End Of Heavens

Chapter 940

End Of Heavens Chapter 940


Chapter 937 The next wave of actors is in place

Metal one-armed man!

Aware of important information, Tony is shocked, forgets the battle thoroughly, and repeatedly watches Stephen Strange's personal file.

In the 3V3 game, there is a dropped teammate in the team.

But the fact is that under the blessing of the buff, it is the same with or without Tony.

Jarvis's strength is managed on behalf of the fight. After controlling the Mark50 after the magic reform, the actual battle strength he exerts is much stronger than Tony's own.

Tony watched the information and asked Jarvis to call up Strange's file from SHIELD, and several times to verify that the information was correct. .

Don't ask Tony where he got the authority to transfer files from SHIELD. As a high-level consultant, he left a backdoor in the SHIELD System, which is very reasonable and very human.

It's a pity that there is too little information. Tony doesn't know whether the murderer who attacked Strange is the same person who killed his parents.

If it is, then the reason why Strange was attacked is very worthy of consideration!

In the file, Strange was attacked because he had bad morals and his hands were broken by someone who bought him.

This needs to be verified, because since the birth of USR's mechanical prosthetic technology, many veterans have a metal arm.


A loud bang woke Tony up from his thoughts, and the sound of breaking the air came from behind him, not even think immediately turned around and took a defensive stance, and a scene of despair appeared in his sight.


Tony's eyes were dark, he was brought down by the giant force, and his body fell backwards to the ground.


He feels like this again, the Battle Armor on his body, especially the visor, should have a taste.

Steve rolled over and jumped up, the battle was fierce and it was too late to thank Tony, and he released photon energy with both hands to resist the whistling bat swarm.

His eyes quickly swept across the audience, and his body moved at high speed, as if performing the Avatar Technique, leaving overlapping blurred afterimages and rushing to the side of a Dormammu Avatar.

Five fingers close together to form a knife, the photon energy wraps around and turns into a sharp blade, slashing straight at Dormammu's neck.

The hand knife easily chopped off Dormammu's head, Steve turned around with his toes as the axis, turned most of his body around, and struck his elbows on the headless Dormammu's chest.

With the extremely fast two-hit combo, Dormammu was bombarded and flew away before he could react.

Steve put his feet on the ground, struggling to chase the road blocked by the bats, and the moment he cleared the obstacle, a big sword with black flames swept across his waist and abdomen.

There was no room for the offensive, and the timing was perfect. Steve had nowhere to dodge. He held up the photon energy with both hands as a barrier to defend against the incoming heavy sword.


The photon barrier shattered at the sound, and Steve ploughed the ground with both feet, traversing a distance of tens of meters before finally stopping.

He raised his hands tremblingly, the edges of his palms were grooved by corrosive black flames, incising wounds deep into the bone, the flames scorched the flesh, leaving a pungent stench of scorch.

The photon energy circulates, dispels the black inflammation attached to the wound, and makes it self-healing quickly.

He frowned and looked towards his opponent. This Avatar was completely different from the other two. After pondering the script, he suspected that the opponent was most likely playing Dormammu... his own.

It's just acting, what are you really doing like this?

Steve frowned and asked with his eyes. He never thought that Dormammu, who was facing him, not only ignored him, but instead made an attacking gesture with his sword in both hands.

He is a true lover!

Steve sighed and had no choice but to fight.


There was a loud bang, followed by the sound of metal rubbing against the ground. Steve's whole body stood up, only to see Tony falling to the ground and sliding towards him.

He puts his foot on Tony's shoulder, which stops the sound of the brakes.

Tony shook his head and stood up: "The situation is not good, Avatar is like this, it's hard to fight, isn't the main body more... Hey, is this the main body?"

Noticing the two-handed sword The Dormammu, Tony looked through his eyes, through his invisible Elemental Body, to see through the essence of the behind-the-scenes.

Real Hammer, Dormammu Gender Girl!


There was another loud bang, and the deformed Deathstroke Battle Armor fell from the sky and landed at Tony's feet.

Three guys, except for Steve who can be half-baked, the other two are only for beatings.

Just as the three of them were in a passive situation back to back again, a black mist suddenly spread behind Dormammu, who was holding swords in both hands, and the holy snow-like sword slashed straight out.

Dormammu turned to block, raised the black flame sword in his arms, and his whole body was in flames.


The holy light cuts through the black flames, and the remaining force does more than split Dormammu's Elemental Body in half.

The elemental body divided into two fell to the left and right, and collapsed into black flames to burn the white magic Formation below.

Luo Su stepped out of the black mist passage, slashed with the holy light long sword in his hand, the sword wind pressed down, and extinguished the burning black flame.

He held a sword in one hand and a black flame flaming elemental head in the other. When he stepped out, dozens of identical heads rolled out of the black mist passage, all of which were Avatars of Dormammu.

Tony: "..."

As expected of Sorcerer Supreme, he couldn't beat Dormammu's Avatar. As a result, he was replaced by Sorcerer Supreme, chopping melons and vegetables and directly stacking his head into a hill.

Steve: "..."

The drama is too much, and the powerhouse aura of Nine Headed Snake Captain is gone.

Deathstroke Battle Armor: "..."

It's none of my business!

"Sorcerer Supreme, I haven't seen you for a while, your martial arts have become more refined."

The element head held by Luo Su opened his mouth, slowly and indifferently. I don't know if it's a compliment or a mockery.

"Dormammu, I haven't seen you for a while, you're talking more nonsense than last time!"

Luo Su threw his head in the air, a crescent-shaped holy light chopped out, tearing it apart The cracking black flame dissipated it.

The remaining two Avatars saw this, each summon out a black flame sword, and rushed towards Luo Su from left to right.

Black flames rolled, Avatar's speed was as fast as teleportation, Luo Su started at the same time, hit an Avatar head-on in front of him, slammed down with a sword with one hand, pressed the opponent to block, and violently used Its succumbing to one-knee kneels down.

Immediately afterwards, as if he had eyes behind him, he reached out and grabbed a holy white shotgun from the void, and pulled the trigger sideways towards Dormammu, who was sneaking attack behind him.


Sacred flames spewed from the muzzle, turning into frenzied ocean waves and engulfing Dormammu's body, and then the muzzle turned around and pointed to Avatar's forehead in front of him.

"Sorcerer Supreme, you've..."

bang! !

When the trigger was pulled, Dormammu was swallowed by the holy light trend with half of his words.

“hu hu~~”

Luo Su raised his gun and breathed through the golden mask: “There is so much nonsense, when did the Lord of the Dark Dimension become a talker? ”

“he he he ———”

Emotionless laughter sounded from all directions, dark passages opened one by one, and the densely packed Dormammu walked out, with black hands. Flame Sword.

"Oh, this scene is not very good!"

Tony swooped behind Luo Su when he saw this. He didn't want it either, but the high-end game was really powerless .

On the ground, Spider-Man and Daredevil looked up at the sky, their necks were a little sore, and found that there was a live broadcast at the bar next door, still in high-definition quality, and walked in side by side.

On the White Magic Formation, Luo Su opened transparent wings behind him, with the spread of the holy halo, the wings became bigger and bigger like covering the heavens, shielding the sun, until they covered the entire Formation.

The infinite bright light blooms, the white flame ignites above the Formation, and spreads rapidly with the momentum of a prairie fire, in an instant, countless Dormammu's Avatars are burned to flying ash annihilation, leaving no residue.

Tony: Too powerful!

Steve: Too much!

Deathstroke Battle Armor:...

After cleaning up Dormammu's Avatar, Luo Su looked up at the sky and said to Steve next to him: "I should call you Captain Marvel, Or Captain America?"

Have the ability to call me Nine Headed Snake Captain!

Steve's heart was slandered, as the background plate of this battle, he used his weakness to perfectly support the strength of Sorcerer Supreme.

Right now mentally and physically exhausted, just want to hurry up and find a quiet corner for a drink.

"It's not my intention to involve you in this battle, after all, the level of the dimension Demon God is too high for you..."

Luo Su caught Dormammu and blew wildly , as if forgetting that he just killed Avatar of the four-figure Dormammu.

"Sorcerer Supreme, can you find a way to turn off the dimension channel first?"

Steve sneered, Luo Su's face-stomping behavior is no longer in the script, decisive Interject to the next session.

"It's hard!"

The impromptu performance was interrupted, Luo Su rolled his eyes, because he was wearing a golden mask, others couldn't see it, and continued: "Once the dimension channel is opened, , it can only be closed from within the dimension, and the dimension where Earth is located has no initiative."

"Isn't that..."

"Yes, the longer the dimension channel is opened , the stronger Dormammu will be on Earth, and the real battle has yet to start."

Luo Su said, waving his hand to open a channel on the White Magic Formation: "you two leave first, pick up It's not convenient for you to participate in the battle that comes down."

"No, Sorcerer Supreme is fighting alone, and we are watching the fun below..."

Tony shook his head repeatedly and said seriously: "Although I'm average, but I'm sure you'll find a way to get me."

"Tony, we're only going to cause trouble for Sorcerer Supreme by staying here."

Steve said The lines that are ashamed to speak may be because this line is too contrary to his heart, and his acting (liang) skills (xin) are a bit overwhelmed, so he stared wide-eyed when speaking to increase his persuasiveness.

"Hey, Captain, that's not like what you should say!"

Tony followed with wide eyes and said incredulously: "You are the spiritual leader of the Avengers, your American/Where's the belief that Captain Marvel will never give up?"

That was the old version of the past, and that belief left him after America/Captain Marvel became the Nine Headed Snake Captain!

Steve snorted angrily, grabbed Tony by the shoulders, and dragged him away from the battlefield.

The White Magic Formation was closed again, Luo Su silently counted one, two, three, the scene switched, and the next wave of actors were in place.

"Hahaha, Sorcerer Supreme, didn't expect it, I opened the door to the dark dimension, and I introduced the power of darkness into Earth."

Kaecilius spread black wings behind his back , Puling Puling landed opposite Luo Su, arrogant expression full of pride.

"Ah, a little surprised!"

(end of this chapter)

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