End Of Heavens

Chapter 722

End Of Heavens Chapter 722


Chapter 720 Bruce Wayne, do you want to be my son

20 seconds is not enough to pee , even if Luo Su flew into the sky with a dirty bomb, it couldn't stop Gotham from being destroyed by the spread of radioactive material.

After being cursed, Bruce didn't continue to blame Luo Su, time was running out, he wanted to do something more meaningful.

I saw Bruce open the hidden buckle of the universal belt and took out two chocolates from the dark grid, one was a stimulant gas bottle with a disguised shape, which could wake people from the powerful stun gas, and the other It's really just chocolate.

Tear off the disguise, Bruce put the medicine bottle under Miranda's nose, the latter woke up leisurely: "Bruce, you... where am I?"

Bruce grabbed Miranda Da's shoulders, he said affectionately: "Don't talk, kiss me!"

Miranda still didn't know what was going on, when she heard this, she instinctively closed her eyes and raised her head slightly.

Seeing that the two were about to kiss each other, at this moment, Luo Su slammed the bar horizontally and squeezed Bruce away: "Get out of the way, let me come."

"Bastard, what did you say?"

Bruce was furious, how could someone else do this kind of thing, the next second, he saw a flash, only to see Luo Su take out Adamantium from behind his ass Knife, raised and dropped at Miranda.

Shua! Shua! Shua!

Blade light and sword shadows overlapped, fast as lightning, weaving into a web, and Miranda felt the chill hit her face, thinking she was going to die.

Luo Su's hands were fast, cut off the iron hoop that imprisoned Miranda, grabbed her by the shoulders, and threw it into Bruce's arms. door made.


Luo Su loudly shouts, leg raised kicked the dirty bomb into it, and then merged the doors with the fastest speed.

"Finally done..."

Luo Su wiped the cold sweat that didn't exist on his head, saw Bruce and Miranda staring at him, shrugged and said: "What's the matter, do you want me to give you space to be alone?"

Bruce heard the words brows tightly knit, released Miranda in his arms, and wondered: "Luo Su, where is that?"


Luo Su sighed: "Some time ago, I beat up the son of hell, and then I was targeted by Satan. He gave me this door. Privilege."


Bruce was deeply surprised by the name, and he had a general understanding of the whole incident in Los Angeles. He did not question that Luo Su was lying, and said cautiously. : "Satan, what is he... staring at you for?"

"Speaking of which is really unfortunate..."

Luo Su said without pretence: "Satan sees my aptitude Extraordinary, he is a qualified...Bah, Satan has no idea what kind of style he has, and insists that I be his son, take his class in the future, and become the next 'Satan'!"

"Bruce, you are Knowing me, the superhero who walks under the sun and fights for love and peace is full of positive energy, right?”


“ If you don't speak, I'll take it as your default."

"No, I think..."

"Bruce, don't interrupt me."

Luo Su continued: "Let me be a son of hell and take the class of 'Satan'! How is this possible, my bones are turned to ashes, and he has not woken up, so I rejected this unreasonable on the spot. Request, and tell him righteously, I am a good person!"

Bruce: "..."

stupid, you told the truth!

"Satan still doesn't give up, he opened a back door for me, allowing me to travel freely between the world and hell. When I figure it out, I'll be his successor..."

"When did you figure it out?"

Bruce blurted out, feeling a little out of place after speaking, lightly coughed, and changed his mouth: "I mean, hell is really messy, but you Throwing the dirty bomb directly won't cause any disputes?"

Luo Su shrugged: "It doesn't matter, there are no living people there anyway."

"Satan will not Have an opinion?"

"Uh, shouldn't..."

"Yes! And a lot of opinion!"

The Gates of Hell is opened again, all covered in Satan in a white suit walked out of the door with a fishing rod in his hand.

Why is there a fishing rod?

Luo Su was puzzled. Seeing Satan's unhappy face, Luo Su hurriedly waved his hand and greeted politely: "Respected Lord of Hell, what kind of wind blows you here?"

"A wind called nuclear radiation, with strong radioactive substances!"

Satan threw the fishing rod on the ground and grabbed Luo Su's collar: "Boy, I'm in the garden I was fishing in there, but you suddenly threw a nuclear bomb in, and the fish in the pond floated up, and I was fishing!"

"There are fish ponds in hell?" Luo Su was shocked, and the bird didn't pull it. It's unbelievable that there are fish ponds in the ghost place where the temperature is terrifyingly high.

"That's why this pond is so precious!"

"Well, I have a friend who is super rich."

" Idiot, what do I want the money in the world for?"

What about the kind that can be burned?

Luo Su secretly slandered, but still did not dare to BB exit.

Satan sneered twice and slammed close to Luo Su: "The souls you threw in before are very good, if you get nine more, this matter is over."

Luo Su broke away Satan's hand, speechless saying: "Tell me the truth, you made up the fish pond, right?"

"How is it possible, God knows, I never lie, you can ask if you don't believe me. "

Satan was talking when he suddenly sensed an interesting soul beside him, turned his head slightly to see Bruce, and immediately smiled with interest: "Bruce Wayne, I've been following you for a while." Time. How about, do you want to be my son and inherit the position of Lord of Hell in the future?"

Luo Su: "..."

Bruce and Miranda Qiqi Stunned, the expressions all looked towards Luo Su were wrong. They admitted that Luo Su didn't brag before, that the son of hell is true, but Luo Su didn't say that everyone can be the son of hell!

It turned out to be a worthless bargain!

Satan and Batman nodded smiled, feeling that he was not as interesting as Luo Su, and was a little disappointed, turned around and entered Gates of Hell, and warned before leaving: "Remember, don't throw some strange When things come in, high-quality souls are another matter.”

Gates of Hell slowly merged. After Satan left, the Conference Hall was silent for a while, and the three of them had their own thoughts.

Luo Su has a confused face. He knew that the son of hell was a rotten street, and Satan recognized his son whenever he met anyone, so he wouldn't show it off.

At the same time, I made up my mind that the next time I encounter an ugly soul, I will throw it into hell, along with my body.

Bruce was silent for a moment, digested the crazy and bizarre experience, walked over to Joker, took out the special handcuffs from the universal belt, and fixed it in place.

Miranda swayed forward, hooked Bruce's neck, and tiptoed to send a hot kiss, but she was ruthlessly pushed away by Bruce.

Luo Su's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly found a chair and sat down, looking forward to the future development of the plot.

"Bruce Wayne!?"

The hug was rejected, Miranda's face was ugly, and gnashing teeth pronounced the name of the scumbag.

Bruce looked coldly towards Miranda: "You go, never go back to Gotham again!"

Asking is love, but the two have different positions, even if each other In love, we can't be together.

In fact, Bruce had committed a crime by letting Miranda leave, and what the latter did, it would not be an exaggeration to be shot a hundred times.

But who made him the master?

"Bruce... no, Batman, you'll regret it!"

Miranda took a deep look at Bruce, carved this face into the heart, and turned to walk out of the Conference Hall, soon disappeared without a trace.

In this dirty bomb incident, Miranda was rarely seen, but she was Bane's biggest boost to her near-success. Because of her sexual entrapment, Bruce was beaten by Bane and broke her spine.

Miranda has both love and hate for Bruce, or Batman, and she can't even tell which one is more important.

Before dying, Bruce wants to kiss Miranda affectionately, which makes Miranda elated, and the hatred is instantly disappeared.

However, after the crisis passed, Bruce suppressed his feelings, falling out to become hostile and drove her away from Gotham, once again turning her from love to hate, vowing to make Bruce regret it.

In love and Gotham's choice, Bruce chose Gotham, because he is Batman!

Leaving the municipal building, Miranda glanced back at the darkness behind her, hoping to see Bruce standing there, even if she didn't say anything, she would stay at all costs, but there was nothing.

"Wait, ruthless fellow, for my revenge on you and the city you love so much..."

Miranda knew she couldn't beat Batman alone , not to mention the incredibly powerful Luo Su, who destroyed Gotham purely by delusional, she decided to wait until the most powerful assistant appeared.

The date Miranda is calculated, if not bad, her assistant will be born in ten natural months.

The situation is not complicated, at first, the woman voluntarily conceived Bruce's flesh and blood because she realized that Bruce's heart belonged to Gotham, not her.

So, after experiencing emotional trauma, she chose to join forces with Bane to kill Bruce, destroy Gotham City, and take Bruce's child away, never to be separated...

Now the situation has changed, Bruce is protecting Gotham again, Miranda's plan has failed, she no longer needs the crystallization of love, she needs a helper that Bruce will never be able to overcome.

It can only be said that a woman's mind is too complicated!

Also, don't look at her wanting to rip off Bruce's cramp, as long as Bruce hooks his hand, he will immediately run back eagerly.


Luo Su looked at Bruce who was standing by the window peeking at him, and said contemptuously: "Love Saint, if you regret it, it's still too late. Rush over and tell She doesn't talk, kiss you."

"It's useless, she's dangerous, and I can't change her!"

"Then lock her up in Batcave with chains. Chained, a dozen little bats are born, and her thoughts are different..."

Luo Su patted Bruce on the shoulder: "If you are afraid that Steward will find out, it will damage your image of justice, There's absolutely no need for this, I bet he'll keep it a secret for you."

Bruce looked at Luo Su with a black face, hundreds of swear words lingering in his mouth, and finally coldly snorted, hooked claw gun Ejecting out of the window, the figure escaped into the darkness.

"A timid guy who knows that let the tiger returns to the mountains it will cause no end of trouble, rather than waiting for her revenge afterwards, it's better..."

Luo Su sneered, pressed the headset and started a private chat with Alfred: "This is Deathstroke, is steward here?"

"Mr. Deathstroke, what's the matter?"

"I feel compelled to discuss with you about Bruce Wayne's lifelong happiness and the future of the Wayne family."

"Please say, I'd be happy to serve you!" Alfred immediately got enthusiastic.

"Leave a secret address, the one that only you know, and I'll send someone there later."

After reporting the address, Alfred expressed his thanks: "Mr. Deathstroke, on behalf of the Wayne family, I would like to express my gratitude, I will trouble you later."

"No thanks, steward, as you can guess, I did it like this to debunk Bruce. That hypocritical mask, to put it bluntly, I just want to see his jokes."

"Mr. Deathstroke, I can't agree with this, but... Mr. Wayne is a little too serious! "

"hehehe..." x2

At this moment, neither of them knew that Luo Su would be sent over, not by one person, but by two.

(end of this chapter)

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