End Of Heavens

Chapter 662

End Of Heavens Chapter 662


Chapter 660 Kree, welcome to Earth

The dark star is in the center, the three frigates open the launch port and eject a total of twelve ballistics warhead.

The whole body is dark and the missile with blue energy stripes on the surface, after leaving the hull, start the thruster and enter the Earth's atmosphere at a very fast speed.

in midair blue rays of light flickered, twelve warheads stood still in mid-air, and the thrusters slowly spewed flames, but they were unable to move forward at all.

The distance of the space is infinitely elongated. These warheads have exhausted their Life Power and cannot get close to the surface. Even if they explode, the fireworks produced will have a pitiful effect on the surrounding area.

Dark Star soon detected the anomaly.

"Sir, C-53planet intercepted our missiles using a defense system of unknown strength."

"It's not a defense system, it's a Tesseract..."

Ronan frowned as he listened to the deputy's report, examining the frame of the missile ahead, pondered then said: "Who is using the power of the Tesseract, Mai Weir? How did he do it?"

"It's unclear for the time being. He is the successor of the Captain Marvel title. I'm not surprised what kind of miracles he creates." The deputy shrugged, listening to his tone, it seemed that he was still a fan of Steve.

"Idiot, the heroes officially announced by the Empire are not worthy of worship, and the national idols are too much, do you really think that Captain Marvel is omnipotent?"

Ronan dismissed, Captain Marvel It is a political star created by Supreme Wisdom. Although it is indeed powerful, half of it is based on traffic, and it is not as invincible as the official propaganda.

Tesseract is the Space Stone, the power to mobilize space on a large scale, there must be tools to control gems, such as the Infinity Gauntlet in Thanos' hands.

It's not impossible to respond with the strength of oneself forcefully activate the gem, but Ronan doesn't think Mai Weir has that kind of strength.

Ronan was intrigued. Just when he was about to order the landing on Earth, and when he found Mai Weir and asked why, the picture of the twelve missiles freezing was suddenly pitch black, as if being swallowed by a mysterious huge monster.

"What's going on?"

Ronan's heart suddenly jumped, and he hurriedly zoomed out the screen to see it clearly.

Between the blue sky and the white clouds, a pair of giant light wings as black as ink spread out and soared up at a terrifying speed. At the moment of contact, the twelve missiles were corroded by invisible forces. scrap iron.

The camera zooms farther and farther, until the outline of the entire Earth appears in the frame, and the black light wings are prominently located outside the atmosphere.

The picture is enlarged, Luo Su's face appears under the lens, the closed eyes are suddenly opened, and the whites of the pupils and eyes are all pitch black.

Ronan's vest froze, and his intuition told him that the other party had locked him.

"I think I've seen this face somewhere..." Seemingly thinking of something, Ronan flashed a fright in his eyes, and hurriedly ordered: "Attack, hurry up to intercept, don't let him get close."

The frigate warship opened its wings and launched a large number of small airships. The formation formed a large net, which covered Luo Su's position from afar.


Splitting the air sound hit, Ronan rolled forward and fell to the ground, one-knee kneels raised Kree Warhammer named 'Universal Weapon', blocking the attack. The sneak attack of the next deputy.

"Bastard, are you crazy?"

Ronan scolded, met his deputy's dark eyes, and felt a chill in his heart.

The deputy's eyes were exactly the same as the ones he saw Luo Su before, Ronan knew that he was being controlled, no more words, swinging the long sword down, erecting the Warhammer to release the energy shock, without the slightest hesitation Kill the off-hand on the spot.

Outside the atmosphere, the black light wings behind Luo Su extend infinitely, forming a huge encirclement, the area of which is larger than that of the small airship.

The light wings were closed, and the thick black fog rose. After opening again, the huge number of small airships all turned into rotten residues.

"Attack! Free fire, knock him out!"

With Ronan's order, the Dark Star and the three frigates turned on full fire, aiming to cover the front.

The three frigates are scattered, the main guns in front of the battleship are charged, the two wings are opened one by one, and countless small airships are ejected. The direction fluttered.

Battleship The main gun is fully charged, the secondary gun fires first, and the dense missiles complete the saturated coverage strike first.

Three rounds of attacks came one after another, and in an instant, beams of light suddenly lit up, forming a shining curtain of light, illuminating the entire dark universe.

The devastating blow of hiding the sky and covering the earth is the proud military strength of the Kree Empire, and it is also their reliance on the boundless starry sky.

In the next second, the vast black mist spread out without warning, and the previously shocking beam of light, now as small as a pearl of rice, suddenly lit up and quickly extinguished.

The iron shoe of war, representing the beam of death, is unable to withstand a single blow under the corruption of darkness.

Luo Su carried his wings on his back, spread a black screen with both hands, continuously released the energy of the dark dimension, erected an indestructible solid city wall, and blocked the attacks of the interstellar battleship from Earth.

The light beam sank into it, and it was as silent as clay ox entering the sea. The missiles and small airships were directly corroded into pieces of copper and iron, shattered into worthless space junk, and floated in the universe.

Three rounds of offensive ended, and the most powerful battleship main artillery failed to penetrate the Darkness Domain.


Kree's attack ends and Luo Su's counterattack begins.

With a big wave, he aimed at one of the frigates, his five fingers bent and clenched into a fist.

I saw the boundless black fog emerging, turning into a big hand covering the heavens, shielding the sun, and clasped the frigate.

Corrosive energy disintegrates the battleship's energy defense cover, and the continuous black fog with no opportunity invades it with hallucinogenic and crazy negative factors. Under the cannibalism of Kree soldiers, the entire ship is destroyed. The frigates were kneaded into dull scrap metal.

The corrosive energy remains unstoppable, swallowing up the disintegrating scrap iron. From the attack to the end, a battleship disappears out of thin air, without even ten seconds before and after.

"Retreat! Back to the Space Node of the leap!"

Ronan brow beaded with sweat, almost roaring an order, C-53planet tech is not worth mentioning, but this There is a powerhouse on the planet that can easily destroy a civilization.

Ronan recognized Luo Su's face, and the Black Order's wanted notices are still circulating among civilizations because Luo Su killed General Corvus Glaive, the leader of the Obsidian Five.

According to the grapevine, Thanos personally participated in the pursuit of Luo Su, and the two broke out into a fight on Morag.

The specific result is unknown, and the Black Order is tight-lipped about it, but Thanos was seriously injured and Morag Star was destroyed and has since been included in the forbidden area of life, but it is a fact that cannot be concealed.

The entire process of development can easily be deduced...

The younger brother Thanos was killed.

This matter has been rumored for some time among the major cosmic civilizations, of course, only for high-level or well-informed people.

Coincidentally, Ronan belongs to both the top and the well-informed.

Even Thanos returned in low spirits after failing the killing star, Ronan naturally wouldn't provoke him, and he felt infinite remorse, cursing Mai Weir as a scumbag.

It was said earlier that Tesseract had a master, so he wouldn't come!

The three interstellar battleships slowly retreated, but Ronan's face became more and more ugly, as if twelve missiles could not advance an inch, his vehicle, the Dark Star, was fully propelled and remained motionless. A deadly attitude.

Luo Su erects the Infinity Gauntlet, the Space Stone blue rays of light shine.

Next moment, under his drive, the purple rays of light representing the Power Stone bloomed together.

The Dark Star and the two frigates stood still, the surface of the battleship glowed with a purple destructive fire, and the huge energy and shock wave frantically devoured the battleship's energy shield, draining it in the blink of an eye.

As the energy invades, the hull slowly decomposes, starting from the surface, the reinforced iron frame is peeled off, and decomposed to the molecular level under the destruction of the surging force.

The destruction of the three interstellar battleships is a foregone conclusion, and Ronan, knowing that he is powerless, grasps the all-purpose weapon Warhammer and wants to teleport himself back to the Kree Empire.


The space around low-Earth orbit is locked, and the only place he can teleport is...


There is no choice. Ronan is someone who does big things.

Thirty seconds later, the three interstellar battleships disintegrated under the ravages of the Power Stone and turned into cosmic dust.


In the middle of the desert, Ronan was holding a Warhammer one-knee kneels, the pure Kree blue skin attracted the attention of Natasha and the others, waiting for him to say something What, a hail of bullets will come one after another.

Ronan possesses strength, stamina, speed and reaction ability far beyond ordinary people, all abilities will be improved when wearing the armored suit.

The Warhammer named 'Universal Weapon' is the high-tech crystallization of the Kree Empire. It is a Divine Grade single-soldier weapon with material decomposition and reorganization, energy absorption, gravity control, force field creation, Shockwave emission, and teleportation. equal ability.

Therefore, these ordinary attacks are not in his eyes at all, and a defensive structure can easily block them.


Natasha released a psychic shock wave, smashing the defensive power field like a hammer, and hitting Ronan Spiritual Plane directly, causing him to bleed from his nose and mouth, and almost fell to the ground unsteady.

"Who are you again?"

Looking around at the Nine Headed Snake crowd, Ronan inwardly grumbled, the only thing he recognizes is Natasha, and the Black Order also has something about her Wanted.

This is a backward and barren primordial planet, it is clearly a hideout for the boss!

Seeing Mai Weir lying on the ground not knowing whether to live or die, Ronan pupils shrank, his brains opened up and connected, and realized that this was a conspiracy, and someone used Mai Weir to lure him into the bait.

It's ridiculous that he thought he'd found a bargain and sent it to the door stupidly.

Luo Su will come over at any time. Ronan knows that it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. The teleportation is activated again, and he will run away with the Warhammer in his hand.

With a bang, a shock wave of photon energy hit, breaking Ronan's condensed thoughts, and the rest of the force not only knocked him out, but Warhammer even let go.

Steve staggered to his feet, stared at Ronan, and said, "Kree, you shouldn't have come to this planet."

"Steger THIS!!"

Seeing the first-generation Captain Marvel who had been missing for many years, Ronan sucked in a breath of cold air, Earth's water was deeper than he thought, and hurriedly turned around to pick up the 'Universal Weapon' Warhammer.


Luo Su stepped on the Warhammer and looked down at Ronan's sweaty face: "Kree, welcome to Earth!"


"In the backcountry, I don't have anything I can bring to entertain you, so I'll just use my enthusiasm..." After saying that, Luo Su Infinity Gauntlet clenched his fists and smashed Ronan's head with a standard Earth person greeting.

(end of this chapter)

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