End Of Heavens

Chapter 703

End Of Heavens Chapter 703


Chapter 701 The Power Over Fear

"Forced distancing now, everyone must leave now!"

"Repeat, in an emergency, everyone should immediately evacuate outside the seaside city..."


The air defense siren sounded over the seaside city. One after another patrol armored vehicles drove past, broadcasting broadcasts asking people to quickly evacuate outside the city.

Luo Su did not join in the fun with the army, but came to a bridge across the river in the city center.

A lot of water!

In addition to its famous air force base, the city also has the busiest port on the west coast. It faces the sea and is like summer all year round. It is also one of Luo Su's cards against Parallax.

With the black and white wings, the newly learned thunder skills, and the Pacific Ocean next to it, it is no problem to develop a reasonable strategy to send the Parallax into the Gates of Hell.

In outer space at the same time, a huge shadow streaks across low-Earth orbit, moving toward the beach town of California, USA.


From a distance, it is a dark mass of unknown matter, occasionally releasing a dazzling yellow light from the body. In appearance, this thing looks like an indescribable octopus. If you look closely, Luo Su has encountered it before. similar creatures.

On the [Deep Rising] cruise ship, the sea monster he killed was very similar to Parallax.

A large head and mouthparts extending from countless tentacles are a very similar replica.

Or the poor man's version of the Sugar Demon God!

Parallax stared at the yellow lantern eyes and moved slowly towards Hal's hometown, where the yellow energy was the coordinates that led it to find Earth.

Parallax is planning to use the seaside city as the first city to invade, in order to replenish energy and spread fear by the way.

Secondly, it is purely disgusting Hal, the green light is not happy, it is happy!

At this time, the trail of Parallax was detected, and the three nuclear warheads rushed out of the atmosphere under the roar of Rocket, and were precisely positioned in front of the orbit of Parallax.

It is not reasonable to release a nuclear bomb in outer space because it is too inefficient to be practical.

In a vacuum environment, the explosion of a nuclear bomb will not have a mushroom cloud, nor will there be the strongest shock wave of destructive power, and the heat energy will quickly dissipate in the form of light.

In the universe, billions of stars are like galactic grit, and even the sun is so small that it can be ignored, let alone man-made nuclear bombs.

It's also a fireworks, at best, the aurora.

Can't get any higher!

In addition to the reduction of formidable power, the radiation caused to Earth is also a disadvantage. The radioactive substances falling into the atmosphere will not disappear, but will spread to the entire planet.

Moreover, if the distance is too close, it will endanger the electronic equipment on the ground and directly lead to the paralysis of the basic equipment.

So the three nuclear warheads flew very far, and experts hoped that the massive heat and light released by the nuclear explosion in space could effectively kill Parallax.

They regard high-intensity photothermal, gamma rays and X-rays as important means of attack.

The three warheads are approaching, Parallax's wriggling tentacles are aimed at the front, and the ferocious mouthparts expand like petals, spraying golden energy beams.

All arrows are fired!

In the dark deep space universe, dazzling golden rays of light suddenly lit up, and in an instant, a spacious and straight passage was cleared.

After clearing the unsightly obstacles, the speed of Parallax's movement increased instantly, breaking through the atmosphere in one fell swoop, like a red-hot meteorite, carrying a long tail, and crashing towards the surface with a roar.

The ground! Sky! coastal!

The war machine is ready to go. After receiving the message that the nuclear bomb had returned without success, the commanders of all aspects immediately ordered that the entire army entered a wartime state, and must use the most violent firepower to prevent Parallax from continuing to descend. .

The first is the interception of missiles, then the attack aircraft lifts off, and finally the surface-to-air weapons are fully aimed and locked.

The artillery roars! Missile salvo!

Luo Su stood on the ground and clicked his tongue secretly, the doomsday meteors fell from the sky, and clusters of fireworks row upon row below, densely packed up.

The roaring tremor sounded high in the sky. Parallax didn't have an Iron Body, and didn't want to waste energy to make a defensive cover. It turned its body into a piece of light and shadow, passed through countless artillery fire, and entered the blockade. .

Fear explodes!

There is so much courage, so much fear, and this negative emotion is contagious.

When the black silhouette of Parallax spread for several kilometers and covered the sky like a dark cloud, the uncontrollable fear spread, and the ground troops were the first to be hit.

The nightmare was approaching, and fear overwhelmed everything. The soldiers did not fire a single shot. They learned to drop their weapons in the army of a certain country, and they only thought of running for their lives.

A certain army: 100% of new weapons sold, never fired, only thrown to the ground once.

Like this joke seems a bit inappropriate, because there are also some unlucky people who wanted to run but didn't run away, such as the assembled fighter group, after approaching Parallax, they collectively forgot where the catapult switch was, and then collectively performed Glider crash.

“Hasn’t Hal here yet?”

Luo Su glanced at the sky and silently said sorry, his headlines may be gone again.

Boom! !

A cloudy cloud quickly condensed in mid-air, white lightning exploded, and the madly wandering Razer gathered in the center, turned into a thunder giant dragon winding for a thousand meters, and slammed into Parallax.

Boom! !

With two loud bangs backwards, Parallax's brain gate was directly smashed into pieces by the thunder, Luo Su's light wings spread behind him, holy light long sword in hand, rushing straight towards the frantically twisting tentacles And go.

Follow closely from behind the raging waves covering the heavens, shielding the sun.

The 100-meter-high tsunami landed on the seaside city. Under the stunned gaze of people, the sea rose into the sky, turned into a large blue curtain, and raindrops fell.

The rain with the salty sea breeze dissipated a little anxiety and lowered the temperature in the terror-ridden seaside city.

Although it can't completely dispel the fears in people's hearts, it also brings them a lot of courage, like a powerful shot in the heart, which temporarily restores the clarity of the mind.

"roar roar roar————"

The area where Parallax's head was blown up is distorted by black fog, and there is no such thing as bloodshed or fatal wounds in the energy materialized creatures. , and soon it manifested a new head.

The tentacles aim at the city below, extracting the fear from people's hearts. It makes up for some of the lost energy and further strengthens itself.

In terms of energy, Parallax is the level of the beast, and the fear of the whole universe is its source of power, which can be called infinite.

"Who are you?"

Parallax stared at a pair of huge golden eyes. Around the periphery, countless tentacles twisted and twisted, and the petals opened their mouthparts and made a hoarse cry that tore the eardrums. .

"A human!"


Parallax lowered his head sharply, his voice deafening: "You are very good, I am in your heart Feeling the fear, your power makes your fear extremely delicious!"

"Don't make trouble, I'm not a magical girl, why should I be afraid..."

Luo Su said, The thinking began to diverge again, and he felt that he was wrong. The magical girl was afraid of creatures like Parallax, and it was already an old thing of Far Ancient Era.

Nowadays, the magical girls are shouting 'Mud Zongkai' while using fancy magic to rush upwards. Finally, it takes 5-20 minutes to cut the opponent under the magic wand.

If it is a powerful monster, maybe it will be adopted and turned into a pet!

Parallax stared at Luo Su in amazement, not understanding what was going on. The human being with the energy materialized wings just now was terrified, but suddenly it was gone.

What's going on?

What made him conquer his fear?

Impossible, there is a power above fear in the world! ?

Parallax instinctively sensed something wrong, and was even a little scared. He guessed that Luo Su was in some very high level spiritual realm. In this state of mind, Luo Su did not exist in his heart. fear.

"roar roar roar————"

He can't tolerate the existence of people who don't know what to fear, even if Luo Su can't maintain this high spiritual realm for a long time, he will not. Allow someone to escape their control.


Thousands of golden lasers weave a large net layer by layer, covering it when the head is moved towards Luo Su.

Luo Su's eyes widened, lightning surged all over his body, and countless thunders rushed out. Under the gap of energy collision, he found a gap and fluttered his wings to escape from the surrounding net.

"It's so dangerous!"

Luo Su wiped the cold sweat from his head, secretly thinking that the problem of distraction at the critical moment could not be saved, and he almost suffered a big loss.

"Hehehe, as expected, you can't maintain that state stably, my ability is still invincible!" Parallax roared loudly, deafening across the roaring sound waves.


Is this guy a stupid?

Luo Su didn't understand which rib of Parallax was wrong, and a lightning strike from the backhand summon struck it in the face.

The lack of a head does not affect the movement of Parallax, thousands of tentacles move freely, or exhale energy rays, or open huge mouthparts, wrapping around Luo Su layer by layer, while attacking, also Spread the body and occupy the full screen space.

bang! bang! bang! Boom————

thunder With sword qi delivered, under the curtain of the ocean, against giant beast and fear!

On the ground, because Parallax's sight was diverted, the army barely regained some morale. Instead of attacking rashly, they expanded the encirclement and evacuated to all sides of the seaside city according to the instructions of their superiors.

The air force base and the surface fleet have similar instructions. Don't rush to burn USD for now and see what the wild superheroes can do.

In the seaside city, a burly man looked up into the sky, where Luo Su and Parallax fought in the Central Region.

He wears sunglasses and a mask, and his entire face is tightly wrapped, so he can't see his true appearance, but one thing can be confirmed, that is, his eyesight far exceeds that of ordinary people.

Luo Su moves so fast, even from great distances, that his line of sight keeps him locked on.

"This is a superhero..."

"Can I protect Earth like him?"

Across the street, thin The young man looked up at the sky, fiercely swallowed, paced in place to leave, and finally walked back.

He bowed his head and prayed a few words, then crouched down and started tying his shoelaces.

"Angel above bless me, don't fall this time!"

(end of this chapter)

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