End Of Heavens

Chapter 754

End Of Heavens Chapter 754


Chapter 751 Swim, but you continue to swam

As soon as the bar Boss roared, the scene suddenly became embarrassing. The embarrassment refers to Luo Su and Arthur, and the others are still singing and dancing to celebrate the free drinks tonight.

Is Luo Su a strange stranger?

Impossible, he is the superhero Superman, even if he is not, the person who invites everyone to drink for free is impossible to be a bad person.

Arthur's body was tense, staring at Luo Su without blinking, wondering whether to run away immediately.

It's definitely not okay to stay and fight, not to mention that if you break the table, chairs, and benches, you will have to pay for it out of your own pocket, and he can't beat Superman!

But without saying a word, he plunged into the sea and ran away. He ran away death ends all one's troubles. What about the kind and kind old father?

Superhero It shouldn't be take his old father hostage!

Arthur is very tangled, while Luo Su has no such troubles. As a humanoid embarrassment maker, he has never seen any scenes with rich EXP, and the little embarrassment in front of him is not worth mentioning. Take it around.

"Arthur, relax, there's no need to be nervous, I'll reiterate, I really have no ill will in coming to you."

"Uh, can I go now? ?"


Luo Su knew that the other party was still on guard, so in desperation, she had to put away her usual indifference to fame and fortune, and took the initiative to mention her great achievements and loudly. Low-key: "The Angel incident in Los Angeles, the terrorist invasion incident in the seaside city, the dirty bomb incident in Gotham City, the Krypton incident in the Metropolis, do you know all these?"

Arthur's eyes lit up: "Of course, I know what you said, don't you..."

"Yes, it's me!" It's not in vain that he was forced to pretend, and was finally recognized.

"Did you plan all those big events?"


Three seconds later, Arthur's tense face smiled. Get up: "Okay, my fault, I was just joking. I know you, I already remembered, you're that superhero, Angel with wings."

After identification , Arthur completely let down his guard, Luo Su saved the world many times, is a qualified superhero.

Although many media have condemned him for being very ruthless, ignoring the preciousness of life, and putting himself above the law, Arthur doesn't think like this.

Because human nature is like this, people are really cheap, often good words are worse than a bullet.

No one wants to die, even the villains want them to give up their resistance, the fastest way to control the situation and prevent the spread of the crisis is to kill decisively.

The most direct and strongest evidence is what Luo Su did in the dirty bomb incident. After he appeared on the stage, slaughter all sides, killing all the criminals people were alarmed, the incident was quickly subsided, and the follow-up The city of Gotham is quiet, the criminals are in danger, not even a single decent resistance.

But if he didn't do like this at first, the shock and deterrence would not be enough. I'm afraid that when the Gotham police clean up, a lot of people will be sacrificed.

Since they are all dead, why are they not bad people?

Luo Su glanced at Arthur speechlessly, secretly thinking that it was the misfortune of the people that this kind of joker became the king of Atlantis.

But Atlantis is unfortunate, what does it have to do with him, unfortunate is unfortunate!

"Arthur, I came to you for Atlantis."


Arthur shrugged Lower Shoulder: "Sorry, there's nothing I can do, I'm not familiar with them."

"Listen Arthur, Batman and I caught an alien in Gotham trying to invade Earth. A large number of alien troops will soon land on Earth. The war is imminent, and the situation cannot be delayed. It is difficult to defend Earth by relying on land forces alone.”

Luo Su ignored Arthur’s self-mockery and continued: “The lips are cold. You should understand that if the land is lost, the ocean will soon suffer, and in order to survive, everyone should unite."

"Isn't there a Justice League?"


Arthur closed his eyes and shook his head: "You still have Superman, Batman, and you Angel!"

"It's useless, this time the enemy is very big , the Justice League alone cannot defeat the opponent."


After a long silence, Arthur said with a bitter smile: "I really can't do anything, no joke, I'm really unfamiliar with Atlantis."

Seeing Arthur's tone softening, not as tough as before, Luo Su said, "It doesn't matter if you don't know each other, you are the queen's eldest. son, as long as you inherit the throne, where water flows, a canal is formed."

"Sorry, I'm not the heir to the throne!"

Arthur's face turned Cold, with a colder tone: "I don't know where you got the information, but you may not know that there is only hatred between me and Atlantis. Because my mother fell in love with my father and gave birth to me , she was executed by the Atlanteans, twenty years ago."

"No, she's still alive!"

Luo Su is very sure, watching After the family portrait, after confirming the appearance of Queen Atlana, he is 80% sure that the queen is still alive.


Arthur slammed the table and glared at Luo Su: "I respect you as a superhero who has dashed to save the world several times. on bravely with no thought of personal safety, but...don't make fun of my mother."

Speaking, Arthur turned and left with a full stomach. He was in a bad mood and wanted to swim to relax. Take the pressure.

Luo Su got up and followed, and when he came to the door, he saw the dead mother's expression on the bar boss's face.

All the drinks are free, and the drunks are not drunk, one by one incarnates a thousand cups, and his stomach seems to be filled with the ocean, he has been busy half a month in vain.

Luo Su shook his head slightly, took out a stack of USD from the back of his butt and slapped it on the face of the bar boss: "That beer is good, I like it very much, this is your tip."


Looking at Luo Su's dashing back, the bar Boss felt his heart warm, because the glass of beer was knocked over as soon as it came to the table, and Luo Su didn't drink at all.

A superhero!

The bar boss, with tears in his eyes, chased out the door with USD in hand, and waved vigorously in the direction of Luo Su's disappearance: "Thank you, Superman, from today onwards, I'm your fan."



A thunderstorm fell from the sky and smashed at the feet of the bar boss, causing him to jump three feet high and roll into the bar.


On the winding mountain road, two traffic lights go from far to near, and at the intersection, the lights cross the sea under the night sky.

Arthur stopped the car with a speechless expression and looked at Luo Su in the co-pilot: "Dude, I admit defeat. Tell me, how can you let me go?"

"Join the Justice League, then go to Atlantis to kill the current king, and mobilize troops to guard the coastline after taking the throne."

Luo Su added, "It's not for Atlantis. It's not too much to send people to death, but to have them guard their homeland."

"Not too much, but I can't."

Arthur sighed: "It's okay to join the Justice League. If you need me, I can always contribute my power to make me the king of Atlantis. You should give up."

Luo Su earnest and well- meant advised: "Arthur, you have to believe in yourself, although your mind is not very bright, you are not a king, and the country entrusts you with only one way to perish, but you have a good life..."

"You are the first in line to be the heir. Even a discerning person can see that you are a fool. The throne should be yours."

Arthur: "..."

Luo Su took advantage of the situation and grabbed his shoulders: "Don't be sorry, you didn't take the younger brother's things, you just took back what should belong to you."

Arthur pushed Luo Su's hand away: "You're making things too simple. This is a throne, not a toy. I'm from the land, and no one will support me as a king."

"I support it!"

Luo Su ruthlessly said: "I'll go to Atlantis with you, and kill all those who stand in your way. If anyone dares to disobey, we'll go up and down, killing people's heads."

"Uh, are you crazy?"

"No, I just said it casually, I thought you'd get excited when you heard it, and then you did it."

"Just in time. On the contrary, my blood became cold all of a sudden."

Seeing Luo Su's unstoppable attitude, Arthur had to retreat. He walked out of the car door to the edge of the road cliff and pointed to the sea below. : "Man, I'd love to help you, but you found the wrong person, you should go to the current king of Atlantis. If you can convince him, there are several other kings who will send troops."

The current king of Atlantis, Orm, is Arthur's half-younger brother, who wants to reunite the Atlantis empire. He is a standard power controller, arrogant and extreme. Looking down on human beings, even the reason for integrating several other kingdoms is related to human beings.

Orm: Kings, human beings have been emitting... rubbish into the ocean, fight them!

It is conceivable that there is an extreme racial element like this, and it would be good for the Atlantis not to hold back. I hope they will fight together, unless the Flash is sacrificed to the sky to restart the universe, Otherwise don't even think about it.

"Impossible, Orm doesn't like humans, even if I beat him to the ground, he won't send troops."

Luo Su shook the head, then confirmed: "But you It's not the same, you grew up on land, you love the sea, you also love the land, you are the most suitable king of Atlantis."

"God, don't you like this."

Arthur learned from Luo Su's previous words: "Man, you have to believe in yourself, although you are full of bad water, you are uneasy and good-hearted at first sight, but you are really bad... ”

“To the extent that you are so bad that you are bubbling, even if Orm can see that you have bad intentions and are digging a hole for him to jump in, you should be deceived or you will be deceived.”


Luo Su sneered twice: "Arthur, you narrow the road!"

"Then I won't walk, I'll swim..."

Arthur held up a middle finger: "Listen, you can join the Justice League, but be king of Atlantis...don't talk about it."

"You don't need your consent. , I will beat you fiercely, take you to Atlantis, and put you on the throne." Luo Su grinned, showing a gloomy smile, suddenly remembering that he was a positive person, and hurriedly reached out The innocent smile on the corners of his mouth was suppressed.

"Hahaha, then you must be able to catch me first..."

Arthur finished laughing and jumped off the cliff, the reverberation echoed: "Although you can fly , but you can't swim as fast as me, so just stay on the shore and eat your fart!"


Arthur fell into the water and used his superpower 'swim fast' to turn into an arrow from the string and shoot it quickly, slamming into the reef with a swish.


How did it hit the reef?

Looking at the reef that was smashed by his iron head, Arthur looked stunned, and then he turned around suddenly, looked towards all around, his mouth wide open.

Amid the rumbling sound, the vast Great Sea Waves was furious and woke up like a living creature.

I saw the thousands of acres of sea split straight, like a great blue valley, the two walls were steep and vertical, and the water curtain at the end opened a little bit, soon beyond the sight of the eye, Into a desperate silence and darkness.

"Goo du!"

Arthur swallowed, although he didn't know what was going on, his behavior just now might...seem...perhaps too arrogant.

Is it too late to apologize?


Luo Su, with six wings on his back, fell from the sky with a bang, crushing the rocks on the seabed. His dark eyes were deep and dark, and his whole body exuded an aura that no one could come close to.

"Swim! Aren't you swimming fast, but keep swimming!"

(end of this chapter)

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