End Of Heavens

Chapter 676

End Of Heavens Chapter 676


Chapter 674 Deathstroke has sounded, are you ready for the epitaph

Da! clatter! clatter! Da————

The gunshots rang out, and Selina, who was framed, quickly climbed and moved on the roof.

She used the steel frame beam as a cover to block the bullets, remembering that there were small props in her belt, she hurriedly opened the cassettes one by one, took out the flashbang, and threw them down.

bang! !

The flames exploded, and along with the screams of the gang members, a Fireball rose in place.

Apparently, it's not a flashbang, it's a grenade!

There was chaos in the warehouse. Several gang members rushed to the second floor, took out their beloved semi-automatic firepower, and pulled the trigger on Selina's position, interrupting her thinking about life.

Selina rolled over and jumped down, jumped from the warehouse beam to the ground, rolled over after landing, rushed into the shelves full of goods, and used the bunker to hide the petite silhouette.

Her heart was beating peng peng, she heard the cluttered footsteps around her moving towards herself, Selina's palms were sweating, and she turned up her belt again.

Compared with Luo Su, the gang members are far less threatening, but Selina would rather face Luo Su than this vicious outlaw.

It is true that Luo Su never knew show mercy when he beat her up, he flattened her into a pig's head several times, and the bridge of her nose was broken.

But she knew very well in her heart that Luo Su was just beating people, not really wanting her life, and she was in charge of treatment after the beating.

Gangs are different, although they are weak, they have guns in their hands and are killing without blinking an eye.

Unable to tell the difference between flashbangs, grenades, and smoke bombs, Selina took out three throwing knives and told herself to muster up her courage and never be intimidated.

With a swish, she threw a throwing knife, targeting the gang members on the second floor.

The three gang members suppressed the firepower and prevented her from running even if she wanted to. She was the primary target of attack.

The flying knife went straight to the arm of the gang members. Generally speaking, Selina's heart is not bad. It was a mistake to drop the grenade just now. Let her take the initiative to attack. Killing is not the first.

sou! sou! sou!

Three throwing knives shot down, hitting the arms of the three gang members without bias... The face that extended up was still the right eye socket.


Selina's face turned pale when she saw the three bodies falling from the second floor incapable of being able to. Give up your superhero dreams and become an office worker obediently and honestly.

Even if you work as an assistant for Luo Su, the 24-hour one will do.

"Be careful, the enemy is an expert, don't expose yourself!"

"Grenade, throw the grenade!"

Hearing the ear pull ring pop open With the sound, Selina was so frightened that she hugged her head and squatted, her cat was on the edge of the shelf, and the scene of three gang members' bodies falling to the ground flashed in front of her eyes.

bang! bang! Bang————

Suddenly, gunshots sounded, and one after another blue light penetrated down, blasting the grenade into the air.

Before the gang members came back to his senses, there was another loud noise, and the closed steel gate seemed to be hit by a savage giant beast. Iron sheets.

"Scumbags, Deathstroke has sounded, are you ready for the epitaph?"

Luo Su walked into the gate with a sand eagle in hand, and behind him lay a corpse on the ground , is the gang member responsible for guarding the gate.

Luo Su couldn't understand Batman's principle of not killing, and he didn't want to justify any big reason. Anyway, he...

cough cough!

All he knew was that this group of people pulled their guns on him, pulled the trigger, and wanted to kill him one by one, and that was enough.

Luo Su was wearing Deathstroke armor, holding dual guns, and an Adamantium long knife behind his back. The murderous-looking appearance shocked the gang members in the warehouse. They hid behind the cover and fired sporadically. Without a single hit, they all passed Luo Su.

Luo Su's eyes swept across the audience, and under the action of telepathy, he 'see' the gang members who were hiding behind the bunkers.

He hurried forward, jumped up and stepped on the shelf to shoot in all directions. While dodging the incoming bullets, every time he pulled the trigger, there would be a corresponding scream.

bang! bang! bang! Bang————

A total of 27 penetrating magic bullets were fired, and he fell to the ground, came to Selina, blew the smoke that did not exist, and slammed Sand Eagle Heavenly God to his butt. A plug in the back.

The screams and groans in the warehouse continued, and the magic bullet only penetrated the guns in the hands of the villains, and did not kill them.

"Selina, stand up, superheroes shouldn't be shiver coldly at this time!"

Luo Su looked at Selina with her head curled up and grabbed her collar thinking. To pull her up, he didn't want Selina's hands and feet to curl up, he directly pulled up and 'shrinked into a ball'.

"I don't want to be a superhero anymore..." Selina felt wronged, her eyes blurred with tears, and her whole face was crying like a cat, just like a female ghost in a horror movie.

Luo Su sucked in a breath of cold air, almost scared him and slapped Selina on the face, telepathically sensing that the other party's mental state was a little broken, and a little apology rose in his heart.

Even after four days of beatings, her mentality is just an ordinary person!

But this apology came and went faster, and was left behind by Luo Su after 0.003 seconds.

Selina wanted to be a superhero, Luo Su helped her to realize her dream, and she also took a few days of surprise tuition. It was her own problem that she couldn't resist.

"If you don't do it, don't do it. You don't have much innate talent anyway. You can just eat with your face in the future." Na placed on the shelf, turned around and looked towards several eyes showing the ominous light, gang members wandering around.

The tool man who was originally going to be left to Selina to practice, now he can only take care of it himself!

"As expected of Gotham, this ruthless force is really incredible..."

When reading DC comics, Luo Su always can't understand, why Criminals always like to use knives in the face of superheroes.

Especially in the face of Superman, Batman, and The Flash, one by one, fierce and unafraid of death, it seems that if you move fast, you can stab each other.

Not just ordinary trash fish, but also some high IQ criminals. Instead of the crafty plots and machinations they are best at, they love to fight with superheroes hand-to-hand.

Also failed and fought, and persevered.

Now he understands, those eyes are full of madness!

"Crazy is crazy, this blood is really not bad, to show respect, let's have a battle between men!" Luo Su did not use his dual guns, pulled out the Adamantium knife behind his back, and walked slowly. Go to the open space in the center of the warehouse.

The long knife pointed obliquely to the ground, and the gang members who were full of viciousness soon stood in front of them. From their skillful licking of the dagger, one could tell that the knife was not smeared with poison.

On the other side, Selina was infected by solemn killing aura, and quietly leaned out to watch the fierce battle that was about to take place.

"You scumbags, you may all be social scum, bastards who go to hell after death, but you have won my respect with your courage..."

Luo Su raised her hand Tick the tick: "Come on, rush up, I will knock your Deathstroke!"

"Kill him!"



The gang members screamed loudly, wielded short daggers and long knives, and charged with red eyes. There were less than 30 people, creating a bloody battlefield. feel.

"Good job!"

Luo Su loudly shouted, put the Adamantium knife in the scabbard, then reached out and tapped on the wrist guard.

bang bang bang!

The vertical propulsion glider flew in from outside the gate, suspended above Luo Su's head, two machine guns were mounted, and the small Rocket bombs bloomed together, sweeping through the flesh and blood.

The smoke filled the air, and in the blink of an eye, there was no one standing in the field except Luo Su.

“Sorry, I’m just talking about it.”

Luo Su swept across the audience, spitting out a mouthful of saliva... After taking off his armor, he spit on the ground.

Selina: (?°?°?)

She felt that it was a very wise choice to give up, the world of superheroes is too difficult, she can't understand it at all .

"Don't be surprised, to deal with bad people, you have to be worse and more shameless than them, so that they will be afraid and be honest." Luo Su stepped on the glider and pulled up the plug in the confused state. Linna: "Let's go, I'll take you home, and be an office worker in the future, it's really not good, let's spend the rest of your life with a fortune!"


Gotham East End!

Luo Su had been to Selina's apartment before, the family, and the glider landed on the roof and put it down.

Looking at Selina, who hasn't slowed down yet, Luo Su secretly sighed, the girl was hit hard tonight, just act as accompanies Buddha all the way to the west, kindly take her through Corridor, delivered to the door.

Of course, if Selina wanted to invite him into the house for a coffee or something, he would definitely refuse.

For nothing else, he doesn't drink coffee, just ice water!

Before going downstairs, Luo Su quickly took off his Deathstroke suit and threw it into the space ring along with the glider.

As for the Catwoman suit on Selina, since she doesn't want to be a superhero, this outfit can't be left, and it will be recycled as appropriate.

If there is no situation, we have to find a way to create some situation.

The door was pushed open, Selina rushed straight to the bedroom, Luo Su was worried that she would do something irrational, and followed along.

As a result, he was locked outside before entering the door, and the door almost hit his nose.

"Ai, it's really hard to be a good person these days!"

Luo Su shook his head speechlessly, Selina must have misunderstood something, he is very simple.

Less than ten minutes later, the bedroom door opened. Selina changed into a simple pajamas, wrapped the Catwoman suit in a handbag, and handed it back to Luo Su with a trace of reluctance.

Farewell to my superhero dreams!

Luo Su said nothing, took the tote bag, patted it on Selina's shoulder, waved goodbye and was about to leave.


The door of the apartment suite was pushed open, and a stern white man entered the room, looked at Selina, and finally stopped on Luo Su.

"Uh, don't get me wrong, Selina and I have nothing."

Seeing Selina's boyfriend appear, Luo Su immediately explained: "She is in a bad mood, I just took her home, and, although she has been staying at my house for the past few days, we really have nothing!"

At this time, another tall man walked in the door, Luo Su was a little confused, looked back towards Selina: "What, you have two boyfriends?"


Four or five big men came in again!

Luo Su: "..."

Selina, I misread you, I thought you were a simple girl, didn't expect to be a hidden Celia !

(end of this chapter)

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