End Of Heavens

Chapter 919

End Of Heavens Chapter 919


Chapter 916 Hell with the Lord

Svartalfheim Nine Headed Snake Base.

Luo Su put his legs up on the desk, holding a tablet in his hand, checking the specific situation of the palace next door.

Although half of the title deed is in his name, this marriage was Odin's wishful thinking from beginning to end, and he never agreed to it.

As for collecting dowry but not accepting people, it was all Odin maliciously framed it. Luo Su thought he was a dimension Demon God, and when he saw an unowned dimension fragment, he grabbed it without saying a word. It is a proof of professional ethics, very reasonable and logical.

So, although Luo Su is famous in the palace next door, he has never been there except for the family dinner that Odin thought he was.

Of course, there is not much time until the palace is built.

In the picture, Hela did not take a bath in the pool, which is not in line with the character of Crown Princess's killing and decisive character, and the daily makeup is aimed at a fierce eye shadow, and then elongated a face, as if all the Everyone owes her money.

Everyone has a love for beauty, but Crown Princess is indeed an outlier. She seldom spends time to be smug. Three hundred and sixty-five days a year, every day is combat suit +cloak.

It's unrealistic to expect her to sit down and take care of herself for a few hours...

It's possible to switch to Third Princess.

In all fairness, Hela is very persevering and has persisted in the hell dimension fragments for more than 1,500 years.

It's a pity that it's easy to break down after a while. She doesn't know how to get around and stabs people with a knife. It's not the material for a king.

On the spacious square of the palace, Hela Ma, the golden blade, sits high on a golden throne, with long hair and a shawl, and a flamboyant face. The arrogant's posture is quite domineering.

The only downside is that there are too few soldiers in their hands. In a huge palace square, less than 500 female Asgard warriors are arranged in a square formation, occupying only a small piece of land, which is extremely poor.

Hela enjoys it, either instructing soldiers to hone their combat skills, or arranging troops, without feeling that the troops in their hands are not enough.

It may be that she has a high level of martial power, and it is enough for one person to charge into the battle, and it is enough for five hundred female Asgard warriors to be responsible for raising the flag and shouting.

Luo Su watched for a while, then turned off the tablet and stopped paying attention. Hela's desire to build an invincible Valkyrie army was purely a dream. Stylized look.

This is a good thing, the princess stops, Odin won't lose her hair, and maybe she will live another two years.

Luo Su can also have a lot of leisure time, don't worry about being invited to Asgard one day, the dying Odin lay on the bed, put Hela's hand in his before dying, and gave a white... Immortal Palace dumped the pot.


Natasha handed Luo Su a stack of documents, stood straight behind him, pinched her shoulders and beat her back.

I don't understand very well, my boss has only disappeared for a few days, how come I suddenly become interested in the superheroes on Earth, and I suddenly want to look at the archives.

Doesn't she look bad?

This is not the point, the point is that after a few days of absence, my boss seems to have become an upright gentleman, and the wink he threw at her remains unmoved.

It wasn't like this before.

In the past, when her behavior was a little dignified, she would be pulled into a corner and reprimanded, and then she would call Yelena over to warn the other party to take a warning and not make the same mistake.

The sudden change to a good character made Natasha very uncomfortable and suspicious. Isn't she good?

Luo Su took the document with bright eyes, ready to pick a superhero to look for bad luck.

Before coming to Svartalfheim, Luo Su had been to Kamar-Taj. Strange's leveling road was just halfway through, and it was not suitable to immediately execute the master plan of the dark dimension to kill the Sorcerer Supreme.

Kaecilius and Wang also saw it, probably because of the promotion, Wang became richer in just a few days.

Kaecilius failed to advance, turned grief into motivation, and worked hard to study the magic of the dark dimension, becoming stronger and darker.

These two people are not the point. Luo Su's main inspection target is still Strange.

Fortunately, Strange's learning speed is exaggerated enough to describe rapid progress, otherwise he will have to wait.

Strange is very enthusiastic about learning magic, which is directly related to his innate talent. A master learner can easily learn anything, and the speed of progress is naked eye. Comparing the same period and even senior scumbags , Self-confidence and vanity double blessing, a virtuous circle is more eager to learn.

Of course, the scumbags shouldn't feel sorry for themselves. Without your support, the tyrants/gods would not be able to build up their self-confidence, so their grades are half of your credit.

The only thing that makes Luo Su feel uncomfortable is that Strange is very keen on magic items and seems to be planning to go the fashion route.

Fortunately, he has a longer-term vision than Loki. He does not focus on a certain item, but does not refuse anyone who comes. He is full of long spear, short stick, axe and hammer, and often wins by quantity when training against Wang. .

Props are props. Kamar-Taj has a big business and can afford a Sorcerer Supreme who burns money and smashes special effects.

Luo Su looked towards the document in his hand, just as he imagined before, Nine Headed Snake, under his wise leadership, has deep roots in Earth, because of the excellent intelligence capabilities of the lower-level agency Snake Shield, Whenever a superhero appears, it can be contacted immediately.

Either persuade him to join the Nine Headed Snake, or swarm him to beat him down, and then persuade him to hand out the invitation letter, because the sincerity is very good, and the pleasant invitation has never been missed.

Forget the super villains, Nine Headed Snake, as a righteous organization to protect Earth, is not a place for shelterer evil people and accept wrongdoing, and refuses evil villains to join.

Once discovered, call someone, copy the guy, beat to death, follow the three-step process without leaving any survivors.

This is justice, no evil will be tolerated!

"Ai, I can't even find a decent superhero, it's so boring..."

Luo Su threw the document on the table. ?

There is an Iron Man in the Avengers who can be entertained, but after a while, the previous arrangement will be in vain.

Maybe he can rush to the door and blow up Tony's teacher's steel battle clothes one by one, or lead a group of people to the door and blow up Tony together... Nine Headed Snake Captain opens the way.

But then what?

Take Tony back to the Nine Headed Snake headquarters, reunite his family of three, tell him that the blood of Nine Headed Snake has been flowing in his body, and that he is also resolutely surrounded by the Avengers, swearing to Nine Headed Snake throws their heads and sheds blood.

It doesn't make any sense at all, what if Nick Fury did like this?

One person goes undercover against the whole world, and it makes me sad to think about it.

Luo Su couldn't bear it, didn't want to be greedy for a moment, did irresponsible things, and made Nick Fury fight alone, so he had to let Tony go for the time being and keep the two of them as companions.

"Natasha, let Steve speed up the pace, the Avengers are all their own, don't worry about terrified and over-cautious, I'm still waiting for them to break into the Nine Headed Snake headquarters. !"

Luo Su touched his chin, coldly snorted and said: "That guy Steve is definitely not working hard, thinking about being a good guy by paddling on both sides, passing a message to him, and then dilly- Dallying, I immediately made Carter fall in love with Bucky, and let him get greened twice."

Natasha rolled her eyes, speechless saying: "BOSS, if the Avengers storm the Nine Headed Snake headquarters, Where should this headquarters be located?”

“fire star!”

Luo Su pondered that the Nine Headed Snake headquarters on Earth is not suitable, Wakanda is rich in resources, there is no need for one The fun is exposed, and the Svartalfheim Nine Headed Snake base is also not good. The really important research of Nine Headed Snake is here, and it hurts to break it.

Then only fire star base, the arsenal stationed by Chitauri, is used to produce Nine Headed Snake's weaponry and cosmic battleship.

The venue is large enough to withstand the toss, and the defenders are also biological weapons produced by the Chitauri civilization. As the headquarters of the evil Nine Headed Snake, it is perfect.

"Okay, BOSS!"

Natasha nodded left, her waist twisted and her back was enchanting, and she walked out of the room with a confused look.

What is the situation, it is easy to come out like this, what about a good reprimand?

"BOSS, I forgot to take the file..."

Natasha pushed open the door and wanted to walk again, but the house was empty and Luo Su was nowhere to be found.


Luo Su pushes Gates of Hell away and walks into it. No superhero can do harm, so let's reluctantly toss the devil of hell.

Opening Gates of Hell for the first time, Demon God, the famous dimension of Marvel world, gathered to discuss the ownership of the throne of 'Satan'. He went undercover to spy on the military situation, and the meeting broke up. up two surfaces brother.

Open Gates of Hell for the second time and was caught by Odin Divine Vision, crying and crying to marry his daughter to him.

This is the third time, I don't know which universe hell it will be and whose territory it will be.

Inexplicably seeking death, it's a little exciting to think about it!

The world inside the door is dead and silent, not without sound, but without feeling the vitality of life.

The sky is covered with red clouds, and scarlet blood light casts the earth, reflecting everything in sight into red filled with blood-reeking qi.

Black mountains, bloody rivers, sulphur-pungent land, standard hell style.

Luo Su closed his eyes and sensed that after the dark dimension devoured a piece of hell dimension, he also had some understanding of other hell dimensions. If I read it correctly, this hell dimension is very weak.

There is a master, but the master is not at home.

Looking through the red cloud, Luo Su's dark eyes reflected the brightly lit human society.

"Interesting, another world that belongs to the Marvel Universe..."

(end of this chapter)

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