End Of Heavens Chapter 77


Chapter 77 Immortal Body VSImmortal Body

There is information about sacrifice in the witch's memory. Combined with Jennifer's remarks, Luo Su understands The general passage of things.

Simply put, the low-shouldered band wanted to be famous and wanted to be crazy.

Absurdly, they got Jennifer!

In short, Jennifer was sacrificed, stabbed more than a dozen times by the waterfall, and her life and soul belonged to the devil.

A failed sacrifice, the devil was about to enjoy a feast, but found that the food in his mouth was actually a piece of shit, and spit out Jennifer directly.

Fortunately, Jennifer got some of the devil's power and healed the wounds on her body, but she didn't die. But the power of the devil will eventually dissipate, and she has to replenish her energy by eating people so that she will not die.

Luo Su declined to comment on what happened to Jennifer. Instead, it was a few idiots from the low-shouldered band that made him feel really stupid. Since the emergence of the legend of the devil, I have never heard of anyone who made a deal with the devil and died peacefully in his old age.

Luo Su understands this, and in his opinion, the low-shouldered band also understands it, but the desire for fame and fortune has overcome reason, and he is lucky to think that he is a special case, and that the devil will keep his promise.

“Then the question is, why did the low-shouldered band know that there was a devil in the vortex under the waterfall, and how did they know how to make a deal with the devil?”

Luo Su found He felt that he might be able to get something from these people.

"Luo Su..." Jennifer looked at Luo Su timidly, with fear and hunger mixed in her eyes, swallowed and said, "I'm too hungry, can you give me a bite?"


Without eating flesh and blood, Jennifer's body will wither, her strength will weaken, and she will get closer to death.

Jennifer's voice fell, and before Luo Su could answer, he covered his head and cried out in pain. Because of slavery, she can't have the idea of hurting Luo Su, even if it's just a single thought, she will be punished by the contract.

This is a tragedy for Jennifer, but good news for Luo Su, at least he doesn't have to worry about being bitten while sleeping.

"If you want to eat meat...it's not impossible..." Luo Su raised his eyebrows and gave birth to a bad move, which can't be called a bad move, it should be called using evil to defeat evil.

He has a general understanding of Jennifer's current situation. It must be fresh human flesh, animal flesh and blood, and frozen goods in the hospital morgue.

Let Jennifer go hunting for cannibals, Luo Su is not so cruel, but he knows there is someone who will feed Jennifer for a lifetime.

"Come on, the moon is like this, let's go out for a walk and solve your food sources."

Luo Su walked out of the basement, picked up the jacket on the side, and found Jennifer in the belly Unbearable hunger, regardless of the sloppy shape, closely followed Luo Su. She looks like a drug addict now, and she won't think about anything until she is satisfied, not even the beauty she cares about most.

Came to the garage, Luo Su took Jennifer into the car, not a Lamborghini, but a second-hand Chevrolet. Fate is so wonderful, even if there are two worlds apart, Jennifer's face will be related to Chevrolet.

Luo Su was driving on the way, yes, that person who can eat for a lifetime is Michael, with the body of Fiend, Michael is an inexhaustible source of meat.

Chevrolet was not as fast as a Lamborghini. Jennifer in the passenger seat shrank her hands and feet, licked her lips from time to time, looked towards Luo Su, and then screamed again and again. She was so hungry that she knew she couldn't touch Luo Su, but she couldn't help but fantasize about biting him.

Luo Su is still too simple. In fact, he can support Jennifer by himself. As long as the wolfberry is often soaked in the thermos cup, the body will be well nourished, because...

once in the morning and evening, Jennifer is a beautiful girl with super powers!


While the Chevrolet was driving, the light beams of the headlights lit up a few passersby from time to time. Swallowing saliva.

"Luo Su, is this edible?"


"This one, he looks very strong, it doesn't matter if he lacks a piece of meat ."


After several times in a row, Jennifer was a little discouraged and felt that Luo Su was playing tricks on her. Suddenly, the speed of the car slowed down, and she looked up. In the middle of the road illuminated by the headlights, stood a man wearing a dark blue mechanic uniform, holding a kitchen knife and wearing a white human skin mask.

Michael who stayed up in the middle of the night and was on his way to Luo Su's house!

"Luo Su, is this... OK?"

Luo Su grinned and whispered, "Yes, let's eat!"

Jennifer Upon hearing this, such as the amnesty, he broke free from his seatbelt and walked out of the car door, and charged towards Michael fiercely.

Luo Su got out of the car, leaned on the door, both hands crossed near chest and watched the two guys scuffle together. Both of them have inhuman abilities, and the fight is a horrible, bloody, R-rated movie.

Jennifer is less than 1.7 meters tall, and in front of Michael, who is more than 1.9 meters tall, she has lost more than two laps. Because of hunger, his strength will be at a low point, and he was crushed by strength as soon as he fought.

It stands to reason that Jennifer is impossible to be Michael's opponent, at least not until she is full, but Luo Su decided to take a look and say that there are exceptions to everything, just like the king meets bronze, who will fall first is not necessarily .

Michael has an Immortal Body. Except for the fatal injury that can temporarily stop him from moving, the minor injury of broken hands and feet does not wrinkle his brows. He has a strong ability to continue fighting, and it is likely that he does not feel pain.

In terms of strength, speed, neural response, etc., Michael is beyond ordinary people. Although his fighting ability is average, he can also hang many brawny men with his physical fitness.

In comparison, Jennifer is much inferior, except for the ability of the devil, the other is useless, and the battle EXP is equivalent to zero. If it wasn't for the Immortal Body, Michael would have killed him long ago, but even so, the current situation is very bad.

After a fight, Jennifer was strangled by Michael's neck with one hand and held in the air. The latter ignored Jennifer's bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and stabbed continuously with a kitchen knife.

Luo Su keenly captured Jennifer's deliberate avoidance of the position of the heart. She is also an Immortal Body, and she still has weaknesses.

Michael stabbed Jennifer seven times in a row, then lifted his big foot and kicked Jennifer's chest, kicking her directly to Luo Su's feet. After doing all this, Michael stood silently on the spot, staring at Luo Su from afar.

Silent as always, Michael cherish words like gold, cold as ice. He held the blood-stained kitchen knife as if to tell Luo Su that it's your turn.

Luo Su looked down at Jennifer. Her wounds were healing very slowly. She was very weak from hunger and blood loss.

Luo Su stepped over Jennifer and walked straight towards Michael, shaking his wrists and ankles as he walked, waving his fists and jumping twice from time to time.

“Come on, Michael!”

Michael responded to the challenge, holding a kitchen knife. He did not warm up, and the spacing of each step was exactly the same, like a robot.

The distance between the two is getting closer and closer, each other can see their own reflections in each other's pupils, the moonlight is blocked by the dark clouds, the murderous intention is looming, the air suddenly sinks, Michael raises the kitchen knife , Luo Su... The Sand Eagle Heavenly God was pulled out from the lower back.

Michael: "..."


The picture is too intriguing, Luo Su turned sideways listening to the sound of eating and felt nauseated for a while, and decided to quit Jennifer from today.

On the other side, Jennifer grins contentedly.

"Luo Su, what kind of monster is he?"

"Like you, he's the devil's minion."

"I'm not the devil's minion!! "

"That's right, you're just an inferior product, you're not qualified to be a minion!" Luo Su looked at Michael who was about to recover, and took out the nylon rope from the trunk.

The nylon rope can't even tie Jennifer, and it's definitely useless to Michael, but Luo Su was already prepared for this. Three rolls of medical bandages.

(end of this chapter)

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