End Of Heavens

Chapter 917

End Of Heavens Chapter 917


Chapter 914 Conch Girl and Snail Girl

Rest X2!

Luo Su didn't dare to act rashly. On the surface, it was the rhythm of times and dreams coming true.

It is also the picture he has been looking forward to.

But he believed it only when his brain was pumping. The reason why the two female Superman didn't fight was because they knew that the other was themselves, and the other person had already been sent out of the atmosphere.

It's the limit if you don't fight.

Not to mention that female Superman is not that kind of person, even if they are, they are aware of Luo Su's small body...

cough cough, all in all, Luo Su is well aware of the current rhythm There is a problem, the occasion for the lines to be read is wrong, this is a multiple-choice question, and whoever chooses is dead end.


Luo Su's eyes narrowed slightly. This is not a multiple-choice question at all. When this question appeared, he was already dead.

With your kind of IQ, you still want to fool me, go to hell!

Luo Su was disdainful and unemotional, and swept the two women's faces with dead eyes.

The female Superman and Shen Menghan had one's hair stand on end under Luo Su's penetrating gaze. At this moment, he suddenly stood up, making them both take a step back in shock.

Luo Su walked back and forth in the living room without saying a word, and walked to the bedroom door.

"That's right, it's late at night, it's time to go to bed!"

After he finished speaking, he closed the door, locked it from the inside, and threw the two female Superman over there. in the living room.


Two minutes later, Luo Su put down the hammer in his hand and pointed at the newly replaced bedroom door handle: "It's fixed, next time twist the handle. Lighten up when you want to, and like this extravagantly, the house will be lost."


The door was locked, Luo Su looked at the empty living room, with his back to the bedroom door, a disdainful smile appeared on his lips.

A trifling must die, as long as he is stupid enough, the female Superman can't keep up with his thinking.

Lying on the sofa, Luo Su tossed and turned. It was twelve o'clock in the morning, and he felt that he was replaced by a senior expert. At this time, two women should each sleep in a room, and the door was half-closed.

To him, the two female Superman moved directly into a room, leaving no room for turning around.

"Think about it carefully, this is the evidence that they are on guard against each other, and they can't trust each other... Hmph, they really are plastic sisters."

Luo Su laughed secretly, and after a while he I can't laugh anymore, two women's cats are in the same room, nothing will happen, right?

He raised his brows, quietly rolled off the sofa, crept up to the bedroom door, put his ears close to him and listened.


The door opened and Luo Su, who was squatting sideways on the ground, dazedly lifts the head.


The two female Superman stood behind the door, one on the left and one on the right, smiling but not smiling: "The sofa is uncomfortable, so I want to come in and sleep on the bed. , isn't it?"

Yeah, I'd better be alone!

Luo Su scolded his heart and suddenly remembered that he had telepathy, showed a new smile, returned in a hurry, and threw himself on the sofa.

The door was closed again, Luo Su used telepathy to keep the two private at the same time, and smashed a bunch of unspeakable love words that could only be sent in text, waiting for the wisher to take the bait.

"get lost! ”x2

I replied, but it was not the information Luo Su wanted, he sighed, tentatively tried this first today, the situation eased in two days, and then Destroy them one by one.

Like the first few times!


The sky was bright and Luo Su woke up from a nightmare.

He dreamed that he was in a rush to urinate and looked for the toilet, but the toilet had been found before he woke up.

I woke up instantly and found myself still in the toilet, dreaming in a dream, and then in an infinite loop.

It stands to reason that it would be difficult for him to fall asleep, let alone have nightmares, but it did happen.

It can only be said that I think about it every day and have a dream at night. The shadow of the male guard in the movie theater was still there yesterday, so I was so impressed that I involuntarily leaned up when I dreamed.

When he woke up, it was even worse. He pretended to be asleep and turned into a real sleep.

It's not scientific at all!

"Fortunately, the boat broke once, and then two or three times, it became four, eight..."

The picture is so beautiful that Luo Su felt terrifying after thinking about it, and walked quickly to the bathroom , put a water pressure on the shock.

The door was locked from the inside. I don't know if it was the female Superman or Shen Menghan. They occupied the bathroom early in the morning and didn't let him in.

Luo Su put her ear to the door, knowing that someone was taking a shower inside, and wanted to break in to see who was against him, but there was another one in the bedroom, so she gave up angrily.

Sure enough, I can't stay at home anymore, and I will go crazy sooner or later.

He had a plan in his mind, pulled out the sticky note, wrote a sentence full of grief and indignation, and threw the note on the table, disappeared in place.

"I took the mission, and if I don't come back, I really can't come back."


Marvel world!

Dark Dimension, Apokolips, Arena, Corner.

crash-bang ————

Luo Su stood at the corner where no one was around and poured water. After several times of car rollovers, he almost survived, and his life was completely enlightened, and many things were no longer satisfied.

For example, the face is thicker than before.

After shivering for a while, Luo Su put up his pants, turned around with a humming tune, and bumped into Urd with a black line on his face.

Looking at the fear in her eyes, it is conceivable that it is probably an emotion like the collapse of belief.

The moment Luo Su entered the dark dimension, Urd, the administrator, noticed it and didn't dare to delay to come to see him immediately.

I never thought that it was the Lord of the Dark Dimension standing in the corner, humming a little tune while competing with the wall.

"Take authority to do boring things like this, dirty!"

Luo Su bypassed the stunned Urd, snorted: "didn't expect you to be like this I'm so disappointed in Valkyrie.”


Urd: 艸~%?…,#*'☆&℃$︿?

Luo Su finished draining the water and left briskly, while Urd calmed down and pulled out the sword from his waist tremblingly.

She once swore to be loyal to her master and killed all the witnesses who asked questions. Now the question is coming. She has witnessed the dignified scene of the lord of the dark dimension. Should she wipe her neck to fulfill her loyalty? ?

In the arena, there were a lot of voices, and more than a thousand female men broke out with a momentum of talent.

In the field, a Valkyrie picked up the Thor's hammer and bombarded Loki indiscriminately, missing the sight, and every time Loki narrowly avoided the lightning strike from the sky.

From another point of view, this Valkyrie should be deliberately missed, not because Loki is handsome and reluctant to start, but one move to get down and wait in line for more than a thousand games.

There are more monks and less porridge, and one Loki is simply not enough for more than a thousand Valkyrie points.

Third Prince's road to fulfilling his potential and becoming a peerless powerhouse is very difficult. It is impossible to get a victory in the arena, but the temperament really has nothing to say, the ordinary person has long since collapsed, he is just foul-mouthed , curse the second brother who tricked him into jumping into the pit.

Finally, under the loud swearing of the crowd, Valkyrie in the field did not dare to drag it any longer, and jumped into the air and fell.

Blue and white currents surged, covering attacks had nowhere to dodge and could only resist hard. Loki crossed his hands with short daggers to defend, and the flower branches trembled and smoked black from his mouth.

Fall on the spot!

Luo Su shook his head again and again, Loki's lightning resistance is too poor, and the electricity is still low.

At this level, let alone revenge, Thor would be paralyzed if he killed his sister in his arms.

It's boring to crush the game between brothers, evenly matched is worth seeing, Luo Su thinks he should do something, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers, switched the order of entry, and cut the queue to click on the arena of Loki top card.

The bell rang, Loki's body healed itself, and because of the psychological shadow, his hands and feet trembled involuntarily after getting up.

At first glance, it was no longer Valkyrie, but Luo Su, his face changed continuously, the word 'brother-in-law' was not spoken after all.

"Sorcerer Supreme!"

Luo Su cared: "Loki, how is the effect of exercise during this time, has the lightning resistance improved?"

Loki shook his head first, wanting to tell Luo Su that beating makes people grow is a fallacy and heresy. People without innate talent are beaten, not only will they not grow, but they will also be maimed.

The words didn't come out, so he hurriedly changed to nodded, Loki bet with Thor's axe, he dared to say like this, Luo Su would definitely answer the call, it's not that the beating was ineffective, but that the beating was too light to fail. See the effect.

And then there's Valkyrie, who doesn't play hard enough, and puts him on the court himself.

"Sorcerer Supreme, please take your trouble. The effect is very good. I can defend against ordinary thunder attacks without magic."


Luo Su was very pleased, nodded and said: "In this case, let me test the training effect myself."

Loki: "..."

I know !

Loki took a deep breath, there is no way to hide, he has been in the dark dimension for a while, he knows that there is no entry or exit here, Luo Su wants to beat him and runs to the ends of the earth didn't work either.

Luo Su shakes his hands and feet to put pressure on Loki. Using his strength to fight Loki is like a fight...his brother...It's not suitable for anything. Anyway, it can be easily settled. Bullying.

The reason why I do it like this is that the past few days have been unlucky, so find a more unlucky one to have fun.

In the courtside auditorium, more than a thousand Valkyrie cheered when Luo Su appeared in person, and the curses in his mouth turned into praise and flattery.

It's all big truths, Luo Su listened to it without any waves in his heart.

Across from Loki, with sweat on his brow, holding a pair of daggers, he said with difficulty: "Sorcerer Supreme, when will I succeed in my studies and return to Asgard?"

"This is simple, the first of God Odin. Four children come in and you can leave."

Loki: "..."

(end of this chapter)

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