End Of Heavens

Chapter 938

End Of Heavens Chapter 938


Chapter 935 Dimension Demon God is a girl

"long time no see, Dormammu, don't stay in your dark dimension, make a special trip to Earth Are you going to be beaten?"

A processed, somewhat ethereal but very serious voice came from under the golden mask, it was impossible to judge the age by the voice, but it was very mysterious.

"Sorcerer Supreme, this is Earth, not the junction of dimensions. You should know that the moment the dimension channel is opened, this planet already belongs to the dark dimension and belongs to me, Dormammu."

"This line sounds familiar, I remember you said like this last time."

Luo Su shrugged, suddenly realizing that the line at the beginning seemed to be mispronounced.

But it doesn't matter. Excellent actors will always subconsciously revise and replace lines with more contextual lines because they are too deeply involved in the play.

Often, this is the finishing touch!

Luo Su felt that there was no problem here, and Urd on the opposite side of the dimension passage had no problem, holding the script and reading it word by word.

Because the lines were too shameful, she had no expression on her face when she read them out, and her tone didn't fluctuate. The processed voice was unemotional, with no emotion at all.

It seems to be a failure, but it is very in line with the setting of the dimension Demon God.

Tony looked around and approached Deathstroke Battle Armor in a low voice: "Dude, this dimension Demon God called Dormammu, shouldn't she be a girl?"

Deathstroke Battle Armor: "..."

Tony muttered to himself: "Blonde hair, long legs, great temperament, I can only hear like this much."

Deathstroke Battle Armor: " ..."


"Sir, Commissioner Fury is calling, would you like to connect you?" Steward Jarvis asked aloud.

"No, the signal is not good due to the dimensional invasion. All incoming calls are ignored."

Tony thought with his toes, and he could guess Nick Fury's purpose. Take the opportunity to pull Sorcerer Supreme to join the Avengers.

He also wanted to, but according to his analysis, the dimension Demon God Dormammu is confident, a fierce battle is about to begin, and now is not the time to hand out an invitation.


On the other side, Sorcerer Supreme and the Lord of the Dark Dimension finished reading the lines, completing the plot of the mouth cannon before the war, and as usual, the eight handles fixed the dimension The lightsaber of the channel cracked, and the dimensional channel opened again.

"Sorcerer Supreme, you can't stop me from getting this planet, I will use your blood to wash away the shame of defeat..."

The indifferent voice spread throughout the night sky, the darkness Countless scarlet light spots lit up in the dimension channel, and under the sound of Hua Hua's wings, countless black-winged bats swarmed out, turning into several torrents that spread out in all directions.

"Not good!"

Tony's two-handed armor transformed into an energy cannon, scanned and locked the bat swarm, and suddenly found the Deathstroke Battle Armor next to him completely motionless.

Looking again, Steve, who was not far away, did not attack immediately, as if the group of bats did not exist.

"What's the matter, even Captain..."

Boom! ! !

The roaring thunder interrupted Tony's self-talk, and at Jarvis's prompt, he looked up at the sky.

In the high sky of New York City, the atmosphere is turbulent, and the whole night is bleak.

The ink-stained sky is stacked with thick clouds, creating a heavy pressure like a deep ocean, infinite flashes meandering away, and Razers run wildly.

Immediately afterwards, a roar like the roar of the sea rolled down, shaking Heaven and Earth deafening.

Luo Su, wearing a white robe, shone slightly, and the arc of his raised right hand was surrounded by electric arcs. The lightning jumped and pulled into a frantically twisting silk thread. Since his palm was linked with the dark clouds in the sky, the thunder snakes that danced wildly in the sky spread. With a constant roar, the entire New York City was illuminated.

Boom! !

The Chain Lightning shuttles back and forth in the clouds, the black clouds are turbulent, and one after another thunder column falls from the sky, taking away a large black fog of bats, leaving a pale light and shadow.

The bats pouring out of the dark dimension are endless, and the thunderstorms in the sky are also inexhaustible.

On the ground, Spider-Man and Daredevil look up.

The continuous shining bright light illuminates the ground as if it were daytime. Under everyone's gaze, the dark clouds slowly stir to form a vortex, and a giant thunder eye is opened.

Crackle! !

The thunder surged, and the silver white giant wolf rushed down, and the stars formed a dazzling white wave, crushing the bat group in one fell swoop and blocking it at the entrance of the dark dimension.

"The gun of thunder!!"

The faint and indistinct sound rang out, and on Luo Su's raised right hand, lightning twisted and coiled, pulling the giant eye of thunder to change shape.

A huge war gun about a kilometer long, condensed into a solid body, volleyed across the sky, the surface lightning burst, and squeaking arcs continued to splash.

The formidable power of this blow is extraordinary just by looking at the special effects.

As it happened, Tony got close enough to be hit by a stray arc, and Jarvis immediately alerted that the energy had grown to 900 percent.

Tony: "..."

Feeling a bit redundant!


The lightning flashed, the gun of thunder roared in the night sky, rushed to the entrance of the dark dimension, wiped out the dark tide in one breath, and killed all the bats.

Thunder Light suppresses the darkness, and the distorted energy changes the pattern of the dimensional channel. As the gun of thunder continues to deepen, the expanding channel continues to shrink, and the pulling force of the space makes it narrower and narrower.

In the end, the dazzling lightning starts from the entrance of the dark dimension and shoots into the distance in the form of a beam of light. The strong light carries an unparalleled imposing manner to dispel the darkness over New York City.

After the strong light passed, the sound of the thunder gradually diminished, and the original dark dimension channel mouth, now the black light was dim, and the Space Crack spread, shattering like a mirror.

"It's over!"

Tony said that he didn't understand the principle of the magic attack, and he didn't fully understand the reason for the closure of the dimension channel, but he saw the two huge energies fighting each other. One is clear.

The dimension Demon God is very difficult to deal with, but the Sorcerer Supreme is even more powerful.

Just as he was about to step forward and send an invitation to Sorcerer Supreme to 'protect Earth', Deathstroke Battle Armor next to him raised his head and looked towards the sky, and Steve not far away moved in sync.

Tony, who was a bit slower, looked up and saw a larger dark dimension channel opened above the 10,000-meter altitude.

The sky was filled with black mist, a little vortex turned faster and faster, and a deep and dark hole like a deep-sea vortex opened in the center, and the ominous black mud water poured down toward New York like a waterfall.

“Guard the Formation!”

Luo Su stands tall in the sky, hands clasped together, the rich white arrogance rises, forming an aura around him, evacuating the air and moving towards all directions .

The white robes rattled and danced in the wind, revealing the golden mask of mysterious indifference.

The array of white devils spread out under his feet, three layers in a row, ten thousand zhang rays of light spread out, covering the entire New York City.

It wasn't over yet, the rumbling sound of tsunami came from the Hudson River and the East River, one after another, a water current with a diameter of 100 meters soared into the sky, implicated in the white magic array map, forming a second defense Formation.

Tony did not look at the sky, but questioned life by looking at the energy cannon in his hand.

No wonder Steve said that Sorcerer Supreme is not easy to invite, which is really good, Sorcerer Supreme can do everything by himself, and he will join the Avengers when he is too busy.


The sound of the water waves is getting louder and louder, Tony looked towards the source of the sound, east of New York City, and the Atlantic Ocean seems to be a little wrong.

Jarvis imported the satellite footage, Tony felt his mouth dry: "Send a message to Director Fury and invite Sorcerer Supreme, forget it, he is impossible to join a rock band like the Avengers."


Under the satellite lens, the Atlantic Ocean is boiling and rolling, the waves are monstrous, and the endless water splashes high.

An incomparable gigantic Water Element Trident emerged from the sea, followed by arms, heads, and bodies. The half-body of an incredibly huge Water Element giant appeared out of the sea.

The waves roared, the boundless hurricane rolled up the sky, the second Trident poked out of the sea, then the third...

Three Water Element giants climbed the steps, feet Stepping on the sea level and walking to the shore of the Eastern Sea, three blue tridents of shimmering cold water are superimposed, jumping over Brooklyn and Queens respectively, and building the first defense on the white magic array map.

On the ground, Spider-Man and Daredevil looked up at the sky. The two stood in the crowd, looking up at the water blue light curtain, their powerless appearance was no different from that of ordinary citizens.


Nine Headed Snake, bah, SHIELD Trident headquarters.

Nick Fury stared blankly at one eye, first glanced at the satellite monitoring on the big screen, and then looked at the Super Formation that spanned countless distances outside the window, and roughly understood what 'Sorcerer Supreme' is '.

It can only be said that it is indeed a powerhouse that has resisted the invasion of the dimension Demon God many times. It is a god-like existence in itself.

Di Di!

The communicator sounded, and Tony persuaded politely that it was too difficult to invite Sorcerer Supreme, and he was unwilling to invite humiliation to oneself.

"The guy with a good face, finally met the Sorcerer Supreme, and he dropped the chain at this time..." Going out in person is an organization that protects Earth's safety. Even if Sorcerer Supreme doesn't have the idea of joining the Avengers, he won't turn his hand and shoot him to death...

It shouldn't be!

It really doesn't work, and secondly, without the Sorcerer Supreme, other Kamar-Taj mages will do.

Nick Fury is convinced that as long as Kamar-Taj is tied to the Avengers' war chariot, the Sorcerer Supreme will sooner or later become the strongest backing.


Over New York City, billowing black mud invades the Formation, corroding the blue light curtain of water, and at the same time it is constantly melting.

"Using the power of a planet to fight against a dimension, Sorcerer Supreme, is your means only like this?" At the entrance of the dark dimension, three are dressed in black armor and their faces are blazing black flames. The elemental creatures come out.

"It's Dormammu's Avatar, you guys go ahead first, I'm going to solve the dimensional channel, and it can't continue to expand." Luo Su telepathically transmitted to Steve and Tony.

Mainly Tony, Steve read the script and knew he was going to get beat up.

"I want to go too?"

Tony's eyes widened and he raised his finger to point at himself.

"Don't panic, I'll add a buff to you..."

Luo Su said, walking to Tony's side in an instant, holding down the Mark50 with big hands and instilling holy light into it.

(end of this chapter)

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