End Of Heavens Chapter 81


Chapter 81 Crystal Lake Teenage Murder Case

【Ding! 】

【Host contact with the plot character Jason · Voorhees, lottery section triggered, would you like to pull now? ]

"It's so obvious, I don't need you to tell me that he is Jason with the big knife." The image of the hockey mask is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The moment Jason appeared with the knife, Luo Su recognized him come out.

However, the triggered System prompt is not useless at all. Jason's surname that Luo Su knows is Voorhees, and the spellbook he just got, his real name is the Voorhees manuscript.

The person who wrote the manuscript has the same surname as Jason. After a little thinking, you can guess who the writer is, Jason's witch mother, who resurrected the drowned boy Jason, and created it. The bloodfiend king who cannot be killed.

Crystal Lake Teenage Murder!

A long series of movies, each of which revolves around how Jason kills, Luo Su watched two of them when he was charging. The feeling after watching is average, it doesn't matter whether the plot is not the plot, because there is no plot at all. Similar to most USA horror films, plasma and Naiko occupy the main space.

The gain is to have a general understanding of Jason, Immortal Body, sensitive senses, powerful, good at using various melee weapons, especially machete.

Analyzing Jason's general ability, Luo Su's positioning for him is stronger than Michael's, but judging from his clean solution to Jennifer, his strength is far stronger than Luo Su expected.

But no matter how strong it is, it is still a physical body and mortal flesh, and no matter how strong it is, it cannot stop bullets!

Luo Su pulled out the sand eagle and shot the headshot neatly. The bullet hit the eye socket of the hockey mask, and a cloud of dirty blood exploded. Jason shook twice, and his tall body fell to the ground.

A young boy with a height of 196CM and a weight of 113KG, if this child hadn't died early, a superstar would have risen in the Super Bowl.

bang! bang! bang! Bam...

Luo Su fired continuously at Jason, all limbs, heart, head, and stopped after emptying a clip. Immortal Body is too difficult to deal with, he has no good way to delay the time by whipping the corpse.

After getting Jason, Luo Su lifted Jennifer's head and pressed it on her neck. The latter instantly healed herself and stood up clutching her neck.

The super self-healing ability makes Luo Su extremely jealous, thinking about turning around and dissectioning Jennifer, trying to crack the secret of Immortal Body.

Jennifer clutched her neck and kept coughing, angrily went to Jason's side and punched and kicked, probably because it didn't hurt or itchy, she opened her bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and bit down on Jason's neck .


The stench of black blood spurted from the broken aorta. Jennifer thought that what she drank was delicious, but the mouth stink was unpleasant, and she turned around and vomited. .

"This... this bastard's blood stinks, no, it's not blood, it's simply sewage sludge." Jennifer rushed into the Chevrolet, took mineral water and gargled frantically.

"Sludge from the sewer..." Luo Su's brows trembled: "You mean shit?"


Jennifer sprayed it directly, poured cold water into her nose, hammered her chest and coughed desperately, she was disgusted.

Luo Su got into the driver's seat and started the car into gear. Jennifer hurriedly got in the car, looking disgusted and disgusted: "I'm serious, that bastard's blood really stinks!!"

That's right!

Luo Su secretly nodded, Jason is different from Michael, Michael is Fiend, and he is still alive. Jason is a dead body, a body with a beating heart, and the blood of the body is naturally stinky.

The Chevrolet continued to drive, and Jennifer had just eaten a mouthful of sewage sludge and slumped listlessly in the co-pilot.

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed from the bushes blocking the way, Luo Su slammed on the brakes, Jennifer did not fasten her seat belt, and her forehead hit the workbench directly. She panting with rage lifts the head, saw the shadow blocking the road, and was immediately dumbfounded.

"What's the matter, isn't he behind?"

The shadow blocking the road was Jason, who should have been lying on the ground with a corpse, but came to the front of Chevrolet at some point. The straight line between the two points is the shortest, and it is not impossible to walk over the car, but the problem is that the dirt road is a standard straight line, there is no arc, and it cannot explain why Jason appears in front.

"Interesting, is this also a skill?"

Luo Su got interested, opened the car door and walked down, directly activated the lottery triggered by Jason, and got a Skill Card.

[Skill Card: Cold Weapon Proficiency (Proficient in 18 kinds of weapons, you have almost no dead ends in hacking people)]

A very practical skill, in any world It can come in handy, and it would be perfect if it were permanent.

Luo Su put the card aside, raised the sand eagle and fired another burst. The loud gunshots continued to sound, but his face was extremely ugly.

Jason was hit by a few large-caliber bullets in the front, but he just staggered back a few steps, the wounds on his body and forehead healed in an instant, and the deformed bullet was squeezed out by the muscles.

Sand Eagle's bullets are no longer effective against him!

"The bullet with magic power can only be repulsed... What is the setting of this thing..." Luo Su closed his eyes slightly, and threw two sand eagles on the ground, Use the Character Card in your mind.

[The Host is equipped with 'Character Card: Duan Shui Liu', the countdown is 180 seconds, and the timer starts. ]

Equipped with Eldest Senior Brother's Character Card, Luo Su's Essence, Qi, and Spirit suddenly changed, and the power of all limbs was excavated explosively. He stepped out one step, plunged into the ground and pressed a footprint, his leg muscles were tense, his body was like a cannonball, a gust of wind blew up, and he put his elbows on Jason's chest.

Just hearing the sound of ka-cha's rib shattering, Jason flew upside down and fell more than ten meters away.

Eldest Senior Brother's Character Card did not disappoint Luo Su, his physical fitness improved by leaps and bounds, and his explosive power was even more amazing. Eldest Senior Brother does not have Inner Strength, magic, and supernatural powers. Attacks and defenses rely on a powerful fleshy body that is accumulated over a long period of time. He is a genius and has tempered every part of his body into a deadly weapon.

Jason staggered and stood up, facing Luo Su who was slamming like a hurricane, and chopped down heavily.

The blade was pressed down, the air suddenly sank, and the strength was very strong, possibly even above Duan Shui Liu.

This knife cannot be hard-connected!

Luo Su turned his ankles, sideways dodged the heavy slash, slipped behind Jason, wrapped his arms around his waist, and struggled to make an iron bridge so that his feet were off the ground, and the back of his head was fiercely. hit the ground.

Jason's whole body was stiff, and this time the impact was not light. Luo Su took the opportunity to clamp Jason's wrist holding the knife, but found that the other's five fingers were like cast iron, no matter how hard he was, he couldn't grab him. Machete in hand.

Seeing that Jason was already recovering, Luo Su no longer hesitated, grabbed Jason's arm, turned it back to the ground, and kicked the back of his elbow.

A crisp sound!

Jason's arm is bent in the opposite direction, Luo Su spreads his five fingers, and holds the big knife in his hand.

The horizontal knife slashed, and the reversely bent arm was broken at the elbow. Luo Su's eyes flashed, blade light and sword shadows cut off Jason's limbs. Then he lifted the long knife and stabbed with both hands, penetrating Jason's vest and nailing him to the ground.

Jason has an Immortal Body, this injury can only temporarily prolong his recovery time, Luo Su trotted back to the Chevrolet and picked up the Sand Eagle·Heavenly God. The magic power attached to the blade, cut Ironhide open like cutting tofu, and dragged Michael out of the trunk.

It is impossible to expect two murderers to fight each other, Luo Su is not so naive, and the probability of being besieged by two people is even greater.

The blade pierced Michael's forehead. Luo Su stirred vigorously. After pulling out the sand eagle, he disassembled the Blood Absorbent Bandages tied to the opponent's body.

That's right, Luo Su is going to wrap a bandage around Jason!

Although doing like this is likely to hurt Michael's self-esteem, he is also a murderer of Demon King, he is underestimated, but Luo Su can't control this, Jason is far more dangerous than Michael. Above, Blood Absorbent Bandages are limited, only the more dangerous ones come first.

After tightening the bandage, Luo Su packed Jason into the trunk. He was also nearly 2 meters tall. Jason was bigger and the trunk was more crowded.

Michael couldn't get it in anyway, and it was not safe to put it in the back row. Luo Su put on the magazine, shot a headshot at the recovering Michael, and drove away quickly in a Chevrolet.

Two minutes later, Michael recovered, silently got up from the ground, picked up the machete and walked towards Devil's Kettle.

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(end of this chapter)

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