End Of Heavens

Chapter 710

End Of Heavens Chapter 710


Chapter 708 Dean Joker of Arkham


Looking and rolling around The Joker's daughter Harley, Luo Su wondered, why when he mentioned Joker, Harley was like seeing the enemy who killed his father, did they break up?

No way, you clearly promised to be each other's little devils, why did you blow it?

Incompatible personality, size mismatch, family pressure, Joker being too clingy...

Or Harley finding out that Joker's true love is Batman and just having fun with her!

Luo Su didn't know why, but he believed that someone knew, turned around and asked, "What kind of crazy is this woman?"

"This is her!"

"Joker girl has always been a lunatic."


"It's not normal!"


Thrashing teammates is a hidden skill of every team. Maybe their output is weak against the enemy, but once they aim their guns at their teammates, they will be all kinds of superpowers, and suicide squash is no exception.

"Joker killed her dog, and then they broke up." Deadshot made the final call, explaining the key points and answering Luo Su's questions.

“so that's how it is!”

Luo Su silently nodded, man and dog, the answer to this multiple-choice question is obvious.

"Ahhh, my leg, my knee is broken."

Joker girl Harley was still rolling on the ground, Luo Su grabbed her arm and lifted it up: " I remember that you used to be a doctor at Arkham Asylum, specializing in mentally ill patients, and wanted to be very familiar with the environment there."

"Ahhh, my legs!"

"I just need A guide, it's yours."

"Ahhh, my knees!"

"Since you don't object, then like this."

Luo Su made the decision, Harley suddenly pulled out the large-caliber pistol, placed it in the eye socket of his visor, and pulled the trigger without the slightest hesitation.


A gunshot rang out, Luo Su stood on the spot with his head raised, everyone was so angry that they didn't dare to take a breath, waiting for the result without blinking.

"I've been waiting like this for a long time, but no one shouted 'kill the pretty', it seems that everyone is very mature!"

After ten seconds, Luo Su shook his head , pulled out the bullet from the eye socket of the visor, and threw it aside, disappointed: "Amanda Waller chose the wrong person, this suicide squad did not have the determination to commit suicide, it failed!"

"... "x6

Deadshot's eyes twitched: "You, you, like Shark King, have the body of an impervious to sword and spear?"

"Oh, you actually saw it out, The guy has a good eye."

If I can't see this, I might as well die.

Deadshot is not good for the whole person: "so that's how it is, your super power has nothing to do with the armor on your body, it comes from yourself... Wait, then why do you wear armor? Isn't it superfluous?"

Luo Su kindly explained: "This is not superfluous, it's called a set...tactic, armor is an indispensable part of me, and it has a very profound meaning."

"What's the point?"

Deadshot blurted out, and regretted it after speaking, because many people died because of 'you know too much'.

"Of course they fooled the fools. In order to defeat me, they tried their best to take off my armor. I thought it was a success, but I took off my armor and became faster, Taller and stronger, isn't it fun?"

Luo Su was complacent, pointed to a few people and said, "Yes, yes, it's the expression you have now, just like the stupid, it's so funny! "

Deadshot looked aggrieved: "I, I..."


Death Shot secretly slandered, Gotham's superheroes, starting from Batman, are more yin and neurotic than normal, and there is no normal person.

“Stop talking nonsense, it’s time to get down to business.”

Luo Su grabbed the pistol from Joker’s female Harley and put it on her chin: “Miss Quinn, I use Your little life is a commission, and you hire me to take me to Arkham Asylum, what do you think?"

A cold sweat fell from the corners of Harley's eyes, and he forced to say with a smile: "No problem, I raise my hands in favor. , but my knee is really broken, you have to carry me on your back."

I think you want to fart!

Luo Su slapped Harley on the knee, and in his screams, injected holy light to repair the injury: "Don't be stupid, your legs are not good."

Harley's screams stopped abruptly, stood on the ground in disbelief, and jumped in place a few times: "Hey, really! But it's obviously broken... How could this be, shouldn't it?"

"Stop being cute, and lead the way."

Luo Su waved his hand to disperse the water, and pointed a gun at the reluctant Joker's daughter Harley. Just two steps away, he turned around in disgust. : "What do you guys mean, why are you following me?"

"You misunderstood, in fact, our target is also Arkham." Deadshot explained.

"Arkham is gone, all the madmen in custody have been released, and Riddler is nowhere to be found."

"I know, but there might be some clues there."


Jason was asked to look for the lost domestic cat. Jason was working on errands, especially in terms of finding someone. Luo Su was very relieved, and he went to Arkham. In order to find the lost Batman.

Gotham has a big event like this, the city is windy and rainy, Batman is impossible to know, the only explanation is that he was caught in a trap, or was trapped and couldn't get out .

The most likely location is Arkham Asylum.

This isn't Luo Su's wild speculation, it's the fact that if he planned to ambush Batman, he would choose a location other than Arkham, with no other consideration.

Because there are too many mental disorders detained there, Batman will be dispatched immediately if there is a slight disturbance, even if he knows it is a trap, he will not hesitate.

Looking at the suicide squad that vaguely applied to form a team, Luo Su pondered for a moment, then said with a smile: "Since everyone is on the same road, let's go together, I just need a few cannon fodder, no, I mean, there is a lack of like-minded companions."

"You guys are extraordinary, just the kind of companions I'm looking for!"

"Especially you Deadshot, Yintang If it turns black, there is a fear of blood light disaster. A little carelessness will lead to death. If you team up with you, bad luck will only happen to you, then I will be safe.”


Deadshot didn't say anything. He already knew about Gotham City, which was very different from the outside world. He couldn't treat it with the standard of treating normal people, especially the superheroes here.

Joker female Harley lifted the manhole cover and cheered: "Everyone, stop talking, I found a fast track."

"No, the sewers are Batman's exclusive access, I want to go to the sky."

Luo Su refused to be the same as the green king, mice, bats, etc., turned around and found the damaged vertical propulsion glider in the alley, and took out the hammer from the space ring.

After a while of ping-pong-pong, the glider looks brand new, not only that, but also refills the ammunition depot.

Don't ask where the materials came from, the streets are full of cars, and you can just dismantle one.


After entering Gotham, Deadshot and the others’ psychological endurance greatly improved, unless Amanda Waller repeatedly asked to avoid the dangerous person 'Luo Su ' popped out suddenly, otherwise, nothing would surprise them lost self-control.

Propelling the glide vertically, Luo Su dropped a rope and let several people grab it. During the period, Harley and Louis both wanted to use his broad chest muscles, but were politely rejected by punches and kicks.

Just kidding, when a superhero is on duty, he is not Batman.

Arkham Asylum!

Originally, it was heavily guarded, like a dangerous restricted area of the base fortress. At this moment, it is still five steps and one post, ten steps and one post. inmates of an insane asylum.

These mentally abnormal prisoners put on the clothes and weapons of the guards and prison guards, and they are all majestic, carefully patrolling their guarded areas, and even more conscientious than the original guards.

The reason is very simple. After changing their skins, someone told them that they are not criminals but good people, and these guys believe it!

Understandable, after all, mental patients have broad thinking, and nothing is impossible.

Maybe there are a few guys with a lot of drama in it, who think they are undercover, and are planning how to rescue the hostages and lock the mentally ill back.

In the dean's room, Joker in a purple tuxedo put on white gloves and hummed jingle bells.

He looked in the mirror, took care of his bow tie, was very satisfied with his candid smile, opened the office door and walked out.

Three seconds later, Joker stepped back, picked up the dean's badge with 'Joker' written on the desk, and put it on, then walked out again, closing the door when leaving.

"Golden Cudgel, Golden Cudgel, golden hoop nest..."

The singing came from the corridor window, and the mental disorder guards heard Dean J's singing, and they sang. It was another peaceful and beautiful day with emotion, but Dean J's singing was a little disappointed, maybe because he didn't receive a gift last Christmas.

Everyone discussed it and decided to pool money to make up for Dean J's Christmas gift tomorrow, stuff a bomb into the cake, and put it on the office table to give him a belated surprise.

Dean J will be delighted!


In the monitoring ward, Joker looked at the original guards and medical staff in hospital clothes, secretly nodded, in a few days these patients should recover .

At this time, he walked to the intensive care unit at the end, picked up the medical record form on the wall, and after scanning it ten lines at a time, his brows suddenly furrowed.

Joker pushed open the door of the ward, and inside was an unshaven man with bloodshot eyes.

Bruce Wayne!

The condition of the master is not very good. He is wrapped in a white restraint suit, with black leather bandages pulling his hands behind his back, and lying motionless on the bed.

"Batman, you have to be mentally prepared, according to the treatment status in the past few days..."

Joker narrowed his eyes and took out the gold wire from his jacket pocket After putting on the glasses, he looked at the medical record and said, "It's terrible, you may not be saved."


Bruce walked in the door without saying a word. After that, just close your eyes and start to sleep.

"Don't do this, trust Arkham's professional strength. We are very well-known in the industry. Even for critically ill patients like you, we will not give up."

Joker's good words Persuade: "So, you have to cheer up and never be negative. You must know that only with a positive and optimistic attitude can you overcome yourself, overcome the disease, and make you truly strong."

" ..."

Bruce was too lazy to talk, just thought he was farting.

"For a patient like you who refuses to cooperate, we at Arkham have a complete set of coping strategies, but for the sake of your broken spine, I won't call you."


Joker sighed: "By the way, I still can't believe that the invincible Batman will be defeated by that rubbish Bane. Although he is a little smart, he is far worse than you."

"Is it because of that woman? Shameless little bitch, actually stuffed with anesthesia, which made you accidentally hit, otherwise you wouldn't be too swollen to get Bane..."

"Enough, what do you want to say?"

Batman's face twitched slightly with his eyes closed. The fact that he was put down by sexual entrapment was a black spot in his life. Don't want to be mentioned, especially from Joker's mouth.

"I don't want to do anything but think you're too serious and want you to laugh."

"I can't laugh unless you're dead!"

Joker was stunned when he heard the words, and after a while he smiled brightly: "It turns out that it's easy to make you laugh like this, but it's easy to say no, I'm tired..."

(end of this chapter)

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