End Of Heavens

Chapter 762

End Of Heavens Chapter 762


Chapter 759 Whatever the boss says to him

Luo Su secretly nodded, first Arthur and then Karaqan, the physics education method is really refreshing Refreshing, specializing in all kinds of confusion of thinking and lack of oral expression ability.

No, after being beaten, Karaqan was able to think rationally after taking the medicine, and even used honorific expressions like 'you', but the next sentence, let Luo Su didn't know what to say.

"Your Majesty Poseidon, you already have the Sea Emperor Trident, why do you want the Trident of the Atlantis?"


Luo Su looked confused, what does Poseidon have to do with him, because of Trident?

He wanted to admit readily and pretend to be low-key and elegant, but the memory of Poseidon flashed across his mind, and he immediately refused.

Poseidon Quotes: The person you mentioned, I have been there; the person you mentioned, I have also been there; forget me to speak bluntly, everyone here is rubbish, you have seen it Things, all add up, there are not as many things as I have ever been on.

Note that this is a thing, not a person!

Just like this, it's a thing that doesn't eat meat and vegetables, and using his name to show off the market is purely to make a fool of himself.


Besides, Arthur, who heard Karaqan and Luo Su's conversation, slackened his feet and almost fell flat.

Atlana and Mera were startled, they helped him from left to right, and asked aloud: "What's wrong, what happened?"

"He... ...He...Luo Su he..."

Arthur raised his finger and pointed at Luo Su, feeling too offended, and hurriedly retracted his hand, stammering: "Luo Su is... Sea Emperor Poseidon , Karaqan himself said."

Recalling Luo Su's previous performances, the ability to command the sea, and the all-knowing information about the ocean, Arthur suddenly realized that, in this way, everything was explained.

“I’m not!”

Luo Su was furious, why did she curse at someone so good-natured?

He turned sharply, looked towards Arthur, and glared: "Arthur, you heard it wrong. No, you heard it right, Karaqan recognized the wrong person, I'm not Poseidon!"


"Well, if you say it's not, it's not, I believe you."

Arthur's chicken pecking rice is nodded, the boss is right, if he says no, then it's definitely not .

Arthur said that he is no longer the stunner he once was. Under Luo Su's physics education, he learned to cooperate with the performance.


Luo Su turned around with a black line on his face, looked at Karaqan speechlessly, and spread a pair of light wings behind his back: "If you see the wings, you are the wrong person. Now, I'm not a Poseidon."

"Your Majesty, you have restrained your Divine Force, so I didn't recognize you at first."

Karaqan In a low, muffled voice said: "But the power of the sea emperor Trident can be sensed by any ancient aquarium, I will not admit it wrong, even if you change its shape and make it unremarkable, it will not change its control of the ocean. The power of the water."

"No, you just admitted that you were wrong."

Luo Su raised his hand and snapped his fingers, summon out ten Water Element giants and dragged Karaqan aside to carry out Criticize education, wait until it knows it's wrong, and then drag it back.

It turns out that the sea monster also has better eyesight than Arthur, Luo Su takes five minutes to teach Arthur about physics, and only thirty seconds to teach Karaqan.

"Sorry, I didn't understand it for a while, since you are hiding... No, you have nothing to do with His Majesty Poseidon, that ordinary stick is not the Sea Emperor Trident, it is me. Mistaken person."

Karaqan was lying on the beach, two front claws placed in front of him, his head drooped close to the ground, and changed into a human equivalent of prostrate oneself in admiration.

Got the answer he wanted, but Luo Su was not happy at all, turned around and looked towards the three Arthur standing far away, and said seriously: "I'm really not Poseidon, I just happened to pick it up. When it comes to his Trident, that's it."

Arthur nodded again and again, gave a thumbs up and smiled: "Don't worry, I understand the truth!"

Heartless thing Son, you know the shit!

There is no good explanation for this, because it is not clear at all. Karaqan is not mistaken, the firestarter in his hand is really Trident.

There are three less forks!

No one believes speak frankly these days. People only believe the facts they see. However, in many cases, the facts are faked.

Suddenly comprehend the philosophy of life, Luo Su decided to tell the truth as little as possible in the future, because no one believed what he said.

He strode to the corpse of the throne, and bowed slightly to the Atlantis emperor who had been dead for many years, showing respect, and then took the golden light dazzling Trident from his hand.

Without Trident's power to maintain, the bones that had been decayed for many years were instantly weathered, Luo Su did not pay attention to this, and the sound of System sounded in his ears.


【Host came into contact with Neptune Trident, lottery section triggered, would you like to pull now? ]


Luo Su frowned, with an ominous premonition, frowned and asked: "System, what does this Neptune Trident mean?"

System answered truthfully: "Dear Uncle, there is essentially no difference. Neptune is the god of the sea in Roman mythology, corresponding to the sea emperor Poseidon in Greek mythology."

"Then why change the name, I remember the last time I contacted Trident, the prompt was 'Sea Emperor Trident', what does it say?"


System is quite confused: "Uncle Luo, can you stop hitting me with lightning?"

"No problem!"

"Okay, I'll..."

System was nodded again and again, and sent a few rainbow farts with guaranteed character of Uncle Luo. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly thought of something, and said alertly: "Then don't bomb me with nuclear bombs, don't hit me with meteorites. , no... In short, after I finish speaking, if you are not satisfied with the answer, you cannot take anger with me."

The world where the System is located is Luo Su's spiritual world, where Luo Su can act wilfully, Even without lightning, meteorites, nuclear bombs, etc., it can be repaired in exchange, so the ugly words must be said in the front.

"Okay, okay, I promise you all!"

Luo Su squinted his eyes slightly, the thunder in the mental world was turbulent, and he bombarded the System indiscriminately.

He's the most disciplined person, and he's hard to follow.

System was stunned by the bombing, and it took a long time to react, and said with a sad face: "In DCworld, in addition to the Sea Emperor Trident, there is also a Neptune Trident, which is a weapon passed down from generation to generation by the king of Atlantis. , only the ruler of Atlantis is eligible to use it, and it can issue orders to all Atlanteans..."

"That is to say, the two Tridents are different?"

"Well, according to the current plot, the Neptune Trident was built by the Atlanteans themselves. It is a high-quality imitation. It has the ability of the Neptune Trident, but the formidable power has been reduced by a lot."

fuck, I've been busy for a long time, but it's actually a parallel import!

Luo Su took a deep breath, and the ominous premonition finally came true: "Tell me directly, can the two Tridents be fused, and after fusion... will they have a long fork?"

This It's not a question of whether the fork is long or not, but that it can't be integrated at all.

System thought that he had already been beaten, and there was nothing to be afraid of, and said bluntly: "Uncle Luo, the two Tridents are too different in quality to be combined!"

Boom! !

The spiritual world thundered and thundered, and System wailed repeatedly in the bombardment that was like washing the ground: "Why, you promised me, and promised not to take anger on me!"

"Heh. , is there a witness?"

Leaving the naive System behind, Luo Su opened his eyes and left the spiritual world, looking at the useless Trident in his hand, twitched his lips with disdain, one hand of Trident is not enough, he will give him another Second, if the lottery is really turned on, wouldn't he want to go to the sky in the future.


Luo Su looked disgusted with throwing parallel imports on the ground, and he would rather continue to use the Trident without the fork than the flashy poor man’s version.

Besides, Arthur trotted all the way: "What's the matter, there's something wrong with this Trident?"

"No problem, but it's not as good as my Trident, so don't."

It's a luxury, if Trident says you don't want it.

After Arthur finished speaking, he clenched his fist and coughed: "Since you don't want it, then I will."

"Well, it was originally reserved for you, if you don't take it Who will take it?"

Luo Su said it seriously, so Arthur believed it, full of excitement, he picked up Mera's fiancé, bah, the holy Trident, who represented peace and hope.

In an instant, the brilliance flowed, and the dazzling golden streamer spread all over Arthur's body, covering him with a Battle Armor made of golden scales.

At the same time, his eyes have also become noble and bright golden!

The golden shock wave swept out and spread to every corner of the ocean in an instant, hooking all sea creatures and telling them that Aquaman Arthur was born.

From this, you can see that some things are meant to be yours, and even if Arthur's motives for raising Trident are impure, Trident admits him.

Of course, it is also possible that the king of Atlantis was still alive, for fear that Luo Su would go back and choose an heir.

(end of this chapter)

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