission World, exceeding the maximum stay time of 24 hours.

"Well...why didn't you wake me up?" Luo Su was quite annoyed, and his head was still a little dizzy. Let's not talk about the value of the witch's body, the 18-year-old fresh widow alone is worth it. 24 hours.

Sleep, it's all gone!

System shouted injustice, and said very loyally: "Uncle Luo father, I called you many times, but your spirit is too tired to wake up."

Luo Su heard the words nodded, looked thoughtful and said: "Listening to what you said, I seem to have a bit of an impression. I remember someone calling me in my sleep, with a very unfriendly attitude, and scolding me..."

When System heard the words, he immediately asked for warmth and showed his loyalty: "That must be because you are too tired, so I will say, the body is the capital of the revolution, and you should have a good rest."

Luo Su squinted, The lightning and thunder in the spiritual world were a blast of indiscriminate bombardment against the System. No matter if it's a dream or not, no matter who the person who scolds him is, this pot System must be recited.

He kept the System just because when he was upset, there was something to decompress. After all, the stupid System had no other function.

"Is it dead? If not, list my attribute interface!"

[Host: Luo Su]

[Power: 14 (7 +7)]

[Body: 15 (6+9)]

[Wisdom: 17 (14+3)]

[Wealth: 20700]


The 5 points of free attribute rewarded by the mission, Luo Su without the slightest hesitation is added to the 'body', allowing it to break through the level of 20. Although he is now a fledgling magician

People should take a long-term view, pursue strength without rushing for a while, and live long enough to have what they want!

“Uncle Luofather, you have accumulated 12 lottery times in Mission World, do you want to start now?”

Luo Su pulled down the system prompt and got 11 times on the spider. lottery, you will be rewarded once for completing the mission, adding up to a total of 12 times.

After leaving Mission World, lottery will not specify the person or thing whose lottery section is triggered, and everything related to Mission World will have a chance to be drawn. This is the time to bet on luck.

The world of Eight Legged Freaks, Luo Su has not explored it in detail, but he also knows that this world has a complex background and has many supernatural abilities. Good luck can produce a lot of good things.

"Don't worry, there's so much time, I haven't eaten for a day, I'll fill my stomach first."

Luo Su got up and sorted out his equipment, except The ring that has been hanging around the neck, M9, digital camera, Sand Eagle · Heavenly God are automatically brought back to the real world.

Luo Su looked at the M9 and the digital camera, and asked in a low voice, "System, will all Item Cards issued unconditionally join me in and out of Mission World?"

"Incomplete. Yes, if the item is given away or discarded, whether it is the real world or the Mission World, it will be excluded. Items that are too damaged and have no recycling value will also be considered discarded, such as rechargeable chainsaws.”

Luo Su nodded and asked another question: "If one day... I drive a cosmic battleship, what will happen?"

"It will also bring back the real world!"

Luo Su put his hand on his forehead: "It's too ostentatious, I still want to live in peace on Earth, is there any way to solve it?"

"With Wealth value, it can't be solved without money. problem.”

Seeking favorites and recommendations!

(end of this chapter)

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