End Of Heavens

Chapter 766

End Of Heavens Chapter 766


Chapter 763 Saying You Can't You Can't

Ten Minutes, Throne Taken, Wife Taken, Atlantis The first heir...

Let's not talk about Orm's attitude, the king of the fish-man country, Reku, is bright, and the situation is very clear. The purpose of King Luo Su of the Haigou tribe is not to attend the meeting, he is to find something.

Moreover, this search is a matter of two kings. The first is King Orm of Atlantis. He grabs the throne first and then grabs his wife. This face is beaten, tsk tsk, let alone a king , but anyone with a handle can't bear it.

"I can't bear it, I can't bear it!"

Next is King Nereus of Zebel Kingdom, Orm's fiancee is his daughter, someone wants to rob her and save others by herself. Riku felt that this must be unbearable!

"I can't bear it, I can't bear it!"

It is said that gossip and watching the fun are human nature. In fact, it is the same when it is replaced by a murloc. Riku is very excited. Riku scratches his ears and scratches his cheeks. Then he saw Nereus with a calm face.

I can't bear it, isn't my daughter biological?

Riku was filled with emotion. He was worthy of being the prestigious King Nereus, but he didn't even frown when he was so bullied. Instead, he was afraid that he had already slapped the table.


Orm clapped the table and stood up, like an enraged lion, his brows furrowed, his eyes leaped over the long table and stared at Luo Su: "Who are you, What are you coming to Atlantis for?"

Luo Su sat firmly on the throne and looked up at Orm in front of him. This was the first time he looked directly at each other.

The sword eyebrows, star eyes, strong and deep facial features, and a good face, perfectly inherited all the advantages of Queen Atlana. In terms of appearance, Arthur is crushed. If he is trained well, he will be a king. It's a pity...

"It's a pity, you're blocking the way!"

"What? ”

Orm was stunned when he heard this, who was he blocking his way?

"You're not fit to be the king of Atlantis, it's better to be your big brother Arthur."

Orm broke out into laughter caused by anger: "boasted shamelessly The madman, what qualifications do you have to point fingers at the national affairs of Atlantis, remember your identity, you are only a land person, and this is the ocean!!"

"Because this is the Ocean, I will point fingers, although it is a bit arrogant to say like this, but I can only say like this, it is a good thing for you ocean people to change to a king that I am satisfied with.”

Luo Su sighed A voice: "I have worked so hard until now, for you, and for myself, I need a reason to stay in Atlantis, and Arthur is a good reason."

" Arrogant!!"

Orm couldn't bear it anymore, he took off the Trident standing behind the seat, and stabbed Luo Su straight away.

This is a silver Trident, handed down by the Royal Father of Orm, after the loss of the kingship symbol of Atlantis, this Trident is the token of the kings of all dynasties.

Inheritance has never failed so far!

The water splashes continuously, and the halberd front breaks through the water curtain and explodes a mass of vacuum energy. The cold front combines with the water vapor and turns into a roaring water dragon.

Luo Su's body didn't move, and at the moment when the water dragon approached, Arthur stepped out from behind him, and the holy Trident wrapped in gray cloth hit him directly.


There was a crisp sound of gold and iron symphony, and the ripples rolled and spread. Orm only saw the golden light flashed in front of him, and his figure was knocked upside down by a huge impact.

The gray cloth that wrapped the sacred Trident was torn, and golden pulses spread out, and Arthur stood up in front of Luo Su.

Don't watch him hit Orm, he knows the truth, he did not stand up to protect Luo Su, but to protect his younger brother.

After all...then what...

Orm smashed upside down on the wall, got up in disbelief, looked at the holy Trident in Arthur's hands with dementia, muttered : "This...what is this...how is this possible..."

Orm knew the answer well, but he didn't dare to admit it, and he didn't want to admit it.

Nereus and Reku looked at each other, suppressing the fear in their hearts, and subconsciously stood up and looked at Arthur: "Who are you and why do you hold the Holy Trident?"

The sacred Trident is regarded as an illusory legend by the sea people, but the monarchs of the major sea kingdoms all know that Trident exists, and they send a large number of people to find it secretly.

Although they don't have the royal bloodline of Atlantis, they won't be able to become emperors if they get Trident, but there is a saying that I can't use it, and neither can others.

They're looking for Trident's targets so that the royals of Atlantis won't find them, so it's only fair!

The current ocean pattern is very good. Except for Atlantis, the monarchs of all countries are very satisfied, and there is no need to become a unified big family.

"I'm Arthur Curry, and I'm here to take back the throne!"

Arthur waved the Trident in his hand, erected it heavily on the ground, and took off his Trench helmet , with a slight force on the arm, tore off the tattered armor costing fifty cents, revealing the golden scale armor battle clothes hidden in it.

Arthur held Trident in his hand, and continuously released its power to command the sea, the invisible sound spread, and immediately got the response of countless marine aquariums.

The whole area of Atlantis is surrounded by countless marine creatures, as if worshiping the new king to ascend the throne. The sound is continuous and echoes in the sea.


Orm looked at Divine Trident with lust in his eyes, and when he looked at Arthur again, anger mixed with jealousy.

Why does Trident recognize Arthur, not him, where is he not good enough?

Why is Arthur the first in line, not him, just because he was born two years late?

Anger makes Orm look hideous, and jealousy drives him apart.

He was raised as a king since he was a child, let him admit that he is worse than Arthur, impossible, let him give up the throne, more impossible!

"Orm, according to the laws of the empire, the eldest son of the royal family is the first successor of the throne, and the person who holds the holy Trident is the only king, you... abdicate!"

Arthur looked complicated, looking towards Orm, taking away his younger brother's throne and fiancee, really a bit sorry.

What, you say the Mera necklace is very white?

Oh, that's fine!


Orm gnashing teeth, pointed at Arthur and said: "Take this mixed-race royal shame and put it in jail."

Orm loudly shouted, the surrounding guards immediately broke into the door, watching the scene in the field, a group of people not knowing what to do, but the current king is Orm, they can only choose to obey Orm's orders.

"King Orm, he has the Holy Trident, and you have no right to deal with him." The loyal Green Goblin, no, it was the counselor Vulko who spoke righteously and persuaded Orm to calm down.

"Traitor, you traitor!!"

Orm blushed with anger, and almost missed his breath, he pointed at Vulko with a trembling voice: "Take... this bastard. Take it together."

The guards blinked, the court power struggle was a bit confusing, but it didn't matter to them, they were loyal to the royal family and only obeyed the current Leader's orders.

"Retreat all!"

At this moment, another loud shout sounded.

Hearing this sound, Orm's body trembled and looked towards Luo Su in disbelief.

Queen Atlana took off her helmet: "In the affairs of the Royal Family, no one can interfere, all retreat, or they will all be punished for treason."

The guards were stunned , the queen who has been dead for many years suddenly appeared, but this is not the point, the point is that the queen mentioned the crime of treason.

They thought calmly and found that the royal circle was too chaotic, not suitable for small shrimps to mess around.

The eyes of Nereus and Riku shone brightly, secretly saying that today's trip is worthwhile, even if the alliance matters are not settled, the royal turmoil in Atlantis alone is worth the round-trip fare .


Orm was shocked when he saw Atlana's face that had not changed for many years, but the surprise in his heart soon turned into rage.

Incomparable fury!

It's all sons, Atlanna is too partial to Arthur!

"I'm not convinced!!"

First Vulko, then Atlana, Orm hits twice, glaring at Mera behind Luo Su: "What about you, you again? Whoever, take your helmet off."

Mera resolutely made up for the third knife after hearing this, took off her helmet and nodded to Orm, indicating that fiancee is also two or five boys.

A thunderbolt!

Orm's foot swayed, and he couldn't fall down with Trident. Vulko, who was a counselor and mentor, was equal to half a father, mother Atlana, who had been missing for many years, and fiancee, a child sweethearts, three times in a row. , he did not die on the spot, it is a manifestation of strong will.

"Why, why do you all think that I am inferior to him, and what is he better than me?" Orm pointed at Arthur angrily. Although he asked the crowd, his eyes were fixed on Arthur.

"Orm, you are better than me, but you are really not fit to be a king. You were born in the wrong era." Arthur said sincerely, his reason and intuition told him that younger brother Orm was better.

"Then why?"

"Because you can't do it!"

Arthur sighed, and the person above said that if you can't, you can't do it, OK or not.

A certain sea emperor, who was unwilling to admit his identity, said that Orm cannot be king, otherwise he will get angry.

Arthur is also dissatisfied with Orm. Younger brother like this is excellent, it will definitely be possible, but the younger brother and sister look like... Bah, but the Atlanteans are seeking a life in the ocean, and the emperor of the sea decides everyone's Life and death, he refused to accept it, and could only be wronged Baba to be the king.

Alas, sorry!

What, you said that when the king also gave fiancee?

Oh, that's fine!

"Hahaha, do you think you'll be the king if you get the Holy Trident?"

"Stop dreaming, the king is me now, and you're just a half-breed bastard, what's the matter? Qualified to be a King?"

"I don't know where you found the Holy Trident, but you can get it, and I'll definitely be recognized by Trident!"

Orm Three sentences in a row seemed to be self-comforting. After calming down for a while, he looked towards the two kings next to him: "King Nereus, King Reku, make a statement, who do you choose to support?"

This must be supporting Orm!

Let Nereus and Riku choose, and will never choose Arthur. The reason is very simple. Arthur holds the Holy Trident. It is a king who is impossible to agree.

"I, Nereus, represent the Kingdom of Zebel, and publicly support Orm, the current king of Atlantis..."

Nereus was halfway through and stepped forward Mera held him, the two whispered a few words, and Nereus immediately showed a ghostly look.

After checking his eyes again and again, he fiercely panted and said, "Arthur Curry, the brother of the current king Orm, according to the laws of the empire, he should be king."

Orm stared. Rounding his eyes, he looked towards Nereus in disbelief. This is not what a king should say: "Why, why does King Nereus bow his head, are you willing to be someone else's pawn?"

" Willing!"

Nereus raised her chest and raised her head, with a face of devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence: "Orm, I can't, really! You can't either, just give up!"


Orm blushed with a thick neck, the fourth knife from father-in-law, the stab was so heavy, he was about to die.

Orm turned around and looked towards the last ally: "King Riku, what do you think?"

How treacherous and cunning Riku is, seeing Nereus and such a proud and unworthy person They all bowed their heads and said decisively: "I can't, I really can't, my legs and feet have been bad, you guys talk, I'll sit for a while."

After speaking, he really sat down on the chair, Hem Haw started beating his legs.


Everyone looked down, what a trough, what a long fish tail!

(end of this chapter)

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