End Of Heavens

Chapter 785

End Of Heavens Chapter 785


Chapter 782 The father and son laugh, touching the heart

"I will take it myself, as for the king...hehe, are you worthy too?"

Hela made no secret of her disdain for Luo Su, not despising his strength, but despising his words and deeds, and couldn't find any temperament that belonged to the king from beginning to end.

"I think it's okay!"

Luo Su grinned, raised his hand and threw the javelin that the dark energy condensed out.

At the same time, Hela waved her hand and pressed down, and countless black blades galloped fast like a shower. From a distance, it seems like an impenetrable black torrent surging down, deeply depressed, making it hard to breathe.

The black javelin tore the void, like a pair of scissors cutting through the cloth, the black curtain is opened wherever it passes, and everything is devoured by the boundless darkness.

The high concentration of dark energy entities disintegrated, and the javelin split in the air, overlapping and overlapping. With the potential of Myriad Bodies Transformation, the curtain was completely opened in an instant.

The black wall covering the heavens, shielding the sun rolled down, and the torrent of black swords collided violently, as if mantis trying to stop a chariot.

After the crisp sound of countless metal twisting and breaking, the swords were scattered, and the black wall that devoured everything was still lingering, moving towards Hela.

The double crush of quantity and quality!

Hela's pupils shrank, and she jumped down from the sharp mountain. She waved her arms high, and all the mountain blades on the Eighth Layer continent flew up into the air, shooting in clusters towards the dark wall.

These mountain blades are all created by Hela's ability, and can be used by her even if she leaves her body.

During the endless years of captivity, Hela fantasized about meeting Odin many times, so continuously created weapons in order to overwhelm and defeat him in one fell swoop.

Although she also knew that it was very difficult and that it would be more comfortable to give up, her long life as a prisoner made her hatred and resistance stronger, and she finally overcame loneliness with her tenacious will.

She did not choose to bow down to Odin, but frantically made weapons day and night, looking forward to the day when blood and war would come.

It's just that, instead of waiting for Odin, Luo Su came. The latter is backed by the dark dimension, and his strength is not inferior to her kind old father.

Boom! !

Wan Renjian Mountain collided with the black curtain, like two giant beasts fighting in the sky, the mountains burst and ground split when they moved.

The collapsing black shock wave swept the continent, overwhelmed the dead Spirit Warrior and Valkyrie Legion, followed by the Shattered Mountain, drowning them all.

Hela has saved thousands of years of great moves, and the formidable power is extraordinary. The black curtain was suppressed and at a disadvantage in less than a moment, but before Hela showed a smile, ten shots were shot out of the dark dimension channel. The same black javelin turned defeat into victory in an instant.


The continuously broken mountain fell into the sky, Hela swung the Sword Mountain with all her might, trying to break through the dark night and see the sun again, but the gap between the two sides was too great, and she was defeated. Got to crush dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, and struggled in vain.


The last mountain blade was broken, and Hela look pale took two steps back, probably because her tight leather armor was made by her own magic power, and the area of the hole became larger under the severe consumption.

The enemy used a beauty attack, Luo Su remained unmoved, waved and dropped thousands of black arrows, scouring Hela's position with the momentum of the Milky Way waterfall.

The sound of rumbling was endless, and black sparks bloomed, overturning large soil layers and blowing up the Eighth Layer continent on the verge of collapse.

Luo Su pondered in his mind, and after bombing for a minute, he waved his hand to close the curtain of darkness, making it hang high in the sky, eroding the little remaining light.

It won't be long before this hell dimension will become part of the dark dimension, and after a while of digestion, the two will permanently fuse together.

Crack! !

On a messy ground, three thorn-shaped rocks crossed to form a defense. Hela one-knee kneels, gasping for breath, had little magic power left, not to mention the previous large-scale attack, clothes. I can barely wear it.

The hell dimension not only imprisoned Hela's freedom, but also cut off her connection with Asgard, so that her power consumption cannot be replenished quickly. If the battlefield is changed to Asgard, Luo Su wants to take her down. It's not as easy as this.

If Asgard is also a dimension, Hela's status is roughly a lord, standing in Asgard, she has continuous power, and the strength is second only to Odin.

Luo Su fluttered to the ground, smashed the spiked rocks with his black sword qi, and looked at Hela with contempt: "As a king, you have done a good job in judging the situation and paying tribute, your knees I accept it."


Hela shot a long spear from the palm of his hand, stood up holding the gun in both hands, and shot Fire Dao in his eyes: "If I were king, You are even more impossible for what Odin can’t do.”

“Those who are too strong are easy to break, and those who are kind and soft are undefeated! The best kind is like water, and that is the way of an eternal dynasty.”

Luo Su raised the Vulcan sword and flicked it lightly: "I don't even understand this truth, no wonder Odin doesn't approve of you, I agree with him, Asgard can only destroy the country under your leadership. ."

Hela was furious, and suddenly calmed down at the zero point of the outbreak. She held a long spear in her attacking stance and accumulated magic power: "Hela Odinson!"

Smelling the determination in the air, Luo Su restrained his contempt, and said seriously: "Darkseid, a human mage, comes from Midgard in your mouth as Asgard."

"There is actually a powerhouse like yours in the atrium. , is still a mage, it's incredible." Hela couldn't believe it.

"It's incredible because you gods are too arrogant!"

Luo Su coldly smiled, sending the sword of Vulcan into the black Cross, a hammer of Thor with dark energy condensed appeared in the palm of your hand.

"What do you mean?" Hela slightly frowned, feeling insulted by the sacred duel.

"It doesn't make any sense, it's just your aloof and remote words and deeds that make me very uncomfortable."

Luo Su said, raised the black hammer with one hand and swung it hard, the palm arc flashing, A silver white giant wolf flew out from the front of the hammer and headed straight for Hela.

The speed was too fast, Hela set up a long spear block when Luo Su made a move, was caught by the giant wolf, and turned into an exploding white light ball in the distance.

After a loud bang, Hela lifted two long swords with both hands upside down, her figure turned into an afterimage and rushed out of the dust, and the sword edge deflected and stabbed Luo Su's chest and neck.

Boom! !

A thunderstorm fell from the sky and hit Hela hard. The ground was hit by a big smoking pit, the long sword in her hand was broken, and she herself fell to the ground again.

Fighting for dignity and losing glory?

It depends on who!

Similar to Hela, who is full of ambition and looks down on anything but the throne, Luo Su's judgment on her is unqualified, and she can't even let go of her dignity. worthy of the responsibility of a country.

It’s okay if she is invincible. The key is that she is not invincible. Like this, after a while, she has already kneeled twice.

So, she wanted a battle of honor and died vigorously, and Luo Su didn't bother to give it to her.

Besides, Luo Su also impossible to kill Hela, Odin's eldest daughter, Asgard's first heir, whoever dares to kill her must be ready to fight Asgard.

Don't look at Hela being exiled to the hell dimension, and she is also removed from Asgard, but she has already proved her place in Odin's heart by being alive.

The reason for the conflict between Hela and Odin at that time, whether Hela led the rebellion or Odin attacked first, it doesn't matter, Luo Su only saw that Odin left Hela an unowned dimension of hell .

As the master of the dark dimension, Luo Su can roughly guess what Odin is thinking.

Hela is not suitable to be the king of Asgard, but Odin can't play assassin, so he chose a compromise, throwing Hela into the hell dimension.

When Hela can't get out of trouble and becomes the master of the dimension voluntarily, she will stay away from the dimension where Earth is located, and become a dead Goddess with peace of mind, and draw a clear line with Asgard from now on.

Odin is well prepared, the hell dimension is full of souls and can be used as a source of power, and there is a powerful little brother like Valkyrie Legion for him to drive, Hela has a bright future from the old father.

But Odin underestimated Hela's arrogance. This woman would rather die than give in. She only wants to be the king of Asgard, and she doesn't pick up the dimensions she gave away.

Father and son laugh, touching!

Luo Su can't understand when he sees this, Hela may be a heartless person, but Odin didn't give up on her, and paved the way for her.

So, Hela can die, but not at his hands.

It won't take long for Odin to kneel anyway, there is no need to make a special trip to touch Odin's bad head and fight Asgard.

Luo Su is the most sensible person. It is more important than anything to let the old man go happily, and maybe he will be able to have a banquet.

"You won!"

Hela stood up with Broken Sword and staggered towards Luo Su: "Kill me, take away the glory, and prove your power."

"Killing can't prove anything, and killing you, doesn't it fulfill your wishes and let you prove your beliefs?"

Luo Su twitched his lips, black Thor The hammer came out of his hand, and the strikes hit Hela in the face, knocking her upside down, falling out of the pit with her face on the ground, and rolling around for a few laps before stopping.


Hela got up from the ground with cold eyes, wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, furiously shouted and charged towards Luo Su.

Boom! ! !

black Thor's hammer came from behind and hit Hela on the back of the head with a thud. She rolled her eyes and fell to the ground, unable to stand up again.

"What are you going to do with Hela, I have already invaded most of this dimension, and it is impossible to imprison her again." Luo Su said, turning his head and looking towards the void behind him.


No movement, as if there was no who.

"Odin God, I saw you, don't hide."

Luo Su rolled her eyes, pointed at Hela, who was standing upright, and said, "If you pretend to pass by, you won't see it. I'll throw Hela into Asgard and let her communicate with the two younger brothers."

The voice fell, and the fully armed Odin stepped out of the void, dressed in Destroyer armor. , Portable 'Gungnir' Gungnir.

"Unexpectedly, the famous Sorcerer Supreme I chose a Demon God from the dark dimension as his heir." Odin said coldly.

I don't know if it was because his daughter was beaten by Luo Su, or because Earth was facing an invasion crisis from the dimension Demon God, Odin's eyes were full of anger.

(end of this chapter)

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