End Of Heavens Chapter 91


Chapter 91 Am I the kind of person who doesn't believe what I say?

Fear often comes from the unknown, Freddy doesn't know why Luo Su can become what he is, and he doesn't know why Luo Su can use his abilities, let alone what nightmares Luo Su has prepared for him, So he was terrified, terrified from the bottom of his heart.

Luo Su calm and composed Harvesting Freddy's fear in the depth of one's soul, at this time he changed his appearance again, wearing a worn yellow cloak, his face was also wrapped in cloth strips, twisting The tentacles extended from under the cloak, like a flexible arm tightly wrapped around Freddy, and a few tentacles reached into his mouth.

Freddy looked terrified. He didn't know who Luo Su had transformed into. He didn't know this person, but for some reason, fear was like a crumbling river bank, out of control.

Dark, dull, empty, dead...

Freddy doesn't know how to describe the yellow cloth tentacle monster. Words describe it.

There was another point that made his heart palpitate even more. It was obvious that the other party was silent and silent, but he couldn't help but make up the image of chaos and madness in the other party's brain. swallowed up.

Freddy will like this, not because of how proven Luo Su COS is, but because he transformed the fear harvested from Freddy into all kinds of crazy negative emotions, A brain was shoved back into Freddy's body.

Today, if you can't kill you, you have to make a psychological shadow!

Using the power of the enemy to defeat the enemy and weaken the enemy, Luo Su knew that it would be difficult to kill Freddie in a dream, and he could only choose to torture his power. The wicked do not fear justice, but only those who are worse than themselves, so there must be no mercy in dealing with them.

The tentacle wrapped tightly around Freddy's neck, Luo Su raised it high, feeling that Freddy was almost weakened, and began to contact Jennifer with a contract.

"Jennifer, wake me up!!"




Damn, why does this B always drop the chain at critical moments!

Luo Su was about to die of anger, the Character Card was running out of time, and he was reluctant to spend the Wealth extension, so he was at a bit of a dilemma.

"Well, I shouldn't have counted on her from the beginning..." Luo Su secretly said that he didn't know anyone well, knowing that Jennifer was unreliable, and he gave her an important mission like this.

Fortunately, it's not too late, he still has second-hand preparations, Jason is an obedient child and won't let him down.

"Jason, go upstairs and wake me up!"




Is Freddie crazy? Luo Su doesn't know, but he knows he's going crazy. These two are doing something wrong, and the collective resistance wants to kill him. ? Don't they know that when the master dies, the slaves cannot live?

si si sizzle---

The tentacles retreated to the hem of the yellow cloth, Luo Su was in a trance, changed back to his original appearance, and pulled out the sand eagle from the back waist with a livid face. Heavenly God.

Freddy was lying on the ground, unable to get rid of the chaotic shadow for a while, and even crawled back a distance, staring at Luo Su with a look of fear. He has regretted entering Luo Su's dreamland. He thought he was as foolish as the stupid girl before, but he turned out to be a demon who eats people and doesn't spit out bones.

Luo Su just like this and quietly looked at Freddy, MMP kept talking in his mind, no matter how he contacted Jennifer and Jason, they would not respond to him.

Is it because the dream is too deep, they can't wake me up?

Luo Su subconsciously pursed her lips. If this were the case, it would be a tragedy.

Freddy's nose shrugged, he first glanced at Luo Su suspiciously, then turned his eyes at Gollum, and laughed loudly: "Oh hahahaha, the smell of fear, the smell of fear! I understand Well, your power is time-limited, and now you've got nothing left... hahaha, this time it's Uncle Freddy's turn."

"Cut! small man intoxicated by success, like Joker It's ridiculous, no, it should be pitiful." Luo Su spat, raised his guns and pulled the trigger at Freddy.

Puci! puci!

Sha Ying·Heavenly God's muzzle did not shoot a bullet, biubiu sprayed water outwards, and was turned into a water gun by Freddy.

"Yah hahaha ———"

Freddie laughed, leaning back and forth, as if to vent his previous fear. Stomach slaps the ground.

After a while, the laughter stopped abruptly, Freddy stood up, and roared loudly: "Disobedient child, I want ten times the fear you gave me just now, not a hundred times. , a thousand times back to you."

Boom! !

Ten thousand zhang high black sills fell from the sky on all sides, forming a square cage, imprisoning Luo Su and Freddy in it, and the only door of the prison was locked, The key was tossing Freddy up and down.

"Except for the door behind me, there is no escape here..." Freddy turned his face to the side, raised his head with a smile, swallowed the key in his hand and swallowed it, patted his stomach. He continued: "If you don't dissection Mr. Freddy, and you can't get the key to escape, what should you do?"

Luo Su raised a middle finger at Freddy, and the dream is dominated by Freddie. Lady is in control, getting the key is just a change of cage, there is no difference between taking it and not taking it.

Freddy's face was gloomy, and he instantly became indifferent: "This can't be done, I hate children without a sense of humor. Uncle Freddy decided to kill you."

The voice fell, Luo Su was in a trance for a while, Freddy's silhouette disappeared, and his limbs were shackled by the shackles that appeared suddenly, the chains tightened, and he fell upright on a large bed... a hospital bed.

Luo Su struggled twice, but failed to break the shackles. The scene in front of him was inexplicably familiar. There might be a beautiful woman sitting on top of him with an Icicle.

It's a pity that there is no beauty and no Icicle, just Freddy's scarred face and four sharp claws rubbing fire star.

clang! clang!

Freddy touched his paws, looked down at Luo Su and said doubtfully, "You don't seem to be afraid, is it possible that there are other means Run away in my hands?"

"Yes, I can still enter the state I was in before, if I'm afraid, kill me quickly..." Luo Su looked into Freddy's eyes and teased: " As a friendly reminder, my abilities have a time interval, and now there are 15 seconds before my next ability use."

Freddie complexion slightly changed, then coldly snorted and said: "Don't try to lie to me, you Just pretending!"

"10 seconds!"

Murderous intention loomed in Freddy's eyes, he didn't know what Luo Su said was true or false, but he really didn't have the guts to gamble . But killing Luo Su like this is unwilling. First, it is to retaliate against Luo Su's torture before, and the power has declined too much, and it needs to be supplemented by the fear of harvesting Luo Su.

"5 seconds!"

Freddy: "..."




pu chi!

Four sharp claws pierced Luo Su's heart, Freddy was unwilling, so he killed Luo Su like this. But he really didn't dare to gamble, he was scared .

The heart was pierced, and the clothes on Luo Su's chest quickly turned red. However, just when Freddy pulled out the sharp claw, the blood was flying in the expected beauty, Luo Su's body was not seen. disappeared out of thin air.

Looking at the empty hospital bed, Freddie woke up, trembling with anger, overturned the hospital bed angrily, raised his head and roared: "Bastard, how dare you make fun of me! Wait, as long as If you fall asleep again, Uncle Freddy will tear you to pieces, forever imprison and torture your soul."


Luo Su suddenly opened his eyes, He sat up on the bed, his chest was soaked with blood.

He just died once!

However, before the sharp claw stabbed, a Skill Card was used, and the Skill Card drawn from Michael—the body of Fiend!

The body of Fiend gives Luo Su a chance to come back from the dead. When this card is used, he has an Immortal Body like Michael.

"You two bastards, you actually fucked when I was dying! Especially you, Jennifer, Jason is still a child!" Luo Su kicked the two of them out of a coma. Kick awake.

Looking at the two who were standing at a loss, Luo Su narrowed his eyes and looked back and forth: "Jennifer, I asked you to wake me up, why didn't you obey my orders?"

Jennifer With an innocent face: "I shouted, but you just didn't wake up!"

"Then you can hit me!"

This is a bit cheap, but the situation at the time made me suffer A slap is nothing.

"I beat him too!" Jennifer shrugged. Because of the relationship between slaves, she slapped over and fell down before she touched Luo Su.

Luo Su put his hand on his forehead, the slave could never hurt himself, he even forgot about it.

"Listen, Freddy is at his weakest, don't let an opportunity slip by, you two hurry to bed, grab him when you touch him, and then I will Wake you up and drag Freddy back to reality." Luo Su didn't want to go into nightmares again, but Jason and Jennifer were different, they had Immortal Body, at most they were tortured in the dream.

Jennifer crossed her hands, shook her head decisively and refused: "No, I definitely don't!"

Luo Su rolled her eyes at her and put her eyes on Jason.

Jason: (._.)

Luo Su suddenly remembered that this guy is a dead person and doesn't need to sleep at all. However, not having to sleep doesn't mean he can't sleep, Luo Su can help him fall asleep.

Luo Su smashed into a knife with his palms, and fiercely struck Jason on the back of his neck.


Jason: (._.)

Luo Su: "..."

"hahaha, sorry, I don't want to laugh...but I really I can't help it." Jennifer laughed wildly, giving Luo Su no face at all.

Laughing and laughing, Jennifer suddenly noticed Luo Su's unkind gaze, and seemed to have thought of something, she covered the back of her neck with her hands, and stepped back again and again: "Don't knock me out, I don't want to see that pervert again. !"

"Put your hands down, don't worry, I won't knock you on the neck."

"Really? Don't lie to me, I... I'm stupid!"

"If I don't knock, I won't knock, am I the kind of person who doesn't believe what I say?" Luo Su coldly snorted, pressing down on Jennifer's head and hitting him with a headbutt.

Jennifer rolled her eyes and fell down, twitching her arms and legs occasionally.

Luo Su rubbed his forehead and said quite distressed: "I don't believe in my character, now it's time to believe me!"

(end of this chapter)

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