End Of Heavens

Chapter 770

End Of Heavens Chapter 770


Chapter 767 Never surrender until the ammunition is exhausted

good luck is five to five, bad luck hangs, it sounds very Contradictory, but it's okay to put Luo Su down.

The reason is very simple, good luck triggers the lottery, and draws Darkseid's Character Card, everyone's level is the same, so five to five.

Unfortunately, I can't catch anything, I can only use Satan's Character Card, and crushing the game is equivalent to hanging.

Bruce didn't understand, only when Luo Su's stupid disease was committed again, he subconsciously stayed two steps away, and did not want to come into contact with the source of infection.

At the same time, the Atlantic military base island.

The army originally stationed on the island has been evacuated. At this moment, in addition to the military scientific research team studying Mother Box, there are only two teams of marines who are responsible for protecting the scientific research personnel.

As mentioned in Bruce's intelligence, tactical nuclear warheads are placed on the island, and USA officials hope to obtain more black technological achievements as soon as possible before the disaster.

The camera is zoomed out to see the aircraft carrier battle group on the sea level, and the air base near the coast can also support.

This is the official confidence that no matter how many aliens there are, they can kill them with USD.

It's a good thing to be optimistic, and while it won't make you live past the Grand Finale, everything is hopeful until the Grand Finale.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ! ! !

The Mother Boxes in the three laboratories vibrated all at once, and started by themselves without being touched and without energy transmission. Seeing this scene, the military commander in charge of the operation immediately pressed the button. Press the alarm button and order the entire crew to evacuate.

On the contrary, a group of experts and researchers, a group of people who were at a loss, found abnormal data fluctuations and immediately cheered, trying to locate the source of energy and track the signal.


With a loud noise, a strong white light erupted from the Mother Box, and the sudden shock wave swept across the underground experimental base, engulfing all the people who were not able to evacuate in the future.

Immediately afterwards, because of a special connection, the three Mother Boxes flew into the air at the same time. When the three white space doors were opened, they were implicated and converged with each other, and evolved into a giant space door with an exaggerated area.

Technology from Apokolips, where the space gate technology is called 'Boom Channel', which enables ultra-long distance movement.

Because of the energy emitted by the Mother Box, the topography of the island has changed, the soil and green plants have rearranged their molecular structures, and are converted little by little into unknown substances similar to reddish-brown metals. The surface is mottled and old, as if living Rusty scrap iron is generally lifeless.

The invisible wave spreads very fast, it is almost an eye-catching effort, and the shape of the entire island changes drastically.

Unfortunately, the official USA security measures 'tactical mushrooms' left on the island have become a pile of scrap metal before the program has been activated.

The rust of reddish-brown spreads like a virus.

According to this momentum, after 24 hours, there will be a new continent in the Atlantic Ocean, and after three or five days, the water blue star can be renamed the rust red star.

bang! bang! bang! Boom————

The naval artillery roared in unison, and a wave of covering blows blew the island into pieces.

The response speed of the aircraft carrier battle group was very fast. Almost at the same time as the alarm was received, the USD offensive that was waiting for it fell like a shower.

Immediately afterwards, four carrier-based bombers set sail, and at the forefront was a fast unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, which rushed directly into the sound explosion channel.

Then there is no more. The communication center lost the signal connection. Fortunately, the price is cheap, and it will be gone if it is gone.

Metropolitan Air Force Base receives orders, and crew members are on board, ready to take orders.

The USA military is very confident in this war, and it's just a fixed-point drop bomb. They are best at burning money, ahem, they are best at fighting.

In the secret base, the red alarm light is on, and Batman has also received synchronization instructions. Just like Luo Su has a special intelligence source, he also has a special intelligence person.

"Damn, space channel is open!"

"Huh, like this all of a sudden?"

Luo Su and Arthur were surprised, especially Arthur , just sent back the coastal map of the defense line, and the undersea army did not even go out of the gate.

"This is war, and there will be no time for people to prepare..."

Bruce murmured, Luo Su had done his best, and pulled the Ocean Alliance at a terrifying speed. The army, can't be more demanding, can only say that the enemy's war preparations are more adequate.

"Arthur, let's go first. If it's at sea, our ability is indispensable."

After saying this, Luo Su said to Bruce who was operating the computer quickly: " Contact other Justice League members as soon as possible, let Clark go to the island location first, and Hal's side to confirm quickly, but don't be late again."

Bruce did not respond, but the speed on hand was a little faster.


bang! bang! bang! Boom————

The carrier bomber returned from the mission, the first wave returned, the second wave steadily Following up, everything seems to be under control.

That's not the case!

The reddish-brown rust virus continued to spread, and the firepower could not play a role in containing it. Three reconnaissance planes entered one after another, but none of them returned successfully.

White's space door stood still, lifeless, and the depressing atmosphere before the rainstorm doubled the pressure on the USA military.

Finally, as the fourth reconnaissance plane approached the sound-explosion channel, the enemy appeared.

A Parademon fluttered its wings and rushed out, and just raised its head and roared twice, it was hit by the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft and plunged into the passage together.

The military bosses who saw this scene couldn't help laughing. They were all USA soldiers who had received strict training.

Unless it's a twin!

But the next second, the triplets couldn't laugh.

Parademons poured out of the blasting channel, densely packed like a black trend. If you find a scene to describe it, it is the opening of the dam to release the flood.

That bursting impact gives people an incomparable visual shock, as if the Parademon was not rushing out, but involuntarily, squeezed out of the space channel by the huge pressure.

In just a short while, hundreds of thousands of Parademons entered the space where Earth belongs.


On the blue ocean, the aircraft carrier battle group was in a dense formation, continuously splashing naval guns and missiles, and the flight formation took off in turn, madly attacking with powerful firepower Kill the gushing Parademon.

The Fireball rose from the sky, and the rumbling sound continued on the sea. Clusters of Fireballs flickered continuously, and the shock wave shook the island completely disintegrated.

It seems to be deadlocked!

The commander's heart sinks to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. There are too many Parademons. Slow down the density of the coverage fire a little bit, and there will be a fish that escaped the net.

No one knows how much Parademon has, but everyone knows how much ammunition. With this trend, they can only delay Parademon from breaking out of the blockade instead of harvesting. Victory, kill them all.

"God bless, but no one told me that the number of these monsters is as large as this!"

When USA officially accepted Parademon live, the Batman who was unwilling to reveal the name As I have been reminded, the number of alien armies will be huge, unbelievably large.

USA officials attach great importance to this information, otherwise there would not be an aircraft carrier battle group, and the war site would not be selected on the ocean far away from the city.

But then, they found that they still underestimated the meaning of the word 'incredible'.

In fact, I can't blame them, because Batman himself didn't expect that the number of Parademon would be so exaggerated, otherwise he would definitely repeat 'incredible' three times in a row.

bang! bang! bang! Boom————

The gun barrel is overheated, stop the attack for the time being, the main coverage strike mission is handed over to the flight formation, and the pilot has already seen the island overlooking shocked.

A bomb was dropped, and Fireball and Shockwave couldn't beat Parademon's crowd tactics.

What is this concept?

A shock wave hit the front, and a large group of Parademon rushed up. They used their bodies as consumables, and the shrinking space crushed the shock wave, spreading faster than the speed of sound.

sou! sou!

The support from the air base arrived, and the carrier aircraft immediately retreated. Under the cover of missiles, naval guns and wingmen, the fighter jets dropped tactical mushrooms to clear the field.

A white light soared into the sky, and in the next second, the black pressure in the white rushed out a large piece of Parademon, and devoured the mushroom forcibly by consuming energy in quantity.

The situation is bad!

The commander of the carrier formation hurriedly contacted the superior, they needed more mushrooms with larger formidable power and more quantity.

What, more formidable power will affect the carrier battle group?

Oh, that's all right, he's nothing serious!

After the communication ended, the commander hurriedly ordered the flight formation to push up, and gave an impromptu speech to boost morale. To sum up: We will never surrender until the ammunition is exhausted!

The soldiers were greatly encouraged and questioned: Do aliens treat captives favorably? How can I join them?

(end of this chapter)

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