End Of Heavens

Chapter 954

End Of Heavens Chapter 954


Chapter 951 Steve: Hail Hydra

In the dark corridor, Tony walked alone. Instead of turning on the stealth function, he turned it on. Audio, just like this carefree walking arrogant pace.

It's the kind of walking that moves your arms by shaking your shoulders, raises your chin slightly, narrows your double eyelids into single eyelids, and looks arrogant and despotic to see everyone is the young brother's deserving a beating pace.

To tell the truth, if an ordinary person like this walks away, within two minutes, there will be blood splattering for five steps, and it can be replaced by Tony...

In other words, ordinary people can't beat him, or twenty seconds Can't stand it.

He is born with a mocking face, a temperament full of hatred, a Poisonous Tongue who is not worth his life, and mathematical logic that can always pick out thorns.

This is the main reason why Tony invented steel battle clothes, how can he survive the most poisonous fight without stacking the thickest armor!

Of course, there is a reason why he goes like this, arrogant and despotic are not ends but means.

Tony got lost, the first half of the downloaded map was fine, and the second half of the map entered a maze while walking.

He tried violently demolishing the wall, and also tried to let the mechanical spider explore the way, and even built a mathematical model to solve the correct route of the maze, all of which ended in failure.

There is a problem with the space!

Tony believes that Nine Headed Snake's underground base has a disordered space, which may be regular, but because the number of steps is too small to build a complete model.

apart from this , there has been a strange 'squeaky squeak' sound in the corridor, except for this reverie sound in the silent corridor, there is only the sound of his heartbeat.

As a materialist, Tony doesn't believe in Ghost God, even the dimensions Demon God and Sorcerer Supreme, in his view, are just higher beings, slightly more evolved than him.

Only one step, no more!

So Tony turned on the stereo to dispel the creepy creaking.

The disturbed voice made him feel uncomfortable, and he always felt that someone wanted to pat him on the shoulder.

“zhi zhi zhi ————”

A strange electric sound came from the walkie-talkie, and Tony couldn’t get in touch with Strange and Steve. He simply turned off the communication and chose a random path to move on.

There is nothing to panic if he can get out of the maze;

Besides, he is not wasting time by walking around, Jarvis has been counting the number of steps and expanding the model data.

Suddenly, a bright light came from the end of the corner, Tony was taken aback for a moment, the battle clothes leg armor fell to the ground like mercury, turning into a metal spider to explore the way.

Tony stood still, seeing the scene in the underground square, his face changed drastically, his heart was angry with murderous intentions, disregarding Jarvis's advice to calm down, he rushed into the square quickly.

Golden red magic Battle Armor rushed into the square, and Tony was greeted by a rain of laser bullets from Chitauri soldiers, pressing down with dense light spots, chasing his fast-moving silhouette.

The metal walls left honeycomb bullet holes, Tony locked his eyes behind the Chitauri soldiers' camp, the nightmare that haunted his heart day and night, the murderer who killed his father in the video finally appeared.

Tony joined and enthusiastically helped Nick Fury to form the Avengers with a very simple purpose, to smash the conspiracy of the Nine Headed Snake invasion and avenge the father's name. The murderer is naturally his first target.

sou! sou! sou! Whoosh————

Shoulder armor pops off, and a series of micro-missiles are fired under the acceleration of the thrusters, covering the heavens, shielding the sun Like swarms, Russian firepower is ashamed of being inferior in numbers.

Tony did not upgrade Battle Armor. This is the auto-refilling ammo capability of the 'left of the divide throne'. He had been thinking about saving ammunition, but in the face of the murder of his father, he only had the ability to The thought of the other party being blown to pieces.

bang! bang! bang! Boom————

The layered Fireball exploded, and after a brief collision, fuse together, the pure white flame of 'the left of the divide throne' With additional holy damage and no gunpowder smoke, most of the square was burned into a white fire sea.

The Chitauri cannon fodders were instantly annihilated, swallowed into ashes by the white fire sea, and the main attack target Bucky, holding the Kree Warhammer named 'universal weapon', created the formation defense, and reorganized the metal under his feet , to create a Second Layer turtle shell.

To resist a wave of bombardment, he lifted the Warhammer and swung it towards Tony, releasing a shock wave, and at the moment when it was overturned, he used the Warhammer to change the surrounding gravity, pulling Tony from the mid-air fiercely to the ground.

bang! !

Tony was lying on his back on the metal floor, the battle clothes hummed under the terrifying pressure, and Jarvis reminded that the battle clothes were damaged in many places and needed to be repaired as soon as possible.

"Shut up, I know all this."

Tony replied to Jarvis, the propellers on his back, palms, and soles opened, slid against the ground with a bang, rushing out of the chaos Gravity footprint.

Before flying into the air, he opened his hands at Bucky and fired the arc pulse cannon.

At the end of the attack, he saw a flash, suddenly lost his capture of Bucky, got a prompt from Jarvis, and Bucky teleported behind him.

The prompt is timely, but it is also a step too late.

Bucky clasped the Warhammer in both hands and threw away like a golf ball, hitting Tony's visor and blasting him off.


Momentum is big, power is deep, Tony spins a few times in mid-air, unable to maintain his balance, hits a metal wall, bounces and falls on the ground in confusion.

"Welcome home, Tony Stark! What a rude fellow, you should call me Uncle because of my relationship with your father."

Bucky slightly With fear, he glanced at the magic Battle Armor on Tony's body, thinking about the purpose of his own Boss to strengthen Tony, whether to cause trouble for him, or to cause trouble for Howard, or both.

In the end, Bucky solves it and Luo Su is for fun!

Bucky's ass hurts just thinking about it.

It's here again!

He is one of the Nine Headed Snake Three Great Legions.

Put other organizations, this is the big guy who will shake the whole organization when you stomp your feet, but not in Nine Headed Snake.

Nine Headed Snake Only Luo Su can stomp his feet, others stomping his feet are useless.

Moreover, the high weight in the Nine Headed Snake position equals the priority to carry the pot. The average person Luo Su does not look down on it, and he is not qualified to carry it.

For example, in this Luo Su's pastime, he has to play two games in a row, here he will pick up Tony's anger, and he will have to meet Strange face-to-face in the next game.

Bucky thinks that if he dies one day, he will definitely be killed by Luo Su if he doesn't think twice.

"James Buchanan Barnes, you murderer, what qualifications do you have to have a relationship with my father?"

Tony was afraid of Bucky's endless superpowers and raised his hand It's an arc pulse cannon: "It's disgusting coming out of your mouth."


Bucky raised the Warhammer to block it. Pulse Cannon, speechless, this unfathomable mystery's father-killer label, obviously he just helped brush his teeth.

It's just that he was ignorant when he was young. He made such a small video that he regretted for a lifetime. Now it's too late to say anything.

"Why don't you talk? Don't tell me, your conscience is hurting, if this is the case, you might be able to laugh at me!" According to Jarvis's calculation, he secretly noticed the all-purpose Warhammer in Bucky's hand. The data showed that every time Bucky used his superpower, he would use this Warhammer as an energy carrier.

Technological weapons of alien civilization, or magic equipment!

Analyzing Bucky's weaknesses, Tony begins to develop a battle plan to outsmart Warhammer and use it to deliver Bucky's fatal blow.

"Tony, don't look at it, this is the murder weapon, not a child's toy, Uncle won't give it to you."

Bucky held the Warhammer upright in front of him: "And , Uncle is just here to say hello to you, there is a guy who wants to call you one-on-one duel, he is your enemy."

The voice fell, Bucky's silhouette teleported away, and again When he appeared, he had already entered a dark corridor, and he left without turning his head.


Tony cursed, used his thrusters to run, and accelerated towards Bucky's position, but because the opponent teleported many times, he couldn't catch up no matter how much he chased.


Earth, SHIELD Trident headquarters, Nick Fury looked at the screen and held his breath, Tony met the metal one-armed man who killed Howard, it must be the dragon wars , the tiger battles.

The next second...

"Mother f beep ker!!"

Looking at the screen stuck again, Nick Fury's forehead bulged From now on, the damn signal is very smooth every time he is on the road, and when it comes to the battle or the critical moment, the chain will fall off, and his hair will fall out in such a hurry.


Vision switches to Strange's position, Danvers and Will open the way, the blocked Chitauri cannon fodder or the robot guard, all unable to withstand a single blow, being Danvers whipped up the metal wall and smashed it down.

The soy sauce Avengers followed with no pressure. Strange found that something was wrong. The corridor was too long, and there was an endless stream of chasing troops just now. There isn't one at the moment.

"Oops, we've been tricked. There's a trap prepared by Nine Headed Snake ahead, and we can't go any further."

Strange's analysis is very reasonable, two The five boys also knew it well, but they went on a rampage with Danvers and Will, and came to a huge underground square.

"Leave quickly, this is most likely the hardest hit area covered by fire..."

Halfway through Strange's words, he frowned suddenly and looked towards the corridor at the other end of the square. A familiar voice stepped out, and it was Steve who had stayed on the surface for cover.

Strange confirmed that the other party was himself, because he didn't change his clothes, but the dark demon Farber moved on the other party's body made him dare not open his mouth to recognize him.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time..." Steve opened his mouth expressionlessly, and his slowly opened eyes were pitch black.

There is no need for him to introduce himself, a group of people will know by looking at the shape that he has been controlled.

"Captain! Is that still you?"

"It's me, Nine Headed Snake Captain Steve Rogers."

Steve glanced over A group of people in the know looked at Strange and said expressionlessly: "Hail Hydra!"

"si si sizzle!" x1

"si si sizzle!" "xN

"si si hiss!"x1

The first sound of breathing came from Strange, and the second came from the two-five boys who responded half a beat , the third is still Strange.

A drop of cold sweat fell, and he was horrified to find that the Transmission Gate would not open.

(end of this chapter)

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