End Of Heavens

Chapter 679

End Of Heavens Chapter 679


Chapter 677 The two of us team up together, and no problem is a problem

"How is it, did you get through?" Angela asked .

"Not yet, but soon, the phone is like a toilet, I should call it again."

Constantine wiped the cold sweat from her head, thinking about it. Whether his reputation has spread all over the United States, or it can't be explained, Luo Su hung up immediately after receiving his call, and there was no room for recovery.

"Constantine, we're on our own, aren't we?" Angela closed her eyes, and she guessed the answer without Constantine answering.

Angela's younger sister, Isabel, is a devout bishop believer who was sent to a mental hospital for research because she often said she could see the devil.

A few years later, the mental hospital did not have any clues, but Isabel jumped off the building and committed suicide.

Suicide cannot go to heaven, and Isabelle, as a believer, will only be sent to hell for punishment.

Angela, the elder sister, was a standard atheist before she met Constantine, believing that there is no god and devil in the world, and science can explain all phenomena.

But she doesn't believe in or not. She respects Isabel's beliefs and doesn't want to see younger sister die because of her beliefs. She hopes that the church will hold a bishop funeral for her. After being rejected, she met her through a friend's recommendation. Constantine.

At Constantine, Angela witnessed all kinds of unscientific things, and became more worried, hoping that Constantine could help prove that the younger sister died by homicide, rather than taking the initiative to end her life.

The result is terrible, younger sister Isabel is confirmed to be suicidal, and elder sister Angela loses both money and money due to an exorcism ceremony of an unfathomable mystery.

To make matters worse, Angela was fooled by Constantine and fell in love with this scumbag!

After that, Constantine digs the truth and the two are attacked by the devil.

At this point, Angela has enough reasons to fight the devil, for herself and to restore the dignity of the younger sister.

dīng líng líng ! dīng líng líng ~~~

Constantine answered the phone and said listlessly: "This is Constantine, who are you looking for?"

The other side of the phone was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "Does the big event you mentioned really concern the safety of the entire Earth?"

Constantine heard the words and couldn't believe it: "Luo Su, you agreed?"

"Well , after all, I can't just watch Earth fall into crisis and ignore it."

"Man, you really are an upright Angel, trust me, if the two of us work together as a team, none of the problems will be a problem!"



“What’s the matter?”

“The biggest problem is to form a team with you!”

Luo Su hung up The phone, sighed deeply, opened the drawer to take out a cigarette named 'egg' and lit it with a lighter named 'pain'.

"Boss, do you have something on your mind?" Selina asked curiously. In her mind, Luo Su never felt depressed like this.

"Selina, there is a pit in front of you, you don't want to jump, but you have to jump, what would you do?"

"Boss, can't you fly? !"


Luo Su looked at Selina speechlessly, not knowing what she liked about her, that made her his assistant.

He found out why in less than three seconds!

"Selina, Boss, I'm very helpless. For the poor sake of my like this, lend me your warm heart for a while."

"hehe! "

"Hey, don't go, it's your overtime work!"


Wayne Manor!

Bruce smiled and looked at the dark and dull upgraded bat battle clothes in front of him. After many days of sleeplessness, it was not in vain, and the anti-Deathstroke Battle Armor was finally made successfully.

Different from Iron Man in the studio next door, Batman's anti-XXBattle Armor says success must be successful.

After comparing a series of data and simulating battles on the computer tens of thousands of times, Bruce's winning rate against Deathstroke Battle Armor remains at 100%, which can be said to be foolproof.

Because Luo Su's recent performance is quite satisfactory, no rapist behavior, anti-Deathstroke Battle Armor is currently only a backup plan, but Bruce does not mind going to beat him tonight.

Personal hatred!

Bruce has never forgotten about the photo, until now, he regards fear as his greatest weapon to deter criminals who begin to stir.

Therefore, the photos must not be placed in Luo Su's hands, otherwise, once it is leaked, Batman will not have a frightening character, how can he fight crime.

In the small, it's just a few spicy photos, in the big, it's a big event about the safety of the whole Gotham, and even the whole Earth!


Alfred's newsletter rang: "Ms. Miranda Tate is visiting with an invitation to a charity gala to invite you Join tonight."

Hearing the beauty's name, and the one he liked, Bruce was secretly delighted, and calmly said: "Let Ms. Tate wait a moment, I'll be there right away."

Los Angeles!

Luo Su arrived here by plane from Gotham, minus three hours from the six-hour flight due to the weird jet lag.

In other words, it only takes three hours to travel from the US Eastern Sea to the West Coast!

"The jet lag thing is really confusing so, the same distance, east and west are completely different..."

"Hey, Luo Su, here, I'm in Here!"

Luo Su walked out of the airport, wondering if the ordinary person eat, drink, shit and piss is all on the plane, flying eastward all his life, can he live for two hundred years, he heard the call, He frowned and looked over.

A face that is handsome enough to be scum is undoubtedly Constantine. Likewise, his character is also too scum.

The woman next to him looks familiar...

Forgive Luo Su, because of the System, he has to follow all kinds of movies and TV dramas to familiarize himself with the plot in the world . Therefore, every time I see a skilled face, I can't help but want to complain.

For example, the pair in front of me, Luo Su complained that Neo of [The Matrix] hooked up with the wife of the male lead in [The Mummy], will Trinity follow the Internet to hack?

"Luo Su, let me introduce, this is my girlfriend Angela." Constantine was very enthusiastic and took Luo Su's shoulders.

It's gone!

He doesn't mind either, he's seen similar situations in his friends too many times, and he's used to being thick-skinned, each minding their own business and said to Angela: "This is Luo Su, who is active in the world. Angel, is my best friend."

"Hello, Mr. Luo Su, is it okay to call you like this?"

Compared to madly throwing morals, you can paralyze your face With Constantine smiling like a chrysanthemum, Angela is undoubtedly quite restrained, and her words are very polite.

"She's your girlfriend?"

"Or else?"

Seeing Constantine nodding, Luo Su pulled Angela over her head During the cry, Fiercely gave a bear hug and didn't let go until Angela was almost out of breath.

Besides, Constantine's eyes widened and she gasped for breath: "Dude, you're on purpose!"

"Yes, it was intentional... ..."

Luo Su ignored Constantine's stinky face and said something that made his forehead turn green: "Mingren don't talk secretly, Angela is very beautiful, from today onwards, we are brothers!"



Not to mention Luo Su and Constantine, who started staring at small eyes, Angela is so ignorant, she imagined what Angel's human experience was like .

Aloof, arrogant, kind, kind, enthusiastic, sunny...

And now, the excitement of seeing Angel for the first time is gone, it's all turned into impulse!

If Angel were all this virtuous, heaven would be doomed!

"If Angel is all this virtuous, then heaven is over." Constantine spoke Angela's heart, and fiercely scolded Luo Su.

Luo Su replied disdainfully: "You are not bad, if the world is full of scum like you, the sulphur smell of hell is fragrant!"

"What do I do? I've..."

Probably lacking in confidence, Constantine hurriedly changed her words: "At least I'm very polite to you and welcome you very warmly."

Luo Su Pulling off the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, his black pupils turned golden in seconds, and he looked straight at Constantine and said, "I saw the future, you will pit me, but in order to protect Earth, I have to come again, you said that my mood will be better. Is it?"


Constantine was speechless, and Angela next to him took the call and hurriedly asked: "Mr. Luo Su, the future is good or not. Bad, can my younger sister be saved?"

"I don't know, I only saw the future of me and Constantine, because the ending was unpleasant, so..." Luo Su grinned: "I Modified it a little bit, if something goes wrong with me, even a bruised little toe, Constantine will go to hell."

"How can you do like this!!"

whatever When Luo Su said true or false, Constantine was indeed a little panicked, and hell was his Achilles heel.

Luo Su glanced at Constantine and said indifferently: "Before I came to Gotham, I placed an order online and it cost 5 million USD."

"5 million USD!? "X2

"I paid for Constantine's life. This order will take effect in three days. Anyone can exchange his head for money."

"… ..."

Constantine's handsome face turned pale, swallowed and said: "Don't be troublesome like this, now give 500USD, you can take my life directly."

"Don't panic. , since it takes effect three days later, it means that it can be cancelled within three days." Luo Su patted Constantine's shoulder: "You are a smart person, you should understand what I mean." Now, after this Luo Su is slaughtered, he will fall into an endless pursuit in the future, until his head is exchanged for 5 million USD.

It sounds like it can be manipulated!

Luo Su seemed to see through what Constantine was thinking, with the same smile, he raised his fingertips and touched his abdomen, a little Angel's power penetrated into the dark nicotine lungs.

Constantine's face was slightly red, and she felt that her breathing was smooth and her whole body was very comfortable.

"Man, what have you done to me?"

"I used holy light baptism on your terminal cancerous lungs, but don't get too complacent, it's just For a while, if you want to heal all... Next, just be honest with me." Luo Su hit him with a stick and rewarded him with another sweet jujube.

Before coming, Luo Su had thought about it carefully, and partnering with Constantine must be risky, but on the contrary, this rotten person's nature of ignoring profits can be used in reverse.

Now Luo Su puts the knife on Constantine's neck and puts a cake in front of him, as long as Constantine is still the scumbag, he will not make a wrong choice.

Constantine: "..."

If I said you could be cured, what kind of life would I be playing!

It’s all right now, I’ve been tricked to death by you. Those who should have been offended and those who shouldn’t have been offended have been offended again and again…

Also, this set of tricks looks familiar, you are Not having a part-time job in hell?

For example, black wings or something!

(end of this chapter)

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