End Of Heavens

Chapter 744

End Of Heavens Chapter 744


Chapter 741 This bowl of dog food, starving to death will not touch it

After two moves, it's definitely impossible, if you win, you will be careful A woman who holds revenge, will be laughed at by a careful woman if she loses, and she will find herself uncomfortable.

Luo Su refused to do anything that was not good, and refused decisively, said goodbye to Barry and Hal, and returned to Gotham with a bat fighter.

During the period, I watched the three-episode soap opera 'The New Wife of the Domineering President's House', laughing from ear to ear, and was kicked out by Bruce who flew into a rage out of humiliation.

The past few days have been very peaceful in Gotham. Except that the police continue to arrest criminals who escaped from Arkham, there are no new criminal gangs emerging in the city, and no foreign criminals are ready to enter Gotham for further education.

This is directly related to the appearance of Deathstroke!

A Batman makes criminals scared witless, and another one is more ruthless, who can bear it.

The criminals said that they should wait and see, if it is really not good, they should go to other cities to see. There is no place to leave the father here, and those who have the ability are not afraid of running out of food!

Deathstroke's deterrent power is greater than Batman, mainly for two reasons, one is that he took off Battle Armor, that is Angel, and his opponents are some mythical characters, such as Archangel Gabriel, Mammon, the son of hell, It's head-scratching to hear.

Once again, it is the rare beast and aliens of the universe, who are making troubles in his territory, and they are purely uncomfortable for themselves.

The second is that his and Batman's concept style is completely different.

As everyone knows, Batman adheres to the principle of no killing. Although he is never soft-hearted in fighting crime, he often breaks offenders' arms and legs, but he uses the concept of terror to deter criminals and is committed to building a legal system. Gotham, so catching criminals will be handed over to the police.

Batman never kills, even if he is run over by him with a bat war chariot, he will not die due to various protective measures.

Deathstroke is different, using violence to control violence, vicious and merciless, all the criminals hit by him are scooped up by sand eagles, covered with white cloth, everyone can sit down and have dinner, not pick up at all Soap opportunity.

And, physical death isn't the most terrifying yet!

The battle in front of the municipal building has been seen by almost the whole world. Deathstroke can extract the human soul from the body, and he will continue to torture him when he dies.

The first victim was Bane, whose soul left the body and became a vegetative person, and is still being studied.

It is said that when Bane went to court for trial, he was lying in a hospital bed and was pushed in by a nurse.

Bane was silent the whole time, not responding at all to his crimes, because he didn't speak, and the free defense lawyers didn't know how to defend him.

Too bad!

Batman tortures the body, Deathstroke tortures the soul, if you hit two people in a row overnight, then the picture is beautiful.

The difficulty of Gotham, the capital of crime, has suddenly increased. A sentence of 'Deathstroke screaming for whom' can scare criminals away from walking at night. There is no fun in this place.

Whoever loves it, they don't plan to stay in Gotham to collect property fees.


Unfinished building!

When Luo Su got home, she saw the Wonder Woman Diana sitting on the sofa. She didn't come to invite a fight, so she took a chance to eat and drink merrily in Gotham for a few days.

As the Princess of Paradise Island, Diana's fight against criminals in human society is not just as simple as it seems.

Perhaps Diana thinks like this, but the human government and Paradise Island Council never like this. She also has the identity of an Amazon ambassador. .

With a political identity like this, Diana's actions were subject to many constraints. For example, when her invitation to fight with Luo Su was rejected, she would not insist. generation.

Be modest!

Although the Amazons of all women are hot-tempered, they are not a reasonable nation...

So, Diana's daily life has increased a lot of elegance A personal hobby, like art, like to travel around, like an aristocratic Princess.

After exchanging communication methods with Luo Su, Diana said that she would come to the door to say goodbye before leaving, and then she left gracefully.

Luo Su is a Wonder Woman with black lines all over her face, covering her mouth and smiling as a lady. She is really awkward. I guess she is uncomfortable. broken.

“Boss, she is Wonder Woman?”

Selina stuck her head out from behind the sofa holding the Egyptian cat. The name of Wonder Woman made her feel guilty and dared to watch from a distance , dare not take a step closer.

"Yeah, haven't you seen it on TV?"

Luo Su glanced at Selina suspiciously: "I remember you admired her very much, just so good Chance, why don't you ask for an autograph?"

"he he he..."

Selina smiled guilty, swallowed her saliva and said, "She has too long legs. It's stressful to stand with her."

She has her strengths, you have yours, why should you undervalue oneself as a human being!

Luo Su stretched out to Selina's chest, held the Egyptian cat by the back of the neck, and slipped the fat cat that was unable to move even a little bit into his arms. hum.

"This cat...isn't a big orange, why did it suddenly gain weight?"

Luo Su was puzzled. After only three or four days of absence, the Egyptian cat got fat. In a circle, it is said that cats are liquid creatures, is it water injection?

Selina turned her head and looked towards the side, the Boss's cat is fat, she should take the main responsibility, but in order not to be deducted from the salary, the truth must be covered up.

During the period of the dirty bomb incident, the Egyptian cat followed Selina to and fro, living a hard life with one meal but no meal. The cheap cat food was so suspicious that the cat would be unhealthy, even teasing cat sticks. Shared one with Selena.

It's normal, and like most Handsome Men and Beautiful Women with bright appearances, driving luxury cars, living in luxury houses, and traveling around in the circle of friends, Selina is actually very poor.

Don't look at her wearing gold and silver when she's alone. She is full of jewels. There are so many precious jewels that you can open a chain store. In fact, they are all black goods. The owner has a file at Gotham Police Station. Dare to take action, the police dare to give her a pair of handcuffs, plus a single room.

The little money she has in her hands is dead wages, and the Moonlight Clan can't support themselves, so how can there be money for Egyptian cats to be chic.

So, during that time, what did she eat, what did the Egyptian cat eat.

It seems to be very loyal, but it is not. The Egyptian cat was raised by Luo Su. The clothes come to open its mouth, the food comes to extend its hands, and the cat litter is all airlifted, which means that Selina's food is dog food, and she is hungry. Die it will not touch.

During a two-hour hunger strike, he ran out of dog food and licked his plate cleaner than a dog!

But the humiliation has never been forgotten. It was retrieved by the rich shit shoveling officer Luo Su. Naturally, he had to eat and drink and make up for all the grievances he suffered.

This meal, because it was too fragrant, didn't stop, and the weight soared!

It's not a big problem to be a little fat. The Egyptian cat knows very well that as long as it can be cute, its job will not be lost.

Selina's eyes dodged, Luo Su sneered twice: "I can't even take care of the cat, what's the use of you, this month's bonus will be cleared and the salary will be halved as a punishment."


Selina burst into tears: "Boss, give me another chance, I promise there will be no next time."

"No. If I give you a chance, I'll let you go, and I hope there will be another time."

Luo Su shoved the Egyptian cat into Selina's arms, turned around and went to the gym to rework his Deathstroke Battle. Armor.

Looking at Luo Su's ruthless back, Selina suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

The economic crisis!

There is such a thing as deduction of salary, if there is a first time, there will be a second time, three times a month, she will go bankrupt because she can't pay off ten sets of credit cards, when the time comes she can only go Bar dancing for a living.

Like the Egyptian cat, Selina was raised too.

Luo Su's work assistant has a fart job, and he doesn't have a job himself, so Selina is an idler who plays games and chases soap operas at work, and is mainly responsible for looking good.

To put it bluntly, it is to pay to hire a vase and use it to seduce the eyes.

No overtime, no work pressure, high salary, Selina had a good life for a few days, but she lost her self-motivation. The day she misses the most is when she went out to buy with Luo Su's credit card Buy.

"If only I were a cat too, I don't need to control my weight, I can live a carefree life by being cute..."

Selina looked enviously at Egypt in her arms Cat, this guy's expenses for a day are more than her monthly salary plus bonus. If this money is given to her, how many cute bags can be bought.

Unfortunately, the Egyptian cat can be cute, but she can only be stupid.

A moment later, Selina suddenly thought of something, and she was shocked that she had been disintegrated by Luo Su's vicious money offensive and lost her fighting spirit. Domestic cat.

Current status: weak and helpless and pitiful, but able to spend money!

Selina knows that she can't look back now, because the day is so sweet.

However, Selina swears that money can buy her fighting spirit, but not her personality and self-esteem.

Just like the Egyptian cat on a hunger strike and determined not to eat that bowl of dog food, Selina is equally determined. She is a clean woman who likes small money, but she will never sell her soul for money.

"Wait, my soul was brought back by the Boss..."

Selina looked strange, and finally coldly snorted: "If I don't have money, I can go out and steal the rich. To help the poor, Gotham's criminals want as much as they want, and I don't want his stinky money!"


It was two months in a flash, during this time calm and tranquil, although Gotham The undercurrent is still surging, but it is countless times better than before.

Luo Su's World Mission was stuck, and he didn't even move. He was not in a hurry. DC has no shortage of big events.

Maybe luck came up, and two consecutive major events directly wiped out the mission.

Los Angeles, Seaside City, Metropolis, and Gotham City dirty bombs interspersed among them, enough to destroy Earth's big crisis, three consecutive times in a month, this is the strongest evidence.

In the past two months, Luo Su has been playing Deathstroke Battle Armor every day, occasionally going out to execute justice, and occasionally going to New Wayne Manor to watch the fun, just as a long vacation for himself.

Recently, she discovered a very interesting thing, the cat in the house is a little strange.

(end of this chapter)

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