End Of Heavens

Chapter 799

End Of Heavens Chapter 799


Chapter 796 Gradually discovering the truth

In the living room, Tony asked Jarvis to play the two videos one after the other and watch it again with Nick Fury once again.

The two were silent the whole time, even after the video ended, they didn't speak for a long time.

Tony is in grief again, Nick Fury is shocked by the seriousness of the matter, he smells the smell of conspiracy, a huge conspiracy.

"Tony, where did you get that tape?"

"Call me Mr. Stark, we're not close enough to call me by name."

"Tony, we're talking about another Mr. Stark, I don't want to be messing around with you, understand?"

"OK, just this once."

Tony shrugged: "The tapes were received in two, the death tape was from a mysterious person in Monaco who said it was a gift that was fifteen years late. The other tape was from Mr. Stark, yes you heard that right, he sent it to me. "

Tony didn't mention the old man who sent the courier, and Nick Fury subconsciously ignored him.

"Anything other than the videotape?"

Tony said decisively: "No!"

Nick Fury's eyes widened: "Please Answer seriously, it's important."

"Okay, there are a few diaries, but don't think about them, I won't show you, those are some... uh..."

Tony struggled with the words and gave an answer that was very much in line with Howard's personality: "The diary is Mr. Stark's romantic account, which is the face of the Guan Family. No matter what reason you use, I will not show it to you."

Tony slurs, Nick Fury realizes what's in the diary is important!

His face was gloomy, and others didn't know Howard's multiple identities. As the director of SHIELD, he knew very well.

He realizes a very bad problem, Howard would rather keep the diary and video alone than keep it in the SHIELD he built, which shows that...

The enemy is strong enough SHIELD can't fight either, or it's not safe to be placed in SHIELD!

Like Howard's reluctance to tell Tony the identity of his enemy, he didn't mention it to his SHIELD colleagues, not even a clue or hint.

If it wasn't for the video of Howard's warning to Tony today, Nick Fury would never have imagined that Earth would have a powerful organization like this.

"Tony, what's the purpose of the enemy?"

"They kidnapped your parents and ended up killing them, but in fact, if they didn't expose themselves, there would be no You contact and don't even bring the video to you, you can continue to hide, top secret, it is unreasonable to expose yourself so willfully."

"I don't know, maybe it's a signal that they are ready to go out behind the scenes. , appearing under the focal point of ten thousands, some people like to do it like this, like me."


Nick Fury ignored Tony's nonsense, I only felt that there must be a hidden secret, the conspiracy revealed the tip of the iceberg, and the fog shrouded his heart, making it difficult for him to breathe.

The result he is most worried about, or the worst situation, is that SHIELD has an inner ghost and is so powerful that Howard acts cautiously and does not dare to borrow the power of SHIELD.

Then the question is, who is the inner ghost?

A few important figures who formed SHIELD at first, aside from the personnel of the USA government, Howard Stark, Peggy Carter and Hank Pym are well-deserved giants.

There are only these two people who can compete with Howard.

Is it Peggy Carter, or Hank Pym, or both?

Nick Fury shook his head. He felt that he should have thought too much. If this is the case, the situation is not irreversible. At that time, SHIELD was far from being in power now. Howard only needed to secretly and USA Army. Fang gets in touch, and the two can be arrested between backhands.

Besides, if SHIELD at first is rotten, he is also impossible to be promoted and appointed as director!

It sounds too absurd to leave one's own people alone and hand over power to an outsider.

Therefore, Howard does not want to believe in SHIELD, not because he is an inner ghost, but because he does not believe that SHIELD's strength can fight against powerful enemies.

like this Analysis, Nick Fury's face looks a little better.

A powerful enemy does not terrify, but terrifying comes from the backstabbing. Judging from the current situation, the probability of backstabbing is very low, and there is still room for maneuver.

"Director Fury, I know you have a lot to think about, but I also have..."


Nick Fury He raised his hand to stop Tony, took out the palm-sized personal computer from his pocket, and after a series of operations, nodded signaled Tony to continue.

Tony blinked: "What is that, I see you're sending files."

"Yes, I sent the video files to Agent Natalie separately and also There's Captain Marvel Steve."

Nick Fury explained: "Agent Natalie is at SHIELD HQ and looking at the HQ's database may be able to identify who killed your parents. Captain Marvel History Tiff, you should know that the former Captain America, he and your father are friends, maybe he will know something secret."

Tony frowned: "You keep my personal privacy, it is still so important The information is sent out indiscriminately?"

"They are all very trustworthy, at least more reliable than you!"

Nick Fury glared at Tony, he gave these The two people trust him very much. Agent Natalie was introduced by the former Director Pierce. Without Pierce's strong deliberation and magnanimity, he would not be able to become the new Director. Therefore, Agent Natalie has always been one of his confidants.

Not to mention the other, if Captain America can't be trusted, who can you trust?

"Wait a minute, Director Fury, the Natalie agent you mentioned..."

Tony raised his brows, revealing a suspicious look: "Where do I seem to be listening? Said, delusion?"

"It's not an illusion, because you were killed by palladium not long ago, and I sent her to the Stark Group undercover. At first, it was just the legal department, and you directly transferred her to be an assistant."

Tony's face is stinking, as expected, coldly snorted and said: "Very good, tell her not to go to work tomorrow."


There was a reply from the palm-sized personal computer, and Nick Fury clicked on it and said, "It's the information from Agent Natalie, the headquarters has information, and the identity of the metal one-armed man has been found out. "

"Quick, show me!"

It was about killing relatives, so Tony quickly took away the personal computer and glanced at it quickly. Return it to Nick Fury.

James Buchanan Barnes!

Male, born in 1917, sergeant 107 Army military advisor of the U.S. Army during World War II, member of the Roaring Commando, best friend of the U.S./Captain Marvel, confirmed to have died on the battlefield in 1944.


“Captain Fury, you just made a fatal mistake and shouldn’t have sent the video file to Captain America.”

Tony complexion ashen: "I can't imagine that the murderer of my parents was actually a former comrade-in-arms of Captain America. He must know something."

"No, don't rush to a conclusion, here There must be a misunderstanding..."

Bright light glittering in Nick Fury's eyes: "The SHIELD file states that Barnes died, maybe he was caught and remodeled, you see him too The robotic arm of my father."

"Really? But I think secret mastermind is Captain America, and the strong enemy in my father's mouth is him, after all..."

Tony said more and more It makes sense: "After all, he is the strongest superhero on Earth, and he has also traveled in outer space. He has a great probability of mastering alien technology."

"Alien technology? Why mention this?"

"It's nothing, I just think there is something wrong with Captain America."

Tony changed the subject: "Is it possible that the real Captain America has already Dead, the current Captain Marvel is an alien spy pretending to be?"


You have a big brain!

Nick Fury sighed in his heart, but he had to say that Tony's guess was not impossible.

If that's the case, it would explain Howard's distrust of SHIELD, because one of the founders of SHIELD, Peggy Carter, was Captain America's lover.

For a time, Nick Freyhan was raining.

"Did you just send the video file?"


The two looked at each other and thought that this place should not stay for a long time, Nick. Fury said: "I have a safe house, only I know, leave now."

"Okay, wait for me to change into battle clothes first."


The sound of the air came, the floor-to-ceiling windows of the balcony were pushed open, and a sullen American/Captain Marvel Steve Rogers walked into the living room.

In fact, Steve's face was only a little gloomy, and under the subjective consciousness of the two, it became the standard villain's face.

"Captain Fury! Mr. Stark!"

"Captain, you're here."

"Hi Captain!"

It's too late to run away now, the two of them greeted each other with brace oneself, only to ask that Steve is mentally retarded, and they didn't see through that they knew the truth.

Steve looked towards the TV screen, swept across the frozen portrait of Howard in the picture, took a deep breath, and said solemnly: "Director Fury, please forget what happened today, remember not to spread it, believe me , it's for your own good."

"And you, Tony Stark, don't ask who the enemy is, I won't tell you, that's what Howard wants, he doesn't want you involved. "

Tony's complexion changed, and there was no way to hide from the secret passage. Brace oneself said: "Captain, stop pretending, we all know that you are the secret mastermind, you are the one who planned all the conspiracies, and you are the one who killed My parents."

Steve: "..."

(end of chapter)

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