End Of Heavens

Chapter 669

End Of Heavens Chapter 669


Chapter 667 Can I take a photo together?

Seeing that the blade of the gauntlet is easily cut by the Adamantium knife, Batman vision freezes, knowing that if he doesn't do anything, I'm afraid he will have to become a one-armed bat tonight.

Both of his hands held up the long knife that was pressed down, and the fingertips touched the button on the arm guard. At the same time as the summon bat war chariot, another device function was activated.


naked eye It can be seen that Batman's two-hand armguards flashed blue arcs, and the jumping electric current illuminated the dark warehouse, along the Adamantium knife, extending to Luo Su's Deathstroke armor.


Luo Su is a bit confused, not sure if he should show his 'lightning rod' constitution, because Batman is the first time he He showed his ability in front of him, and it won't work the next time.

It's not enough to abuse Batman once, of course, the more the better!

According to Luo Su's original plan, he won't show much ability when the two fight tonight. In addition to the Deathstroke suit and accompanying weapons, there are only Adamantium knives, close combat abilities, and Superman-like physicality.

Batman, a similar enemy, has experienced a lot, and he will definitely find a way to deal with it. When Batman comes to the door with confidence for the second time, he will show the ability to control thunder and lightning.

For the third time, use dark energy to transform into a black little Angel, and the light wing keeps a trump card.

For the fourth time, look at the weather, if it rains...

If it doesn't rain, dig a hole!

After this, it's a little sorry to say, Luo Su has several Character Cards with special abilities, it's a pity to give up...


As Luo Su struggled, Batman pulled away from Adamantium's knife and punched him in the cheek with a confluence of lightning strikes.

Luo Su slashed back with a long knife and cut a gap on Batman's breastplate. At the same time, the latter's fist with sparks and lightning also fiercely smashed into his visor.


Luo Su took three steps back to show respect, Batman took two steps back to stabilize his center of gravity, clenched fists arc looming, frowned: "Your armor can absorb electricity?"

"Ah? Hmm! Yes, since I was discovered by you, I'm not hiding anymore."

Luo Su said, slammed the long knife, and the lightning arc of the Razer sprinted up. The blade keeps flashing and flashing.

He looked directly at Batman and said seriously: "As expected of the Old Senior in the world of heroes, you have discovered all my hidden cards like this, you can't accept it!"

This guy is stupid!

Batman cursed stupid secretly in his heart, closed the arc mechanism on his armguard, took two steps back, raised his black robe, and hid in the darkness.


The hook gun was fired, and Batman jumped onto the steel beam of the warehouse building, and threw two smoke bombs condescendingly. The bat helmet is equipped with night vision, thermal imaging, sonar, gas masks and other equipment to help him easily capture enemies in the dark.

Luo Su held his breath, his magic power poured into his eyes, and a blue light appeared in his eyes. His telepathy detected the warehouse factory like a radar, and he met Batman's line of sight from afar.

Seeing this, Batman didn't think much about it, and decided that Luo Su's visor had the same function as the bat helmet.

Boomerang swept Luo Su's side, turned back and accelerated at a faster speed, and from different angles, went straight to the key points such as his vest.

“such insignificant ability!”

Luo Su turned around abruptly, the long knife slashed through the gorgeous three streams of light in the dark night, and the crispness of ding ding ding~ In the sound, it was shot down one after another with precision.

Six black dots fell from the sky again, Luo Su said nothing, swung his long knife and swept through a burst of air, blasting the six black dots directly.

Break up?

After the continuous loud noise, a large piece of purple black smoke filled the warehouse. Luo Su took a breath of the slightly sweet gas and determined that it was poison qi or hypnotic gas.

Because it was really sweet, he took two more puffs!

On the beam of the house, Batman clearly saw this scene, and determined that the armor on Luo Su was very advanced. To defeat Luo Su, he must first remove the armor.

He took out a few bat darts, used them in combination with the hook gun, aimed at the seam of the armor, and ejected the bat darts at the fastest speed.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Luo Su wielded a long knife and shot down darts: "Old Senior, don't always make the same moves..."

Boom! ! !

A bat dart with a miniature bomb exploded, the rolling red Fireball buried Luo Su whole, Batman erected the cloak to block the flame impact, took out the signal transmitter and pressed it, and then Jumped down from the sky and went straight to the silhouette standing in the flames.


The blade flared out, Luo Su faced the flying Batarang directly and chose to ignore it. Let it hit the armor, send out sparks of ding ding dong dong, and stab Batman directly in the chest.

After the bat landed, it first threw four bat darts, then raised the hook gun, aimed at Luo Su's forehead and pulled the trigger.

The grappling gun was flashed by Luo Su sideways, but it also pierced the wall behind him. Batman pressed the mechanism on the grappling gun, retracted the rope, and accelerated it towards Luo Su. past.

The Adamantium knife was cold light cold and severe. When the blade was near, Batman raised his arm and the blade slightly blocked, and released his gripped hook gun in time. Dodged and came directly behind him unsuspecting.

Clamping six bat darts in both hands, Batman's eyes quickly locked on the seam of the armor behind Luo Su, and the Six Paths cold light slashed straight down.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding————

Luo Su's long knife is behind his back, like long eyes behind his back, blocking all Batman's lightning-fast sneak attacks , followed by a whip leg sideways, centered on its shoulders.

This kick...

To Luo Su's feeling, Batman's physical fitness is definitely more than human Peak, at least the ability to fight is Superman level, at least better than Flash Be patient.

The Flash: "..."

It is true that Luo Su has never seen The Flash, so he doesn't know what it feels like to beat him, but his intuition makes him dare to assert, Just that kick just now, the Flash will definitely not be able to hold it.

Don't ask, ask is The Flash!

The Flash: "..."

Batman was whipped and flew out, throwing a few plastic bombs in the air to block Luo Su's chasing pace, after landing, he rolled to release his force, and once again hid in the darkness.

Knowing that Luo Su's visor has night vision, Batman chose to fight in the dark, not by luck, but by his personal habit.

The darkness reassures him and allows him to face tough enemies more calmly!

To fight off Batman, Luo Su regretted looking at the vertical propulsion glider. If he had not been careless, he could fly high, chase Batman all the way, and throw pumpkin bombs all the way.

Aware of Luo Su's gaze, Batman was startled, threw two bat darts, moved quickly, and dropped a plastic bomb as he jumped over the glider.

bang! !

Luo Su: "..."

One look and you will blow it up. If I look at the Batcave a few more times, will you blow up the Batcave too?

Just as Luo Su was complaining, in the dark night, there were countless flapping sounds, and a shadow flew in from the warehouse door, screaming and rushing towards him.


Thousands of bats hissed and screamed, making painful noises, Luo Su sucked in a breath of cold air, trembling all over, and his teeth were sore.

On the other side, Batman, who has collected information, is ready to retreat. For the first time, the equipment he carries is not enough to fight against Luo Su, so he must go back and upgrade.

It is true that Luo Su said that he is a superhero who just debuted, not a villain. The two also showed mercy when they fought, but Batman is different from other superheroes.

If you change to a hero like Superman and The Flash, and learn that there is an extra hero in your city, no matter true or false, you will definitely express your goodwill first, and welcome the other party to join the superhero. extended family.

Batman no, whether you are good or bad, the identity must be registered first, then the specific ability, and finally the Achilles heel so that he can dig...

No, yes When it is convenient for him to degenerate into a villain, he can immediately come up with a response plan!

Almost not long after the arrival of the bats, a domineering Batmobile smashed through the wall and came to Batman. He jumped into the car, stepped on the accelerator and drove away, a cruel word. Did not give up.

Crackle! !

Lightning billowed in the warehouse, bats all over the sky turned into coke and fell, Luo Su put his long knife in the scabbard and glanced at the taillights of the car: "hmph, offended the Dimension Demon... Deathstroke still wants to go, so what? Easy!”

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ! !

On the bat war chariot, Batman switched to autopilot mode, connected the images collected in the helmet to the computer, and inquired about the characters in Gotham City that could match Luo Su.


There was a loud noise, and the heavy bat war chariot trembled violently. Batman looked up and saw Luo Su standing on the front cover of the car, stepping on the bat war chariot armor with both feet, leaving two deep-set footprints.

"Old Senior, the battle isn't over yet!"


Batman slammed on the brakes without saying a word.

Luo Su leaned back, and the Adamantium knife stabbed backwards, piercing the armor of the bat war chariot, and avoided the tragic accident of the old driver flying out.


The bat war chariot was activated, and a bunch of six-barrel aviation cannons shot out, slowly turning towards Luo Su.

Da! clatter! clatter! Da————

Luo Su raised the knife with one hand, swung the impenetrable sword qi net, and deflected the rapidly fired bullets with a stubborn resistance that water could not get in.

Batman was surprised, Luo Su didn't show this ability before, was it deliberately hiding, or...

His first thought was that Luo Su couldn't maintain it for a long time The current state of high-speed swinging.


The six-barrel Vulcan cannon ran out of ammunition, Luo Su raised his knife and ripped open the armor of the driver's seat, Batman lay down, a passage was opened behind the seat, and he himself was ejected from the driver's seat, from the backup The location of the box got out.

The bat cloak changes form, hardens into a metal-like bat wing, the propeller is activated, and the body is soaring.

A sword qi lashed out, severing the bond between Batman and the aircraft behind him. Luo Su grabbed the fallen Batman and stuck his neck against the wall.

The Adamantium knife stopped at the door of Batman's face, Luo Su squinted slightly, and said in a low, muffled voice: "Old Senior, before leaving, can you take a picture with the fans?"

(end of chapter)

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