End Of Heavens Chapter 88


Chapter 88 The person with long hair covering his face is not necessarily a female ghost, but may also be a shy black long straight

Jennifer again and again and again was abused Now, Luo Su is not surprised at all. She met Freddy in a dream, and it was surprising that she won.

Compared with Freddie's appearance, Luo Su is more concerned about another thing: "Jennifer, didn't I give you a special medicine, why don't you take it?"

"The special effect Medicine... what kind of special medicine?" The picture in the nightmare seemed real, and Jennifer was still a little shivering. Looking at the blood-soaked sheets, she didn't understand what was going on for a while, and said in a trembling voice: "If it's the blue pill, I've already I've eaten it."

Luo Su's face changed suddenly, the special medicine was developed for Freddy, if it loses its effect, Freddy's power will increase to an exaggerated level.

Freddy's ability is to manipulate dreams and twist them into reality with the help of fear in his soul.

To put it bluntly, the people he kills in his dreams will also die in reality, and the more people he kills, the stronger his power will be.

Freddie's abilities are buggy, but not without weaknesses. His strength comes from the fear of him, so the biggest fear is to be forgotten. If no one remembers him, he's just an ordinary kid who can't distort reality through dreams.

Targeting this weakness to eliminate Freddy was a time-consuming and long-term project, and the adults at Devil's Kettle did a good job before, even changing the name of Elm Street. But this method does not apply to Luo Su, it takes too long and it is difficult for one person to do it.

The other way is not to sleep, and if you don't sleep, you won't dream, and naturally there is no chance for Freddy.

Many people say that they sleep well and never dream when they sleep, but this is impossible, everyone dreams, the difference is whether they remember the content of the dream after waking up.

It is impossible not to sleep. Even if Luo Su has a strong constitution, he will still be exhausted and need sleep to restore his energy.

Luo Su knows that strong support will only make it worse, and the human brain will enter a self-protective state of deep sleep due to extreme fatigue. in a dream.

Dream within a dream, serial dreams, multiple dreams, false awakenings, ghost presses... Some people feel that they are awake, but he sleeps no different from a dead pig, even the action of planing his limbs. extremely similar.

Encountering Freddy in exhaustion, the sober probability is too low, the biggest possibility is that Freddy is pressed under him again and again. So if someone wears Elm Street, remember to eat and sleep, and don't have a psychological burden if you are fat and fat, and you can't punch before going to bed.

Otherwise, the body is tired and the spirit is excited, and it is easier to be pressed by Freddy!

"Maybe it's the special medicine that doesn't work on Jennifer's constitution... Forget it, it doesn't matter anymore."

Luo Su's World Mission is to destroy the devil's minions, Freddy It's a hurdle that can't be bypassed. The special medicine used before was not to avoid Freddy, but Jason and Michael had not solved it yet. Now that there is no worries, you can rest assured and boldly play against Freddy.

Luo Su lay down on the bed: "Jennifer, do you still want to sleep?"

"What kind of sleep?"

Luo Su: "… ..."

"If it means literally, then there is no need." Jennifer shook her head decisively, the scene in the nightmare made her lingering in fear, and she didn't dare to sleep again after killing her.

"It's just right not to sleep, just watch by the side, and wake me up if something is wrong with me." Luo Su closed his eyes, Freddy was the Immortal Body in the dream, but as long as Drag him into reality, and even Jennifer can't... um, 80% of the time.

Luo Su is confident that he can entangle with Freddy for a while in the dream, the ordinary person in the movie can drag Freddy out, there is no reason why he can't do it, as long as Jennifer can wake him up.

"Remember, must wake me up..."


After a night of gaming, Luo Su soon entered Mengxiang... …

Drip! drop! Drop...

Luo Su, who was sleeping, woke up suddenly and found himself lying on the cold floor tile, the lights were dim, and the surrounding environment was very eye-catching...cough cough, very unfamiliar.

There are no standing urinals in the bathroom, and two rows of closed doors can be inferred to be the ladies' bathroom. The football field outside the window shows that the women's toilet is located at Devil's Kettle Private High School.

Luo Su looked solemn, he was impossible to come to the school girls' toilet for no reason, this has nothing to do with daydreaming and nightly dreaming, sleepwalking is also impossible, he is not that kind of person, so now I am sure is in a dream.

Yes, that's it!

The beeping sound in my ear means that the faucet in the bathroom is not turned off.

The drop of water fell on the basin like a slap in the heart, which made Luo Su upset for a while. He came to the basin and raised his hand to turn on the faucet, but when he looked down, he found the faucet. What dripped was not water, but bright red blood.

Luo Su is deeply exhaled: "It's just a dream, it can't scare me..."

Women's toilets and so on have been haunted by ghosts since ancient times, whether in the East or the West, Where ghosts hang out, bloody taps are the norm.

Luo Su hesitated for a moment, raised his hand and screwed the faucet to death. In Freddy's dream, he must not back down in the face of fear. But he didn't want the water to get bigger and bigger, and the plasma couldn't stop spewing down, flooding the basin and spilling out, making his whole hand covered with sticky blood.

It feels real!

Luo Su has to admit that this dream directly hit his inner fear, probably because he watched too many horror movies when he was a child, and he had a psychological shadow on the women's toilet.

crash-bang! !

The water flow suddenly changed from bright red to transparent water, as if it had been an illusion before.

Luo Su frowned, turned the faucet to death with a light twist, picked up the toilet paper to wipe off the water stains on his hands, and threw it into the trash can beside him. Unwanted picture.

In the mirror that should have shown Luo Su himself, the woman with black hair and white clothed motionless, long hair draped in front of her face, I don't know if it was Gaya or Sadako.

Luo Su's face twitched, childhood nightmares were really one after another.

Dreams are irreversible, fears are not controlled by the will, and no one can resist Freddy's abilities. With just a little bit of fear, he can magnify it infinitely, like a cat playing a mouse, breaking down people's will a little bit, and finally dragging it into the abyss to become his food.

Luo Su knew this very well, so he mustered up the courage to stare at the ghost shadow in the mirror, blue light flashed in his eyes, and found that the magic was running smoothly, and the emotion of fear faded a little in an instant.

"Not all white clothed with long hair covering their faces are female ghosts, they may also be shy black long straight girls, they can't scare me, I've had this kind of dream before, not at all. Horror." Luo Su muttered to himself, trying to divert the style of the painting.

ka-cha! ! oh la la ————

The mirror surface shattered, the female ghost in the mirror slammed out, and black mucus was flowing from the pitch-black nails on the ten pale fingers. The long hair was blown open, and bright red blood flowed from the dark eye sockets, which formed a strong visual impact with the pale skin, and the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl opened an exaggerated arc.


Luo Su pulled out the Sand Eagle·Heavenly God behind him, and shoved the gun directly into the female ghost's open mouth: "Sorry, although you tried your best to open your mouth, you can swallow a chicken in one bite. But your teeth are too dark, get someone who doesn't smoke."


When the trigger was pulled, the female ghost was smashed to pieces by blue's bullets, and was disappeared after a mournful scream.

There was silence in the bathroom. Luo Su walked to the door and twisted it, only to find that the door was locked, and he raised his hand and shot again. Pushing open the door, it is not a school corridor, but a starry sky and a galaxy, and below is the brightly lit city.

Luo Su closed the door without saying a word, walked back to the basin, holding a sand eagle in each hand, and seemed to be investigating: "The police have rounded the room, all of you have identity cards. Have you brought it?"

The voice fell, the lights dimmed suddenly, the bathroom door shook violently, and thick blood gushed out from the cracks in the tiles, and quickly accumulated into a pool of blood.

The gate was pushed open, and the ghosts with distinctive features came out one by one, pumpkin head, snow monster, vampire, werewolf, Joker, ghost doll, ghost mask assassin, Zombie, alien...

Luo Su twitched the corner of his mouth and opened fire at the swarming ghosts.

bang! bang! Bang------

Under the death barrage, screams and wailing continued, the clips were empty, and most of the ghosts on the opposite side were dying. To face the ghost doll coming towards him, he swung the blade and split it in half.

bang! bang! bang! bang!

Firing the gun, all the ghosts are gone, Luo Su looks calm and composed: "To be honest, because of cultural differences, the female ghost just made me more scared."

"gā gā gā gā ———"

A horrific scream rang out beside him, Luo Su lowered his head slightly, and saw a little boy with a gray body squatting at his feet, a big Black's mouth emits strange sounds that are not human-like.


After the gunshot, Luo Su raised the sand eagle and blew it: "so that's how it is, the female ghost just now is Gaya, Hei Changzhi + the attribute of a wife...like this Don't be afraid anymore!"


[Falling Street Diary]

"The editor is great, my women's clothing can attract Readers?"

With a photo!


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(end of this chapter)

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